Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

So basically government is an all or nothing proposition. If we get rid of the EPA's ability to screw over landowners without recourse, or the IRS's ability to mess with charitable/advocacy organizations, the entire structure will crumble and we will be forced into anarchy.

No, don't be silly.

But the idea that you don't trust the government as a blanket statement is a farce ("you" being the perjorative "you" and not you personally).

The most fervent anti-government moron here trusts the government to a degree. It's a silly statement to say you don't. And that is born out by thos who try to substantiate the silly stance; "I grow all my own food"...


No, there is no trust in the federal government at all. The ATF is a failure. EPA is nothing more than a politically motivated organization occupied by zealots. The Department of Energy has failed, wasting billions upon billions. ICE no long enforces immigration laws on order from this administration. Homeland Security allowed foreign nationals who Russia warned us had ties to fundamentalists into this country and receive hundreds of thousands in public assistance--and they are still approving student visas to countries that enforce Sharia law.

The victims of Fort Hood can't get benefits because this administration has determined it was a incident of workplace violence.

No, I don't trust the dpfederal government at all. And no, I've never sought or received anything from the federal government.

You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

So basically government is an all or nothing proposition. If we get rid of the EPA's ability to screw over landowners without recourse, or the IRS's ability to mess with charitable/advocacy organizations, the entire structure will crumble and we will be forced into anarchy.

No, don't be silly.

But the idea that you don't trust the government as a blanket statement is a farce ("you" being the perjorative "you" and not you personally).

The most fervent anti-government moron here trusts the government to a degree. It's a silly statement to say you don't. And that is born out by thos who try to substantiate the silly stance; "I grow all my own food"...


I trust my local government because I attend city council meetings and my local government is responsive and open to solving the problems of the community. I don't trust say the city government of the capital of my state Atlanta--run by black Democrats it has the worst education system, high crime, drug use, drop out rates, debt--just like every damn city run by Democrats: DC, NY, Chicago, Detroit, LA...
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

We PAY TAXES for all those things to OUR STATE..
I trust my State government some, Obama government, NONE
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The federal govt is more corrupt than state and local levels hence the increased scrutiny that it always deserves.
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

We PAY TAXES for all those things to OUR STATE..
I trust my State government some, Obama government, NONE

Do you think the mailman reads your letters you get from your inmate pen-pals? No? Then you trust the government.
So basically government is an all or nothing proposition. If we get rid of the EPA's ability to screw over landowners without recourse, or the IRS's ability to mess with charitable/advocacy organizations, the entire structure will crumble and we will be forced into anarchy.

No, don't be silly.

But the idea that you don't trust the government as a blanket statement is a farce ("you" being the perjorative "you" and not you personally).

The most fervent anti-government moron here trusts the government to a degree. It's a silly statement to say you don't. And that is born out by thos who try to substantiate the silly stance; "I grow all my own food"...


No, there is no trust in the federal government at all. The ATF is a failure. EPA is nothing more than a politically motivated organization occupied by zealots. The Department of Energy has failed, wasting billions upon billions. ICE no long enforces immigration laws on order from this administration. Homeland Security allowed foreign nationals who Russia warned us had ties to fundamentalists into this country and receive hundreds of thousands in public assistance--and they are still approving student visas to countries that enforce Sharia law.

The victims of Fort Hood can't get benefits because this administration has determined it was a incident of workplace violence.

No, I don't trust the dpfederal government at all. And no, I've never sought or received anything from the federal government.

I think the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines are collectively some of the finest groups of people I've ever enountered. I trust them to protect our freedom.

I guess you trust who, Wayne Lapierre and Sarah Palin?

Easy to cherry pick what is wrong with people doing very hard jobs and, admittedly, how people screw up very easy jobs. We don't have a top flight person at every post in the government, thats for sure and that probably extends into the White House as well. Still, we get a pretty good deal for our taxes that we pay...well some of us pay.
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

Seriously, not all water is clean. Government has real problems enforcing existing laws. When things go wrong, they make news laws to "fix" the problem rather than just upholding laws. They suck at oversight.

Punishment for crimes is all too often a slap on the wrist. Jails are crowded so people get released early. Prisoners have whined over the years and lawyers have made sure they have some creature comforts while in prison. There is little deterent for crime. Laws don't keep families safe because too many criminals don't care about them and don't fear punishment.

There are a lot of crappy roads and bridges. They aren't keeping up with that promise either. Much of the money that is supposed to keep up our roads get diverted elsewhere.

