Obama: ‘I Don’t Care’ Whether You’ll Like the Nominee, Just Vote Democrat

Well, given that the alternative is an amoral, corrupt, lying flim-flam man, even a fence-post would look attractive...

I'm not interested in that being the standard. You know in the end there is very little in real difference between Obama and Trump. Both are war presidents. Both have built their economies on debt. Both promised to address immigration but neither has actually done anything. Both lie more than tell the truth.

First off, we have a 70% reduction in border crossings since May thanks to Trump holding Mexico accountable for those people getting to our border. Secondly, who stopped Trump every time he came up with a way to reduce border crossers? If it wasn't the obstructionists in the House, it was one of their commie judges.

Put the blame where it rightfully belongs.

No we don't.

The facts are we have no idea how many people are getting in. They are counting the numbers stopped. This is the same kind of claims Obama made.

Of course we don't know exactly, but we go by the way we've always calculated it, and yes, they are still counting. You just don't like the results.

Presidents change the way we count things. Are you arguing Obama didn't?

So show me where Trump ordered that we count differently since May.
Obama tells Democrats to shut up and obey.

Hey Democrats — It’s Too Late To House Train Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep.

“If Biden were your uncle or grandfather, the family would be having a difficult but necessary conversation about getting him some full-time care. This guy needs a nurse, not priority access to weapons of mass destruction. He’s at the point where he probably shouldn’t even be trusted with metal utensils during meals.”​
I'm not interested in that being the standard. You know in the end there is very little in real difference between Obama and Trump. Both are war presidents. Both have built their economies on debt. Both promised to address immigration but neither has actually done anything. Both lie more than tell the truth.

First off, we have a 70% reduction in border crossings since May thanks to Trump holding Mexico accountable for those people getting to our border. Secondly, who stopped Trump every time he came up with a way to reduce border crossers? If it wasn't the obstructionists in the House, it was one of their commie judges.

Put the blame where it rightfully belongs.

No we don't.

The facts are we have no idea how many people are getting in. They are counting the numbers stopped. This is the same kind of claims Obama made.

Of course we don't know exactly, but we go by the way we've always calculated it, and yes, they are still counting. You just don't like the results.

Presidents change the way we count things. Are you arguing Obama didn't?

So show me where Trump ordered that we count differently since May.

I can show where Trump claimed we were going to remove the troops from Syria when all we did was move the troops in Syria. What Trump says means little.

The facts are we have no idea how many people are coming. With the lower unemployment rate naturally it will be down some because that is why they come.
Well, given that the alternative is an amoral, corrupt, lying flim-flam man, even a fence-post would look attractive...

I'm not interested in that being the standard. You know in the end there is very little in real difference between Obama and Trump. Both are war presidents. Both have built their economies on debt. Both promised to address immigration but neither has actually done anything. Both lie more than tell the truth.

First off, we have a 70% reduction in border crossings since May thanks to Trump holding Mexico accountable for those people getting to our border. Secondly, who stopped Trump every time he came up with a way to reduce border crossers? If it wasn't the obstructionists in the House, it was one of their commie judges.

Put the blame where it rightfully belongs.

No we don't.

The facts are we have no idea how many people are getting in. They are counting the numbers stopped. This is the same kind of claims Obama made.

Of course we don't know exactly, but we go by the way we've always calculated it, and yes, they are still counting. You just don't like the results.

Presidents change the way we count things. Are you arguing Obama didn't?

Of course not, we eventually figured out Obama-math was pure BS.
First off, we have a 70% reduction in border crossings since May thanks to Trump holding Mexico accountable for those people getting to our border. Secondly, who stopped Trump every time he came up with a way to reduce border crossers? If it wasn't the obstructionists in the House, it was one of their commie judges.

Put the blame where it rightfully belongs.

No we don't.

The facts are we have no idea how many people are getting in. They are counting the numbers stopped. This is the same kind of claims Obama made.

Of course we don't know exactly, but we go by the way we've always calculated it, and yes, they are still counting. You just don't like the results.

Presidents change the way we count things. Are you arguing Obama didn't?

