Obama: Government made this country great

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Strange how a man with an agenda can complain about other people for not reason other than they have an agenda.

You learn a lot from Professor Obama, don’t you? You may have thought the Founding Fathers, who strongly believed in low taxes, small government, and checks and balances to keep politicians from gaining too much power helped make America a great nation. You might give even more credit to the many soldiers who gave their lives for freedom, along with the great American inventors, entrepreneurs, and the masses of decent Americans who worked hard, took care of their families, and pursued the American dream.
Instead, Obama seems to believe this country is great because a bunch of know-it-all politicians confiscated people’s money and “invested” it for them.
Why, just think of all the wonderful “investments” we’ve had since Obama became President. What would we have ever done without the Cash for Clunkers program? What about the loan to Solyndra? We also can’t forget the greatest Obama “investment” of them all, the stimulus bill. The Obama administration said we had to borrow a trillion dollars to create “jobs, jobs, jobs” and keep unemployment under 8%. What did we get out of that “investment?” A bunch of “projects funded by the federal stimulus” road signs? Wow, that was money well spent. Obama might as well have just asked liberals to write “I heart Obama” in toilet stalls across the country. It would have had about the same impact and we could have saved a trillion dollars.
Here’s a newsflash for Barack Obama: government investments didn’t make this country great. The government’s role in America’s greatness was building roads, securing America against enemies foreign and domestic, street lights, a few basic regulations and getting out of everyone’s way. The people did all the rest and the very fact that Obama is lolling around the White House, thinking that he’s responsible for America’s greatness because he’s confiscating money from people who’ve earned it and doling it out to a bunch of bureaucrats, campaign contributors, and wasteful government programs is as galling as it as foolish.

Did “Government Investment” Make America Great? Obama Thinks So. « Hot Air
America wouldn't have become a superpower as successful as we have been without its government. There's only so much a population can do without the cohesive(and oftentimes unnecessarily bloated) administrative abilities of a government. Government makes utilization of its civilian base. The civilian base is what makes the Government what it is, in our type of Government. Therefore it's not only government to blame and to benefit.

How powerful do you think we would have been in the world stage with an Anarchy?
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America wouldn't have become a superpower as successful as we have been without its government. There's only so much a population can do without the cohesive(and oftentimes unnecessarily bloated) administrative abilities of a government. Government makes utilization of its civilian base. The civilian base is what makes the Government what it is, in our type of Government. Therefore it's not only government to blame and to benefit.

How powerful do you think we would have been in the world stage with an Anarchy?

It throws Washington Adams, Jefferson, Madison, et. al. in the trash to adhere to the belief government is "bad". All the current candidates for the Presidency have held office, have they not?
Obama and Quantum Windbag suffer from the same delusion.

They don't understand the partnership between individuals and government.

Ronald Reagan was in GOVERNMENT for over quarter of a century.

The Bush family has been in government for generations.

FDR's government program rescued Ronald Reagan's father during the depression. This is why Ronnie campaigned for Truman.

Government didn't build the Hoover Dam, defeat the Nazis, or put a man on the moon, nor did the private sector - these things came from a partnership.

"America is its best when government, corporations, and individuals work together." -Dwight Eisenhower.
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America wouldn't have become a superpower as successful as we have been without its government. There's only so much a population can do without the cohesive(and oftentimes unnecessarily bloated) administrative abilities of a government. Government makes utilization of its civilian base. The civilian base is what makes the Government what it is, in our type of Government. Therefore it's not only government to blame and to benefit.

How powerful do you think we would have been in the world stage with an Anarchy?

America wouldn't have become a superpower as successful as we have been without its government. There's only so much a population can do without the cohesive(and oftentimes unnecessarily bloated) administrative abilities of a government. Government makes utilization of its civilian base. The civilian base is what makes the Government what it is, in our type of Government. Therefore it's not only government to blame and to benefit.

How powerful do you think we would have been in the world stage with an Anarchy?

It throws Washington Adams, Jefferson, Madison, et. al. in the trash to adhere to the belief government is "bad". All the current candidates for the Presidency have held office, have they not?

that whooshing sound? thats the point going over your heads.
Obama and Quantum Windbag suffer from the same delusion.

They believe that "the government" and "the people" are separate entities; they believe that one of these entities is the sole cause of everything.

They don't understand the partnership between individuals and government.

Ronald Reagan was in GOVERNMENT for over quarter of a century.

The Bush family has been in government for generations.

When FDR's government program rescued Ronald Reagan's father during the depression, it wasn't government that saved him, it was the glory of the American project, which includes an enlightened government.