Sad that parents can't look at toys and determine whether they are appropriate for small children. Of course, the warnings on toys don't help unless people can read. There are many recalls for toys and other items that already passed government inspection. Too many trust government for everything and it's just not a good idea.

Anyone with common sense can do better than government. Most bills don't contain common sense and are just a one size fits all solution that often creates more problems than they fix.
The federal govt is more corrupt than state and local levels hence the increased scrutiny that it always deserves.

I would argue that myself but corruption and governance goes hand in hand when 40% of the electorate choose not to take part in the system and the 60% that do are at varying levels of interest and are, in some cases, only interested in voting against someone without considering whether the alternative is going to be any better.

I used to live in the 'burbs before I moved into my downtown condo. I'd pass through some of he finest neighborhoods in the city limits on the way into town. What made them finer than those on other routes wasn't really the demographics and wasn't really the property values; it was that these people are involved.

There were neighborhood clean-up days posted nearly every block in these neighborhoods. In the place where I lived, no such self-organized program existed. In these neighborhoods, community meetings were placed on the marquee at the YMCA. We never had one except in my condo association. In these neighborhoods, you'd see lines out the door on election day. In my neighborhood, the polling places were barren of people.

Now I'm not naive enough (really, I'm not) to believe that there were not checks written to candidates from these more affluent addresses I passed by but its not as if nobody in my neighborhood had any money to contribute either. Likely not as much but you voice can be heard in this nation if you keep speaking. Many choose not to say anything and those that do are too often only interested in payback.
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

Seriously, not all water is clean. Government has real problems enforcing existing laws. When things go wrong, they make news laws to "fix" the problem rather than just upholding laws. They suck at oversight.
You get no argument from me on that.

Punishment for crimes is all too often a slap on the wrist. Jails are crowded so people get released early. Prisoners have whined over the years and lawyers have made sure they have some creature comforts while in prison. There is little deterent for crime. Laws don't keep families safe because too many criminals don't care about them and don't fear punishment.
So the slap on the wrist leads to overcrowding? Okay...:cuckoo:

There are a lot of crappy roads and bridges. They aren't keeping up with that promise either. Much of the money that is supposed to keep up our roads get diverted elsewhere.
And much of it doesn't.

Sad that parents can't look at toys and determine whether they are appropriate for small children. Of course, the warnings on toys don't help unless people can read. There are many recalls for toys and other items that already passed government inspection. Too many trust government for everything and it's just not a good idea.
The recalls are a sign of good governance, actually.

Anyone with common sense can do better than government.
Have you voted for an incumbent, ever? Why?

Most bills don't contain common sense and are just a one size fits all solution that often creates more problems than they fix.

I tend to agree with that...I do think we need what they had in Texas at one time...a "Sunset Commission" that would look at regs and regulatory bodies and phase out ones that no longer made sense. At one time they were trying to get rid of the state treasurer as I recall.

You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

So basically government is an all or nothing proposition. If we get rid of the EPA's ability to screw over landowners without recourse, or the IRS's ability to mess with charitable/advocacy organizations, the entire structure will crumble and we will be forced into anarchy.

No, don't be silly.

But the idea that you don't trust the government as a blanket statement is a farce ("you" being the perjorative "you" and not you personally).

The most fervent anti-government moron here trusts the government to a degree. It's a silly statement to say you don't. And that is born out by thos who try to substantiate the silly stance; "I grow all my own food"...


The concept behind not "trusting" the government for me is predicated on how much power I want them to have. Libertarians by default only go to government intervention when a compelling interest is shown. Progressives and statists on the other hand see the government as the first option when it comes to solving a given issue or concern.
they don't think they have to listen to THE PEOPLE anymore..

that is because of a lazy America who isn't involved
they don't think they have to listen to THE PEOPLE anymore..

that is because of a lazy America who isn't involved

The don't listen to THE PEOPLE because they are beholden as soon as they get into office....and by beholden....I don't mean the constituents that pulled the lever, I mean to the money that got them elected.

The way the system is set up breeds corruption. You can't campaign for Federal, or even State office without taking that money to run your campaign....you'll never get noticed. The Citizen's United ruling doubled down on this practice and now makes it possible for UNLIMITED, ANONYMOUS donations.

You reap what you sow....if money=speech....then only people WITH money get to do the talking.
they don't think they have to listen to THE PEOPLE anymore..

that is because of a lazy America who isn't involved

The don't listen to THE PEOPLE because they are beholden as soon as they get into office....and by beholden....I don't mean the constituents that pulled the lever, I mean to the money that got them elected.