So show me where Trump ordered that we count differently since May.

I can show where Trump claimed we were going to remove the troops from Syria when all we did was move the troops in Syria. What Trump says means little.

The facts are we have no idea how many people are coming. With the lower unemployment rate naturally it will be down some because that is why they come.

That made zero sense. If anything, there would be more trying to come here because of our need for workers, not less of them.

You can't come to terms that Trump is finding ways to work around the commies in Congress, so you make up stories like Trump is not counting them, or counting them a different way. Mexico doesn't want to lose their US aid, so they are doing everything possible to make sure they don't, and it's working fantastically.
No we don't.

The facts are we have no idea how many people are getting in. They are counting the numbers stopped. This is the same kind of claims Obama made.

Of course we don't know exactly, but we go by the way we've always calculated it, and yes, they are still counting. You just don't like the results.

Presidents change the way we count things. Are you arguing Obama didn't?

So show me where Trump ordered that we count differently since May.

I can show where Trump claimed we were going to remove the troops from Syria when all we did was move the troops in Syria. What Trump says means little.

The facts are we have no idea how many people are coming. With the lower unemployment rate naturally it will be down some because that is why they come.

That made zero sense. If anything, there would be more trying to come here because of our need for workers, not less of them...
On Thursday, former President Barack Obama was the main guest at a fundraiser in Silicon Valley. When asked a question about the many candidates running, he told those present that he couldn't care less whether they'd like the eventual nominee. They just have to vote for him/her/it.

"Everybody needs to chill out about the candidates, but gin up about the prospect of rallying behind whoever emerges from this process," Obama told the millionaire techies, according to far-left news channel CNN. "There will be differences" between them, he added, "but I want us to make sure that we keep in mind that, relative to the ultimate goal, which is to defeat a president and a party that has ... taken a sharp turn away from a lot of the core traditions and values and institutional commitments that built this country," those differences are "relatively minor."

"The field will narrow and there's going to be one person, and if that is not your perfect candidate and there are certain aspects of what they say that you don't agree with and you don't find them completely inspiring the way you'd like, I don't care," he went on to say. "Because the choice is so stark and the stakes are so high that you cannot afford to be ambivalent in this race."

In other words, shut the heck up and vote for whomever the Democratic Party nominates. You don't have to like him or her, you just have to vote for him/her.

You've got to give it to Obama: he doesn't make a secret of his arrogance and party-first mentality. Principles? Yack, who needs those? Disagreeing with the nominee about "climate change" and "health care"? Who cares? The nominee will have a "D" next to her/his name, and that's the thing that truly matters.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...


Face it, the Obamanation wants to keep the gravy train flowing. He needs another mansion. I think he is still a couple behind the Clintons. and by voting in ANY of the party of INFANTICIDE he Gets to keep the money flowing into HIS COFFERS as they are ALL CORRUPT and will continue the graft!
On Thursday, former President Barack Obama was the main guest at a fundraiser in Silicon Valley. When asked a question about the many candidates running, he told those present that he couldn't care less whether they'd like the eventual nominee. They just have to vote for him/her/it.

"Everybody needs to chill out about the candidates, but gin up about the prospect of rallying behind whoever emerges from this process," Obama told the millionaire techies, according to far-left news channel CNN. "There will be differences" between them, he added, "but I want us to make sure that we keep in mind that, relative to the ultimate goal, which is to defeat a president and a party that has ... taken a sharp turn away from a lot of the core traditions and values and institutional commitments that built this country," those differences are "relatively minor."

"The field will narrow and there's going to be one person, and if that is not your perfect candidate and there are certain aspects of what they say that you don't agree with and you don't find them completely inspiring the way you'd like, I don't care," he went on to say. "Because the choice is so stark and the stakes are so high that you cannot afford to be ambivalent in this race."

In other words, shut the heck up and vote for whomever the Democratic Party nominates. You don't have to like him or her, you just have to vote for him/her.

