Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

they were ignoring the wingnuts.

but the noise from the wingnuts got louder and rendell asked them to clear it up because it was interfering with the senate race in his state.

they needed sestak to give his statement first.

time to say buh bye to this issue, hon.
Turns out right-wingers have once again been led on a wild goose chase:

From the Hatch Act:

SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, to promise any employment, position, work, compensation, or other benefit, provided for or made possible in whole or in part by any Act of Congress, to give consideration, favor, or reward for any political activity or for the support of or opposition to any candidate or any political party in any election.

Since the position offered, which was an advisory position on the President's Intelligence Advisory Board, was not in fact "made possible in whole or in part by any Act of Congress" (the IAB was created by presidential executive order during the Ford administration), no law has been broken.

In addition, section 9, which would be the other applicable section contains an exception for the President himself and his cabinet. To wit:

SEC. 9. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person employed in the executive branch of the Federal Government, or any agency or department thereof, to use his official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering ;with an election or affecting the result thereof. No officer or employee in the executive branch of the Federal Government, or any agency or department thereof, shall take any active part in political management or in political campaigns. All such persons shall retain the right to vote as they may choose and to express their opinions on all political subjects. For the purposes of this section the term "officer" or "employee" shall not be construe to include (1) the President and the Vice Presdent of the United States; (2) persons whose compensation is paid from the appropriation for the office of the President;

Check and mate.

Not exactly check or mate. That's a very easy thing to say after the nature of the offer has been stated. No one had this little piece of the puzzle, so to speak, before today. You write that as if you knew it all along. You didn't.

That Gibbs could easily have said it was an advisory position weeks ago - but didn't, or wouldn't, or maybe couldn't for some still inexplicable reason, still calls into question this WH's claims to transparency and is an example of very poor political direction.

It looks like they dodged this one, but it should never have gone this far.

imo Dan....you should tell that to the "right wing" who ARE the ones that made a mountain out of a mole hill and are the ones that made up scenarios of it breaking the law and are the ones that spurred THIS RUMOR....and are the ones that SAID what obama did was a felony and are the ones that also claimed in 6 months when they took control of congress they would impeach obama on this and so on and so forth...ad- nauseum.

you may think this is NOT nutty.....

but to sane people, who can research and think for themselves, who do not get caught up in the group political gang raping, saw FROM THE BEGINNING that this was just another group of conservatives, crying wolf, once again....nutty I say! ;)
they were ignoring the wingnuts.

but the noise from the wingnuts got louder and rendell asked them to clear it up because it was interfering with the senate race in his state.

they needed sestak to give his statement first.

time to say buh bye to this issue, hon.

Well sure.. because what Sustak has continuously described as months of negotiations was comprised of one phone call from Bubba.

What we saw today, was the day the Official Cover-up hit the streets... and lead by CLINTON! LOL...

It don't get any sweeter than THAT!

Say Buh Bye to 2012 and HELLO to the likely impeachment of the Brown Clown sometime after November.

they were ignoring the wingnuts.

but the noise from the wingnuts got louder and rendell asked them to clear it up because it was interfering with the senate race in his state.

they needed sestak to give his statement first.

time to say buh bye to this issue, hon.

Well sure.. because what Sustak has continuously described as months of negotiations was comprised of one phone call from Bubba.

What we saw today, was the day the Official Cover-up hit the streets... and lead by CLINTON! LOL...

It don't get any sweeter than THAT!

Say Buh Bye to 2012 and HELLO to the likely impeachment of the Brown Clown sometime after November.


Whoa...easy there!

Let's not get all crazy like a lib and start claiming things that are not gonna happen. 2012 will be good for republicans...but I don't think you're gonna get to see Obama removed from office. The racial blast alone would be enough to keep it from happening.

No matter how bad it gets, Obama will serve his full term. And then he's gone. Which is sad really, because then what will he have to accomplish?
So the police should just let people go when they say they haven't been drinking and driving? You don't know the details or are simply accepting heresay. It doesn't pass the sniff test Vast.

Remember political history Vast, you get nailed on the cover-up not the crime. I'd whatever I could to avoid the perception of a cover-up.

The entire original accusation was based on "hearsay".

If the persons involved in a crime all say that no crime actually occurred, and the only evidence of any crime occurring was witness testimony, then law enforcement takes their word for it, yes.

Do you realize how fucking stupid this sounds???!!! and for the record...people have been convicted on hearsay many many times in our judicial history.
The Obama White House has added a new excuse to its repertoire. In addition to "It's Bush's Fault", they now have "Bubbah Did It".

The buzz this am is that the Rahm asked Bill Clinton to talk to Sestak:

Senior White House advisers asked former President Bill Clinton to talk to Joe Sestak about whether he was serious about running for Senate, and to feel out whether he'd be open to other alternatives, according to sources familiar with the situation.

