Obama fighting to get sequester started

Everyone knows the Obamas have been lying through their teeth. Now you have the story breaking about Obama having prisons release thousands of cartel inmates who were illegal here in USA to begin with. He claims he knows nothing of it. None of the Prisons can show a court order from a judge for the release of all these cartel gangsters who are out now so this one can be added to fast and furious coverup. He is in hot water now not that he cares, he just lied and said he has no idea how WH assisted largest prison break in history. Incredible.

Essentially, yes. Pretty much everything you say here is accurate.
People in power have what I like to call the "deniability clause".
Which basically provides them with a simple way out with immunity from blame - just simply deny it. Even if everyone knows you know they know you are lying - lie anyway. Afterall what can they do about it? The alternative is to take blame, something politically aligned people abhor.
The Obama administration has taken a page right out of Kill Ill's playbook...even if you are standing with your hand in the cookie jar with a room full of people looking at you - just walk out of the room, have someone remove the cookie jar - and deny there ever was a cookie jar in the first place. Simple.
This is what his administration has done for the past 4 years. Now by no means is Obama the first or the last who does it - but I would agree that Obama exercises the deniability clause more than most.
The idiots in the liberal media are making everyone to think it is the Republican's fault that the sequester cuts will take place. the truth is that John Boehner and the House Republicans have sent the Senate many bills that were logical and sensible budget solutions to stop the automatic cuts. But the democrats in the SEnate have always shut them down because welfare leeches had to take cuts in their welfare checks. Because the democrats depend on the welfare leeches to get elected the automatic cuts will put millions of people out of work and onto the welfare rolls. This is what the democrats and Obama have been working for.

Everyone knows the Obamas have been lying through their teeth. Now you have the story breaking about Obama having prisons release thousands of cartel inmates who were illegal here in USA to begin with. He claims he knows nothing of it. None of the Prisons can show a court order from a judge for the release of all these cartel gangsters who are out now so this one can be added to fast and furious coverup. He is in hot water now not that he cares, he just lied and said he has no idea how WH assisted largest prison break in history. Incredible.

I don't suppose that you have a link about Obama releasing "thousands of cartel inmates"? I find this very interesting, because we do not have "thousands of cartel inmates" in prison in the first place. Second, is there some reason why you think that a sudden, dramatic spending cut is not going to affect the deportation of illegal immigarants? Illegal immigrants are held in privately owned priosons in AZ, and the feds are charged about $100 per day per priosner. More than 50% of AZ federal prioners are illegal immigrants. An illegal immigrant is not a "cartel inmate", unless he is dealing drugs, or human trafficiing.

In short, in your zeal to accuse Obama of lying, you made up your "facts".

How bad is it when you lie in order to paint someone else as a liar?????
I don't know why CaGo seems so down on our welfare leeches. What's not to like about them? Here, in the democrtic party, we encourage them to wear their WL badges with pride, and to cut off republicans on the expressway ramps with their BMW's that they bought with thier welfare checks. We teach them that is is easy to spot the republican drivers, because they all drive older model modestly priced American made pickup trucks with rifle racks in the back window, and patriotic bumber stickers.

From what I've seen of arizona everybody drives beaters.
Here in Houston all but the lowest of the low drive nice cars or trucks. Even liberals.
Although you do see a lot of libs driving twenty year old piece of crap Audis for some reason.
Haven't figured out the appeal on that one.

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