Obama in serious trouble--Sestak confirms WH offer to drop out of Senate race

My apologies if this has already been posted. I couldn't do 47 pages.

In a little-noticed passage Friday, the New York Times reported that Rep. Joe Sestak was not eligible for a place on the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board, the job he was reportedly offered by former President Bill Clinton. And indeed a look at the Board’s website reveals this restriction:

The Board consists of not more than 16 members appointed by the President from among individuals who are not employed by the Federal Government. Members are distinguished citizens selected from the national security, political, academic, and private sectors.

As a sitting member of Congress, Sestak was not eligible for the job. And since the White House intended for Sestak to remain in his House seat, he would not have been eligible for the board after this November’s elections, provided he was re-elected to the House.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Sestak was ineligible for job Clinton offered | Washington Examiner
My apologies if this has already been posted. I couldn't do 47 pages.

In a little-noticed passage Friday, the New York Times reported that Rep. Joe Sestak was not eligible for a place on the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board, the job he was reportedly offered by former President Bill Clinton. And indeed a look at the Board’s website reveals this restriction:

The Board consists of not more than 16 members appointed by the President from among individuals who are not employed by the Federal Government. Members are distinguished citizens selected from the national security, political, academic, and private sectors.

As a sitting member of Congress, Sestak was not eligible for the job. And since the White House intended for Sestak to remain in his House seat, he would not have been eligible for the board after this November’s elections, provided he was re-elected to the House.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Sestak was ineligible for job Clinton offered | Washington Examiner

yes, this "non paid" position is just more rhetorical bs.. ya know if their story was even remotely true Sestak could have said so weeks ago.. and you know who could have said so the other day but what did he say.. "soon you will get an explanation that "I hope" clears it up for you,, it will come from my administration." :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
My apologies if this has already been posted. I couldn't do 47 pages.

In a little-noticed passage Friday, the New York Times reported that Rep. Joe Sestak was not eligible for a place on the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board, the job he was reportedly offered by former President Bill Clinton. And indeed a look at the Board’s website reveals this restriction:

The Board consists of not more than 16 members appointed by the President from among individuals who are not employed by the Federal Government. Members are distinguished citizens selected from the national security, political, academic, and private sectors.

As a sitting member of Congress, Sestak was not eligible for the job. And since the White House intended for Sestak to remain in his House seat, he would not have been eligible for the board after this November’s elections, provided he was re-elected to the House.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Sestak was ineligible for job Clinton offered | Washington Examiner

The more they spin and lie the more they make themselves appear to have something to hide...someone better check Art15...the cover-up is unravelling...:lol:
ps.........for anybody on this forum trying to guage the real political significance of this Sestak thing, all you have to do is look at the level of hysterical coming from the hyperpartisan left on here.........they are obviously falling all over themselves trying to marginalize this, but jsut look at the # of posts on this thread. HUNDREDS!!!


Except for the fact that most of the posts in this thread are conservative/anti-Obama posts.

The birther topic got lots of posts too.:lol:
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So Sestak is supposed to get cranked up about a nonpaid political appointment enough to forget running for a Senate seat? A place where he could have far more influence on a country he served, wants to continue to serve and loves?

What idiot in the White House saw this as a viable option to stop Sestak from running? Who thinks it was an entirely different, well paid job? *raises hand quickly*
Sorry bout that,

1. Like I said much earlier in this thread, Berry/Obama will have to get some one to fall on his sword.
2. Nothing better than to use a washed up impeached once before, chasing fat chicks, Ex-President Bill Clinton.
3. But their storey stinks to high heaven, why would Sastek take a non paying job?
4. They aimed to low in this fabrication, this whole invention will be more of the cover up, this storey is growing by the day, and will end up enveloping Berry/Obama.
5. If he survives this it will be only because he's black/negro, and, *We can't throw the first black/negro president out on his ass/under the bus, now can we???*
6. You damned right we can!!!, in the end, this storey will have to be another, *What did you know and when did you know it* storey, the same kind that took, President Richard (Tricky Dick) Nixon, down.
7. I don't believe for one second Bill Clinton had any part in this job offering to Sestak.
8. Bunch of lieing bastards!:eek:

A former President, the husband of the SecState makes the bribe offer and because he's Clinton and a Democrat is "just another day at the office"

Dems have set the bar so so so low for themselves.
My apologies if this has already been posted. I couldn't do 47 pages.

In a little-noticed passage Friday, the New York Times reported that Rep. Joe Sestak was not eligible for a place on the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board, the job he was reportedly offered by former President Bill Clinton. And indeed a look at the Board’s website reveals this restriction:

The Board consists of not more than 16 members appointed by the President from among individuals who are not employed by the Federal Government. Members are distinguished citizens selected from the national security, political, academic, and private sectors.

As a sitting member of Congress, Sestak was not eligible for the job. And since the White House intended for Sestak to remain in his House seat, he would not have been eligible for the board after this November’s elections, provided he was re-elected to the House.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Sestak was ineligible for job Clinton offered | Washington Examiner

What do you expect from a President who thinks there are 57 states?

I smell a rat with Clinton's involvement. It's highly likely that this spin has been scripted and coordinated for quite a few days. Clinton knows appointments inside out given the Political Animal that he is. He would know that Sestak was ineligible. In the world of the Clinton Machine, could they be setting up Obama for a fall in order to clear the way for Hillary to Save The Party? It is plausible given the characters, or rather lack thereof, of the participants.
Can you imagine if Reagan was asked by one of the Bushs to offer a bribe to a Congressman to drop out of a primary?