But the White House maintains that the Clinton-Sestak discussions were informal, according to the sources. The White House, under pressure to divulge the specifics of its interactions with Sestak, will release a formal statement later today outlining their version of events, including Clinton's involvement.

According to the sources, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel asked Clinton and his longtime adviser, lawyer Doug Band, to talk to Sestak about the race. It's unclear right now whether the White House will say that Clinton was asked to suggest specific administration positions for Sestak, whether Clinton floated positions on his own, whether Clinton discussed other options not related to the adminstration, or whether employment even came up at all in the talks.

But the news that Clinton is at the center of this whole story is noteworthy on its own because of the former president's stature, and underscores how heavily invested the White House was in dissuading Sestak from running. The White House sent Clinton to talk to Sestak because Arlen Specter, constituting the 60th Dem vote in the Senate, was viewed as key to enacting Obama's agenda....

The Plum Line - EXCLUSIVE: White House asked Clinton to talk to Sestak about Senate run

I'm sure that barry knew nothing of the shenanigans that rahm was up to. :lol:Can anyone say, "legally corrupt"? I still think this will end up a media nightmare for barry and his band of thugs.

if it is just as this article clip says happened between clinton and sestak....nothing illegal happened. Asking sestak if he was sure he was going to run...MEANS sestak HAD NOT entered the senatorial race yet for one, and IS NOT in any way, what is being said on the Conservative bogs and in this thread op....which is; sestak was ASKED TO DROP OUT of his senatorial race by obama....

it is NOT illegal for obama to offer a job to him, and it is not illegal to ask this very qualified man if he was certain on entering the senatorial race....

do you agree or disagree on that meister? :)

if you disagree, please show what law was broken, (if u have the time...i realize you could be at work)???


You ARE NOT a lawyer....

So if this is truely the case then you woudn't be opposed to having ALL PEOPLE INVOLVED tesitfy under oath before an investigatory panel so the entire truth comes out RIGHT!!!???
Slick Willy Clinton involved? Wow what a shocker there. The Clintons are the most corrupt cretins in this country. I'm definitely not surprised Slick Willy was involved with this scandal. Nice "Hope & Change." What a sad scam.

There is no "scandal", as per my last post.

You fools have been led on yet another merry wild goose chase.


Then you wil not have a problem with all parties involved testifying before an investigatory panel to put this to rest right?
President Clinton delivered the message to Sestak. That tells me:

A. The White House was seeking to find a position for Sestak.
B. The White House felt compelled to use an indirect approach.

Yesterday's press conference tells me:

A. The President is uncomfortable with the situation.
B. The President has lawyered up.
C. Words must be carefully considered to avoid legal problems.

Not assigning guilt, but it warrants an investigation for sure.

This is PRECISELY what I've been saying for the last few days......there may turn out to be no crime committed but an investigation into who was doing what IS WARRANTED!!!

Obama promised transparency, change and a new direction....MAN THE FUCK UP OBAMA!!!
people have been convicted on hearsay many many times in our judicial history.

Doesn't make it right, now does it?

Sestak's comments may be hearsay, but they are evidence - and admissible.

Ironic that many of the administration's defenders have said in this thread, very cynically, that the suspected bribery is nothing more than politics as usual.

Doesn't make it right.
And don't forget the timing of the official memo on Take The Trash Out Day right before a three day weekend.

Clinton may or may not have been involved...this "Clinton Angle" was thrown out there to see what happens with the MSM, Cable News and blogosphere responses to see if it's a viable alternative to Obama having to admit what went on...

This was Sestak 3 months ago. For those who think this was all hearsay.. you can hear the words Sestak would love to have back rolling from his own lips. Unless of course you think Sestak would recant under oath.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSORKTIyP1o]YouTube - Sestak on White House Job Offer[/ame]
people have been convicted on hearsay many many times in our judicial history.

Doesn't make it right, now does it?

Sestak's comments may be hearsay, but they are evidence - and admissible.

Ironic that many of the administration's defenders have said in this thread, very cynically, that the suspected bribery is nothing more than politics as usual.

Doesn't make it right.

Very true....but you have to look at it from their perspective....another Democrat President and another impeachment scandal!!!??? They will pull out all the stops even if they are below board or illegal to prevent this from happening again.
Sestak's comments may be hearsay, but they are evidence - and admissible.

Ironic that many of the administration's defenders have said in this thread, very cynically, that the suspected bribery is nothing more than politics as usual.

Doesn't make it right.

Like I said previously, the Hatch Act exempts the POTUS and VPOTUS. So if Obama did this, then he's not going anywhere. Though I'm sure the GOP will start up another investigation if they gain the house in November. Maybe they can come up with a little more this time when they spend $70 million dollars of taxpayer money.
Very true....but you have to look at it from their perspective....another Democrat President and another impeachment scandal!!!??? They will pull out all the stops even if they are below board or illegal to prevent this from happening again.

I'm not a Democrat, but hey I wonder what we could of used that $70 million on.

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