Obama: Huck, Trump Would be 'Ridiculous' if They Weren't So Sad

No need to call names....LOLOL!

Women are giving Trump the lead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patheos.com ^ | July 27, 2015
Donald Trump’s habit of shooting off his mouth and provoking outrage isn’t slowing him down at all. The public must find his lack of politically-correct inhibition refreshing. The new Zogby poll shows him leading the Republican pack among likely primary voters. Overall, he leads 20%, with Jeb Bush coming in at 16%. He leads among conservatives (18%), moderates (28%), and independents (31%). But his big support comes from women, 26% of whom support him.

Hahaha, Bernie Sanders just polled beating T rump.

Sure I do...now maybe YOU can provide the link where "almost the entire nation views us as weeping pansies"? I know you can't either and your lame deflection is noted. You're really not very good at this and I suggest you don't start threads if you're going to bawl at responses you don't agree with

Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.

No link, eh? Nor from your sidekick. I win!! :)
Sure I do...now maybe YOU can provide the link where "almost the entire nation views us as weeping pansies"? I know you can't either and your lame deflection is noted. You're really not very good at this and I suggest you don't start threads if you're going to bawl at responses you don't agree with

Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.
An attorney ???? .............. hell, you wouldn't make a festering pimple on a gnat's ass, much less an attorney ........are you on meds, by any chance? ....... If you're alone, I would suggest that you call someone to sit with you until this passes ............. just saying ....... seems to me that you have problems beyond just normal anger ....

If you are going to be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.

OK, we can all call you ASS from now on! Or perhaps:ahole-1:....
Well I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it is really working.

Well, ass, it's so easy bitch slapping you, that even a DemocRAT could! LOLOL!
Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.
An attorney ???? .............. hell, you wouldn't make a festering pimple on a gnat's ass, much less an attorney ........are you on meds, by any chance? ....... If you're alone, I would suggest that you call someone to sit with you until this passes ............. just saying ....... seems to me that you have problems beyond just normal anger ....

He gets mad every time he posts a thread and people dare to disagree with him, a fatal flaw in the make up of a left loon

Lassie, I bet your bath toys when you were a child were an iron and a toaster.

You post middle school insults, it's childish, pal. Now stick to the topic of your OWN thread....oh and about that link?
Lassie, you must realize by now I didn't make that claim. But it is cute to watch you when you try to talk about things you don't understand.

you are a clown. currently being far outclassed by IrishLass
No need to call names....LOLOL!

Women are giving Trump the lead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patheos.com ^ | July 27, 2015
Donald Trump’s habit of shooting off his mouth and provoking outrage isn’t slowing him down at all. The public must find his lack of politically-correct inhibition refreshing. The new Zogby poll shows him leading the Republican pack among likely primary voters. Overall, he leads 20%, with Jeb Bush coming in at 16%. He leads among conservatives (18%), moderates (28%), and independents (31%). But his big support comes from women, 26% of whom support him.

Hahaha, Bernie Sanders just polled beating T rump.

Got a link for that statement? I know you don't
Do you people in the Religious Reich even know how to read?

Sure I do...now maybe YOU can provide the link where "almost the entire nation views us as weeping pansies"? I know you can't either and your lame deflection is noted. You're really not very good at this and I suggest you don't start threads if you're going to bawl at responses you don't agree with

Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.

No link, eh? Nor from your sidekick. I win!! :)
Got a link for that statement? I know you don't
Do you people in the Religious Reich even know how to read?

Sure I do...now maybe YOU can provide the link where "almost the entire nation views us as weeping pansies"? I know you can't either and your lame deflection is noted. You're really not very good at this and I suggest you don't start threads if you're going to bawl at responses you don't agree with

Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.
An attorney ???? .............. hell, you wouldn't make a festering pimple on a gnat's ass, much less an attorney ........are you on meds, by any chance? ....... If you're alone, I would suggest that you call someone to sit with you until this passes ............. just saying ....... seems to me that you have problems beyond just normal anger ....

