Obama has set back race relations for many years. How will Trump fix race relations?


Gold Member
Aug 5, 2016
I graduated from High School in 1977 from a small MO farm town (12,000 pop) and we had HUGE violent race riots. They really peaked in about 1975/76.
Since that time race relations have steadily improved. They did under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II until we elected Obama. Obama was the biggest racist President since LBJ and I believe took joy in stoking racial division to cause chaos in a Country that he hates.
He had a chance to be THE MOST influential President as it pertained to race in the history of our Nation. Instead of being a positive influence he chose to be the most divisive racial bigot in the history of Presidents.
Shameful. Stupid. Petty. Immature. Childish. And responsible for the deaths of several Police Officers during his 8 years in office.

President Obama had an opportunity to bring us together and unite Americans to a degree never experienced before in our history. He elected instead to divide Americans to a degree we haven't experienced since the 1860s. He did every thing in his power not only to divide us racially, but also instigated class and gender warfare.
I graduated from High School in 1977 from a small MO farm town (12,000 pop) and we had HUGE violent race riots. They really peaked in about 1975/76.
Since that time race relations have steadily improved. They did under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II until we elected Obama. Obama was the biggest racist President since LBJ and I believe took joy in stoking racial division to cause chaos in a Country that he hates.
He had a chance to be THE MOST influential President as it pertained to race in the history of our Nation. Instead of being a positive influence he chose to be the most divisive racial bigot in the history of Presidents.
Shameful. Stupid. Petty. Immature. Childish. And responsible for the deaths of several Police Officers during his 8 years in office.

President Obama had an opportunity to bring us together and unite Americans to a degree never experienced before in our history. He elected instead to divide Americans to a degree we haven't experienced since the 1860s. He did every thing in his power not only to divide us racially, but also instigated class and gender warfare.

not his fault----it was the DINKINS phenomenon. Not the fault of Dinkins either------but it
also happened in New York City. Elected in 1990-----all hell broke loose in parts of the city.
Lets see what the mayor's office by SADIQ KHAN does in London
I graduated from High School in 1977 from a small MO farm town (12,000 pop) and we had HUGE violent race riots. They really peaked in about 1975/76.
Since that time race relations have steadily improved. They did under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II until we elected Obama. Obama was the biggest racist President since LBJ and I believe took joy in stoking racial division to cause chaos in a Country that he hates.
He had a chance to be THE MOST influential President as it pertained to race in the history of our Nation. Instead of being a positive influence he chose to be the most divisive racial bigot in the history of Presidents.
Shameful. Stupid. Petty. Immature. Childish. And responsible for the deaths of several Police Officers during his 8 years in office.

President Obama had an opportunity to bring us together and unite Americans to a degree never experienced before in our history. He elected instead to divide Americans to a degree we haven't experienced since the 1860s. He did every thing in his power not only to divide us racially, but also instigated class and gender warfare.
Why oh why did the first Black US President have to be a Race baiting, success hating, anti-American, Muslim sympathizer? What an unmitigated disaster Obama turned out to be.
I graduated from High School in 1977 from a small MO farm town (12,000 pop) and we had HUGE violent race riots. They really peaked in about 1975/76.
Since that time race relations have steadily improved. They did under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II until we elected Obama. Obama was the biggest racist President since LBJ and I believe took joy in stoking racial division to cause chaos in a Country that he hates.
He had a chance to be THE MOST influential President as it pertained to race in the history of our Nation. Instead of being a positive influence he chose to be the most divisive racial bigot in the history of Presidents.
Shameful. Stupid. Petty. Immature. Childish. And responsible for the deaths of several Police Officers during his 8 years in office.

President Obama had an opportunity to bring us together and unite Americans to a degree never experienced before in our history. He elected instead to divide Americans to a degree we haven't experienced since the 1860s. He did every thing in his power not only to divide us racially, but also instigated class and gender warfare.

Cross-posting by a paid poster who posted the same bullshit on a site called "Debate Politics" where he gets paid under the name "Adammoore".

---- or as he's referred to on that site, "Spambot".

I graduated from High School in 1977 from a small MO farm town (12,000 pop) and we had HUGE violent race riots. They really peaked in about 1975/76.
Since that time race relations have steadily improved. They did under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II until we elected Obama. Obama was the biggest racist President since LBJ and I believe took joy in stoking racial division to cause chaos in a Country that he hates.
He had a chance to be THE MOST influential President as it pertained to race in the history of our Nation. Instead of being a positive influence he chose to be the most divisive racial bigot in the history of Presidents.
Shameful. Stupid. Petty. Immature. Childish. And responsible for the deaths of several Police Officers during his 8 years in office.

