Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful

You have obviously been brainwashed.

I merely see the world through different eyes, and hold a different opinion than you do.

You consistently evince a considerable disdain for your country.

You are entirely free to do so.

Do not, however, expect to metaphorically piss on your country, here or elsewhere, where Americans have access to your commentary, and expect to do so without challenge.

Your denigrating metaphorical assaults upon your own country, and your 'canned' responses about 'brainwashing' and narrow perspectives, ring hollow in an increasingly wired and connected global village, and serve merely to indicate a baseless, groundless faux sense of superiority, and a lack of depth and ability, in advancing your own arguments.

The word of the day toilet paper is working well for you.
As you like.

Your lack of a lucid response says a lot about you; none of it positive.

Reciting from a portfolio of rusted-over 'canned' talking points also says a lot about you; again, none of it positive.

Denigrating folks for merely holding a different opinion says a lot about you, as well; yet again, none of it positive.

Seems like you've been resting on your laurels as a participant for far too long.

Those laurels are, by now, long past their 'freshness' or 'sell-by' date, and, in the main, lacking in either interest or relevancy.

It must get boring for you after a while, being a One-Trick Pony, with little creativity or imagination to offer-up to the audience, in the way in which you (try to) interact.

It must also get boring, being reduced, as you are, to throwing shells and husks from the Peanut Gallery, because your bitterness and bile and baseless sense of superiority keep you at a distance from much of the audience.

If you're able to engage properly on the subject matter - in an interactive and intelligent fashion - then, by all means, do so.

However, few here - myself included - are expecting much from you in that regard, based upon recent past performance.

It's quite probable that you no longer have that in you, if, indeed, you ever did.
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Stick to what you know, and Europe does not fall into that category.

I seriously doubt you could find Europe on a map, much less know anything about it.

I have lived in Europe for 18 years. Now, see how stupid you can be when you really do not have a reply?

Unless "Europe" is the name of a low rent trailer park you're lying. Your inability to answer the many objections presented here shows you have zero idea what you're talking about.
Can any nation allow its citizens to have guns without paying a price, and the price is the murder of its citizens, including children. Automobiles take their toll but one major difference is that there is a constant battle to make the automobile problem safer, as the airplane, children's toys, food and so forth. There is no battle to make citizens safer from guns. We are a helpless nation.
Can any nation allow its citizens to have guns without paying a price, and the price is the murder of its citizens, including children. Automobiles take their toll but one major difference is that there is a constant battle to make the automobile problem safer, as the airplane, children's toys, food and so forth. There is no battle to make citizens safer from guns. We are a helpless nation.

The battle for making cars safer does not involve saying the government gets to decide what car your drive, nor does it allow the government to say you can't own a car except if you are a police officer, nor do they make you wait 7 days to drive your new car.

Guns themselves are safe when used properly, and the people using them know how to use them. Its people that are the issue.
Can any nation allow its citizens to have guns without paying a price, and the price is the murder of its citizens, including children. Automobiles take their toll but one major difference is that there is a constant battle to make the automobile problem safer, as the airplane, children's toys, food and so forth. There is no battle to make citizens safer from guns. We are a helpless nation.

The battle for making cars safer does not involve saying the government gets to decide what car your drive, nor does it allow the government to say you can't own a car except if you are a police officer, nor do they make you wait 7 days to drive your new car.

Guns themselves are safe when used properly, and the people using them know how to use them. Its people that are the issue.

The government alllows you to buy any brand of car you want. But it will not let you buy it unless it meets certain safety and DOT standards

The government may not tell you that you can't own a car, but they can damned well tell you tyhat you can't drive it on public streets. They can also tell you that you can't drive ANY car.

They may not tell you to wait 7 days to drive a new car. But they can pull your license to drive for anywhere from 90 days to forever
Can any nation allow its citizens to have guns without paying a price, and the price is the murder of its citizens, including children. Automobiles take their toll but one major difference is that there is a constant battle to make the automobile problem safer, as the airplane, children's toys, food and so forth. There is no battle to make citizens safer from guns. We are a helpless nation.

The battle for making cars safer does not involve saying the government gets to decide what car your drive, nor does it allow the government to say you can't own a car except if you are a police officer, nor do they make you wait 7 days to drive your new car.

Guns themselves are safe when used properly, and the people using them know how to use them. Its people that are the issue.

The government alllows you to buy any brand of car you want. But it will not let you buy it unless it meets certain safety and DOT standards

The government may not tell you that you can't own a car, but they can damned well tell you tyhat you can't drive it on public streets. They can also tell you that you can't drive ANY car.

