Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'

Either nobody on this board votes or there is a great deparity between what they think and what actually takes place in reality. I beleve the latter.

There is another option that you fail to mention which is our votes are not counted.
Just wanted to make sure you had all the options covered
Either nobody on this board votes or there is a great deparity between what they think and what actually takes place in reality. I beleve the latter.

There is another option that you fail to mention which is our votes are not counted.
Just wanted to make sure you had all the options covered

Yeah, I guess that is an option...that someone in the government isn't counting the votes in 438 congressional districts across the nation. And hasn't been counting them for what, 60 years in all 30 Congressional elections.

That would be extraordinary.

Look, if nobody trusts the government, the most visible representative of that government, your federal elected official that is up for re-election every 2 years, would be public enemy #1...RIGHT?

Funny, Ninety Plus Percent of the public enemies are returned to Washington every time.

Whats wrong?
Obambam is right except he has it backwards; the reason I can't trust the government is because we have some (a lot of) trouble here.
TSA, NSA, CIA, FBI, DHS, and a dozen or so more three letter words for liars and thieves.
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'

The most visible representative of the federal government is the elected official your district sends to Washington every 2 years, right?

Over 90% of them will be re-elected in 2014; many will not have any opposition from the other major political party.:eek:

If nobody trusts the government, how do you explain that?
Ahh...So either just take the injustice, move or revolt?

Humor me; you're black, it's 1960 and you're in Mississippi...which of the 3 options above would you have taken?

"Injustices" are often unconsitutional, and thus outside of the legislative powers of the majority (or at least should be).

I dont feign to know how I would react, But to address your point as to what occured back then, most went with option 1. Many went with option 2 and moved north, and some went with option 3, and fought it (although the revolt was a non violent one, using the courts).

Was the nationalization of the State National Guard a federal over-reach?

Considering the state governments were violating the consituiton, to me it wasn't.

Keep in mind I am opposed to public accomodation laws at this point. The government is required to be ubiased, however most businesses should not have to be, barring ones that take part in interstate commerce.
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'

The most visible representative of the federal government is the elected official your district sends to Washington every 2 years, right?

Over 90% of them will be re-elected in 2014; many will not have any opposition from the other major political party.:eek:

If nobody trusts the government, how do you explain that?

Who said no one trusts the government?
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'

The most visible representative of the federal government is the elected official your district sends to Washington every 2 years, right?

Over 90% of them will be re-elected in 2014; many will not have any opposition from the other major political party.:eek:

If nobody trusts the government, how do you explain that?

a lot of
stupid lazy people in this country today...and you think being a career politician is someone we are supposed to just blindly trust? it seems that way for Democrat voters...they never hold their Congresscritters responsible for anything..everything is always someone else for blame to CAUSE them to lie under oath or excuse it because it was ONLY A BLOWJOB..
.and we are seeing it again with Obama...he is just being picked on by them meanies who are Republicans and should just TRUST HIM even though it can be proven he is lying...
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Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'

The most visible representative of the federal government is the elected official your district sends to Washington every 2 years, right?

Over 90% of them will be re-elected in 2014; many will not have any opposition from the other major political party.:eek:

If nobody trusts the government, how do you explain that?

a lot of
stupid lazy people in this country today...and you think being a career politician is someone we are supposed to just blindly trust? it seems that way for Democrat voters...they never hold their Congresscritters responsible for anything..everything is always someone else for blame to CAUSE them to lie under oath or excuse it because it was ONLY A BLOWJOB..
.and we are seeing it again with Obama...he is just being picked on by them meanies who are Republicans and should just TRUST HIM even though it can be proven he is lying...

You seem to be one of them since you're obviously blaming others and Democrats in particular. As a birther, you're also a racist which makes you stupid.

Over 90% of the congress as a whole will be returned to Washington. If you don't trust the government, you have a strange way of showing it. The GOP voters are just as trusting of the Congress as Democratic voters.
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