President Obama had an opportunity to bring us together and unite Americans to a degree never experienced before in our history. He elected instead to divide Americans to a degree we haven't experienced since the 1860s. He did every thing in his power not only to divide us racially, but also instigated class and gender warfare.

Cross-posting by a paid poster who posted the same bullshit on a site called "Debate Politics" where he gets paid under the name "Adammoore".

---- or as he's referred to on that site, "Spambot".


Pogo-----YOU IS A TREASURE------you "cross snitch"
I graduated from High School in 1977 from a small MO farm town (12,000 pop) and we had HUGE violent race riots. They really peaked in about 1975/76.
Since that time race relations have steadily improved. They did under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II until we elected Obama. Obama was the biggest racist President since LBJ and I believe took joy in stoking racial division to cause chaos in a Country that he hates.
He had a chance to be THE MOST influential President as it pertained to race in the history of our Nation. Instead of being a positive influence he chose to be the most divisive racial bigot in the history of Presidents.
Shameful. Stupid. Petty. Immature. Childish. And responsible for the deaths of several Police Officers during his 8 years in office.

President Obama had an opportunity to bring us together and unite Americans to a degree never experienced before in our history. He elected instead to divide Americans to a degree we haven't experienced since the 1860s. He did every thing in his power not only to divide us racially, but also instigated class and gender warfare.

Cross-posting by a paid poster who posted the same bullshit on a site called "Debate Politics" where he gets paid under the name "Adammoore".

---- or as he's referred to on that site, "Spambot".


Pogo-----YOU IS A TREASURE------you "cross snitch"

I'm just a ray of sunshine, the best disinfectant :D

These cross-posters making dozens of dollars from home always come with their own particular smell.
So I take a sample, dump it into Google, and voilà. Takes about 3 seconds.
It's impossible to fix; that vindictive, paranoid, vengeance-obsessed victim-mentality of the black crybabies has been too deeply ingrained in their culture/psyche for too long. There's only so much reconciliation that can be done with a people whose average I.Q. is 85, making it impossible to learn from their own mistakes.

The best we can hope for is re-segregation, to protect non-blacks from the blacks' record-setting violent crime epidemic. Can anyone name a single neighborhood in the enormity of this country that got BETTER and more peaceful when a bunch of basketball-Americans moved in? Didn't think so.
I graduated from High School in 1977 from a small MO farm town (12,000 pop) and we had HUGE violent race riots. They really peaked in about 1975/76.
Since that time race relations have steadily improved. They did under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II until we elected Obama. Obama was the biggest racist President since LBJ and I believe took joy in stoking racial division to cause chaos in a Country that he hates.
He had a chance to be THE MOST influential President as it pertained to race in the history of our Nation. Instead of being a positive influence he chose to be the most divisive racial bigot in the history of Presidents.
Shameful. Stupid. Petty. Immature. Childish. And responsible for the deaths of several Police Officers during his 8 years in office.

President Obama had an opportunity to bring us together and unite Americans to a degree never experienced before in our history. He elected instead to divide Americans to a degree we haven't experienced since the 1860s. He did every thing in his power not only to divide us racially, but also instigated class and gender warfare.
ICYMI: Gallup Reports Americans’ Satisfaction with Race Relations Has Increased 14 Percent Since Trump’s Inauguration.

So HOW did Trump improve race relations? He doesn’t traffic in open racism the way Obama did.
I graduated from High School in 1977 from a small MO farm town (12,000 pop) and we had HUGE violent race riots. They really peaked in about 1975/76.
Since that time race relations have steadily improved. They did under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II until we elected Obama. Obama was the biggest racist President since LBJ and I believe took joy in stoking racial division to cause chaos in a Country that he hates.
He had a chance to be THE MOST influential President as it pertained to race in the history of our Nation. Instead of being a positive influence he chose to be the most divisive racial bigot in the history of Presidents.
Shameful. Stupid. Petty. Immature. Childish. And responsible for the deaths of several Police Officers during his 8 years in office.

President Obama had an opportunity to bring us together and unite Americans to a degree never experienced before in our history. He elected instead to divide Americans to a degree we haven't experienced since the 1860s. He did every thing in his power not only to divide us racially, but also instigated class and gender warfare.
ICYMI: Gallup Reports Americans’ Satisfaction with Race Relations Has Increased 14 Percent Since Trump’s Inauguration.

