Obama Federal Judge Rules Against Christian School in Favor of Perversion

YOU personally called Kamala Harris a whore! Because she dated an older man in her youth.
By “dated”, of course, what you mean is that she sold sexual favors to a politically-powerful man—who happened to be married—in exchange for valuable appointments and opportunities that got her into a political career that she otherwise never would have had.

That's pretty much the definition of a whore.
Democratic Party has no sense of moral decency. Want biological men to compete against biological girls in sport's and shower nude with them. Sick fucking assholes!

Nope.. You have a problem. The school can't forbid young people from showering together.. They are certainly not forced to do so.

No shit. All those years in grade school not once did I know I could have showered with girls.

PROG think:

Did a PROG say it?
What did the PROG says?
Doesn't matter.
PROGS cheer in approval.

Women don't shower together. They don't pee together either. Women's locker rooms and men's locker rooms are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Women shower in private stalls, and pee in private stalls. We may dress in a locker room, but ever there, there are private dressing rooms for those who want privacy.

Trans women do not shower with other women. They are hiding their bodies, not showing them off. Even if they use women's locker rooms, they are showering and dressing in private.

You're lying again and missing context anyway.

Can I dress & undress with women in the locker room now? What's the criteria so I know, from here all I have to say is I'm PROG thus half my brain is dead, and I'm waiting on tits to replace my balls.

Trans people don't get dressed or undressed in women's locker rooms. Just once I wish you assholes would get as protective of young women who are drugged, raped, or attacked by straight white boys are you do about saving women from trans people.

Your brain IS dead. No pretending on that score for you.

What's the matter a$$hat? Don't like getting called on your bullshit. White men can do no wrong in your eyes. Women who accuse them are lying, tramps, gold diggers, or political operatives.

Remember when Brock Turner violently raped that poor woman in back of the dumpster, and you pigs blamed the woman for getting drunk. You called HER names and said "What did she expect would happen?".

How did you talk about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, A$$hat? You said she was lying. You attacked her and called her names. You behaved like a total pig towards her. How dare she accuse a rich white man of attacking her.

What about the more than 20 women who confirmed Donald Trump's admission that he sexually assaults any woman he finds attractive. You attacked those women and called them liars, gold diggers, and said they "let him" to it so that was consent.

Every time you've been given the opportunity to stand up for and protect white women being attacked or sexually assaulted by rich white men, you go after the victims with insults, abuse, scorn and derision.

YOU personally called Kamala Harris a whore! Because she dated an older man in her youth. But Donald Trump is a decent human being.

You're a misgynist piece of racist shit whose hatred of women and non-whites is posted for the rest of us to see every day. We know who and what YOU are.
I'm an upstanding patriot and a Christian. You on the other hand are a racist Marxist-Democrat puke.
Democratic Party has no sense of moral decency. Want biological men to compete against biological girls in sport's and shower nude with them. Sick fucking assholes!

Nope.. You have a problem. The school can't forbid young people from showering together.. They are certainly not forced to do so.

No shit. All those years in grade school not once did I know I could have showered with girls.

PROG think:

Did a PROG say it?
What did the PROG says?
Doesn't matter.
PROGS cheer in approval.

Women don't shower together. They don't pee together either. Women's locker rooms and men's locker rooms are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Women shower in private stalls, and pee in private stalls. We may dress in a locker room, but ever there, there are private dressing rooms for those who want privacy.

Trans women do not shower with other women. They are hiding their bodies, not showing them off. Even if they use women's locker rooms, they are showering and dressing in private.

You're lying again and missing context anyway.

Can I dress & undress with women in the locker room now? What's the criteria so I know, from here all I have to say is I'm PROG thus half my brain is dead, and I'm waiting on tits to replace my balls.

Trans people don't get dressed or undressed in women's locker rooms. Just once I wish you assholes would get as protective of young women who are drugged, raped, or attacked by straight white boys are you do about saving women from trans people.

Your brain IS dead. No pretending on that score for you.

What's the matter a$$hat? Don't like getting called on your bullshit. White men can do no wrong in your eyes. Women who accuse them are lying, tramps, gold diggers, or political operatives.

Remember when Brock Turner violently raped that poor woman in back of the dumpster, and you pigs blamed the woman for getting drunk. You called HER names and said "What did she expect would happen?".

