Obama: ‘I Don’t Care’ Whether You’ll Like the Nominee, Just Vote Democrat

So do you think Bernie would be better for America than Trump?

what does that have to do with you Repubs saying the same thing that Obama said?
Because all Republicans running were better than Hillary, duh.

So you really going with Bernie over Trump?

At the very least Sanders doesn't lie about everything. I will support an honest politician I disagree with than a dishonest one telling me what I want to hear every time.
Yeah, Bernie’s an honest commie who’ll grab guns, tax the poor and take over private companies.
whenever you can't talk policies....fearmonger
Don’t know your candidate much.
Those are actual Bernie agenda items he’s said he wants.
  • Let's remember what republicans said after Trump won the primary.....

    “Donald Trump was not my first choice. He wasn’t my second choice or third or fourth choice. I have lots of differences with Donald Trump and lots of problems with him but I am absolutely in the ‘never Hillary Clinton’ camp.” -- Pat Toomey

    “I just really believe that the Republican Party has been conned here, and this guy is not a reliable conservative Republican.” -- Lindsey Graham

    “The voters in the primary seem to have made a choice. We’ll see what happens as the months go forward, I think we need to watch and see what the candidates say and do.” -- Ted Cruz

    “With a bumper sticker approach to policy, his bombastic tone reflects the traits of a bully, not an American president and statesman. If he cannot unite Republicans, how can he unite America? I simply cannot endorse him.” -- Tom Ridge

    “I have committed to supporting the nominee chosen by Republican voters, and Donald Trump, the presumptive nominee, is now on the verge of clinching that nomination.” -- Mitch McConnell

  • “I don’t see myself as the guy who’s going to spend the next six months taking shots at him,” Rubio said, adding that he “respects” and “accepts” Trump’s nomination by Republican primary voters. “That’s not going to change the reservations I have about this campaign.” -- Marco Rubio

    “I do not pretend Donald Trump is the Reaganesque leader we so desperately need, but he is certainly the better of two bad choices.” -- Bobby Jindal

    A spokesman for Bush said “[he] does not plan to participate in or comment on the presidential campaign.”
Basically Obama is saying he will support whoever the Democrat nominee is, even if he doesn't really really like him or her... pretty much like Republicans did in 2016..except Obama didn't call any of the 2020 candidates crooks, charlatans, morons, racist or all of the other greatest hits that Republicans said about Trump.....

I see why republicans hate memory....
Yeah I agree that as bad as warren or Sanders are, their actual ability to move us to their views of the socialist ideals are …. not really much in reality. But still. They both represent views of personal responsibility that are as objectionable as Trump's lack of morality and civil decency.
As bad as Bernie is about what??

Bernie is the most consistent one out of the whole bunch......and anytime you talk about policies, his policies are the ones most Americans support...

That is until you have the corporate media spend 24 hrs a day being dishonest about those policies...because that corporate media will much rather maintain the status quo because they don't want their tax cuts to go away or their pharma stocks to suffer...we all know that matters over everything else..
Medicare for all, free college, added taxes on the rich for being rich. I think Trump would carry all 7 battleground states against Bernie.
What support does Trumpcare have in those battleground states??

What support does Trump's tax cuts have in those battle ground states??

Like I said, when you talk about policies, nobody is touting ANY POLICY from Trump....which is why he focuses so much on manufactured cultural issues because his policies are the same ole GOP policies...
The dems are the ones talking policy because Trump loses when dems talk policy that wins in suburbs and with working white women who aren't Christian fundies. I just think Bernies' socialist views on educ, medicare for all and taxes on the rich are losers with those voters, and those voters are the ones who flipped the House in 18. The very progressives in the dem party have convinced themselves that everyone wants Bernie's policies when the polls have not shown that.
Didn't Trumpy say that he was going to put a 10 percent tariff on Mexican goods if they didn't stop the crossings into the US? Or whatever the amount was. (It didn't play apart in those reductions?) Go on... You were saying? This reminds of a disease Americans get. What was it? Oh yeah! Selective memory...
In Obama's view, everyone of the Democratic Candidates are better than Trump...
Got to agree with him on that...

It is obvious, but maybe one of them did ask for help of a another Government to slur his political rival while accepting aid from a US enemy.... Obama is right, bar is real low...
In Obama's view, everyone of the Democratic Candidates are better than Trump...
Got to agree with him on that...

It is obvious, but maybe one of them did ask for help of a another Government to slur his political rival while accepting aid from a US enemy.... Obama is right, bar is real low...
you keep pretending shit like this never happened.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Obama is an arrogant lying jackal. Obama and Democrats are the ones that are taking America away from traditional values that built this country, not Trump.