So HOW did Trump improve race relations? He doesn’t traffic in open racism the way Obama did.
AP-NORC poll shows most disapprove of Trump on race relations. Most people say its worse.
  1. Trump singled out funding for historically black colleges as potentially unconstitutional Trump suggests financing for historically black colleges may be unconstitutional

  2. Trump Wants to Make Mortgages More Expensive for Minorities Trump Wants to Make Mortgages More Expensive for Minorities

  3. The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017 --its currently aroud 6 percent AP FACT CHECK: Trump exaggerates his role in black job gains

  4. African Americans also had higher income prior to the Trump administration. A black household earned median income of $40,258 in 2017, the latest data available. That’s below a 2000 peak of $42,348, according to the Census Bureau AP FACT CHECK: Trump exaggerates his role in black job gains

  5. Trump’s tax law disproportionately hurt African Americans.-African Americans were disproportionately left out from Trump’s tax cut. African American households received only 5% of the benefits from Trump’s tax law, despite making up about 13% of U.S. households.

  6. The Trump administration decided to repeal the Clean Power Plan, which was designed to reduce pollution and improve public health. This action directly affects people of color, since, according to the EPA, they are more likely to live near pollution-emitting power plants, making them more susceptible to dangerous health disorders such as asthma and cardiovascular disease.

  7. Trump's Department of Interior recently reversed an Obama-era strategic plan to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in its parks hiring DOI Backtracks on Addressing Inequality in Our Parks

  8. Jeff Sessions overturned so-called smart on crime approaches to criminal justice by directing prosecutors to pursue the harshest drug sentences possible, without consideration of an individual’s role in a drug conspiracy. This reversal will contribute to the overincarceration of African Americans, who remain more than twice as likely to be arrested for drug possession than whites http://big.assets.huffingtonpost.com/HolderMandatoryMinimumsMemo.pdf

  9. Attorney General Sessions reversed a DOJ plan to reduce its use of private prisons, which profit from the war on drugs and house a greater share of people of color than public prisons.

  10. Trump signed a bill taking away the right for people to take financial companies to court, a step toward weakening the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which protects individuals—especially people of color—from wealth-stripping financial products and fights against discrimination in the financial industry.

  11. Trump administration wants to eliminate the U.S. Commerce Department’s Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), which provides business consulting services to people of color who wish to start or expand their own businesses

  12. Trump's Education Department is reportedly considering scrapping Obama-era federal guidance designed to ensure school discipline policies do not discriminate against students of color

  13. Trump wants to freeze Pell Grant awards—which help nearly two-thirds of African American students and half of Latino students pay for college

  14. In response to white nationalists rampaging through Charlottesville, Virginia and ultimately murdering one counter protester, President Trump responded by defending the white nationalists and blamed “many sides” for the violence

  15. Trump rescinded a federal grant designed to help right-wing extremists move away from radical hateful racist ideas

  16. Trump supports obamacare repeal there is no replacement option

  17. Trump attacked African American professional athletes for protesting systemic racism
I graduated from High School in 1977 from a small MO farm town (12,000 pop) and we had HUGE violent race riots. They really peaked in about 1975/76.
Since that time race relations have steadily improved. They did under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II until we elected Obama. Obama was the biggest racist President since LBJ and I believe took joy in stoking racial division to cause chaos in a Country that he hates.
He had a chance to be THE MOST influential President as it pertained to race in the history of our Nation. Instead of being a positive influence he chose to be the most divisive racial bigot in the history of Presidents.
Shameful. Stupid. Petty. Immature. Childish. And responsible for the deaths of several Police Officers during his 8 years in office.

President Obama had an opportunity to bring us together and unite Americans to a degree never experienced before in our history. He elected instead to divide Americans to a degree we haven't experienced since the 1860s. He did every thing in his power not only to divide us racially, but also instigated class and gender warfare.
ICYMI: Gallup Reports Americans’ Satisfaction with Race Relations Has Increased 14 Percent Since Trump’s Inauguration.

So HOW did Trump improve race relations? He doesn’t traffic in open racism the way Obama did.
AP-NORC poll shows most disapprove of Trump on race relations. Most people say its worse.
  1. Trump singled out funding for historically black colleges as potentially unconstitutional Trump suggests financing for historically black colleges may be unconstitutional

  2. Trump Wants to Make Mortgages More Expensive for Minorities Trump Wants to Make Mortgages More Expensive for Minorities

  3. The most dramatic drop in black unemployment came under Obama, when it fell from a recession high of 16.8 percent in March 2010 to 7.8 percent in January 2017 --its currently aroud 6 percent AP FACT CHECK: Trump exaggerates his role in black job gains

  4. African Americans also had higher income prior to the Trump administration. A black household earned median income of $40,258 in 2017, the latest data available. That’s below a 2000 peak of $42,348, according to the Census Bureau AP FACT CHECK: Trump exaggerates his role in black job gains

  5. Trump’s tax law disproportionately hurt African Americans.-African Americans were disproportionately left out from Trump’s tax cut. African American households received only 5% of the benefits from Trump’s tax law, despite making up about 13% of U.S. households.