How did you talk about Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, A$$hat? You said she was lying. You attacked her and called her names. You behaved like a total pig towards her. How dare she accuse a rich white man of attacking her.

What about the more than 20 women who confirmed Donald Trump's admission that he sexually assaults any woman he finds attractive. You attacked those women and called them liars, gold diggers, and said they "let him" to it so that was consent.

Every time you've been given the opportunity to stand up for and protect white women being attacked or sexually assaulted by rich white men, you go after the victims with insults, abuse, scorn and derision.

YOU personally called Kamala Harris a whore! Because she dated an older man in her youth. But Donald Trump is a decent human being.

You're a misgynist piece of racist shit whose hatred of women and non-whites is posted for the rest of us to see every day. We know who and what YOU are.
Kamala Harris is not a whore. She is an ignorant fucking whore.
Democratic Party has no sense of moral decency. Want biological men to compete against biological girls in sport's and shower nude with them. Sick fucking assholes!

Nope.. You have a problem. The school can't forbid young people from showering together.. They are certainly not forced to do so.

No shit. All those years in grade school not once did I know I could have showered with girls.

PROG think:

Did a PROG say it?
What did the PROG says?
Doesn't matter.
PROGS cheer in approval.

Women don't shower together. They don't pee together either. Women's locker rooms and men's locker rooms are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Women shower in private stalls, and pee in private stalls. We may dress in a locker room, but ever there, there are private dressing rooms for those who want privacy.

Trans women do not shower with other women. They are hiding their bodies, not showing them off. Even if they use women's locker rooms, they are showering and dressing in private.

You're lying again and missing context anyway.

Can I dress & undress with women in the locker room now? What's the criteria so I know, from here all I have to say is I'm PROG thus half my brain is dead, and I'm waiting on tits to replace my balls.

Trans people don't get dressed or undressed in women's locker rooms. Just once I wish you assholes would get as protective of young women who are drugged, raped, or attacked by straight white boys are you do about saving women from trans people.

Your brain IS dead. No pretending on that score for you.
Yes they do. See Illinois.
Democratic Party has no sense of moral decency. Want biological men to compete against biological girls in sport's and shower nude with them. Sick fucking assholes!

Nope.. You have a problem. The school can't forbid young people from showering together.. They are certainly not forced to do so.
If you got a cock your a dude... period.
You never went to any college, Christian or otherwise, did you?
You're saying there are colleges, "Christian or otherwise," which offer a rich "Greek Life" in same-sex dormitories, with male-only fraternities and female-only sororities, respectively?

And there's no liberal agenda to homosexualize all the college students? Because if a female student gets pregnant, and she refuses to have an abortion, they always kick her out of college, and if a male student gets HIV+AIDS and refuses to go for mental health counseling and therapy plus "the usual" antiviral cocktail, they kick him out, too, and take extra measures to ensure he is never allowed to have contact with the child he allegedly fathered.
By “dated”, of course,
Happens to all of us, of course. We attain a certain age, and we resent being "dated." Age discrimination on the job, etc. Millennials and young folks have amazing opportunities rolling in the dough and making the bucks while we're lucky to make a pittance after age 40, when we're told to suck up because we've already had our chance in this life.
March 7, 1965 Police under the command of Democrat Governor George Wallace attack African-Americans demonstrating for voting rights in Selma, AL

March 21, 1965 Republican federal judge Frank Johnson authorizes Martin Luther King’s protest march from Selma to Montgomery, overruling Democrat Governor George Wallace

August 4, 1965 Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose

August 6, 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

July 8, 1970 In special message to Congress, President Richard Nixon calls for reversal of policy of forced termination of Native American rights and benefits

September 17, 1971 Former Ku Klux Klan member and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black (D-AL) retires from U.S. Supreme Court; appointed by FDR in 1937, he had defended Klansmen for racial murders

February 19, 1976 President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

September 15, 1981 President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

June 29, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

August 10, 1988 President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

November 21, 1991 President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

August 20, 1996 Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

April 26, 1999 Legislation authored by U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) awarding Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks is transmitted to President

January 25, 2001 U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee declares school choice to be “Educational Emancipation”

March 19, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference

May 23, 2003 U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
What about percentages?
What about them?