Traditional values like Misogyny, racism and religious stupidity... God, I hope so!

In Obama's view, everyone of the Democratic Candidates are better than Trump...
Got to agree with him on that...

It is obvious, but maybe one of them did ask for help of a another Government to slur his political rival while accepting aid from a US enemy.... Obama is right, bar is real low...

If this is Obama's view, then he is a confirmed moron. Trump's personality aside, his polices have been nothing but good for the US and for the vast majority of its citizens. We can't help those brainwashed by the MSM. Maybe Obama is one of them.
So do you think Bernie would be better for America than Trump?

what does that have to do with you Repubs saying the same thing that Obama said?
Because all Republicans running were better than Hillary, duh.

So you really going with Bernie over Trump?

At the very least Sanders doesn't lie about everything. I will support an honest politician I disagree with than a dishonest one telling me what I want to hear every time.
Yeah, Bernie’s an honest commie who’ll grab guns, tax the poor and take over private companies.
whenever you can't talk policies....fearmonger

What fearmongering? What was posted that has not been promised by Socialist Bernie Sanders?
What support does Trumpcare have in those battleground states??

What support does Trump's tax cuts have in those battle ground states??

Like I said, when you talk about policies, nobody is touting ANY POLICY from Trump....which is why he focuses so much on manufactured cultural issues because his policies are the same ole GOP policies...

Really? What support does President Trump in the battleground states?

Oh, I don't know, how about this:

The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession
Update - October 4, 2019
Oct. 4, 2019 10:29 AM ET

|The Unemployment Rate Does Not Signal A Recession: Update - October 4, 2019 | Seeking Alpha


Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy

Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy | FreedomWorks


Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages
Oct. 17, 2019, 8:59 AM

A tightening labor market with U.S. unemployment rate at a 50-year low is starting to result in higher wages for full-time workers, including younger people and minorities whose pay has lagged.

Median weekly earnings for Americans in the third quarter rose 3.6% to $919, outpacing inflation, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday. Earnings for those aged 25 to 54, in their prime working years, rose by 5%, the fastest rate of growth in recent years.

Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages


Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists

Published 1 month ago on September 9, 2019


“Love him or hate him, this is an incredible economic accomplishment for the President and a tremendous benefit for American blacks,” said Project 21 member Derryck Green.

Along with a reported third straight month of 3.7 percent overall unemployment, the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) August jobs report noted that the overall black unemployment rate fell half-a-percent to 5.5 percent. This is the lowest black unemployment rate ever recorded. BLS began reporting employment statistics by race in 1972. And with overall white unemployment at 3.4 percent, it is also the smallest reported gap between the races ever in terms of joblessness. Until recently, the racial employment disparity between blacks and whites has generally held to a 2-1 margin.

Record-low black unemployment cheered by black activists


Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states
Tim Henderson, Stateline Published 8:00 a.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019 | Updated 7:10 p.m. CT Oct. 15, 2019

In 39 states, there are more jobs than people looking for them, according to a Stateline analysis of June hiring and employment data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Help wanted: Too many jobs and not enough workers in most states
If this is Obama's view, then he is a confirmed moron. Trump's personality aside, his polices have been nothing but good for the US and for the vast majority of its citizens. We can't help those brainwashed by the MSM. Maybe Obama is one of them.

I think it's long been clear that Obama despises the U.S. He despises the principles on which it is founded, and he despises those of us who make up its mainstream culture.

He's not brainwashed. He wants the U.S. to be harmed. He wants the American people to be harmed. He is driven, not by ignorance or misconception, but by malice and hubris. And it torments him greatly, I think, to see his predecessor working so hard to undo all the damage that he succeeded in doing to this country and its people; having been elected on promises to do exactly that.
Didn't Trumpy say that he was going to put a 10 percent tariff on Mexican goods if they didn't stop the crossings into the US? Or whatever the amount was. (It didn't play apart in those reductions?) Go on... You were saying? This reminds of a disease Americans get. What was it? Oh yeah! Selective memory...

What Trump did do was tell them no US aid unless they do stop the migrants. Since then, border crossings have dropped 70% since May.
Didn't Trumpy say that he was going to put a 10 percent tariff on Mexican goods if they didn't stop the crossings into the US? Or whatever the amount was. (It didn't play apart in those reductions?) Go on... You were saying? This reminds of a disease Americans get. What was it? Oh yeah! Selective memory...

