Obama: Huck, Trump Would be 'Ridiculous' if They Weren't So Sad

You forgot to add the caption "THE SKY IS FALLING!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!"


people who are known to say "Never let a good crisis go to waste" should avoid trying to ridicule others with cries of "The sky is falling"

idiots and hypocrites

You got a link to where I said that about any crisis, or are you just pulling things out of your ass again?

ok; dummy; i see i have to break it down for you.

you commented that others seem to think the "sky is falling"

but your Party cant survive if they arent operating in that very same mode

What ever you say sweet lips, but that was a Sky is Falling picture if I ever saw one. Care to describe any other meaning that a sane person might have gotten from it?

yes loon; that this administration are a bunch of major phuk-ups

You've got people like trump huck and perry, as the best you can dig up, and you want to call someone else phuk-ups? Now that's funny.
Well, ass, it's so easy bitch slapping you, that even a DemocRAT could! LOLOL!

Vigilante, you're as useful as an ashtray on a Harley.
Powerful .. just damn powerful shit you just orated ....... I'm really impressed .......... you're good ........ now, please don't stop .... not fair to tease us with just a few intelligent tidbits ....... we want more damn it ... more ....

Why? no matter what I post you will remain as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.

or obama on Father's Day???

I knew you wouldn't get it. I bet a shot glass would fit your head like a sombrero.


wake me when you say something relevent or even remotely amusing ok? i'm going to ignore your responses til then
As bad as I thought this field of Republicans would be, I never imagined the depths they would sink
Well I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it is really working.

Well, ass, it's so easy bitch slapping you, that even a DemocRAT could! LOLOL!

Vigilante, you're as useful as an ashtray on a Harley.
Powerful .. just damn powerful shit you just orated ....... I'm really impressed .......... you're good ........ now, please don't stop .... not fair to tease us with just a few intelligent tidbits ....... we want more damn it ... more ....

Why? no matter what I post you will remain as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.
View attachment 45789

You call grown men honey? What do the demons say when they visit you at night? Do they coach you how to be atrabilious, or just a very special dimwit?
Vigilante, you're as useful as an ashtray on a Harley.
Powerful .. just damn powerful shit you just orated ....... I'm really impressed .......... you're good ........ now, please don't stop .... not fair to tease us with just a few intelligent tidbits ....... we want more damn it ... more ....

Why? no matter what I post you will remain as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.

or obama on Father's Day???

I knew you wouldn't get it. I bet a shot glass would fit your head like a sombrero.
View attachment 45790

Hey, you gun-fondling weenie, I see you're doing your part keeping this country in the 11th century.
Hahaha, Bernie Sanders just polled beating T rump.

Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.

No link, eh? Nor from your sidekick. I win!! :)
Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.
An attorney ???? .............. hell, you wouldn't make a festering pimple on a gnat's ass, much less an attorney ........are you on meds, by any chance? ....... If you're alone, I would suggest that you call someone to sit with you until this passes ............. just saying ....... seems to me that you have problems beyond just normal anger ....

If you are going to be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.
Very well, I stand corrected ........and did you call someone to sit with you? .......should I continue talking with you for awhile until this passes? .... I have time, I don't mind .......... how do you feel about meditation? ....... ever tried yoga, mind and body control exercises? .........would you like to talk about sports for awhile? .......do you play golf? .....

You might try wearing a white coat when you go off into these fantasies you have. It will help you in your roll playing, you know, like the costume you wear when you pretend to be the dirty school girl.

you're making a fool of yourself bulldog

Sorry, but a silly right winger calling me a fool is not the bet way to hurt my feelings. Wouldn't you prefer to call me a communist, or a baby killer? See, your accusations aren't real effective.
Well, ass, it's so easy bitch slapping you, that even a DemocRAT could! LOLOL!

Vigilante, you're as useful as an ashtray on a Harley.
Powerful .. just damn powerful shit you just orated ....... I'm really impressed .......... you're good ........ now, please don't stop .... not fair to tease us with just a few intelligent tidbits ....... we want more damn it ... more ....

Why? no matter what I post you will remain as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.
View attachment 45789

You call grown men honey? What do the demons say when they visit you at night? Do they coach you how to be atrabilious, or just a very special dimwit?
No link, eh? Nor from your sidekick. I win!! :)
An attorney ???? .............. hell, you wouldn't make a festering pimple on a gnat's ass, much less an attorney ........are you on meds, by any chance? ....... If you're alone, I would suggest that you call someone to sit with you until this passes ............. just saying ....... seems to me that you have problems beyond just normal anger ....

If you are going to be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.
Very well, I stand corrected ........and did you call someone to sit with you? .......should I continue talking with you for awhile until this passes? .... I have time, I don't mind .......... how do you feel about meditation? ....... ever tried yoga, mind and body control exercises? .........would you like to talk about sports for awhile? .......do you play golf? .....

You might try wearing a white coat when you go off into these fantasies you have. It will help you in your roll playing, you know, like the costume you wear when you pretend to be the dirty school girl.

you're making a fool of yourself bulldog

Sorry, but a silly right winger calling me a fool is not the bet way to hurt my feelings. Wouldn't you prefer to call me a communist, or a baby killer? See, your accusations aren't real effective.

it's ok though dummy; nobody actually expects the Left to own their stupidity and failed ideology
Powerful .. just damn powerful shit you just orated ....... I'm really impressed .......... you're good ........ now, please don't stop .... not fair to tease us with just a few intelligent tidbits ....... we want more damn it ... more ....

Why? no matter what I post you will remain as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.

or obama on Father's Day???

I knew you wouldn't get it. I bet a shot glass would fit your head like a sombrero.
View attachment 45790

Hey, you gun-fondling weenie, I see you're doing your part keeping this country in the 11th century.
Vigilante, you're as useful as an ashtray on a Harley.
Powerful .. just damn powerful shit you just orated ....... I'm really impressed .......... you're good ........ now, please don't stop .... not fair to tease us with just a few intelligent tidbits ....... we want more damn it ... more ....

Why? no matter what I post you will remain as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.
View attachment 45789

You call grown men honey? What do the demons say when they visit you at night? Do they coach you how to be atrabilious, or just a very special dimwit?
View attachment 45791
The rubber room attendant should be around with your meds shortly, maybe we can have a decent conversation once they take effect.
Why? no matter what I post you will remain as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.

or obama on Father's Day???

I knew you wouldn't get it. I bet a shot glass would fit your head like a sombrero.
View attachment 45790

Hey, you gun-fondling weenie, I see you're doing your part keeping this country in the 11th century.
View attachment 45792

It just seems that way Sonny, waiting for you to say something intelligent is like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.
Powerful .. just damn powerful shit you just orated ....... I'm really impressed .......... you're good ........ now, please don't stop .... not fair to tease us with just a few intelligent tidbits ....... we want more damn it ... more ....

Why? no matter what I post you will remain as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.
View attachment 45789

You call grown men honey? What do the demons say when they visit you at night? Do they coach you how to be atrabilious, or just a very special dimwit?
View attachment 45791
The rubber room attendant should be around with your meds shortly, maybe we can have a decent conversation once they take effect.
or obama on Father's Day???

I knew you wouldn't get it. I bet a shot glass would fit your head like a sombrero.
View attachment 45790

Hey, you gun-fondling weenie, I see you're doing your part keeping this country in the 11th century.
View attachment 45792

It just seems that way Sonny, waiting for you to say something intelligent is like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.

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