Obama Ends Nfl Blackout! Because He Is In Total Control...

Prior to 1973, all games were blacked out in the home city of origin regardless of whether they were sold out. This policy, dating back to the NFL's emerging television years, resulted in home-city blackouts even during championship games. For instance, the 1958 "Greatest Game Ever Played" between the Baltimore Colts and New York Giants was unavailable to New York fans despite the sellout at Yankee Stadium. (Many fans rented hotel rooms in Connecticut or Pennsylvania to watch the game on TV, a practice that continued for Giants games through 1972.) Similarly, all Super Bowl games prior to Super Bowl VII in January 1973 were unavailable in the host city's market.

The policy was in effect when, in 1972, the Washington Redskins made the playoffs for only the second time in 27 seasons. Because all home games were blacked-out, politicians – including devout football fan President Richard Nixon — were not able to watch their home team win. NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle refused to lift the blackout, despite a plea from United States Attorney General Richard Kleindienst. Kleindienst went on to suggest that the United States Congress re-evaluate the NFL's antitrust exemption.

Rozelle agreed to lift the blackout for Super Bowl VII on an "experimental basis." Nonetheless, Congress intervened before the 1973 season anyway, passing Public Law 93-107, which eliminated the blackout of games in the home market so long as the game was sold out by 72 hours before game time.[1] The league will sometimes change this deadline to 48 hours if there are only a few thousand tickets left unsold; much more rarely, they will occasionally extend this to 24 hours in special cases.[2]"

So the Dem congress HELPED the little guy AGAIN. While Pubs did nothing but bs as usual...


The blackout was adopted 40 years ago when ticket sales were the primary source of income for owners and the league. Today, merchandises sales exceed 2 billion, TV advertising over 3 billion, stadium venues brings in hundreds of millions each year. Licensing brings in 8 billion a year. When the blackout rule began, these revenue sources hardly even existed. It's hard to make a case that owners and the league need this protection.
we have terrorist threatening our country and this is what the little dicktator Obama is doing for all us LITTLE PEOPLE

Let us all bow and give three Heil Obama
we have terrorist threatening our country and this is what the little dicktator Obama is doing for all us LITTLE PEOPLE

Let us all bow and give three Heil Obama
I seriously doubt Obama played any part in this ruling. The petition was brought to the FCC in 2011 by the Sports Fan Coalition, Inc., National Consumers League, Public
Knowledge, League of Fans, and Media Access Project. This petition followed a 2005 petition and several that date back into the 1990's.

NPRM Sports Blackout Rules FCC.gov
There's a right to watch NFL football in the Constitution?
Nor are there explicitly specified constitutional rights to:
Freedom of Expression
Innocent Until Proven Guilty
Life, liberty and the pursue of happiness
Taxation without Representation
Of the people, by the People, and for the People
Right to Privacy
Right to Travel
Right to Vote

Thankfully, we do not rely on an explicit definition in the constitution of all our rights, privileges, and responsibility. We are government by interpretation of federal and state constitutions and laws.
This isn't about Republican or Democrat and never has been. It's about MONEY; something the NFL and its owners seek to maximize at all times. The reports I was hearing last night indicated that the NFL was already prepared to reinstate the same or similar demands on the networks by themselves if the blackout rules are undone by the FCC.

Which totally explains why our man Obama is so concerned with it.

Obama is all about the money.

He could care less about the people.
No no now....Obama controls EVERYTHING.

I'll bet as we speak is in negotiation with god as to get Jesus to come back just before November just for the electoral bump.

franco.....you get stranger every day.
Election year politics.. Hoping this gets enough press to push all the negative stuff to the back pages for the six weeks.
God I love Dem administrations, for the little guy, hater dupes. And stop Pubs from starting ANOTHER deregulated, corrupt bubble/bust scandal recession....Too bad the NFL will now make the same old contract with TV...Pubs/big business cronies are hard to stop screwing the little guys...see also box seat and huge seat/parking inflation- all for business write-offs and the bloated rich. Thanks Pubs and silly dupes.
Still have not went back to school so we can understand the dribble you spew I see. Idiot.
Poor Hoofie.....talking to himself....they need to put someone else in the cage with him before he hurts himself.

Why all this fuss about football when we all know it'll be banned by Executive Order later this month in order to attract more of the feminist vote for November?
44% of the NFL football fans are women

Not talking about women - talking about feminists. Not necessarily the same.
44% of the women are NFL football fans. Only 36% consider themselves feminists. Sounds like that order would a looser.
anyone know when we put in a frikken KING in this country?

when Republicans take power I want them to WIPE out every damn thing this man has ORDERED and I don't want to hear one peep of you dictator lovers

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