Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful

Yes they do. Almost all of them were law abiding citizens right up until they committed crimes. So what laws would you like to see passed to prohibit law abiding citizens from owning guns?
You can never answer this question. Because there is no answer. There is no way to prohibit someone from owning a gun who is otherwise lawfully entitled to have one. Similarly there is no way to stop someone who is prohibited from stealing a gun and committing a crime.

Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it

So, what is your plan?

All you do is yak-yak-yak.

What is your solution...put up, or shut up.
WE know what his plan is...YANK the Second Amendment. Leave citizens unarmed...and Gubmint to protect us... when they get around to it AFTER the fact of a crime.
Yes they do. Almost all of them were law abiding citizens right up until they committed crimes. So what laws would you like to see passed to prohibit law abiding citizens from owning guns?
You can never answer this question. Because there is no answer. There is no way to prohibit someone from owning a gun who is otherwise lawfully entitled to have one. Similarly there is no way to stop someone who is prohibited from stealing a gun and committing a crime.

Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it
There is nothing that any law can do, to prevent a Crazy Person from obtaining a gun-license, or a gun, if that person has not manifested as crazy during the application process, and if there is no record of clinical diagnosis or treatment of mental disorder in the past.

That leaves a gap in the screening process big enough to drive a truck through.

There is nothing to be done for that, except to take away the guns.

And taking away the guns is unacceptable to the American People at large.


And if we started requiring those seeking treatment for mental illness to be reported to the gun control police...people wouldn't seek treatment.
Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it

And his victims didn't have their second amendment rights because they are the ones our gun laws affect, not criminals. Nice going. How many people in the freaking WASHINGTON NAVY YARD had guns and knew how to shoot them and ... followed the law ... and didn't have them when the shooting started?
Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it

And his victims didn't have their second amendment rights because they are the ones our gun laws affect, not criminals. Nice going. How many people in the freaking WASHINGTON NAVY YARD had guns and knew how to shoot them and ... followed the law ... and didn't have them when the shooting started?
"GUN FREE ZONES"...Criminals Welcome...
Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it

So, what is your plan?

All you do is yak-yak-yak.

What is your solution...put up, or shut up.
WE know what his plan is...YANK the Second Amendment. Leave citizens unarmed...and Gubmint to protect us... when they get around to it AFTER the fact of a crime.

I suspect as much myself...but I'd like to hear it from him.
So, what is your plan?

All you do is yak-yak-yak.

What is your solution...put up, or shut up.
WE know what his plan is...YANK the Second Amendment. Leave citizens unarmed...and Gubmint to protect us... when they get around to it AFTER the fact of a crime.

I suspect as much myself...but I'd like to hear it from him.

Don't you feel safer if after someone wastes you, the cops come and draw a line around your body and make a few inquiries to see if they can figure out who did it? I know that gives me a warm fuzzy of security.
Yes they do. Almost all of them were law abiding citizens right up until they committed crimes. So what laws would you like to see passed to prohibit law abiding citizens from owning guns?
You can never answer this question. Because there is no answer. There is no way to prohibit someone from owning a gun who is otherwise lawfully entitled to have one. Similarly there is no way to stop someone who is prohibited from stealing a gun and committing a crime.

Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it

So, what is your plan?

All you do is yak-yak-yak.

What is your solution...put up, or shut up.

My plan is to stop protecting their rights as crazy fuckers and to stop protecting gun rights for crazy fuckers

If a crazy fucker cannot go out and buy the Bushmaster that he has been fantasizing about, I really don't care

We need families to start reporting their crazy fucker sons and stop buying them guns for their birthdays. We need parents to not allow their crazy fucker sons to have guns in the house

We need medical professionals to report crazy fucker patients. If you are on certain meds, no guns for you. If you are depressed, no guns for you. If you beat your wife, no guns for you.

It wont stop every crazy fucker, but it is a good start
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Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it

So, what is your plan?

All you do is yak-yak-yak.

What is your solution...put up, or shut up.

My plan is to stop protecting their rights as crazy fuckers and to stop protecting gun rights for crazy fuckers

If a crazy fucker cannot go out and buy the Bushmaster that he has been fantasizing about, I really don't care

We need families to start reporting their crazy fucker sons and stop buying them guns for their birthdays. We need parents to not allow their crazy fucker sons to have guns in the house

We need medical professionals to report crazy fucker patients. If you are on certain meds, no guns for you. If you are depressed, no guns for you. If you beat your wife, no guns for you.

It woont stop every crazy fucker, but it is a good start
Yes, of course.

Getting Americans to 'inform' on each other.

Why didn't the rest of us think of that?

The perfect solution.

In an Orwellian 1984 kind of way, anyhow.
Works for me

Parents turn in their crazy fuck children, Psychiatrists turn in their crazy fuck patients

And what is the end results? Crazy fucks don't have the guns they need to massacre six year olds

Makes me want to cry a river if they lose their guns
Reality.......none of those nutjobs belong anywhere near a gun but they have their second amendment rights

Yes they do. Almost all of them were law abiding citizens right up until they committed crimes. So what laws would you like to see passed to prohibit law abiding citizens from owning guns?
You can never answer this question. Because there is no answer. There is no way to prohibit someone from owning a gun who is otherwise lawfully entitled to have one. Similarly there is no way to stop someone who is prohibited from stealing a gun and committing a crime.

Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it

There are people who would swear I was batshit crazy. I would swear you're bat shit crazy. Having teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swear you're batshit crazy is not sufficient to strip people of rights. How about I get a petition on USMB to have your voting rights stripped because you appear batshit crazy from your posts?
Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it

So, what is your plan?

All you do is yak-yak-yak.

What is your solution...put up, or shut up.

My plan is to stop protecting their rights as crazy fuckers and to stop protecting gun rights for crazy fuckers

If a crazy fucker cannot go out and buy the Bushmaster that he has been fantasizing about, I really don't care

We need families to start reporting their crazy fucker sons and stop buying them guns for their birthdays. We need parents to not allow their crazy fucker sons to have guns in the house

We need medical professionals to report crazy fucker patients. If you are on certain meds, no guns for you. If you are depressed, no guns for you. If you beat your wife, no guns for you.

It wont stop every crazy fucker, but it is a good start

Adam Lanza was a crazy fucker. He tried buying a gun and while he would have passed the background check--and any other kind of check anyone could produce, he didnt bother with all that and simply took his mom's guns instead. Or he could have taken his neighbor's guns. Or he could have bought guns someone else stole elsewhere.
So you can prohibit every crazy fucker from buying a gun legally, but that leaves all the illegal means. What will you do about that? Pass a law?
Exasperated Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful - CNN.com

I will tell you, I have been in Washington for a while now. Most things don't surprise me. The fact that 20 six year olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible and this town couldn't do anything about it was stunning to me," he said.
Dimwitted libtards love taking away our rights, ie; gun control, because it leads to their preferred form of gov't., communism, socialism, and or fascism, you name it. I hope obamashitforbrains is highly irritated by his lack of movement on thi. He sure as hell is inept at everything else he tries to do.
Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it

So, what is your plan?

All you do is yak-yak-yak.

What is your solution...put up, or shut up.

My plan is to stop protecting their rights as crazy fuckers and to stop protecting gun rights for crazy fuckers

If a crazy fucker cannot go out and buy the Bushmaster that he has been fantasizing about, I really don't care

We need families to start reporting their crazy fucker sons and stop buying them guns for their birthdays. We need parents to not allow their crazy fucker sons to have guns in the house

We need medical professionals to report crazy fucker patients. If you are on certain meds, no guns for you. If you are depressed, no guns for you. If you beat your wife, no guns for you.

It wont stop every crazy fucker, but it is a good start
Gun control freaks are the crazy ones. Nutjob!
Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it

So, what is your plan?

All you do is yak-yak-yak.

What is your solution...put up, or shut up.

My plan is to stop protecting their rights as crazy fuckers and to stop protecting gun rights for crazy fuckers

If a crazy fucker cannot go out and buy the Bushmaster that he has been fantasizing about, I really don't care

We need families to start reporting their crazy fucker sons and stop buying them guns for their birthdays. We need parents to not allow their crazy fucker sons to have guns in the house

We need medical professionals to report crazy fucker patients. If you are on certain meds, no guns for you. If you are depressed, no guns for you. If you beat your wife, no guns for you.

It wont stop every crazy fucker, but it is a good start

First, you can't punish a person for a crime they MIGHT commit.

Second, as I already expressed, if folks believe their rights will be curtailed due to seeking treatment for problems like depression...they simply won't seek treatment.

Lastly, what happens to the doctor patient privilege under your plan?

Medical professionals ALREADY have an ethical obligation to report that patients are a danger to themselves or others...and they don't, for fear of being sued by their charges...like Loughner for example.
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So, what is your plan?

All you do is yak-yak-yak.

What is your solution...put up, or shut up.

My plan is to stop protecting their rights as crazy fuckers and to stop protecting gun rights for crazy fuckers

If a crazy fucker cannot go out and buy the Bushmaster that he has been fantasizing about, I really don't care

We need families to start reporting their crazy fucker sons and stop buying them guns for their birthdays. We need parents to not allow their crazy fucker sons to have guns in the house

We need medical professionals to report crazy fucker patients. If you are on certain meds, no guns for you. If you are depressed, no guns for you. If you beat your wife, no guns for you.

It wont stop every crazy fucker, but it is a good start

First, you can't punish a person for a crime they MIGHT commit.
Yep, only the LEFT takes the thought Police angle...affront to LIBERTY.

Second, as I already expressed, if folks believe their rights will be curtailed due to seeking treatment for problems like depression...they simply won't seek treatment
.Will the LEFT seek this course, and WHOM is is that will define terms as to whether someone is sick in the head? (Speaking OUT against Government comes to mind...you know? First amendment, and the LEFT will put that IN the terms of engagement)...

