Obama goes hard after GOP in official start of re-election campaign

President Obama began his official re-election campaign Saturday by asking for more time to fix America's problems and saying that voting for Mitt Romney would be a return to failed GOP policies

Read more: Obama goes hard after GOP in official start of re-election campaign | Fox News


I knew it all along. TM writes his speeches..

So if I have this right....
Obama admits his policies to date have failed.
But he wants MORE time for his failed policies to not work... :lol:

yes, methinks that's it. he wants more time to fuck stuff up.. yep..
....And, who knows more about fuckin'-up, than.....​

"Entirely forgetting the real history of how Franklin D Roosevelt used activist government to save American capitalism from itself, the entire US political establishment is instead hypnotized by the false history woven around its most over-hyped president of all time: Ronald Reagan. Idolatry of Reagan's supposed tax-cutting wonders propels the now widespread economic belief that up is down, that cutting government spending is the way out of - rather than into - a severe recession. At the same time, idolatry of Reagan's supposed political wonders propels GOP extremists to ignore all other considerations."
the colored flashing lights and screaming "if your not with us your against' crowd doesnt want Obama to mention Osama was taken out on his wtach?

Gee I wonder why they protest so much?
Romney is attacking our problems.....
Yeah....with as many specifics as you've just listed.....which also happens to mirror all of the legislation the 2010 Teabaggin' House-rookies have offered.

We should absolutely encourage the idiots to run on 9/11 and Osama.... the only ones who won't be sickened by the politicizing of our dead are the hard left. It will drive rational, decent, honorable Americans to the right in their droves.

Swallow is a sick freak who cares more about political wins than his fellow Americans - or the dead of 9/11.

How can you type such shit and then pretend you care about facts?

Bush politizied every bit of 911 and you backed it

yeah, and you all bitched about it...but by all means you all go for it..
the people see through it
Failed Republican Policies? I didnt know Republicans wrote the Dodd Frank bill and voted for it.
There's quite-a-bit you Teabaggers don't know.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcJ4sjgtIR0]American Casino - YouTube[/ame]


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We should absolutely encourage the idiots to run on 9/11 and Osama.... the only ones who won't be sickened by the politicizing of our dead are the hard left. It will drive rational, decent, honorable Americans to the right in their droves.

Swallow is a sick freak who cares more about political wins than his fellow Americans - or the dead of 9/11.

How can you type such shit and then pretend you care about facts?

Bush politizied every bit of 911 and you backed it

yeah, and you all bitched about it...but by all means you all go for it..
the people see through it

so tell me the big momment Obama went over the top?

Give us the example by providing a youtube clip mmmmkay?
How can you type such shit and then pretend you care about facts?

Bush politizied every bit of 911 and you backed it

yeah, and you all bitched about it...but by all means you all go for it..
the people see through it

so tell me the big momment Obama went over the top?

Give us the example by providing a youtube clip mmmmkay?

Every time he opens his mouth..which he seems to think we all care to see him speak everyday.
the most divisive and ugly President I have lived under
oh you got nothing huh?

Just irrational hate for a black man who is your superior in every way
We should absolutely encourage the idiots to run on 9/11 and Osama.... the only ones who won't be sickened by the politicizing of our dead are the hard left. It will drive rational, decent, honorable Americans to the right in their droves.

Swallow is a sick freak who cares more about political wins than his fellow Americans - or the dead of 9/11.

How can you type such shit and then pretend you care about facts?

Bush politizied every bit of 911 and you backed it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejph4LBdmmc]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETqX3DRtZtU]60 Minutes: George W. Bush Sought to -Find A Way- to Invade Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Obama said the following:

The GOP wants -

Bigger tax-cuts for the rich
To double interest on student loans
To try to take away women's birth control
Dirty Air
Dirty Water
Whites to get away with hunting down and murdering your children (especially if they're black)
Arrest Latinos for walking down the street eating ice-cream

He claims that the Tea Party is-

Full of racists
Full of terrorists
The cause of the poor economy
Trying to cut government spending, which in his mind is an act of terrorism

It's pretty easy to spot the lies in Obama speeches. The difficult part is spotting the truth. He can't run on his record because his record is the worst of any president since the Great Depression. Fear of his policies is holding back job growth more than anything.

So Obama thinks getting Bin Laden erases all of this?
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