Government didn't build the Hoover Dam, defeat the Nazis, or put a man on the moon, nor did the private sector - these things came from a partnership.

Eisenhower said it best just after he used BIG GOVERNMENT to put our veterans to work build the interstate system: "America is its best when government, corporations, and individuals work together"

Partnerships only exist when both sides have guns.
Partnerships only exist when both sides have guns.

Strangely we agree.

When Reagan used the War on Drugs to triple our investment in law enforcement and repressive state power, I cringed.

When Clinton vowed to put 1 million more cops on the streets, I cringed because I knew that the individual's power was being diminished in relation to the government.

When Bush used the war on terror to increase state surveillance of free individuals, I cringed.

Each president makes the state more powerful and more invasive.
It's the Obama Doctrine: The, ah, federal government can uh, solve every problem on earth..... except um high oil prices and uh anything else that might hurt my um reelection chances.
America wouldn't have become a superpower as successful as we have been without its government. There's only so much a population can do without the cohesive(and oftentimes unnecessarily bloated) administrative abilities of a government. Government makes utilization of its civilian base. The civilian base is what makes the Government what it is, in our type of Government. Therefore it's not only government to blame and to benefit.

How powerful do you think we would have been in the world stage with an Anarchy?

What are you trying to do? Undo Republican indoctrination? Well, it's not going to work. They are determined to stay the laughing stock of the world so back off!
Government is always going to frame the problem as one they need to solve. The hammer always sees everything as a nail.
From Jay in Federalist #2:

Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers. It is well worthy of consideration therefore, whether it would conduce more to the interest of the people of America that they should, to all general purposes, be one nation, under one federal government, or that they should divide themselves into separate confederacies, and give to the head of each the same kind of powers which they are advised to place in one national government.
America wouldn't have become a superpower as successful as we have been without its government. There's only so much a population can do without the cohesive(and oftentimes unnecessarily bloated) administrative abilities of a government. Government makes utilization of its civilian base. The civilian base is what makes the Government what it is, in our type of Government. Therefore it's not only government to blame and to benefit.

How powerful do you think we would have been in the world stage with an Anarchy?

What are you trying to do? Undo Republican indoctrination? Well, it's not going to work. They are determined to stay the laughing stock of the world so back off!

And we kicked your asses in 2010. So if we are a laughing stock....you must be sending them to the ER.
Obama and Quantum Windbag suffer from the same delusion.

They don't understand the partnership between individuals and government.

Ronald Reagan was in GOVERNMENT for over quarter of a century.

The Bush family has been in government for generations.

FDR's government program rescued Ronald Reagan's father during the depression. This is why Ronnie campaigned for Truman.

Government didn't build the Hoover Dam, defeat the Nazis, or put a man on the moon, nor did the private sector - these things came from a partnership.

Reagan Campaigns for Truman in 1948 - YouTube

"America is its best when government, corporations, and individuals work together." -Dwight Eisenhower.

Did I miss something here? GOP banner reagan as killing off goverment in my life? All this time I was following the wrong wagon? Or did they rewrite history on me again?
The Dum answer to failures of gov't programs is more gov't programs.

How has that worked out for us?

It's a fucking mess, but fear not, they are working on more programs to fix the last thousand programs that made the problems worse.
It's the Obama Doctrine: The, ah, federal government can uh, solve every problem on earth..... except um high oil prices and uh anything else that might hurt my um reelection chances.

I like how you have a token white guy in your signature.... so it's not just a long list of black people.
America wouldn't have become a superpower as successful as we have been without its government. There's only so much a population can do without the cohesive(and oftentimes unnecessarily bloated) administrative abilities of a government. Government makes utilization of its civilian base. The civilian base is what makes the Government what it is, in our type of Government. Therefore it's not only government to blame and to benefit.

How powerful do you think we would have been in the world stage with an Anarchy?

It throws Washington Adams, Jefferson, Madison, et. al. in the trash to adhere to the belief government is "bad". All the current candidates for the Presidency have held office, have they not?

Hummm I think they were all American citizens and man amongst the people. What fools like you think is conservatives think the government shouldn't exist! Not even close to the truth!
It's the Obama Doctrine: The, ah, federal government can uh, solve every problem on earth..... except um high oil prices and uh anything else that might hurt my um reelection chances.

I like how you have a token white guy in your signature.... so it's not just a long list of black people.

He's actually a Puerto Rican. OK he's not a Puerto Rican but wants to pass for one.
But nice deflection from the topic.

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