Obama got 93% of black vote. Romney got 59% of white

I wish you racists would shut the heck up about race. It's got to be the most useless characteristic to classify people with.

Unfortunately most of these racists get sheltered by the others around them, who refuse to see it and call them out on it, because it goes against their own narrative that racism is as good as dead.

It's not though. Not by a long shot. We have a bunch of regular members on this board that prove to demonstrate that. ShootSpeeders is simply one of them. I could name half a dozen more easily, and a dozen plus if I have some time to remember who they all are.

The list of posters who use racially charged words in reference to the President is very long.
Negroes are much more racist than whites and always have been.

You live in a white dominated nation that enslaved blacks and engaged in systematic oppression against them for centuries.


Systematic oppression??? You mean like affirmative action? We've had such oppression of WHITES and favoritism for blacks for 40 years now and black americans are still a failed race. Time to face the fact that blacks are inferior.

Actually, I'd say that it's time to face the fact that you are nothing less than a blatant racist.

You live in a white dominated nation that enslaved blacks and engaged in systematic oppression against them for centuries.


Systematic oppression??? You mean like affirmative action? We've had such oppression of WHITES and favoritism for blacks for 40 years now and black americans are still a failed race. Time to face the fact that blacks are inferior.

Actually, I'd say that it's time to face the fact that you are nothing less than a blatant racist.


Dude would hang black people if he thought he could get away with it.
Unfortunately most of these racists get sheltered by the others around them, who refuse to see it and call them out on it, because it goes against their own narrative that racism is as good as dead.

Racism won't be dead until you hatefilled libulals end affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of whites and the biggest hate crime ever.
Negroes are much more racist than whites and always have been.

Fact is whites aren't anti-black at all as shown by all the affirmative action programs in america. But blacks absolutely hate whites.

You don't hate blacks at all? All you do is denigrate all them here. I wonder if you're stupid or just think others are, because the latter isn't working.

You play the Stormfront victim role nicely.
Negroes are much more racist than whites and always have been.

Fact is whites aren't anti-black at all as shown by all the affirmative action programs in america. But blacks absolutely hate whites.

You don't hate blacks at all? All you do is denigrate all them here. I wonder if you're stupid or just think others are, because the latter isn't working.

You play the Stormfront victim role nicely.


Systematic oppression??? You mean like affirmative action? We've had such oppression of WHITES and favoritism for blacks for 40 years now and black americans are still a failed race. Time to face the fact that blacks are inferior.

Actually, I'd say that it's time to face the fact that you are nothing less than a blatant racist.


I oppose affirmative action, you support it. Who's the racist.?
Negroes are much more racist than whites and always have been.

You live in a white dominated nation that enslaved blacks and engaged in systematic oppression against them for centuries.


Systematic oppression??? You mean like affirmative action? We've had such oppression of WHITES and favoritism for blacks for 40 years now and black americans are still a failed race. Time to face the fact that blacks are inferior.

And it's all the Jooz fault isn't it? What's next "White Genocide"?
United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

More proof that blacks are extremely racist and whites not racist enough. Obozo also got 64% of the HS dropout vote and 63% of voters where the family income is under $30,000. Democrats are the loser party.

What percent of da blacks are wasist? The extra 3 or 4% of the people who turned out to vote for Obama? Gore and Kerry had pretty high numbers. Get over it already, America is going forward and not backward like your sorry ass. Bye. :)

Systematic oppression??? You mean like affirmative action? We've had such oppression of WHITES and favoritism for blacks for 40 years now and black americans are still a failed race. Time to face the fact that blacks are inferior.

Actually, I'd say that it's time to face the fact that you are nothing less than a blatant racist.


I oppose affirmative action, you support it. Who's the racist.?

I don't support AA myself for REAL reasons, not your bullshit. But that doesn't matter you would still hate people like me anyway, I'm part of a "failed race" or "inferior".

Go fuck yourself you whiny clown.
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Kerry won the black vote. Gore won the black vote. Clinton won the black vote. They're white guys in case you hadn't noticed.

HAHAHA. Do you enjoy being the board laughingstock.?? In all those elections BOTH candidates were white. Obozo was the first non-white to run for prez and that's why he got the hate-white vote so overwhelmingly.