The way the system is set up breeds corruption. You can't campaign for Federal, or even State office without taking that money to run your campaign....you'll never get noticed. The Citizen's United ruling doubled down on this practice and now makes it possible for UNLIMITED, ANONYMOUS donations.

You reap what you sow....if money=speech....then only people WITH money get to do the talking.

I can agree with that..
plus we the people aren't holding them accountable
they don't think they have to listen to THE PEOPLE anymore..

that is because of a lazy America who isn't involved

The don't listen to THE PEOPLE because they are beholden as soon as they get into office....and by beholden....I don't mean the constituents that pulled the lever, I mean to the money that got them elected.

The way the system is set up breeds corruption. You can't campaign for Federal, or even State office without taking that money to run your campaign....you'll never get noticed. The Citizen's United ruling doubled down on this practice and now makes it possible for UNLIMITED, ANONYMOUS donations.

You reap what you sow....if money=speech....then only people WITH money get to do the talking.

I can agree with that..
plus we the people aren't holding them accountable

True....public apathy is quite high. Sometimes we can't really comprehend that because....well face it, everyone here has at least a healthy interest in politics....most of us are political junkies....but most people in the real world that I try to strike up a conversation with about politics? You'd think that I walked up to a stranger and said "I'd like to talk to you about Jesus!"
By the way, a bunch of people in California recently got a notice from the government that they might have been exposed to Hepatitis C because their government approved pharmacist was sick and didn't notice.

And yet we were all informed thanks to the government taking appropriate action. They were able to trace it to the exact pharmacist that was responsible and able to track the medications that were issued.

No, we were informed because an evil corporation put the employee on leave and notified everyone, including the government, and decided to pay for anyone who wanted shots. After that happened the government stepped in and took credit.
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You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

So basically government is an all or nothing proposition. If we get rid of the EPA's ability to screw over landowners without recourse, or the IRS's ability to mess with charitable/advocacy organizations, the entire structure will crumble and we will be forced into anarchy.

No, don't be silly.

But the idea that you don't trust the government as a blanket statement is a farce ("you" being the perjorative "you" and not you personally).

The most fervent anti-government moron here trusts the government to a degree. It's a silly statement to say you don't. And that is born out by thos who try to substantiate the silly stance; "I grow all my own food"...


I don't trust the government because it is made up of individuals, and my experience has taught me that individuals who have not earned my trust do things that are not trustworthy. You keep trying to convince me that I actually do trust the government by pointing to things that the government really doesn't have any control over, and claiming it proves I trust the government. If you really want to know how absurd it is to argue that I trust the government whenever I eat in a restaurant go work in one for a month.
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By the way, a bunch of people in California recently got a notice from the government that they might have been exposed to Hepatitis C because their government approved pharmacist was sick and didn't notice.

And yet we were all informed thanks to the government taking appropriate action. They were able to trace it to the exact pharmacist that was responsible and able to track the medications that were issued.

No, we were informed because an evil corporation put the employee on leave and notified everyone, including the government, and decided to pay for anyone who wanted shots. After that happened the government stepped in and took credit.

yep, I've only heard one guy apologize for the abuses that outrageous spending of the Irs...Obama just sat back and let the little guys take the fall
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You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

We PAY TAXES for all those things to OUR STATE..
I trust my State government some, Obama government, NONE

Do you think the mailman reads your letters you get from your inmate pen-pals? No? Then you trust the government.

Do you think the government is watching the mailman 24/7 to make sure he doesn't read the letters?

If not, then you don't trust the government to stop him from reading the letters, despite your insistence that you do.

Personally, I trust that the mailman just doesn't have the time to read all the letters he delivers. Then again, I have a barain, and put my trust, when I give it, in people, not government.
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So basically government is an all or nothing proposition. If we get rid of the EPA's ability to screw over landowners without recourse, or the IRS's ability to mess with charitable/advocacy organizations, the entire structure will crumble and we will be forced into anarchy.

No, don't be silly.

But the idea that you don't trust the government as a blanket statement is a farce ("you" being the perjorative "you" and not you personally).

The most fervent anti-government moron here trusts the government to a degree. It's a silly statement to say you don't. And that is born out by thos who try to substantiate the silly stance; "I grow all my own food"...


The concept behind not "trusting" the government for me is predicated on how much power I want them to have. Libertarians by default only go to government intervention when a compelling interest is shown. Progressives and statists on the other hand see the government as the first option when it comes to solving a given issue or concern.

Sometimes I suppose;

Other times it's to the point where we've been down the road before in this country...just saying.

So you trust the government in some cases but not others...is that the case?

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