They may not tell you to wait 7 days to drive a new car. But they can pull your license to drive for anywhere from 90 days to forever

That's a total confusion. A complete muddle.
We can start with the faulty analogy. The government (fed) does not issue driver's licenses. It cannot tell anyone whether or not they can drive. State governments do that.
The government (fed) establishes safety standards for automobiles. The government (fed) establishes safety standards for frearms. No difference.
The government (fed) does tell people whether or not they can own firearms. It does not tell people whether or not they can own cars.
Guns are protected under the 2A.
Cars are not protected under any amendment.
The two are completely different and not comparable at all.
Can any nation allow its citizens to have guns without paying a price, and the price is the murder of its citizens, including children. Automobiles take their toll but one major difference is that there is a constant battle to make the automobile problem safer, as the airplane, children's toys, food and so forth. There is no battle to make citizens safer from guns. We are a helpless nation.

The battle for making cars safer does not involve saying the government gets to decide what car your drive, nor does it allow the government to say you can't own a car except if you are a police officer, nor do they make you wait 7 days to drive your new car.

Guns themselves are safe when used properly, and the people using them know how to use them. Its people that are the issue.

The government alllows you to buy any brand of car you want. But it will not let you buy it unless it meets certain safety and DOT standards

The government may not tell you that you can't own a car, but they can damned well tell you tyhat you can't drive it on public streets. They can also tell you that you can't drive ANY car.

They may not tell you to wait 7 days to drive a new car. But they can pull your license to drive for anywhere from 90 days to forever

AR-15's are perfectly safe, as are Glocks.

On the first point, only very ridiculous cars are not street legal. people can own everything from a shelby mustang to a Yugo.

And yes they can pull your license, but you have to do something WRONG first. If the guy next to me gets caught doing 65 in a 30, the cop can't take my license and MY car because of it.
'I will tell you, I have been in Washington for a while now. Most things don't surprise me. The fact that 20 six year olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible and this town couldn't do anything about it was stunning to me"
-The Obama

-None of the ideas pushed by the anti-gun loons after Sandy Hook would have stopped the shooting, had they been in place.
-None of the ideas pushed by the anti-gun loons after Sandy Hook will stop another one, if put in place.

And the anti-gun loons wonder why they couldn't make anything happen.
The battle for making cars safer does not involve saying the government gets to decide what car your drive, nor does it allow the government to say you can't own a car except if you are a police officer, nor do they make you wait 7 days to drive your new car.

Guns themselves are safe when used properly, and the people using them know how to use them. Its people that are the issue.

The government alllows you to buy any brand of car you want. But it will not let you buy it unless it meets certain safety and DOT standards

The government may not tell you that you can't own a car, but they can damned well tell you tyhat you can't drive it on public streets. They can also tell you that you can't drive ANY car.

They may not tell you to wait 7 days to drive a new car. But they can pull your license to drive for anywhere from 90 days to forever

That's a total confusion. A complete muddle.
We can start with the faulty analogy. The government (fed) does not issue driver's licenses. It cannot tell anyone whether or not they can drive. State governments do that.
The government (fed) establishes safety standards for automobiles. The government (fed) establishes safety standards for frearms. No difference.
The government (fed) does tell people whether or not they can own firearms. It does not tell people whether or not they can own cars.
Guns are protected under the 2A.
Cars are not protected under any amendment.
The two are completely different and not comparable at all.

I never mentioned automobiles until you made the analogy so I simply pursued it, false as it was. The gun killings will continue but maybe they could be reduced or maybe increased depending.... The question is, are Americans content to let the the killings continue?
I never mentioned automobiles until you made the analogy so I simply pursued it, false as it was. The gun killings will continue but maybe they could be reduced or maybe increased depending.... The question is, are Americans content to let the the killings continue?
Asks he who cannot present a sound means to prevent those killings.
I never mentioned automobiles until you made the analogy so I simply pursued it, false as it was. The gun killings will continue but maybe they could be reduced or maybe increased depending.... The question is, are Americans content to let the the killings continue?
Asks he who cannot present a sound means to prevent those killings.

Because there is none that doesnt involve MORE guns being available, not fewer. Libs think guns are the problem. People are the problem.

I merely see the world through different eyes, and hold a different opinion than you do.

You consistently evince a considerable disdain for your country.

You are entirely free to do so.

Do not, however, expect to metaphorically piss on your country, here or elsewhere, where Americans have access to your commentary, and expect to do so without challenge.

Your denigrating metaphorical assaults upon your own country, and your 'canned' responses about 'brainwashing' and narrow perspectives, ring hollow in an increasingly wired and connected global village, and serve merely to indicate a baseless, groundless faux sense of superiority, and a lack of depth and ability, in advancing your own arguments.