"...Only in the 1980s did more white Southerners self-identify as Republicans than as Democrats, and only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."

The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Your article is nothing more than stupid libertarian revisionist history.
only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."
Dude, you can’t change history. After a Democratic President in 1964 signed the Landmark Civil Rights Bill the idiot south moved to the republic party en mass.

We Democrats have not missed them.

good luck
March 7, 1965 Police under the command of Democrat Governor George Wallace attack African-Americans demonstrating for voting rights in Selma, AL

March 21, 1965 Republican federal judge Frank Johnson authorizes Martin Luther King’s protest march from Selma to Montgomery, overruling Democrat Governor George Wallace

August 4, 1965 Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose

August 6, 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

July 8, 1970 In special message to Congress, President Richard Nixon calls for reversal of policy of forced termination of Native American rights and benefits

September 17, 1971 Former Ku Klux Klan member and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black (D-AL) retires from U.S. Supreme Court; appointed by FDR in 1937, he had defended Klansmen for racial murders

February 19, 1976 President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

September 15, 1981 President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

June 29, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

August 10, 1988 President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

November 21, 1991 President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

August 20, 1996 Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

April 26, 1999 Legislation authored by U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) awarding Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks is transmitted to President

January 25, 2001 U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee declares school choice to be “Educational Emancipation”

March 19, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference

May 23, 2003 U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
What about percentages?
What about them?

"...Only in the 1980s did more white Southerners self-identify as Republicans than as Democrats, and only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."

The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Your article is nothing more than stupid libertarian revisionist history.
only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."
Dude, you can’t change history. After a Democratic President in 1964 signed the Landmark Civil Rights Bill the idiot south moved to the republic party en mass.

We Democrats have not missed them.

good luck
The history is that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures. That's THE history.
March 7, 1965 Police under the command of Democrat Governor George Wallace attack African-Americans demonstrating for voting rights in Selma, AL

March 21, 1965 Republican federal judge Frank Johnson authorizes Martin Luther King’s protest march from Selma to Montgomery, overruling Democrat Governor George Wallace

August 4, 1965 Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose

August 6, 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

July 8, 1970 In special message to Congress, President Richard Nixon calls for reversal of policy of forced termination of Native American rights and benefits

September 17, 1971 Former Ku Klux Klan member and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black (D-AL) retires from U.S. Supreme Court; appointed by FDR in 1937, he had defended Klansmen for racial murders

February 19, 1976 President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

September 15, 1981 President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

June 29, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

August 10, 1988 President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

November 21, 1991 President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

August 20, 1996 Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

April 26, 1999 Legislation authored by U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) awarding Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks is transmitted to President

January 25, 2001 U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee declares school choice to be “Educational Emancipation”

March 19, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference

May 23, 2003 U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
What about percentages?
What about them?

"...Only in the 1980s did more white Southerners self-identify as Republicans than as Democrats, and only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."

The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Your article is nothing more than stupid libertarian revisionist history.
only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."
Dude, you can’t change history. After a Democratic President in 1964 signed the Landmark Civil Rights Bill the idiot south moved to the republic party en mass.

We Democrats have not missed them.

good luck
The history is that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures. That's THE history.
Sorry bold type doesn’t help your knuckle dragging.
March 7, 1965 Police under the command of Democrat Governor George Wallace attack African-Americans demonstrating for voting rights in Selma, AL

March 21, 1965 Republican federal judge Frank Johnson authorizes Martin Luther King’s protest march from Selma to Montgomery, overruling Democrat Governor George Wallace

August 4, 1965 Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose

August 6, 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

July 8, 1970 In special message to Congress, President Richard Nixon calls for reversal of policy of forced termination of Native American rights and benefits

September 17, 1971 Former Ku Klux Klan member and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black (D-AL) retires from U.S. Supreme Court; appointed by FDR in 1937, he had defended Klansmen for racial murders

February 19, 1976 President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

September 15, 1981 President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

June 29, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

August 10, 1988 President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

November 21, 1991 President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

August 20, 1996 Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

April 26, 1999 Legislation authored by U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) awarding Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks is transmitted to President

January 25, 2001 U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee declares school choice to be “Educational Emancipation”

March 19, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference

May 23, 2003 U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
What about percentages?
What about them?

"...Only in the 1980s did more white Southerners self-identify as Republicans than as Democrats, and only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."

