Obama Enbarrasing US At Nuclear Talks, Flashing Peace Sign During World Leader Photo

EXCELLENT but it didn't really look like The Peace Sign, that is, after all, why they're there.

Good for him.

And, as always, he shone during the press conference.

Edited --- Watch the video. That's not what he was doing at all.

I love that it drives you RWNJ traitors crazy that he has been an excellent president.
You don't speak for "the US", clown. I'm not embarassed by it.

There really is nothing quite as pathetic as the right wing perpetual outrage machine. It's almost as if butthurt is the new fear.
Jesus the butthurt conservatives have over Obama is epic and never ending and, dare we say, delicious.

Obwana looks drunk on his ass.....might not be a peace sign...could be some signal to his muslim brothas....Only 9 more months of this fool....:rolleyes-41:

Obwana looks drunk on his ass.....might not be a peace sign...could be some signal to his muslim brothas....Only 9 more months of this fool....:rolleyes-41:

Yet many years will come and go before his damage to this country is corrected.

Obama is without a doubt the worst President we have had to date.
Who is he puckering up for in the photo?

He just finished kissing Castro's ass...wonder who is next? :p
Obwana looks drunk on his ass.....might not be a peace sign...could be some signal to his muslim brothas....Only 9 more months of this fool....:rolleyes-41:


You have the nerve to try to belittle our president when your leading candidate has changed the movie "Idiocracy" from a comedy to a documentary?
Obwana looks drunk on his ass.....might not be a peace sign...could be some signal to his muslim brothas....Only 9 more months of this fool....:rolleyes-41:

Yet many years will come and go before his damage to this country is corrected.

Obama is without a doubt the worst President we have had to date.
You brainwashed functional morons can't remember W? The stupidest wars ever and a corrupt world depression. Idiot. Such irrationality also points to racism...

The Nobel Prize-winning President with 2 civil war interventions to his record flashes the peace sign like a teenager standing among world leaders...

...who just look at him like a clown.

Good grief!
Peace and wanting peace are such bad, bad things!
Obama has dragged us into 2 civil wars between terrorists and dictators. The Nobel Peace Prize winner has been busy.
Reagan was a career criminal who sold weapons illegally to Iran and then lied under oath about it. Bush Sr. was actually not a bad guy or a bad president. Bush Jr. was the clusterf#$k of all clusterf@#ks who watched 3,000 American die in New York city and then invaded Iraq, a country that had nothing to do with it, and unlocked all the doors and unleashed all the mental patients in the middle east who are now murdering civilians all over the world.

Yet they want to give him a pass and blame it on this president who killed Bin Laden and who's drone strikes on terrorists are as regular as bowel movements.

You have the nerve to try to belittle our president when your leading candidate has changed the movie "Idiocracy" from a comedy to a documentary?

As most anybody here would tell you, I want nothing to do with the Donald. And speak for yourself when you refer to Hussein as "our" president.
Obama used our military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over their own country without Congressional authorization to go to war.

That's treason.

'Nuff said....
You brainwashed functional morons can't remember W? The stupidest wars ever and a corrupt world depression. Idiot. Such irrationality also points to racism...

I'd have to agree that invading Iraq without the Turks allowing 4th ID to come down through the sunni triangle was a colossal error...but it was Rumsfeld who made it, not W.

As to the depression, you need look no further than Pelosi, Reid, and Waters to pin that on. Dubya had the Treasury Sec. put the top banksters in a room in the WH and told them nobody was leaving until they signed promissary notes to keep themselves solvent. Once again Bush43 kept the Rats from destroying the country.

The Nobel Prize-winning President with 2 civil war interventions to his record flashes the peace sign like a teenager standing among world leaders...

...who just look at him like a clown.

Good grief!

"Peace, man: Surrounded by world leaders, President Barack Obama gave the peace sign at the end of a nuclear security summit today"

I guess Putin had better things to do?:eusa_think:

Russia's absence means nuclear summit likely to end in anticlimax for Obama
Signature policy initiative for the president is set to fall short of its goals as the state with the biggest nuclear arsenal stays away from the Washington meeting
Russia's absence means nuclear summit likely to end in anticlimax for Obama
Putin probably didn't want to have to deal with Obama's childish antics....

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