Obama Forced To Visit New Orleans Because Romney Is Already There To Help

Romney showed up to help, just what did he do that helped?

He showed up for starters........:eusa_whistle:

Your thread premise is still a lie. I know that you know it's a lie, which makes you a scumbag liar. You know damn well that the Obama planned to go to Louisiana on Monday to make sure his executive order to provide relief efforts are being seen through.

How the fuck do you live with yourself?
Only one visit counts

Yep. The one that actually delivers Federal money, which Obama already started. The aid that Ryan tried to block. The aid that will help homeowners and small business owners back on their feet. Jindal looks like a fucking Bozo at this point.
It's hilarious watching Romney trying to be a man of the people. Simply hilarious...

He professes to be a devout religious man, a former Mormon Bishop - yet I've never met an Atheist who lies as much as he does. Never!

Obama will never be a man of the people because he seriously doesn't want to be bothered with them unless it will get him some recognition.

Unless there's some political purpose for it Obama doesn't care all that much.

Romney obviously does.

Imagine being a Mormon Bishop......as Romney has been.

You get that phone call 2am and have to get up and perform a blessing for some church member who is suffering, or you visit a dying child on your own and spend time with her. Do you think Obama would do that if the cameras are turned off?

Heck no. We're lucky to get him to take the time out of his busy schedule of fundraising and golfing to do anything. The guy hasn't done his job since July of 2011. He hasn't passed a budget his entire time in office. He hasn't met with his jobs commission in the last 7 months.

Being in the LDS church means you are chosen to do a job in the church and you can't complain that it puts a crimp in your schedule. You are obligated to do it.
It's hilarious watching Romney trying to be a man of the people. Simply hilarious...

He professes to be a devout religious man, a former Mormon Bishop - yet I've never met an Atheist who lies as much as he does. Never!

Obama will never be a man of the people because he seriously doesn't want to be bothered with them unless it will get him some recognition.

Unless there's some political purpose for it Obama doesn't care all that much.

Romney obviously does.

Imagine being a Mormon Bishop......as Romney has been.

You get that phone call 2am and have to get up and perform a blessing for some church member who is suffering, or you visit a dying child on your own and spend time with her. Do you think Obama would do that if the cameras are turned off?

Heck no. We're lucky to get him to take the time out of his busy schedule of fundraising and golfing to do anything. The guy hasn't done his job since July of 2011. He hasn't passed a budget his entire time in office. He hasn't met with his jobs commission in the last 7 months.

Being in the LDS church means you are chosen to do a job in the church and you can't complain that it puts a crimp in your schedule. You are obligated to do it.

big fucking deal

what did he do in nola that helped?
Romney showed up to help, just what did he do that helped?

He told a woman whose house was under water to go home and call 211!:lol:

Romney showed up to help, just what did he do that helped?

He showed up for starters........:eusa_whistle:

Your thread premise is still a lie. I know that you know it's a lie, which makes you a scumbag liar. You know damn well that the Obama planned to go to Louisiana on Monday to make sure his executive order to provide relief efforts are being seen through.

How the fuck do you live with yourself?

mudwhistle has lost all credibility with me. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt for a while - but now I know he's just a natural born liar. He's typical of the other NaziCons on this board.

The most recent, and maybe the most hilarious, thing that NaziCons have done is their attempt to discredit fact-checkers.

Jerry, just remember. It's not a lie... if you believe it... - YouTube
Romney showed up to help, just what did he do that helped?

He showed up for starters........:eusa_whistle:

Your thread premise is still a lie. I know that you know it's a lie, which makes you a scumbag liar. You know damn well that the Obama planned to go to Louisiana on Monday to make sure his executive order to provide relief efforts are being seen through.

How the fuck do you live with yourself?

Because I'm not lying.

I'm just showing you the story.....which is true.
It's hilarious watching Romney trying to be a man of the people. Simply hilarious...

He professes to be a devout religious man, a former Mormon Bishop - yet I've never met an Atheist who lies as much as he does. Never!

Obama will never be a man of the people because he seriously doesn't want to be bothered with them unless it will get him some recognition.

Unless there's some political purpose for it Obama doesn't care all that much.

Romney obviously does.

Imagine being a Mormon Bishop......as Romney has been.

You get that phone call 2am and have to get up and perform a blessing for some church member who is suffering, or you visit a dying child on your own and spend time with her. Do you think Obama would do that if the cameras are turned off?

Heck no. We're lucky to get him to take the time out of his busy schedule of fundraising and golfing to do anything. The guy hasn't done his job since July of 2011. He hasn't passed a budget his entire time in office. He hasn't met with his jobs commission in the last 7 months.