You've got to give it to Obama: he doesn't make a secret of his arrogance and party-first mentality. Principles? Yack, who needs those? Disagreeing with the nominee about "climate change" and "health care"? Who cares? The nominee will have a "D" next to her/his name, and that's the thing that truly matters.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...


Face it, the Obamanation wants to keep the gravy train flowing. He needs another mansion. I think he is still a couple behind the Clintons. and by voting in ANY of the party of INFANTICIDE he Gets to keep the money flowing into HIS COFFERS as they are ALL CORRUPT and will continue the graft!
I registered as a Democrat just because he said to. I must be under some weird cultish brainwashing.
On Thursday, former President Barack Obama was the main guest at a fundraiser in Silicon Valley. When asked a question about the many candidates running, he told those present that he couldn't care less whether they'd like the eventual nominee. They just have to vote for him/her/it.

"Everybody needs to chill out about the candidates, but gin up about the prospect of rallying behind whoever emerges from this process," Obama told the millionaire techies, according to far-left news channel CNN. "There will be differences" between them, he added, "but I want us to make sure that we keep in mind that, relative to the ultimate goal, which is to defeat a president and a party that has ... taken a sharp turn away from a lot of the core traditions and values and institutional commitments that built this country," those differences are "relatively minor."

"The field will narrow and there's going to be one person, and if that is not your perfect candidate and there are certain aspects of what they say that you don't agree with and you don't find them completely inspiring the way you'd like, I don't care," he went on to say. "Because the choice is so stark and the stakes are so high that you cannot afford to be ambivalent in this race."

In other words, shut the heck up and vote for whomever the Democratic Party nominates. You don't have to like him or her, you just have to vote for him/her.

You've got to give it to Obama: he doesn't make a secret of his arrogance and party-first mentality. Principles? Yack, who needs those? Disagreeing with the nominee about "climate change" and "health care"? Who cares? The nominee will have a "D" next to her/his name, and that's the thing that truly matters.

(Excerpt) Read more at pjmedia.com ...


Face it, the Obamanation wants to keep the gravy train flowing. He needs another mansion. I think he is still a couple behind the Clintons. and by voting in ANY of the party of INFANTICIDE he Gets to keep the money flowing into HIS COFFERS as they are ALL CORRUPT and will continue the graft!
I registered as a Democrat just because he said to. I must be under some weird cultish brainwashing.
Not you....YOU haven't a brain cell in that vacuum you call a head!
been covered. people have been voting party lines regardless of the candidate for decades.
Always been the case. The racists elected obama for no other reason than he is a black person (half black who lived a lily white privileged lifestyle.)

I remember none of them could explain his accomplishments deserving of the Presidency. I do not think he was qualified to run a hot dog stand in Milwaukee.

So, naturally the left will vote for anything. Which shows why voting was never supposed to be a right, why we were never supposed to be a democracy, but a republic.

As a result we have candidates likened to sweet shop owners who promise great feasts for free in order to seduce the gullible.

Same thing was said by the Repubs 4 years ago...you people have such short memories
So do you think Bernie would be better for America than Trump?

what does that have to do with you Repubs saying the same thing that Obama said?
Because all Republicans running were better than Hillary, duh.

So you really going with Bernie over Trump?
That's pretty much how Trump won. People voted for him because they hated him just a tiny bit less than they hated Hillary.

Then the racists and bigots and retards pushed him the rest of the way over the top.
Trump was last on my list, but he’s shown himself to be the best President in modern history.
Well the problem is what if the dems run someone whose ideas are even more out of whack that Trump's? Trump's a racist fuck, but I don't want us to be nice to illegal aliens. Trump is at best simply useful to Putin, but I'm not for US troops protecting Germany. Medicare for all? A free four years to hang out at college just cause a kid manages to graduated HS? Ukraine and Poland … that's another matter, because they will defend themselves, and Germany is worse than Trump.
That's pretty much how Trump won. People voted for him because they hated him just a tiny bit less than they hated Hillary.

Then the racists and bigots and retards pushed him the rest of the way over the top.
Trump was last on my list, but he’s shown himself to be the best President in modern history.
Comrade Donald is the best Russian president in modern history.

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