The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Your article is nothing more than stupid libertarian revisionist history.
only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."
Dude, you can’t change history. After a Democratic President in 1964 signed the Landmark Civil Rights Bill the idiot south moved to the republic party en mass.

We Democrats have not missed them.

good luck
The history is that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures. That's THE history.
Sorry bold type doesn’t help your knuckle dragging.
But the FACT that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures does, dummy.
March 7, 1965 Police under the command of Democrat Governor George Wallace attack African-Americans demonstrating for voting rights in Selma, AL

March 21, 1965 Republican federal judge Frank Johnson authorizes Martin Luther King’s protest march from Selma to Montgomery, overruling Democrat Governor George Wallace

August 4, 1965 Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose

August 6, 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

July 8, 1970 In special message to Congress, President Richard Nixon calls for reversal of policy of forced termination of Native American rights and benefits

September 17, 1971 Former Ku Klux Klan member and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black (D-AL) retires from U.S. Supreme Court; appointed by FDR in 1937, he had defended Klansmen for racial murders

February 19, 1976 President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

September 15, 1981 President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

June 29, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

August 10, 1988 President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

November 21, 1991 President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

August 20, 1996 Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

April 26, 1999 Legislation authored by U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) awarding Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks is transmitted to President

January 25, 2001 U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee declares school choice to be “Educational Emancipation”

March 19, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference

May 23, 2003 U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
What about percentages?
What about them?

"...Only in the 1980s did more white Southerners self-identify as Republicans than as Democrats, and only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."

The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Your article is nothing more than stupid libertarian revisionist history.
only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."
Dude, you can’t change history. After a Democratic President in 1964 signed the Landmark Civil Rights Bill the idiot south moved to the republic party en mass.

We Democrats have not missed them.

good luck
The history is that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures. That's THE history.
Sorry bold type doesn’t help your knuckle dragging.
But the FACT that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures does, dummy.
Dude, they basically started with none before the 1964 bill. Also, consider that none of the limited number of republic pols in the confederate states elected to congress voted for the bill.
March 7, 1965 Police under the command of Democrat Governor George Wallace attack African-Americans demonstrating for voting rights in Selma, AL

March 21, 1965 Republican federal judge Frank Johnson authorizes Martin Luther King’s protest march from Selma to Montgomery, overruling Democrat Governor George Wallace

August 4, 1965 Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose

August 6, 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

July 8, 1970 In special message to Congress, President Richard Nixon calls for reversal of policy of forced termination of Native American rights and benefits

September 17, 1971 Former Ku Klux Klan member and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black (D-AL) retires from U.S. Supreme Court; appointed by FDR in 1937, he had defended Klansmen for racial murders

February 19, 1976 President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

September 15, 1981 President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

June 29, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

August 10, 1988 President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

November 21, 1991 President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

August 20, 1996 Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

April 26, 1999 Legislation authored by U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) awarding Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks is transmitted to President

January 25, 2001 U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee declares school choice to be “Educational Emancipation”

March 19, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference

May 23, 2003 U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
What about percentages?
What about them?

"...Only in the 1980s did more white Southerners self-identify as Republicans than as Democrats, and only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."

The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Your article is nothing more than stupid libertarian revisionist history.
only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."
Dude, you can’t change history. After a Democratic President in 1964 signed the Landmark Civil Rights Bill the idiot south moved to the republic party en mass.

We Democrats have not missed them.

good luck
The history is that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures. That's THE history.
Sorry bold type doesn’t help your knuckle dragging.
But the FACT that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures does, dummy.
Dude, they basically started with none before the 1964 bill. Also, consider that none of the limited number of republic pols in the confederate states elected to congress voted for the bill.
But your position was the parties switched in the 1960's, right?

How is that possible when the south kept electing the same democrat politicians until the mid-1990's?
This hopefully will get struck down as it moves up the legal ladder. It's a private religious school and the government should get bent.
Unless they are getting Federal dollars. Do they?

The 1st amendment protects religious entities from government, not the other way around. They can't deny federal funding if the school meets the basic requirements.

