Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'

Yes, lets trust the people who hold backdoor discussions and sell our freedoms.

Sorry, Obama. But you do have to respect liberties.
Although, still a better choice than Rmoney.

Can we have an independent president, yet?

You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

I love it when ignorant people try to point out why I trust the government.

I don't trust the government to make sure my food is safe, I wash vegetables before I eat them, and cook my food.
The people that trust the government to do things like that end up getting salmonella from eating spinach.
SO you've never been to a friend's house and eaten anything at her place? Never eaten out at a restaurant? Never been to a company picnic?


That would be me trusting my friend, not the government. Anyone who eats at a restaurant, or any other place where you do not personally know the cook, is exercising blind faith, not trust. Unless, that is, you think the government is standing in the kitchen watching everything that is served.

By the way, a bunch of people in California recently got a notice from the government that they might have been exposed to Hepatitis C because their government approved pharmacist was sick and didn't notice.

Another reason not to take medication.

Want me to keep pointing out how absurd it is to trust the government to do things to keep you safe by pointing out that it actually makes you less safe than if you did it yourself?

The fact is that you do trust the government. Trying to run from the fact is the height of absurdity. Please continue.

Trying to force your belief system on others is a sign of religious fanaticism.
Yes, you do actually.

Unless you're boiling your water, keeping your money under your mattress, etc...


I don't have money in the bank or under my mattress because I don't trust the government to keep the fake value of money stable.

So you don't use money...

And you wonder why people point and laugh.

I use money all the time, I just don't trust the government enough to stash massive amounts of it around as a hedge fund. It makes more sense to use something the government has no power to devalue, like gold and platinum.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=eIA1lQBqH1s]Maxine Waters Confirms "Big Brother" Database 2013 - YouTube[/ame]
anyone aware of what this is all about? SAw it posted elsewhere.
We want to trust the government. For a long time we did trust the government to do certain things. Then the government decided it had enemies. Those enemies were Americans. Today it's foolish to trust a government that considers you an enemy worse than any foreign enemy.
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

As usual, liberals believe that only the government can keep us safe, ensure quality food and handle money.

Oddly enough, people can actually do those things themselves. I know this is revelatory, but trust me, it's true.

How long do you think a company selling lead-covered toys would last? Where is the profit in it? Do you think liability is a government concept?

Do you think parents aren't responsible for the safety of their children? Do you think they're so stupid that the government has to handle that for them?
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

I don't need the government to tell me my water is clean, I have my own well. I grow most of what I eat so I know what is in my food. Punishment of crime is one of the exclusive rights of government and I expect them to do it properly. You are correct about the roads but with infrastructure in such dire shape in this country, I want to know one thing, what the hell has the government been doing with all of the oil and gas taxes they heep upon us. Making sure the toys are safe for my children is my job, not the government, as is making sure they don't swallow any of them. I don't keep much money in the bank, if the government goes broke where are they going to be reaching for, the money in the banks. I've been investing in silver since the 70s and am pretty well set.

Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

I don't need the government to tell me my water is clean, I have my own well. I grow most of what I eat so I know what is in my food. Punishment of crime is one of the exclusive rights of government and I expect them to do it properly. You are correct about the roads but with infrastructure in such dire shape in this country, I want to know one thing, what the hell has the government been doing with all of the oil and gas taxes they heep upon us. Making sure the toys are safe for my children is my job, not the government, as is making sure they don't swallow any of them. I don't keep much money in the bank, if the government goes broke where are they going to be reaching for, the money in the banks. I've been investing in silver since the 70s and am pretty well set.


I bet you also save your toenail clippings from the way it sounds.

Do you think the government knows the contents of the letters in your physical mail box?


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

I don't need the government to tell me my water is clean, I have my own well. I grow most of what I eat so I know what is in my food. Punishment of crime is one of the exclusive rights of government and I expect them to do it properly. You are correct about the roads but with infrastructure in such dire shape in this country, I want to know one thing, what the hell has the government been doing with all of the oil and gas taxes they heep upon us. Making sure the toys are safe for my children is my job, not the government, as is making sure they don't swallow any of them. I don't keep much money in the bank, if the government goes broke where are they going to be reaching for, the money in the banks. I've been investing in silver since the 70s and am pretty well set.


I bet you also save your toenail clippings from the way it sounds.

Do you think the government knows the contents of the letters in your physical mail box?


you really dont get the recent scandals do ya? the govt is waaaaay to fucking big and powerful, time to cut it down, BIGTIME

You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

I don't need the government to tell me my water is clean, I have my own well. I grow most of what I eat so I know what is in my food. Punishment of crime is one of the exclusive rights of government and I expect them to do it properly. You are correct about the roads but with infrastructure in such dire shape in this country, I want to know one thing, what the hell has the government been doing with all of the oil and gas taxes they heep upon us. Making sure the toys are safe for my children is my job, not the government, as is making sure they don't swallow any of them. I don't keep much money in the bank, if the government goes broke where are they going to be reaching for, the money in the banks. I've been investing in silver since the 70s and am pretty well set.


I bet you also save your toenail clippings from the way it sounds.

Do you think the government knows the contents of the letters in your physical mail box?


Just like you do, only I don't bite mine off like you do.


A firm distrust of government is in this country's DNA.

No doubt about it, some allow themselves to take that distrust too far, to become a caricature, which allows those with an emotional affection for government to easily paint everyone else with a broad brush.

That does not change the circumstances of the birth of this nation.

The individual above the bureaucracy.

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By the way, a bunch of people in California recently got a notice from the government that they might have been exposed to Hepatitis C because their government approved pharmacist was sick and didn't notice.

And yet we were all informed thanks to the government taking appropriate action. They were able to trace it to the exact pharmacist that was responsible and able to track the medications that were issued.
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

So basically government is an all or nothing proposition. If we get rid of the EPA's ability to screw over landowners without recourse, or the IRS's ability to mess with charitable/advocacy organizations, the entire structure will crumble and we will be forced into anarchy.
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

So basically government is an all or nothing proposition. If we get rid of the EPA's ability to screw over landowners without recourse, or the IRS's ability to mess with charitable/advocacy organizations, the entire structure will crumble and we will be forced into anarchy.

Reductio ad absurdum is the only argument libs have left.
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

So basically government is an all or nothing proposition. If we get rid of the EPA's ability to screw over landowners without recourse, or the IRS's ability to mess with charitable/advocacy organizations, the entire structure will crumble and we will be forced into anarchy.

No, don't be silly.

But the idea that you don't trust the government as a blanket statement is a farce ("you" being the perjorative "you" and not you personally).

The most fervent anti-government moron here trusts the government to a degree. It's a silly statement to say you don't. And that is born out by thos who try to substantiate the silly stance; "I grow all my own food"...

I don't need the government to tell me my water is clean, I have my own well. I grow most of what I eat so I know what is in my food. Punishment of crime is one of the exclusive rights of government and I expect them to do it properly. You are correct about the roads but with infrastructure in such dire shape in this country, I want to know one thing, what the hell has the government been doing with all of the oil and gas taxes they heep upon us. Making sure the toys are safe for my children is my job, not the government, as is making sure they don't swallow any of them. I don't keep much money in the bank, if the government goes broke where are they going to be reaching for, the money in the banks. I've been investing in silver since the 70s and am pretty well set.


I bet you also save your toenail clippings from the way it sounds.

Do you think the government knows the contents of the letters in your physical mail box?


Just like you do, only I don't bite mine off like you do.


We do that in Yoga class actually...mine taste like sour cream and chive.:redface:
We certainly are going to have a problem here, we've had one for about five years now.

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