What Trump did do was tell them no US aid unless they do stop the migrants. Since then, border crossings have dropped 70% since May.

And now they are almost back to where they were when he took office...what a guy!
Wow Obama went FULL retard on that one. :cuckoo:
Yeah, when you think about it.... that's really ironic statement to make, because isn't that exactly what they complained about with Trump to begin with?

Was not the primary complain that Republicans filed in behind Trump, when they should have cared who the nominee was?

I could have sworn that I remember that argument coming up on this forum repeatedly, when Trump was running for the nomination.

Democrats embrace hypocrisy and double standards, its the foundation their party is built on.
Didn't Trumpy say that he was going to put a 10 percent tariff on Mexican goods if they didn't stop the crossings into the US? Or whatever the amount was. (It didn't play apart in those reductions?) Go on... You were saying? This reminds of a disease Americans get. What was it? Oh yeah! Selective memory...

What Trump did do was tell them no US aid unless they do stop the migrants. Since then, border crossings have dropped 70% since May.

And now they are almost back to where they were when he took office...what a guy!

Yes he is, especially considering all the obstacles the commies threw in front of him. Nobody else would have accomplished what he did.
Didn't Trumpy say that he was going to put a 10 percent tariff on Mexican goods if they didn't stop the crossings into the US? Or whatever the amount was. (It didn't play apart in those reductions?) Go on... You were saying? This reminds of a disease Americans get. What was it? Oh yeah! Selective memory...

What Trump did do was tell them no US aid unless they do stop the migrants. Since then, border crossings have dropped 70% since May.

And now they are almost back to where they were when he took office...what a guy!

Yes he is, especially considering all the obstacles the commies threw in front of him. Nobody else would have accomplished what he did.

He creates a crisis, and then "fixes" it and you people bow down and worship him like he just turned the water he was walking on into wine.
Didn't Trumpy say that he was going to put a 10 percent tariff on Mexican goods if they didn't stop the crossings into the US? Or whatever the amount was. (It didn't play apart in those reductions?) Go on... You were saying? This reminds of a disease Americans get. What was it? Oh yeah! Selective memory...

What Trump did do was tell them no US aid unless they do stop the migrants. Since then, border crossings have dropped 70% since May.

And now they are almost back to where they were when he took office...what a guy!

Yes he is, especially considering all the obstacles the commies threw in front of him. Nobody else would have accomplished what he did.

He creates a crisis, and then "fixes" it and you people bow down and worship him like he just turned the water he was walking on into wine.
Trump was laughed at when he announced his candidacy. He defeated every Republican candidate. Then he was laughed at again for taking on Hillary. You guys never learn.
Didn't Trumpy say that he was going to put a 10 percent tariff on Mexican goods if they didn't stop the crossings into the US? Or whatever the amount was. (It didn't play apart in those reductions?) Go on... You were saying? This reminds of a disease Americans get. What was it? Oh yeah! Selective memory...

What Trump did do was tell them no US aid unless they do stop the migrants. Since then, border crossings have dropped 70% since May.

And now they are almost back to where they were when he took office...what a guy!

Yes he is, especially considering all the obstacles the commies threw in front of him. Nobody else would have accomplished what he did.

He creates a crisis, and then "fixes" it and you people bow down and worship him like he just turned the water he was walking on into wine.
Trump was laughed at when he announced his candidacy. He defeated every Republican candidate. Then he was laughed at again for taking on Hillary. You guys never learn.

non sequiter much?
Market off ,,,DOW 268 and who does the moron blame ?? Powell and the Fed Never mind the manufacturing never mind he threatens more tariffs The art of the deal ??? Bwhaaaaaaahaha
Not exactly what he said. Click bait.
"Everybody needs to chill out about the candidates, but gin up about the prospect of rallying behind whoever emerges from this process,"
Yea it's a cherry picked line with flavor added meant to feed hate.

Keep eating.

Obama is a useless asshole and the worst president ever. He made Jimmy Carter look good and your to stupid and pathetic to know it. Asshole

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He made Jimmy Carter look good? How so? You don't believe that. You are saying that because this is a free forum and you can say whatever you like. Boy - Go sit down somewhere!

I believe and would say it anywhere as I have before. Not just here moron. Obama was a racist, lying piece of shit. Obamacare, helped few and hurt many. Everyone who had insurance had there plans over double in price. Forced companies to cut people’s hours because insurance was to expensive. He bailed out Wall Street and Banks when he should have let them sink. Wasting Trillions of dollars. Giving money to Iran.

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