If they get any federal funding they have to follow the same rules as any other federally funded institution. If they don't, then I don't see how they can impose this on them.
March 7, 1965 Police under the command of Democrat Governor George Wallace attack African-Americans demonstrating for voting rights in Selma, AL

March 21, 1965 Republican federal judge Frank Johnson authorizes Martin Luther King’s protest march from Selma to Montgomery, overruling Democrat Governor George Wallace

August 4, 1965 Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose

August 6, 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

July 8, 1970 In special message to Congress, President Richard Nixon calls for reversal of policy of forced termination of Native American rights and benefits

September 17, 1971 Former Ku Klux Klan member and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black (D-AL) retires from U.S. Supreme Court; appointed by FDR in 1937, he had defended Klansmen for racial murders

February 19, 1976 President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

September 15, 1981 President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

June 29, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

August 10, 1988 President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

November 21, 1991 President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

August 20, 1996 Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

April 26, 1999 Legislation authored by U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) awarding Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks is transmitted to President

January 25, 2001 U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee declares school choice to be “Educational Emancipation”

March 19, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference

May 23, 2003 U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
What about percentages?
What about them?

"...Only in the 1980s did more white Southerners self-identify as Republicans than as Democrats, and only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."

The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Your article is nothing more than stupid libertarian revisionist history.
only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."
Dude, you can’t change history. After a Democratic President in 1964 signed the Landmark Civil Rights Bill the idiot south moved to the republic party en mass.

We Democrats have not missed them.

good luck
The history is that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures. That's THE history.
Sorry bold type doesn’t help your knuckle dragging.
But the FACT that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures does, dummy.
Dude, they basically started with none before the 1964 bill. Also, consider that none of the limited number of republic pols in the confederate states elected to congress voted for the bill.
But your position was the parties switched in the 1960's, right?

How is that possible when the south kept electing the same democrat politicians until the mid-1990's?
They didn’t, many switched parties and many to the white message being put forth by republic pols.
March 7, 1965 Police under the command of Democrat Governor George Wallace attack African-Americans demonstrating for voting rights in Selma, AL

March 21, 1965 Republican federal judge Frank Johnson authorizes Martin Luther King’s protest march from Selma to Montgomery, overruling Democrat Governor George Wallace

August 4, 1965 Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose

August 6, 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

July 8, 1970 In special message to Congress, President Richard Nixon calls for reversal of policy of forced termination of Native American rights and benefits

September 17, 1971 Former Ku Klux Klan member and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black (D-AL) retires from U.S. Supreme Court; appointed by FDR in 1937, he had defended Klansmen for racial murders

February 19, 1976 President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

September 15, 1981 President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

June 29, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

August 10, 1988 President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

November 21, 1991 President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

August 20, 1996 Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

April 26, 1999 Legislation authored by U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) awarding Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks is transmitted to President

January 25, 2001 U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee declares school choice to be “Educational Emancipation”

March 19, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference

May 23, 2003 U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
What about percentages?
What about them?

"...Only in the 1980s did more white Southerners self-identify as Republicans than as Democrats, and only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."

The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Your article is nothing more than stupid libertarian revisionist history.
only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."
Dude, you can’t change history. After a Democratic President in 1964 signed the Landmark Civil Rights Bill the idiot south moved to the republic party en mass.

We Democrats have not missed them.

good luck
The history is that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures. That's THE history.
Sorry bold type doesn’t help your knuckle dragging.
But the FACT that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures does, dummy.
Dude, they basically started with none before the 1964 bill. Also, consider that none of the limited number of republic pols in the confederate states elected to congress voted for the bill.
But your position was the parties switched in the 1960's, right?

How is that possible when the south kept electing the same democrat politicians until the mid-1990's?
They didn’t, many switched parties and many to the white message being put forth by republic pols.
You should have watched the Malcom X audio I posted. He knew what the Democrats were even if you don't.
March 7, 1965 Police under the command of Democrat Governor George Wallace attack African-Americans demonstrating for voting rights in Selma, AL

March 21, 1965 Republican federal judge Frank Johnson authorizes Martin Luther King’s protest march from Selma to Montgomery, overruling Democrat Governor George Wallace

August 4, 1965 Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose

August 6, 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

July 8, 1970 In special message to Congress, President Richard Nixon calls for reversal of policy of forced termination of Native American rights and benefits

September 17, 1971 Former Ku Klux Klan member and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black (D-AL) retires from U.S. Supreme Court; appointed by FDR in 1937, he had defended Klansmen for racial murders

February 19, 1976 President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

September 15, 1981 President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

June 29, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

August 10, 1988 President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

November 21, 1991 President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

August 20, 1996 Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

April 26, 1999 Legislation authored by U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) awarding Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks is transmitted to President

January 25, 2001 U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee declares school choice to be “Educational Emancipation”

March 19, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference

May 23, 2003 U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
What about percentages?
What about them?

