Obama fighting to get sequester started

And in the mean time, while telling us of all these cuts that will affect so many Americans so badly:
The Obama administration said Thursday that it will provide the Syrian opposition with an additional $60 million in assistance

Associated Press

Boom, Liberals lose..............

ADDITIONAL 60 million dollars. That's on top of the 50 million we are already giving them.

It's BS and it's no good for us........
I don't know why CaGo seems so down on our welfare leeches. What's not to like about them? Here, in the democrtic party, we encourage them to wear their WL badges with pride, and to cut off republicans on the expressway ramps with their BMW's that they bought with thier welfare checks. We teach them that is is easy to spot the republican drivers, because they all drive older model modestly priced American made pickup trucks with rifle racks in the back window, and patriotic bumber stickers.
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You liberals don't want to face the reality that it is time to stop the democrat's wasting money.

You hyper-partisan wingnuts won't face that fact that Republicans have wasted every bit as much (if not more) money as Democrats have.

The only difference is what they spend on.

They ALL spend our money like drunken sailors on leave.

Just because Bush spent too much, which no one is denying, doesn't mean that Obama should double down on it.......

I agree.

I also agree that is it hypocritical for the GOP to spend like drunken sailors on leave and then tell the next democratic president, "Sorry - you can't do a thing because WE already spent all the money and NOW we're all about fiscal responsibility."

It's pure BS.

The GOP is no more interested in being good stewards of your money that the Democrats are. The only difference is the friends they dole out all the goodies to. Defense contractors or the unemployed.
The idiots in the liberal media are making everyone to think it is the Republican's fault that the sequester cuts will take place. the truth is that John Boehner and the House Republicans have sent the Senate many bills that were logical and sensible budget solutions to stop the automatic cuts. But the democrats in the SEnate have always shut them down because welfare leeches had to take cuts in their welfare checks. Because the democrats depend on the welfare leeches to get elected the automatic cuts will put millions of people out of work and onto the welfare rolls. This is what the democrats and Obama have been working for.

Who writes fiscal bills? That would be the House, wouldn't it? Who runs the House? We'd be idiots, if we paid more than a moment's attention to your ravings. :cool:

The House has done their jobs-- repeatedly. Right now Reid is sitting on at least two different House bills but he refuses to act on them or to propose their own budget. Why do Democrats get a pass for being derelict in their duties?

Becuase most Americans are not aware of what you just said. Obama has the biggest mic in the country....watch any other news other than fox....nowhere are they saying ANYTHING about 2 plans being shelved in the senate. All you hear about is how Obama is concerned about the GOP sequester causing economic mayhem and destroying the recovery he has worked so hard to create.
You hyper-partisan wingnuts won't face that fact that Republicans have wasted every bit as much (if not more) money as Democrats have.

The only difference is what they spend on.

They ALL spend our money like drunken sailors on leave.

Just because Bush spent too much, which no one is denying, doesn't mean that Obama should double down on it.......

I agree.

I also agree that is it hypocritical for the GOP to spend like drunken sailors on leave and then tell the next democratic president, "Sorry - you can't do a thing because WE already spent all the money and NOW we're all about fiscal responsibility."

It's pure BS.

The GOP is no more interested in being good stewards of your money that the Democrats are. The only difference is the friends they dole out all the goodies to. Defense contractors or the unemployed.

of course, the possibility that the GOP sees how their spenidng has put us in a tailspin of debt is the reason they refuse to allow the democrats to spend twice as quickly is rediculous.

Curious nodog......your thoughts on Obama claiming that Bush's spending was unpatriotic....but then spending twice as much in a shorter period of time?
The idiots in the liberal media are making everyone to think it is the Republican's fault that the sequester cuts will take place. the truth is that John Boehner and the House Republicans have sent the Senate many bills that were logical and sensible budget solutions to stop the automatic cuts. But the democrats in the SEnate have always shut them down because welfare leeches had to take cuts in their welfare checks. Because the democrats depend on the welfare leeches to get elected the automatic cuts will put millions of people out of work and onto the welfare rolls. This is what the democrats and Obama have been working for.

I have no problem with Sequester. Let it kick in.
Guiliani said it best...

The sequester is comparable to the folllowing...

You make 100K a year. In October, your boss tells you that you will be receiving a 10% raise come January.

January comes and due to unforseen expenses, your boss can only give you a 7K raise.

So as opposed to making 110K as expected, you are now earning 107K.