Being in the LDS church means you are chosen to do a job in the church and you can't complain that it puts a crimp in your schedule. You are obligated to do it.

The bottom line is still that you claimed that the only reason Obama was going is because Romney went. When the facts show that the Obama trip was planned before Romney's, you're a scumbag liar.

So what the fuck did Romney do? Did he sign the executive order making Louisiana a disaster area, allowing them to apply for federal assistance? Obama signed it before the GOP convention even started.

You must feel like dirt living with yourself.
He showed up for starters........:eusa_whistle:

Your thread premise is still a lie. I know that you know it's a lie, which makes you a scumbag liar. You know damn well that the Obama planned to go to Louisiana on Monday to make sure his executive order to provide relief efforts are being seen through.

How the fuck do you live with yourself?

Because I'm not lying.

I'm just showing you the story.....which is true.

You know for a fact that the Obama trip was already planned, after Jindal asked for Federal relief, and long before Romney decided to go. You're a scumbag lying piece of garbage.
Actually, you're a liar. Obama's trip was planned as soon as it became clear that Louisiana would be hit. Romney did it on the cuff, after the convention, while Obama was with our troops, celebrating an end to the Iraq war. Funny that Romney didn't even mention our troops once during his speech.

So aside from telling people to dial 211 for government relief, what help did Romney give?
If you had your reps on I would give you one.....Well said!
Romney is sure putting on a entertaining show, and the sad thing is people are getting sucked into his lying deceitful ways. Once he gets their vote he could give a shit.....
Actually, you're a liar. Obama's trip was planned as soon as it became clear that Louisiana would be hit. Romney did it on the cuff, after the convention, while Obama was with our troops, celebrating an end to the Iraq war. Funny that Romney didn't even mention our troops once during his speech.

So aside from telling people to dial 211 for government relief, what help did Romney give?
If you had your reps on I would give you one.....Well said!

Yeah, but he's still full of shit........:eusa_whistle:

And whining like a baby.......:cool:
Obama has 57 states to visit......eventually he'll get to LA.
Articles: In a Kindness Competition, Romney Wins over Obama by a Landslide

I knew Mitt was special from the start. We didn't own a dryer, and the day he stopped by to welcome us, I was embarrassed to have laundry hanging all over the house. Mitt wasn't fazed. In fact, as we spoke, without a word, he joined me and started helpfully plucking clothes from round the room and folding them. By the time Mitt left, not only did I feel welcome, my laundry was done!

Pam and her husband had a very ill premature baby.

As I sat with her in intensive care, consumed with a mother's worry and fear, dear Mitt came to visit and pray with me....I will never forget that when he looked down tenderly at my daughter, his eyes filled with tears, and he reached out gently and stroked her tiny back. I could tell immediately that he didn't just see a tangle of plastic and tubes; he saw our beautiful little girl...

When Thanksgiving rolled around, Kate was still struggling for life. Brain surgery was scheduled, and the holiday was the furthest thing from our minds. I opened my door to find Mitt and his boys, arms loaded with a Thanksgiving feast. Of course we were overcome. When I called to thank Ann, she sweetly confessed it had been Mitt's idea, that most of the cooking and chopping had been done by him. She and the boys had just happily pitched in.

It seems to me when it comes to loving our neighbor, we can talk about it, or we can live it. The Romney's live it every single day.

... It is with great excitement and a renewed hope, to know that our country will be blessed as it is led by a man who is not only so accomplished and capable, but who has devoted his entire life quietly serving others. That man is Mitt Romney.

Kind of reminds me of when Romney went to Israel and Obama jumped up and said, "I was gonna do that. And if you give me another four years I will".
Is there a word to describe this fool that is more fitting than AMATEUR?
Articles: In a Kindness Competition, Romney Wins over Obama by a Landslide

I knew Mitt was special from the start. We didn't own a dryer, and the day he stopped by to welcome us, I was embarrassed to have laundry hanging all over the house. Mitt wasn't fazed. In fact, as we spoke, without a word, he joined me and started helpfully plucking clothes from round the room and folding them. By the time Mitt left, not only did I feel welcome, my laundry was done!

Pam and her husband had a very ill premature baby.

As I sat with her in intensive care, consumed with a mother's worry and fear, dear Mitt came to visit and pray with me....I will never forget that when he looked down tenderly at my daughter, his eyes filled with tears, and he reached out gently and stroked her tiny back. I could tell immediately that he didn't just see a tangle of plastic and tubes; he saw our beautiful little girl...