If you are going to be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.
Very well, I stand corrected ........and did you call someone to sit with you? .......should I continue talking with you for awhile until this passes? .... I have time, I don't mind .......... how do you feel about meditation? ....... ever tried yoga, mind and body control exercises? .........would you like to talk about sports for awhile? .......do you play golf? .....
Thanks to Obama and his moronic sidekick Kerry, here's what his legacy will look like:

View attachment 45778

You forgot to add the caption "THE SKY IS FALLING!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!"


people who are known to say "Never let a good crisis go to waste" should avoid trying to ridicule others with cries of "The sky is falling"

idiots and hypocrites

You got a link to where I said that about any crisis, or are you just pulling things out of your ass again?

ok; dummy; i see i have to break it down for you.

you commented that others seem to think the "sky is falling"

but your Party cant survive if they arent operating in that very same mode

What ever you say sweet lips, but that was a Sky is Falling picture if I ever saw one. Care to describe any other meaning that a sane person might have gotten from it?
An attorney ???? .............. hell, you wouldn't make a festering pimple on a gnat's ass, much less an attorney ........are you on meds, by any chance? ....... If you're alone, I would suggest that you call someone to sit with you until this passes ............. just saying ....... seems to me that you have problems beyond just normal anger ....

He gets mad every time he posts a thread and people dare to disagree with him, a fatal flaw in the make up of a left loon

Lassie, I bet your bath toys when you were a child were an iron and a toaster.

You post middle school insults, it's childish, pal. Now stick to the topic of your OWN thread....oh and about that link?
Lassie, you must realize by now I didn't make that claim. But it is cute to watch you when you try to talk about things you don't understand.

Ah but you felt the need to interject. Now where is the link? Dude, you started a stupid thread and promptly took it up the chute and now you're all mad. You should ask yourself why that keeps happening

The only 'stupid' part of this thread are from righties whose panties are in a twist because Obama told the children to rein it in. But you wouldn't get that you didn't have a chance.
Hahaha, Bernie Sanders just polled beating T rump.

Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.

No link, eh? Nor from your sidekick. I win!! :)
Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.
An attorney ???? .............. hell, you wouldn't make a festering pimple on a gnat's ass, much less an attorney ........are you on meds, by any chance? ....... If you're alone, I would suggest that you call someone to sit with you until this passes ............. just saying ....... seems to me that you have problems beyond just normal anger ....

If you are going to be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.

OK, we can all call you ASS from now on! Or perhaps:ahole-1:....
Well I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it is really working.

Well, ass, it's so easy bitch slapping you, that even a DemocRAT could! LOLOL!

Vigilante, you're as useful as an ashtray on a Harley.
No need to call names....LOLOL!

Women are giving Trump the lead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patheos.com ^ | July 27, 2015
Donald Trump’s habit of shooting off his mouth and provoking outrage isn’t slowing him down at all. The public must find his lack of politically-correct inhibition refreshing. The new Zogby poll shows him leading the Republican pack among likely primary voters. Overall, he leads 20%, with Jeb Bush coming in at 16%. He leads among conservatives (18%), moderates (28%), and independents (31%). But his big support comes from women, 26% of whom support him.

Hahaha, Bernie Sanders just polled beating T rump.

Do you people in the Religious Reich even know how to read?

Sure I do...now maybe YOU can provide the link where "almost the entire nation views us as weeping pansies"? I know you can't either and your lame deflection is noted. You're really not very good at this and I suggest you don't start threads if you're going to bawl at responses you don't agree with

Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.

No link, eh? Nor from your sidekick. I win!! :)
Do you people in the Religious Reich even know how to read?

Sure I do...now maybe YOU can provide the link where "almost the entire nation views us as weeping pansies"? I know you can't either and your lame deflection is noted. You're really not very good at this and I suggest you don't start threads if you're going to bawl at responses you don't agree with

Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.
An attorney ???? .............. hell, you wouldn't make a festering pimple on a gnat's ass, much less an attorney ........are you on meds, by any chance? ....... If you're alone, I would suggest that you call someone to sit with you until this passes ............. just saying ....... seems to me that you have problems beyond just normal anger ....

If you are going to be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.
Very well, I stand corrected ........and did you call someone to sit with you? .......should I continue talking with you for awhile until this passes? .... I have time, I don't mind .......... how do you feel about meditation? ....... ever tried yoga, mind and body control exercises? .........would you like to talk about sports for awhile? .......do you play golf? .....

