Obama Does The Unthinkabl: Names Andrew Lorenz-Strait--1st Illegal Alien Amnesty Czar


Mar 4, 2012
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Obama should be considered a enemy to our country

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
Obama sees millions of votes coming from the illegal aliens that he grants immediate citizenship. That is ALL he sees in them. He doesn't give a rats ass about them with exception of gaining votes for big government.

Obama is absolutely THE most unethical, dishonest, anti-American President we have EVER had!

To hell with Obama and all of his faithful, Kool-aid drinking followers. (You people are fucking SICK!)

Try reading the Constitution of the United States. If you do not agree with the provisions therein, try another country....like Cuba.
What does the constitution say about keeping people out?


But it does say illegal aliens are entitled to due process rights, consequently the Administration’s action comports with that requirement.
This is bad. This is very bad for America. He will be the first illegal alien amnesty czar as the point man between the Presidents office and illegal aliens. In other words he will be a lobbyist for illegals and the president brushed Congress aside with this move and lawmakers are not happy. Also, where is the media on this story?


National Border Patrol Council - National Border Patrol Council responds to Obama Administration Naming Advocate for Illegal Aliens

your source spelled the guys name wrong.

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