"...Only in the 1980s did more white Southerners self-identify as Republicans than as Democrats, and only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."

The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Your article is nothing more than stupid libertarian revisionist history.
only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."
Dude, you can’t change history. After a Democratic President in 1964 signed the Landmark Civil Rights Bill the idiot south moved to the republic party en mass.

We Democrats have not missed them.

good luck
The history is that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures. That's THE history.
Sorry bold type doesn’t help your knuckle dragging.
But the FACT that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures does, dummy.
Dude, they basically started with none before the 1964 bill. Also, consider that none of the limited number of republic pols in the confederate states elected to congress voted for the bill.
But your position was the parties switched in the 1960's, right?

How is that possible when the south kept electing the same democrat politicians until the mid-1990's?
They didn’t, many switched parties and many to the white message being put forth by republic pols.
You should have watched the Malcom X audio I posted. He knew what the Democrats were even if you don't.
He knew what republics were too.
March 7, 1965 Police under the command of Democrat Governor George Wallace attack African-Americans demonstrating for voting rights in Selma, AL

March 21, 1965 Republican federal judge Frank Johnson authorizes Martin Luther King’s protest march from Selma to Montgomery, overruling Democrat Governor George Wallace

August 4, 1965 Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose

August 6, 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

July 8, 1970 In special message to Congress, President Richard Nixon calls for reversal of policy of forced termination of Native American rights and benefits

September 17, 1971 Former Ku Klux Klan member and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black (D-AL) retires from U.S. Supreme Court; appointed by FDR in 1937, he had defended Klansmen for racial murders

February 19, 1976 President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

September 15, 1981 President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

June 29, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

August 10, 1988 President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

November 21, 1991 President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

August 20, 1996 Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

April 26, 1999 Legislation authored by U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) awarding Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks is transmitted to President

January 25, 2001 U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee declares school choice to be “Educational Emancipation”

March 19, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference

May 23, 2003 U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
What about percentages?
What about them?

"...Only in the 1980s did more white Southerners self-identify as Republicans than as Democrats, and only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."

The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Your article is nothing more than stupid libertarian revisionist history.
only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."
Dude, you can’t change history. After a Democratic President in 1964 signed the Landmark Civil Rights Bill the idiot south moved to the republic party en mass.

We Democrats have not missed them.

good luck
The history is that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures. That's THE history.
Sorry bold type doesn’t help your knuckle dragging.
But the FACT that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures does, dummy.
Dude, they basically started with none before the 1964 bill. Also, consider that none of the limited number of republic pols in the confederate states elected to congress voted for the bill.
But your position was the parties switched in the 1960's, right?

How is that possible when the south kept electing the same democrat politicians until the mid-1990's?
They didn’t, many switched parties and many to the white message being put forth by republic pols.
You should have watched the Malcom X audio I posted. He knew what the Democrats were even if you don't.
He knew what republics were too.
Never mentioned them once. Did you even listen to it?
March 7, 1965 Police under the command of Democrat Governor George Wallace attack African-Americans demonstrating for voting rights in Selma, AL

March 21, 1965 Republican federal judge Frank Johnson authorizes Martin Luther King’s protest march from Selma to Montgomery, overruling Democrat Governor George Wallace

August 4, 1965 Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose

August 6, 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

July 8, 1970 In special message to Congress, President Richard Nixon calls for reversal of policy of forced termination of Native American rights and benefits

September 17, 1971 Former Ku Klux Klan member and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black (D-AL) retires from U.S. Supreme Court; appointed by FDR in 1937, he had defended Klansmen for racial murders

February 19, 1976 President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

September 15, 1981 President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

June 29, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

August 10, 1988 President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

November 21, 1991 President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

August 20, 1996 Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

April 26, 1999 Legislation authored by U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) awarding Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks is transmitted to President

January 25, 2001 U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee declares school choice to be “Educational Emancipation”

March 19, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference

May 23, 2003 U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
What about percentages?
What about them?