You might try wearing a white coat when you go off into these fantasies you have. It will help you in your roll playing, you know, like the costume you wear when you pretend to be the dirty school girl.
your hate will kill your party

you people hate this country and its people
.... really? ... damn ......... you mean that we're not patriotic and loyal? ............. oh shit, now you tell us ........what do we have to do in order to be good citizens? .............can you help us be America loving hand-over-heart patriotic loyal members of society? ......... gee, I hope so ....... we don't want to fail our country .......
No need to call names....LOLOL!

Women are giving Trump the lead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patheos.com ^ | July 27, 2015
Donald Trump’s habit of shooting off his mouth and provoking outrage isn’t slowing him down at all. The public must find his lack of politically-correct inhibition refreshing. The new Zogby poll shows him leading the Republican pack among likely primary voters. Overall, he leads 20%, with Jeb Bush coming in at 16%. He leads among conservatives (18%), moderates (28%), and independents (31%). But his big support comes from women, 26% of whom support him.

Hahaha, Bernie Sanders just polled beating T rump.

Do you people in the Religious Reich even know how to read?

Sure I do...now maybe YOU can provide the link where "almost the entire nation views us as weeping pansies"? I know you can't either and your lame deflection is noted. You're really not very good at this and I suggest you don't start threads if you're going to bawl at responses you don't agree with

Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.

No link, eh? Nor from your sidekick. I win!! :)
Do you people in the Religious Reich even know how to read?

Sure I do...now maybe YOU can provide the link where "almost the entire nation views us as weeping pansies"? I know you can't either and your lame deflection is noted. You're really not very good at this and I suggest you don't start threads if you're going to bawl at responses you don't agree with

Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.
An attorney ???? .............. hell, you wouldn't make a festering pimple on a gnat's ass, much less an attorney ........are you on meds, by any chance? ....... If you're alone, I would suggest that you call someone to sit with you until this passes ............. just saying ....... seems to me that you have problems beyond just normal anger ....

If you are going to be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.
Very well, I stand corrected ........and did you call someone to sit with you? .......should I continue talking with you for awhile until this passes? .... I have time, I don't mind .......... how do you feel about meditation? ....... ever tried yoga, mind and body control exercises? .........would you like to talk about sports for awhile? .......do you play golf? .....

There's a prizewinning example of psychological projection if I've ever seen one.
your hate will kill your party

you people hate this country and its people
.... really? ... damn ......... you mean that we're not patriotic and loyal? ............. oh shit, now you tell us ........what do we have to do in order to be good citizens? .............can you help us be America loving hand-over-heart patriotic loyal members of society? ......... gee, I hope so ....... we don't want to fail our country .......
stop hating everyone idiot
No link, eh? Nor from your sidekick. I win!! :)
An attorney ???? .............. hell, you wouldn't make a festering pimple on a gnat's ass, much less an attorney ........are you on meds, by any chance? ....... If you're alone, I would suggest that you call someone to sit with you until this passes ............. just saying ....... seems to me that you have problems beyond just normal anger ....

If you are going to be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.

OK, we can all call you ASS from now on! Or perhaps:ahole-1:....
Well I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it is really working.

Well, ass, it's so easy bitch slapping you, that even a DemocRAT could! LOLOL!

Vigilante, you're as useful as an ashtray on a Harley.
Powerful .. just damn powerful shit you just orated ....... I'm really impressed .......... you're good ........ now, please don't stop .... not fair to tease us with just a few intelligent tidbits ....... we want more damn it ... more ....
Thanks to Obama and his moronic sidekick Kerry, here's what his legacy will look like:

View attachment 45778

You forgot to add the caption "THE SKY IS FALLING!!! THE SKY IS FALLING!!!"


people who are known to say "Never let a good crisis go to waste" should avoid trying to ridicule others with cries of "The sky is falling"

idiots and hypocrites

You got a link to where I said that about any crisis, or are you just pulling things out of your ass again?

ok; dummy; i see i have to break it down for you.

you commented that others seem to think the "sky is falling"

but your Party cant survive if they arent operating in that very same mode

What ever you say sweet lips, but that was a Sky is Falling picture if I ever saw one. Care to describe any other meaning that a sane person might have gotten from it?

yes loon; that this administration are a bunch of major phuk-ups
If you are going to be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.

OK, we can all call you ASS from now on! Or perhaps:ahole-1:....
Well I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it is really working.

Well, ass, it's so easy bitch slapping you, that even a DemocRAT could! LOLOL!