  6. The Trump administration decided to repeal the Clean Power Plan, which was designed to reduce pollution and improve public health. This action directly affects people of color, since, according to the EPA, they are more likely to live near pollution-emitting power plants, making them more susceptible to dangerous health disorders such as asthma and cardiovascular disease.

  7. Trump's Department of Interior recently reversed an Obama-era strategic plan to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in its parks hiring DOI Backtracks on Addressing Inequality in Our Parks

  8. Jeff Sessions overturned so-called smart on crime approaches to criminal justice by directing prosecutors to pursue the harshest drug sentences possible, without consideration of an individual’s role in a drug conspiracy. This reversal will contribute to the overincarceration of African Americans, who remain more than twice as likely to be arrested for drug possession than whites http://big.assets.huffingtonpost.com/HolderMandatoryMinimumsMemo.pdf

  9. Attorney General Sessions reversed a DOJ plan to reduce its use of private prisons, which profit from the war on drugs and house a greater share of people of color than public prisons.

  10. Trump signed a bill taking away the right for people to take financial companies to court, a step toward weakening the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which protects individuals—especially people of color—from wealth-stripping financial products and fights against discrimination in the financial industry.

  11. Trump administration wants to eliminate the U.S. Commerce Department’s Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA), which provides business consulting services to people of color who wish to start or expand their own businesses

  12. Trump's Education Department is reportedly considering scrapping Obama-era federal guidance designed to ensure school discipline policies do not discriminate against students of color

  13. Trump wants to freeze Pell Grant awards—which help nearly two-thirds of African American students and half of Latino students pay for college

  14. In response to white nationalists rampaging through Charlottesville, Virginia and ultimately murdering one counter protester, President Trump responded by defending the white nationalists and blamed “many sides” for the violence

  15. Trump rescinded a federal grant designed to help right-wing extremists move away from radical hateful racist ideas

  16. Trump supports obamacare repeal there is no replacement option

  17. Trump attacked African American professional athletes for protesting systemic racism
Your first poll is no good.

Race Relations, double digit improvement under Trump:


Americans' Take on the U.S. Is Improved, but Still Mixed
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I graduated from High School in 1977 from a small MO farm town (12,000 pop) and we had HUGE violent race riots. They really peaked in about 1975/76.
Since that time race relations have steadily improved. They did under Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II until we elected Obama. Obama was the biggest racist President since LBJ and I believe took joy in stoking racial division to cause chaos in a Country that he hates.
He had a chance to be THE MOST influential President as it pertained to race in the history of our Nation. Instead of being a positive influence he chose to be the most divisive racial bigot in the history of Presidents.
Shameful. Stupid. Petty. Immature. Childish. And responsible for the deaths of several Police Officers during his 8 years in office.

President Obama had an opportunity to bring us together and unite Americans to a degree never experienced before in our history. He elected instead to divide Americans to a degree we haven't experienced since the 1860s. He did every thing in his power not only to divide us racially, but also instigated class and gender warfare.
ICYMI: Gallup Reports Americans’ Satisfaction with Race Relations Has Increased 14 Percent Since Trump’s Inauguration.

So HOW did Trump improve race relations? He doesn’t traffic in open racism the way Obama did.

Member when O'bama said "I have black guys counting my money. I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys who wear yarmulkes every day"?

Oh wait, that was Rump.

Member when Rump went "Look at my African American over here! Look at 'im!" and "I have a very good relationship with 'the blacks'"?

Oh wait, that was Rump.

Member when O'bama was whining about "shithole countries" and calling for Nigerian immigrants to "go back to their huts"?

Oh wait, that was Rump.

Member when O'bama passed around a fake tweet claiming blacks killed 81% of white homicide victims?

Oh wait, that was Rump.

Member when O'bama got sued by the government when it proved he was screening blacks out of apartments?

Oh wait, that was Rump.

Member when after that agreement he went on doing it and got sued again for the same thing?

Oh wait, that was Rump.

Member when, during a break in the courtroom, O'bama said to the government tester who busted him, "come on Elise -- you don't want to live with them either"?

Oh wait, that was Rump.

Member when O'bama took out a full page ad in the NYT crowing "bring back the death penalty" for five innocent defendants, and wouldn't back down even after they were cleared by DNA?

Oh wait, that was Rump.

Member when O'bama was whining in a Congressional hearing about Indian casinos with "they don't look like Indians to me"?

Oh wait, that was Rump.

Etc etc etc

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