Lastly, what happens to the doctor patient privilege under your plan?
Goes by the wayside. NO privacy left. And If YOU don't believe me? I'll check on your GULAG/Re-education assignment and get back to you...PACK YER BAGS).
Medical professionals ALREADY have an ethical obligation to report a patients are a danger to themselves or others...
In Florida? We call it the BAKER ACT...
and they don't, for fear of being sued by their charges...like Loughner for example.

Yep...TORT is long overdue.
Exasperated Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful - CNN.com

I will tell you, I have been in Washington for a while now. Most things don't surprise me. The fact that 20 six year olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible and this town couldn't do anything about it was stunning to me," he said.

I will tell you, this country was not founded upon your anti-freedom, oppressive-dictatorial mindset. If you want stricter gun control, nothing is preventing you from leaving this country and moving to a socialist or communist dictatorship of your choice where firearm ownership is forbidden. You can live in your tyrannical utopia and be happy. I'll be more than glad to drive my very large boot up your ass on the way out to further expedite your departure.
So, what is your plan?

All you do is yak-yak-yak.

What is your solution...put up, or shut up.

My plan is to stop protecting their rights as crazy fuckers and to stop protecting gun rights for crazy fuckers

If a crazy fucker cannot go out and buy the Bushmaster that he has been fantasizing about, I really don't care

We need families to start reporting their crazy fucker sons and stop buying them guns for their birthdays. We need parents to not allow their crazy fucker sons to have guns in the house

We need medical professionals to report crazy fucker patients. If you are on certain meds, no guns for you. If you are depressed, no guns for you. If you beat your wife, no guns for you.

It wont stop every crazy fucker, but it is a good start

Adam Lanza was a crazy fucker. He tried buying a gun and while he would have passed the background check--and any other kind of check anyone could produce, he didnt bother with all that and simply took his mom's guns instead. Or he could have taken his neighbor's guns. Or he could have bought guns someone else stole elsewhere.
So you can prohibit every crazy fucker from buying a gun legally, but that leaves all the illegal means. What will you do about that? Pass a law?

As I said...

We need families to start reporting their crazy fucker sons and stop buying them guns for their birthdays. We need parents to not allow their crazy fucker sons to have guns in the house

Lanza, Holmes, Cho, Kliebold, Dylan.......all had families that enabled their killing spree. We need a societal change. If you are afraid of your kids, others need to be too. Don't buy them guns, do not allow them to have guns in your home, do not have guns yourself
So, what is your plan?

All you do is yak-yak-yak.

What is your solution...put up, or shut up.

My plan is to stop protecting their rights as crazy fuckers and to stop protecting gun rights for crazy fuckers

If a crazy fucker cannot go out and buy the Bushmaster that he has been fantasizing about, I really don't care

We need families to start reporting their crazy fucker sons and stop buying them guns for their birthdays. We need parents to not allow their crazy fucker sons to have guns in the house

We need medical professionals to report crazy fucker patients. If you are on certain meds, no guns for you. If you are depressed, no guns for you. If you beat your wife, no guns for you.

It wont stop every crazy fucker, but it is a good start

First, you can't punish a person for a crime they MIGHT commit.

Second, as I already expressed, if folks believe their rights will be curtailed due to seeking treatment for problems like depression...they simply won't seek treatment.

Lastly, what happens to the doctor patient privilege under your plan?

Medical professionals ALREADY have an ethical obligation to report that patients are a danger to themselves or others...and they don't, for fear of being sued by their charges...like Loughner for example.

Sure you can. We do it all the time. People on psychotic medications are restricted from driving. That impacts them more than restricting their guns

No doctor/patient privilege.......doctor/patient responsibility.

Sorry gun nuts, but there are bigger problems with these people's lives than not being able to own guns
My plan is to stop protecting their rights as crazy fuckers and to stop protecting gun rights for crazy fuckers

If a crazy fucker cannot go out and buy the Bushmaster that he has been fantasizing about, I really don't care

We need families to start reporting their crazy fucker sons and stop buying them guns for their birthdays. We need parents to not allow their crazy fucker sons to have guns in the house

We need medical professionals to report crazy fucker patients. If you are on certain meds, no guns for you. If you are depressed, no guns for you. If you beat your wife, no guns for you.

It wont stop every crazy fucker, but it is a good start

First, you can't punish a person for a crime they MIGHT commit.

Second, as I already expressed, if folks believe their rights will be curtailed due to seeking treatment for problems like depression...they simply won't seek treatment.

Lastly, what happens to the doctor patient privilege under your plan?

Medical professionals ALREADY have an ethical obligation to report that patients are a danger to themselves or others...and they don't, for fear of being sued by their charges...like Loughner for example.

Sure you can. We do it all the time. People on psychotic medications are restricted from driving. That impacts them more than restricting their guns

No doctor/patient privilege.......doctor/patient responsibility.

Sorry gun nuts, but there are bigger problems with these people's lives than not being able to own guns
Your insistence that families report their own, is far too Totalitarian for my tastes.

Fortunately, most of America feels the same wary.

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