Who do you think "the Blacks" would vote for if it was John Kerry vs Herman Cain? What if Cain became an Independent and it was Cain vs Jeb Bush?
I don't support AA myself for REAL reasons, not your bullshit. But that doesn't you would still hate people like me anyway, I'm part of a "failed race" or "inferior".


"But that doesn't you would still hate people like me anyway," Sentences like that prove you're inferior. HAHAHA
I don't support AA myself for REAL reasons, not your bullshit. But that doesn't you would still hate people like me anyway, I'm part of a "failed race" or "inferior".


"But that doesn't you would still hate people like me anyway," Sentences like that prove you're inferior. HAHAHA

You've found my very first mistake!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

It doesn't matter much to me because I'm not a prick claiming I'm superior solely because of genetics. At least I'm man enough to admit my mistake, unlike the little whiny bitch you are.

I know you made mistakes here too. What's your excuse for that, infallible white man?

Also why do you keep dodging everyone's points, you pussy?
I don't support AA myself for REAL reasons, not your bullshit. But that doesn't you would still hate people like me anyway, I'm part of a "failed race" or "inferior".


"But that doesn't you would still hate people like me anyway," Sentences like that prove you're inferior. HAHAHA

You really need to work on getting your passing grade for humanity before worrying about another person, let alone a whole race of people.
I don't support AA myself for REAL reasons, not your bullshit. But that doesn't you would still hate people like me anyway, I'm part of a "failed race" or "inferior".


"But that doesn't you would still hate people like me anyway," Sentences like that prove you're inferior. HAHAHA

You've found my very first mistake!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

It doesn't matter much to me because I'm not a prick claiming I'm superior solely because of genetics. At least I'm man enough to admit my mistake, unlike the little whiny bitch you are.

I know you made mistakes here too. What's your excuse for that, infallible white man?

Also why do you keep dodging everyone's points, you pussy?

Asking a racist who believes he/she is superior to have some conduct or character is like asking a rapist to be gentle.
The take away should be the the Republican Party has nothing for anyone other than white people.

Simple as that.

But thankfully you folks..and Republicans are not to swift on the uptake.

Actually, to correct your point. The GOP has done nothing for anyone but RICH people in the last few years.

Can't say that's true of the GOP 30 years ago, when they used to get it. But it is true today.

So in 82 they got it and all of the sudden you're a Reaganite? You just talk to amuse yourself.

Again, Reagan would be drummed out of the party as a RINO.

I get teh feeling you weren't even around in 1982, or if you were, you were too young to understand what the fuck was going on.

Reagan comprimised with the Democrats. He appointed moderates to SCOTUS. He built a coalition of Conservative Democrat Boll Weevils and Moderate Repulican "Gypsy Moths" to produce a moderate agenda. And, yes, he raised taxes after he cut them.

And while he did do some questionable shit like fire all the PATCO workers, he also stood up for American workers, for instance, calling the Japanese on their unfair trade practices

Unlike the Bushes, who were and are complete tools of the multi-national Corporations, bankers and Wall Street.

Actually, to correct your point. The GOP has done nothing for anyone but RICH people in the last few years.


And what have dems done for working middle class americans? Dems pander to the welfare voters.

The Auto Bailout saved millions of jobs. So did the Stimulus, which the GOP opposed all the way.

if we have "welfare people", it's because the GOP destroyed the middle class.

Again, this is Joe's Major Theorem.

You get rid of the Good Paying Union Job, and replace it with a McJob at Staples. You get rid of the Solid Pension and replace it with a 401K that is subject to the Wall Street Casino. (And like most Casinos,the suckers always loose). You get rid of that good medical insurance and replace it with a "Health Savings Account" that you can't afford to put any money into.

Those people end up turning to the government for help because working for these things doesn't cut it. Had to make sure those rich people got their dancing horsies...

So they get food stamps, they get section 8 housing, they get medicaid, and they totally vote for more of that shit come election time.

MORONS like you whine all day about "them Welfare People" without realizing you voted to create them.
Lets face it.....most blacks hate whitey. Anybody who doesnt realize it lives in a bubble someplace. Its part of the culture. 90% of blacks vote based upon skin color.

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