The word of the day toilet paper is working well for you.
As you like.

Your lack of a lucid response says a lot about you; none of it positive.

Reciting from a portfolio of rusted-over 'canned' talking points also says a lot about you; again, none of it positive.

Denigrating folks for merely holding a different opinion says a lot about you, as well; yet again, none of it positive.

Seems like you've been resting on your laurels as a participant for far too long.

Those laurels are, by now, long past their 'freshness' or 'sell-by' date, and, in the main, lacking in either interest or relevancy.

It must get boring for you after a while, being a One-Trick Pony, with little creativity or imagination to offer-up to the audience, in the way in which you (try to) interact.

It must also get boring, being reduced, as you are, to throwing shells and husks from the Peanut Gallery, because your bitterness and bile and baseless sense of superiority keep you at a distance from much of the audience.

If you're able to engage properly on the subject matter - in an interactive and intelligent fashion - then, by all means, do so.

However, few here - myself included - are expecting much from you in that regard, based upon recent past performance.

It's quite probable that you no longer have that in you, if, indeed, you ever did.

You are boring and really full of it. and full of yourself, for some unknown reason.
I seriously doubt you could find Europe on a map, much less know anything about it.

I have lived in Europe for 18 years. Now, see how stupid you can be when you really do not have a reply?

Unless "Europe" is the name of a low rent trailer park you're lying. Your inability to answer the many objections presented here shows you have zero idea what you're talking about.

I live in Europe, and this post shows just how helpless you are.
The word of the day toilet paper is working well for you.
As you like.

Your lack of a lucid response says a lot about you; none of it positive.

Reciting from a portfolio of rusted-over 'canned' talking points also says a lot about you; again, none of it positive.

Denigrating folks for merely holding a different opinion says a lot about you, as well; yet again, none of it positive.

Seems like you've been resting on your laurels as a participant for far too long.

Those laurels are, by now, long past their 'freshness' or 'sell-by' date, and, in the main, lacking in either interest or relevancy.

It must get boring for you after a while, being a One-Trick Pony, with little creativity or imagination to offer-up to the audience, in the way in which you (try to) interact.

It must also get boring, being reduced, as you are, to throwing shells and husks from the Peanut Gallery, because your bitterness and bile and baseless sense of superiority keep you at a distance from much of the audience.

If you're able to engage properly on the subject matter - in an interactive and intelligent fashion - then, by all means, do so.

However, few here - myself included - are expecting much from you in that regard, based upon recent past performance.

It's quite probable that you no longer have that in you, if, indeed, you ever did.

You are boring and really full of it. and full of yourself, for some unknown reason.

Translation: I've been pwned again.
I have lived in Europe for 18 years. Now, see how stupid you can be when you really do not have a reply?

Unless "Europe" is the name of a low rent trailer park you're lying. Your inability to answer the many objections presented here shows you have zero idea what you're talking about.

I live in Europe, and this post shows just how helpless you are.

How many pads in the trailer park there?
As you like.

Your lack of a lucid response says a lot about you; none of it positive.

Reciting from a portfolio of rusted-over 'canned' talking points also says a lot about you; again, none of it positive.

Denigrating folks for merely holding a different opinion says a lot about you, as well; yet again, none of it positive.

Seems like you've been resting on your laurels as a participant for far too long.

Those laurels are, by now, long past their 'freshness' or 'sell-by' date, and, in the main, lacking in either interest or relevancy.

It must get boring for you after a while, being a One-Trick Pony, with little creativity or imagination to offer-up to the audience, in the way in which you (try to) interact.

It must also get boring, being reduced, as you are, to throwing shells and husks from the Peanut Gallery, because your bitterness and bile and baseless sense of superiority keep you at a distance from much of the audience.

If you're able to engage properly on the subject matter - in an interactive and intelligent fashion - then, by all means, do so.

However, few here - myself included - are expecting much from you in that regard, based upon recent past performance.

It's quite probable that you no longer have that in you, if, indeed, you ever did.

You are boring and really full of it. and full of yourself, for some unknown reason.

Translation: I've been pwned again.
Pretty much.

Same User ID as at the old, and now defunct (and, therefore, OK to talk-about) MSN boards years ago.

Same boring rock-throwing persona and modus operandi.

Like I said... wwwaaaaayyyy past its sell-by date. :lol:

If it has anything intelligent to add to the gun-control conversation, it must be saving the good stuff for the end, 'cause what we've all seen so far is pretty damned weak mojo.
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