Does that mean you must now starve your children and dip into their college fund to try to make ends meet?
The idiots in the liberal media are making everyone to think it is the Republican's fault that the sequester cuts will take place. the truth is that John Boehner and the House Republicans have sent the Senate many bills that were logical and sensible budget solutions to stop the automatic cuts. But the democrats in the SEnate have always shut them down because welfare leeches had to take cuts in their welfare checks. Because the democrats depend on the welfare leeches to get elected the automatic cuts will put millions of people out of work and onto the welfare rolls. This is what the democrats and Obama have been working for.

Everyone knows the Obamas have been lying through their teeth. Now you have the story breaking about Obama having prisons release thousands of cartel inmates who were illegal here in USA to begin with. He claims he knows nothing of it. None of the Prisons can show a court order from a judge for the release of all these cartel gangsters who are out now so this one can be added to fast and furious coverup. He is in hot water now not that he cares, he just lied and said he has no idea how WH assisted largest prison break in history. Incredible.
The idiots in the liberal media are making everyone to think it is the Republican's fault that the sequester cuts will take place. the truth is that John Boehner and the House Republicans have sent the Senate many bills that were logical and sensible budget solutions to stop the automatic cuts. But the democrats in the SEnate have always shut them down because welfare leeches had to take cuts in their welfare checks. Because the democrats depend on the welfare leeches to get elected the automatic cuts will put millions of people out of work and onto the welfare rolls. This is what the democrats and Obama have been working for.

I have no problem with Sequester. Let it kick in.

Neither do I. I just dont understand why the administration wants to take that 40 Billion slated for the balance of this year and apply it to the most critical government programs.

Why not make every agency have their conferences in local High School auditoriums as opposed to weekends at a resort? That, alone, will save several billion.
The idiots in the liberal media are making everyone to think it is the Republican's fault that the sequester cuts will take place. the truth is that John Boehner and the House Republicans have sent the Senate many bills that were logical and sensible budget solutions to stop the automatic cuts. But the democrats in the SEnate have always shut them down because welfare leeches had to take cuts in their welfare checks. Because the democrats depend on the welfare leeches to get elected the automatic cuts will put millions of people out of work and onto the welfare rolls. This is what the democrats and Obama have been working for.

I have no problem with Sequester. Let it kick in.

Neither do I. I just dont understand why the administration wants to take that 40 Billion slated for the balance of this year and apply it to the most critical government programs.

Why not make every agency have their conferences in local High School auditoriums as opposed to weekends at a resort? That, alone, will save several billion.

That check can be canceled right now. He got it and now he can give it back because the money isn't there to hand out to Afgans.
Just because Bush spent too much, which no one is denying, doesn't mean that Obama should double down on it.......

I agree.

I also agree that is it hypocritical for the GOP to spend like drunken sailors on leave and then tell the next democratic president, "Sorry - you can't do a thing because WE already spent all the money and NOW we're all about fiscal responsibility."

It's pure BS.

The GOP is no more interested in being good stewards of your money that the Democrats are. The only difference is the friends they dole out all the goodies to. Defense contractors or the unemployed.

of course, the possibility that the GOP sees how their spenidng has put us in a tailspin of debt is the reason they refuse to allow the democrats to spend twice as quickly is rediculous.

Curious nodog......your thoughts on Obama claiming that Bush's spending was unpatriotic....but then spending twice as much in a shorter period of time?

I destest overspending no matter who is doing it.
Your assessment on who committed the dollars is incorrect, but regardless, I detest overspending no matter who is writing the checks.
The idiots in the liberal media are making everyone to think it is the Republican's fault that the sequester cuts will take place. the truth is that John Boehner and the House Republicans have sent the Senate many bills that were logical and sensible budget solutions to stop the automatic cuts. But the democrats in the SEnate have always shut them down because welfare leeches had to take cuts in their welfare checks. Because the democrats depend on the welfare leeches to get elected the automatic cuts will put millions of people out of work and onto the welfare rolls. This is what the democrats and Obama have been working for.

Everyone knows the Obamas have been lying through their teeth. Now you have the story breaking about Obama having prisons release thousands of cartel inmates who were illegal here in USA to begin with. He claims he knows nothing of it. None of the Prisons can show a court order from a judge for the release of all these cartel gangsters who are out now so this one can be added to fast and furious coverup. He is in hot water now not that he cares, he just lied and said he has no idea how WH assisted largest prison break in history. Incredible.

They knew nothing about Fast and Furious...a program that included the selling of arms to the enemy of an ally (considered by most countries as an act of war).

They knew nothing about an Ambassador asking for more security in a country that was volatile and in the most dangerous part of the world.

They knew nothing about the "clerical" error that resulted in the the numbers showing a decrease in terorrist activity of 7% when in fact there was no decrease at all ( I like that one...a military decision was made based on that data and no one made sure the data was accurate).

