Obama: ‘I Don’t Care’ Whether You’ll Like the Nominee, Just Vote Democrat

OK then, that settles it. Beto will be the next Democrat candidate.

Oh wait. What happened to Beto?


So what Obutthead is saying is vote for a dem so Trump doesn't win and continue uncovering mine and Joe's corruption....
Why don’t the Dems just be honest about their eventual nominee and their plans?

“Make America Shitty Again”.
Not exactly what he said. Click bait.
"Everybody needs to chill out about the candidates, but gin up about the prospect of rallying behind whoever emerges from this process,"
Yea it's a cherry picked line with flavor added meant to feed hate.

Keep eating.
Democrats are in full panic mode. And we have 11 months to go.
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Well, given that the alternative is an amoral, corrupt, lying flim-flam man, even a fence-post would look attractive...
Just 5 more years to go! Then Nikki!
Correction... you mean Crown Princess EEEvanka, yes?
Great idea!
That would be great!
Thank you!
Well, given that the alternative is an amoral, corrupt, lying flim-flam man, even a fence-post would look attractive...
Just 5 more years to go! Then Nikki!
Correction... you mean Crown Princess EEEvanka, yes?
Great idea!
That would be great!
Thank you!
Predictable. You must be channeling the ghost of a New York Tory of 1775. God Save the King, right?

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