Vigilante, you're as useful as an ashtray on a Harley.
Powerful .. just damn powerful shit you just orated ....... I'm really impressed .......... you're good ........ now, please don't stop .... not fair to tease us with just a few intelligent tidbits ....... we want more damn it ... more ....

Why? no matter what I post you will remain as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.
No need to call names....LOLOL!

Women are giving Trump the lead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patheos.com ^ | July 27, 2015
Donald Trump’s habit of shooting off his mouth and provoking outrage isn’t slowing him down at all. The public must find his lack of politically-correct inhibition refreshing. The new Zogby poll shows him leading the Republican pack among likely primary voters. Overall, he leads 20%, with Jeb Bush coming in at 16%. He leads among conservatives (18%), moderates (28%), and independents (31%). But his big support comes from women, 26% of whom support him.

Hahaha, Bernie Sanders just polled beating T rump.

Sure I do...now maybe YOU can provide the link where "almost the entire nation views us as weeping pansies"? I know you can't either and your lame deflection is noted. You're really not very good at this and I suggest you don't start threads if you're going to bawl at responses you don't agree with

Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.

No link, eh? Nor from your sidekick. I win!! :)
Sure I do...now maybe YOU can provide the link where "almost the entire nation views us as weeping pansies"? I know you can't either and your lame deflection is noted. You're really not very good at this and I suggest you don't start threads if you're going to bawl at responses you don't agree with

Boy, I would hate to be your attorney at your sanity hearing.
An attorney ???? .............. hell, you wouldn't make a festering pimple on a gnat's ass, much less an attorney ........are you on meds, by any chance? ....... If you're alone, I would suggest that you call someone to sit with you until this passes ............. just saying ....... seems to me that you have problems beyond just normal anger ....

If you are going to be a smartass, first you have to be smart. Otherwise you're just an ass.
Very well, I stand corrected ........and did you call someone to sit with you? .......should I continue talking with you for awhile until this passes? .... I have time, I don't mind .......... how do you feel about meditation? ....... ever tried yoga, mind and body control exercises? .........would you like to talk about sports for awhile? .......do you play golf? .....

You might try wearing a white coat when you go off into these fantasies you have. It will help you in your roll playing, you know, like the costume you wear when you pretend to be the dirty school girl.

you're making a fool of yourself bulldog
OK, we can all call you ASS from now on! Or perhaps:ahole-1:....
Well I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it is really working.

Well, ass, it's so easy bitch slapping you, that even a DemocRAT could! LOLOL!

Vigilante, you're as useful as an ashtray on a Harley.
Powerful .. just damn powerful shit you just orated ....... I'm really impressed .......... you're good ........ now, please don't stop .... not fair to tease us with just a few intelligent tidbits ....... we want more damn it ... more ....

Why? no matter what I post you will remain as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.

or obama on Father's Day???
Well I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it is really working.

Well, ass, it's so easy bitch slapping you, that even a DemocRAT could! LOLOL!

Vigilante, you're as useful as an ashtray on a Harley.
Powerful .. just damn powerful shit you just orated ....... I'm really impressed .......... you're good ........ now, please don't stop .... not fair to tease us with just a few intelligent tidbits ....... we want more damn it ... more ....

Why? no matter what I post you will remain as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.

or obama on Father's Day???

I knew you wouldn't get it. I bet a shot glass would fit your head like a sombrero.
OK, we can all call you ASS from now on! Or perhaps:ahole-1:....
Well I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it is really working.

Well, ass, it's so easy bitch slapping you, that even a DemocRAT could! LOLOL!

Vigilante, you're as useful as an ashtray on a Harley.
Powerful .. just damn powerful shit you just orated ....... I'm really impressed .......... you're good ........ now, please don't stop .... not fair to tease us with just a few intelligent tidbits ....... we want more damn it ... more ....

Why? no matter what I post you will remain as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.
Well, ass, it's so easy bitch slapping you, that even a DemocRAT could! LOLOL!

Vigilante, you're as useful as an ashtray on a Harley.
Powerful .. just damn powerful shit you just orated ....... I'm really impressed .......... you're good ........ now, please don't stop .... not fair to tease us with just a few intelligent tidbits ....... we want more damn it ... more ....

Why? no matter what I post you will remain as baffled as Adam on Mother's Day.

or obama on Father's Day???

I knew you wouldn't get it. I bet a shot glass would fit your head like a sombrero.

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