And now they know nothing about undocumented aliens with criminal charges being released by ICE.

OK...so they know nothing about this stuff.

Sounds to me we have a serious issue of leadership.

We really want a president who is so rarely in the know about such critical issues?
I agree.

I also agree that is it hypocritical for the GOP to spend like drunken sailors on leave and then tell the next democratic president, "Sorry - you can't do a thing because WE already spent all the money and NOW we're all about fiscal responsibility."

It's pure BS.

The GOP is no more interested in being good stewards of your money that the Democrats are. The only difference is the friends they dole out all the goodies to. Defense contractors or the unemployed.

of course, the possibility that the GOP sees how their spenidng has put us in a tailspin of debt is the reason they refuse to allow the democrats to spend twice as quickly is rediculous.

Curious nodog......your thoughts on Obama claiming that Bush's spending was unpatriotic....but then spending twice as much in a shorter period of time?

I destest overspending no matter who is doing it.
Your assessment on who committed the dollars is incorrect, but regardless, I detest overspending no matter who is writing the checks.

you did not respoind to my question...

Curious nodog......your thoughts on Obama claiming that Bush's spending was unpatriotic....but then spending twice as much in a shorter period of time?
of course, the possibility that the GOP sees how their spenidng has put us in a tailspin of debt is the reason they refuse to allow the democrats to spend twice as quickly is rediculous.

Curious nodog......your thoughts on Obama claiming that Bush's spending was unpatriotic....but then spending twice as much in a shorter period of time?

I destest overspending no matter who is doing it.
Your assessment on who committed the dollars is incorrect, but regardless, I detest overspending no matter who is writing the checks.

you did not respoind to my question...

Curious nodog......your thoughts on Obama claiming that Bush's spending was unpatriotic....but then spending twice as much in a shorter period of time?

I responded to your question by telling you that your question assumes a false premise. There is no correct answer to a flawed question.
I destest overspending no matter who is doing it.
Your assessment on who committed the dollars is incorrect, but regardless, I detest overspending no matter who is writing the checks.

you did not respoind to my question...

Curious nodog......your thoughts on Obama claiming that Bush's spending was unpatriotic....but then spending twice as much in a shorter period of time?

I responded to your question by telling you that your question assumes a false premise. There is no correct answer to a flawed question.

in other words...

nodoginthefight is a bullshit screen name you gave yourself to imply you are impartial.

You have zero credibility.
you did not respoind to my question...

Curious nodog......your thoughts on Obama claiming that Bush's spending was unpatriotic....but then spending twice as much in a shorter period of time?

I responded to your question by telling you that your question assumes a false premise. There is no correct answer to a flawed question.

in other words...

nodoginthefight is a bullshit screen name you gave yourself to imply you are impartial.

You have zero credibility.

Because I won't aqgree with the assumptions you made????

ewwww that'll leave a mark ....

(BTW. As I have expalined several times. I took this screen name to comment on a sports board on a topic between two teams that I had no particular fondness for. I saw how people switched around their screen names and I thought it dishonest. So I've stuck with my original name. My leanings are also clearly stated beneath my name. So if a screen name jab is all you got - you really don't have very much now do you?)
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The idiots in the liberal media are making everyone to think it is the Republican's fault that the sequester cuts will take place. the truth is that John Boehner and the House Republicans have sent the Senate many bills that were logical and sensible budget solutions to stop the automatic cuts. But the democrats in the SEnate have always shut them down because welfare leeches had to take cuts in their welfare checks. Because the democrats depend on the welfare leeches to get elected the automatic cuts will put millions of people out of work and onto the welfare rolls. This is what the democrats and Obama have been working for.

Everyone knows the Obamas have been lying through their teeth. Now you have the story breaking about Obama having prisons release thousands of cartel inmates who were illegal here in USA to begin with. He claims he knows nothing of it. None of the Prisons can show a court order from a judge for the release of all these cartel gangsters who are out now so this one can be added to fast and furious coverup. He is in hot water now not that he cares, he just lied and said he has no idea how WH assisted largest prison break in history. Incredible.

I don't suppose that you have a link about Obama releasing "thousands of cartel inmates"? I find this very interesting, because we do not have "thousands of cartel inmates" in prison in the first place. Second, is there some reason why you think that a sudden, dramatic spending cut is not going to affect the deportation of illegal immigarants? Illegal immigrants are held in privately owned priosons in AZ, and the feds are charged about $100 per day per priosner. More than 50% of AZ federal prioners are illegal immigrants. An illegal immigrant is not a "cartel inmate", unless he is dealing drugs, or human trafficiing.

In short, in your zeal to accuse Obama of lying, you made up your "facts".

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