"...Only in the 1980s did more white Southerners self-identify as Republicans than as Democrats, and only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."

The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Your article is nothing more than stupid libertarian revisionist history.
only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."
Dude, you can’t change history. After a Democratic President in 1964 signed the Landmark Civil Rights Bill the idiot south moved to the republic party en mass.

We Democrats have not missed them.

good luck
The history is that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures. That's THE history.
Sorry bold type doesn’t help your knuckle dragging.
But the FACT that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures does, dummy.
Dude, they basically started with none before the 1964 bill. Also, consider that none of the limited number of republic pols in the confederate states elected to congress voted for the bill.
But your position was the parties switched in the 1960's, right?

How is that possible when the south kept electing the same democrat politicians until the mid-1990's?
They didn’t, many switched parties and many to the white message being put forth by republic pols.
You should have watched the Malcom X audio I posted. He knew what the Democrats were even if you don't.
He knew what republics were too.
Never mentioned them once. Did you even listen to it?
You didn’t play all of the comments then.
March 7, 1965 Police under the command of Democrat Governor George Wallace attack African-Americans demonstrating for voting rights in Selma, AL

March 21, 1965 Republican federal judge Frank Johnson authorizes Martin Luther King’s protest march from Selma to Montgomery, overruling Democrat Governor George Wallace

August 4, 1965 Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) overcomes Democrat attempts to block 1965 Voting Rights Act; 94% of Senate Republicans vote for landmark civil right legislation, while 27% of Democrats oppose

August 6, 1965 Voting Rights Act of 1965, abolishing literacy tests and other measures devised by Democrats to prevent African-Americans from voting, signed into law; higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats vote in favor

July 8, 1970 In special message to Congress, President Richard Nixon calls for reversal of policy of forced termination of Native American rights and benefits

September 17, 1971 Former Ku Klux Klan member and Democrat U.S. Senator Hugo Black (D-AL) retires from U.S. Supreme Court; appointed by FDR in 1937, he had defended Klansmen for racial murders

February 19, 1976 President Gerald Ford formally rescinds President Franklin Roosevelt’s notorious Executive Order authorizing internment of over 120,000 Japanese-Americans during WWII

September 15, 1981 President Ronald Reagan establishes the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities, to increase African-American participation in federal education programs

June 29, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signs 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act

August 10, 1988 President Ronald Reagan signs Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR

November 21, 1991 President George H. W. Bush signs Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation

August 20, 1996 Bill authored by U.S. Rep. Susan Molinari (R-NY) to prohibit racial discrimination in adoptions, part of Republicans’ Contract With America, becomes law

April 26, 1999 Legislation authored by U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) awarding Congressional Gold Medal to civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks is transmitted to President

January 25, 2001 U.S. Senate Republican Policy Committee declares school choice to be “Educational Emancipation”

March 19, 2003 Republican U.S. Representatives of Hispanic and Portuguese descent form Congressional Hispanic Conference

May 23, 2003 U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) introduces bill to establish National Museum of African American History and Culture
What about percentages?
What about them?

"...Only in the 1980s did more white Southerners self-identify as Republicans than as Democrats, and only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."

The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Your article is nothing more than stupid libertarian revisionist history.
only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures...."
Dude, you can’t change history. After a Democratic President in 1964 signed the Landmark Civil Rights Bill the idiot south moved to the republic party en mass.

We Democrats have not missed them.

good luck
The history is that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures. That's THE history.
Sorry bold type doesn’t help your knuckle dragging.
But the FACT that only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures does, dummy.
Dude, they basically started with none before the 1964 bill. Also, consider that none of the limited number of republic pols in the confederate states elected to congress voted for the bill.
But your position was the parties switched in the 1960's, right?

How is that possible when the south kept electing the same democrat politicians until the mid-1990's?
They didn’t, many switched parties and many to the white message being put forth by republic pols.
You should have watched the Malcom X audio I posted. He knew what the Democrats were even if you don't.
He knew what republics were too.
Never mentioned them once. Did you even listen to it?
You didn’t play all of the comments then.
So that's a no? You didn't listen to it?

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