When Thanksgiving rolled around, Kate was still struggling for life. Brain surgery was scheduled, and the holiday was the furthest thing from our minds. I opened my door to find Mitt and his boys, arms loaded with a Thanksgiving feast. Of course we were overcome. When I called to thank Ann, she sweetly confessed it had been Mitt's idea, that most of the cooking and chopping had been done by him. She and the boys had just happily pitched in.

It seems to me when it comes to loving our neighbor, we can talk about it, or we can live it. The Romney's live it every single day.

... It is with great excitement and a renewed hope, to know that our country will be blessed as it is led by a man who is not only so accomplished and capable, but who has devoted his entire life quietly serving others. That man is Mitt Romney.

If you look at every performed speech done, each speaker at the RNC had a sob story to tell.
Trying to do what Clinton did with his father dying, and his likability went way up.
Sorta nauseates me watching them..
Articles: In a Kindness Competition, Romney Wins over Obama by a Landslide

I knew Mitt was special from the start. We didn't own a dryer, and the day he stopped by to welcome us, I was embarrassed to have laundry hanging all over the house. Mitt wasn't fazed. In fact, as we spoke, without a word, he joined me and started helpfully plucking clothes from round the room and folding them. By the time Mitt left, not only did I feel welcome, my laundry was done!

Pam and her husband had a very ill premature baby.

As I sat with her in intensive care, consumed with a mother's worry and fear, dear Mitt came to visit and pray with me....I will never forget that when he looked down tenderly at my daughter, his eyes filled with tears, and he reached out gently and stroked her tiny back. I could tell immediately that he didn't just see a tangle of plastic and tubes; he saw our beautiful little girl...

When Thanksgiving rolled around, Kate was still struggling for life. Brain surgery was scheduled, and the holiday was the furthest thing from our minds. I opened my door to find Mitt and his boys, arms loaded with a Thanksgiving feast. Of course we were overcome. When I called to thank Ann, she sweetly confessed it had been Mitt's idea, that most of the cooking and chopping had been done by him. She and the boys had just happily pitched in.

It seems to me when it comes to loving our neighbor, we can talk about it, or we can live it. The Romney's live it every single day.

... It is with great excitement and a renewed hope, to know that our country will be blessed as it is led by a man who is not only so accomplished and capable, but who has devoted his entire life quietly serving others. That man is Mitt Romney.

If you look at every performed speech done, each speaker at the RNC had a sob story to tell.
Trying to do what Clinton did with his father dying, and his likability went way up.
Sorta nauseates me watching them..

Yeah, we saw so much of this when Clinton was pres.......problem is Clinton faked it.

Mitt doesn't. :cool:
Articles: In a Kindness Competition, Romney Wins over Obama by a Landslide

I knew Mitt was special from the start. We didn't own a dryer, and the day he stopped by to welcome us, I was embarrassed to have laundry hanging all over the house. Mitt wasn't fazed. In fact, as we spoke, without a word, he joined me and started helpfully plucking clothes from round the room and folding them. By the time Mitt left, not only did I feel welcome, my laundry was done!

Pam and her husband had a very ill premature baby.

As I sat with her in intensive care, consumed with a mother's worry and fear, dear Mitt came to visit and pray with me....I will never forget that when he looked down tenderly at my daughter, his eyes filled with tears, and he reached out gently and stroked her tiny back. I could tell immediately that he didn't just see a tangle of plastic and tubes; he saw our beautiful little girl...

When Thanksgiving rolled around, Kate was still struggling for life. Brain surgery was scheduled, and the holiday was the furthest thing from our minds. I opened my door to find Mitt and his boys, arms loaded with a Thanksgiving feast. Of course we were overcome. When I called to thank Ann, she sweetly confessed it had been Mitt's idea, that most of the cooking and chopping had been done by him. She and the boys had just happily pitched in.

It seems to me when it comes to loving our neighbor, we can talk about it, or we can live it. The Romney's live it every single day.

... It is with great excitement and a renewed hope, to know that our country will be blessed as it is led by a man who is not only so accomplished and capable, but who has devoted his entire life quietly serving others. That man is Mitt Romney.

If you look at every performed speech done, each speaker at the RNC had a sob story to tell.
Trying to do what Clinton did with his father dying, and his likability went way up.
Sorta nauseates me watching them..

Yeah, it's pretty sickening when Obama refuses to take any advice from the only Democrat to win two terms as president since FDR, meanwhile Romney recognizes what works and implements it. Probably has something to do with all that success he's known in life. :eusa_whistle:

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