Oh--it's got to be very tough--for liberals defending this---:lol::lol:

In response to your accusation that Reagan did the same thing---:lol::lol::lol:

Similarly, Hayakawa said in a statement, "I have not contacted the White House in regard to any administration or ambassadorial post, and they have not been in contact with me."

Next time--try reading the ENTIRE article--:lol::lol:

Here, let me talk back to you in similar large, bolded, letters.


It doesn't say that anywhere in the article!

I figured you might be using ridiculous large, bolded letters like that because you had trouble reading, so I thought I'd help you out.
So the police should just let people go when they say they haven't been drinking and driving? You don't know the details or are simply accepting heresay. It doesn't pass the sniff test Vast.

Remember political history Vast, you get nailed on the cover-up not the crime. I'd whatever I could to avoid the perception of a cover-up.

The entire original accusation was based on "hearsay".

If the persons involved in a crime all say that no crime actually occurred, and the only evidence of any crime occurring was witness testimony, then law enforcement takes their word for it, yes.

Do you realize how fucking stupid this sounds???!!! and for the record...people have been convicted on hearsay many many times in our judicial history.

First of all, both VICTIMS AND PERPETRATORS are "involved in a crime", so no, it doesn't sound stupid at all.

Second of all, no there should NEVER be any conviction based on hearsay if all of the people involved in the hearsay give testimony proving that no crime has been committed. Without any additional evidence THERE IS NO CASE.

When you take that route, there's no turning back. It only takes one surprise witness and all hell breaks loose. Good luck.

Prediction: A Sestak aide comes forward with some interesting information.
Then you wil not have a problem with all parties involved testifying before an investigatory panel to put this to rest right?

Yes, there is a problem with that.

In politics, simply having them appear before an "investigatory panel" can hurt the careers of those involved even if they are proven innocent, as you well know.

Therefore, if there is no standing for a case, an official "investigatory panel" is not only unnecessary, but harmful to the people involved.

But of course, you right-wingers know all about that. You fuckers love to create "Clouds" of suspicion often with no evidence of any crime actually being committed.

That's your MO, in fact. That's how people like Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh thrive.

Well fuck you all and your little "narratives". This time it's not going to work. And if you try it, there will be very public repercussions. So again, go ahead, chase after this full steam, I dare you!
This is commonplace, and has been for hundreds of years.

Welcome to politics.

And, just for shits and giggles, exactly what "impeachable offense" has occurred?

The old "politics as usual" answer doesn't impress me. In these sort of matters we deserve an honest investigation to set facts straight (or at least be provided the most knowledge available) and then either drop it or take appropriate action to punish the violation of the law.
When you take that route, there's no turning back. It only takes one surprise witness and all hell breaks loose. Good luck.

Prediction: A Sestak aide comes forward with some interesting information.

Only then could an investigation even begin, and then it would be his word against everyone else's.

Without that, there is no grounds for any investigation at all.
Oh, and, by the way....

It turns out Sestak received whatever offer he may or may not have received...


Here, let me put that in big letters, so Skook can read it too:

The offer was given before Sestak declared his candidacy

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Oh, and, by the way....

It turns out Sestak received whatever offer he may or may not have received...


Here, let me put that in big letters, so Skook can read it too:

The offer was given before Sestak declared his candidacy


No it doesn't... Shut up! .... It doesn't matter when ...ten years ago?... no difference!

There MUST be an investigation!!!!!!!!! Shut up!!!!

Why would the entire universe be demanding a full blown investigation/impeachment if there wasn't a crime???????? Why??? ....Why??? ....WHY????....
Let me let you in on a little secret:

This is the way politics work. And it won't cause any trouble for Obama, because all the other politicians want to keep this tactic. It will NEVER gain momentum, except on these messageboards.

Anyone who spends any time working in politics knows this.

Doc, why do you want to ruin their holiday?? They really think they have something big on Obama. You know how they love that!! Shame on you!! :lol:
Then you wil not have a problem with all parties involved testifying before an investigatory panel to put this to rest right?

Yes, there is a problem with that.

In politics, simply having them appear before an "investigatory panel" can hurt the careers of those involved even if they are proven innocent, as you well know.

Therefore, if there is no standing for a case, an official "investigatory panel" is not only unnecessary, but harmful to the people involved.

But of course, you right-wingers know all about that. You fuckers love to create "Clouds" of suspicion often with no evidence of any crime actually being committed.

That's your MO, in fact. That's how people like Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh thrive.

Well fuck you all and your little "narratives". This time it's not going to work. And if you try it, there will be very public repercussions. So again, go ahead, chase after this full steam, I dare you!

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Looks like someone's PISSED OFF that his Lord, Messiah and Savior has embroiled himself in a controversy that is getting worse and worse by the day. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....

and in your infinte ignorance...you seem to forget all of the pogroms you fucking ass clowns perpetrated on the Republicans the last few years....so fuck YOU and your meaningless dares....I hope they DO put these people in front of an investigatory panel and get them all to perjur themselves including Obama!!!!....just to piss you off!!!!:lol: I want to see the complete meltdown of the tingly legged Obama crowd..:lol:

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