Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful

Do you honestly feel we need a ton of new laws with no more intent to enforce them than has been shown about enforcing the hundreds of gun restricting laws we already have?

Not more gun laws, simply enforcing the ones we have after removing the "with the exception of" clause followed by all previous statutes pertaining to gun control.

Try reading a few and learn something.
Please cite a gun law with the phrase "with the exception of" that you would like to see removed.

Here you go, Cletus. The word "except" is used in this new law 51 times. "Unless" is used 31 times.

And the very sad thing about it: It's Connecticut's new gun laws post Sandy Hook and defines "WEAPONS BANNED AS ASSAULT WEAPONS".

It's only about 15 pages long so I figure you might get past the first paragraph....maybe.

Not more gun laws, simply enforcing the ones we have after removing the "with the exception of" clause followed by all previous statutes pertaining to gun control.

Try reading a few and learn something.
Please cite a gun law with the phrase "with the exception of" that you would like to see removed.

Here you go, Cletus. The word "except" is used in this new law 51 times. "Unless" is used 31 times.

And the very sad thing about it: It's Connecticut's new gun laws post Sandy Hook and defines "WEAPONS BANNED AS ASSAULT WEAPONS".

It's only about 15 pages long so I figure you might get past the first paragraph....maybe.


OK you failed to do that. But interesting that you want to see police disarmed as well. I'm sure that'll happen.
You are a liar, a fraud, and a waste of DNA.
Please cite a gun law with the phrase "with the exception of" that you would like to see removed.

Here you go, Cletus. The word "except" is used in this new law 51 times. "Unless" is used 31 times.

And the very sad thing about it: It's Connecticut's new gun laws post Sandy Hook and defines "WEAPONS BANNED AS ASSAULT WEAPONS".

It's only about 15 pages long so I figure you might get past the first paragraph....maybe.


OK you failed to do that. But interesting that you want to see police disarmed as well. I'm sure that'll happen.
You are a liar, a fraud, and a waste of DNA.

Ha! Sorry to embarrass you so. Where does it say I want to disarm police? This is CT state law, not my opinion, idiot. Carry on:

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Here you go, Cletus. The word "except" is used in this new law 51 times. "Unless" is used 31 times.

And the very sad thing about it: It's Connecticut's new gun laws post Sandy Hook and defines "WEAPONS BANNED AS ASSAULT WEAPONS".

It's only about 15 pages long so I figure you might get past the first paragraph....maybe.


OK you failed to do that. But interesting that you want to see police disarmed as well. I'm sure that'll happen.
You are a liar, a fraud, and a waste of DNA.

Ha! Sorry to embarrass you so. Carry on:


Oh, I was wrong about one thing: The new law is actually about 130 pages when pasted into Word using an 11 point font. Not 15.

I was hoping if you thought it was short you'd actually read it.
Here you go, Cletus. The word "except" is used in this new law 51 times. "Unless" is used 31 times.

And the very sad thing about it: It's Connecticut's new gun laws post Sandy Hook and defines "WEAPONS BANNED AS ASSAULT WEAPONS".

It's only about 15 pages long so I figure you might get past the first paragraph....maybe.


OK you failed to do that. But interesting that you want to see police disarmed as well. I'm sure that'll happen.
You are a liar, a fraud, and a waste of DNA.

Ha! Sorry to embarrass you so. Carry on:


Translation: Yeah, you nailed me. I've got nothing.
OK you failed to do that. But interesting that you want to see police disarmed as well. I'm sure that'll happen.
You are a liar, a fraud, and a waste of DNA.

Ha! Sorry to embarrass you so. Carry on:


Oh, I was wrong about one thing: The new law is actually about 130 pages when pasted into Word using an 11 point font. Not 15.

I was hoping if you thought it was short you'd actually read it.

Why would I waste my time when you didnt bother to answer teh question?
Exasperated Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful - CNN.com

I will tell you, I have been in Washington for a while now. Most things don't surprise me. The fact that 20 six year olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible and this town couldn't do anything about it was stunning to me," he said.

Proof positive the Rs don't give a flying fuck about dead children but they do care about gun sales.

Oh where's the straw man emoticon?
As long as the right wants to arm known terrorists, criminals, illegals, the mentally ill and as long as the R is owned by the gun lobby and has the power to stop responsible legislation, nothing will change.

The right?
Obama has supplied arms to known terrorists
Obama has allowed criminals to obtain guns
Obama has turned a blind eye to illegals
Obama has hired the mentally ill as press secretaries and cabinet members.
I think many Americans realize that for citizens to have guns there is a price, and part of that price is that some of our kids will be massacred by people with guns. It's that simple.
I think many Americans realize that for citizens to have guns there is a price, and part of that price is that some of our kids will be massacred by people with guns. It's that simple.

We use the same calculus with other things too. We could eliminate car fatalities by banning cars. We could eliminate ladder fatalities by requiring permits for ladders. We could eliminate child deaths in swimming pools by banning pools over 2 feet deep. No one needs a 9 ft deep pool. Etc. The goal of government is not to eliminate risk among the population but to guarantee freedom and rights.
I think many Americans realize that for citizens to have guns there is a price, and part of that price is that some of our kids will be massacred by people with guns. It's that simple.

We use the same calculus with other things too. We could eliminate car fatalities by banning cars. We could eliminate ladder fatalities by requiring permits for ladders. We could eliminate child deaths in swimming pools by banning pools over 2 feet deep. No one needs a 9 ft deep pool. Etc. The goal of government is not to eliminate risk among the population but to guarantee freedom and rights.

And what about cough drops? Hah?
Seems automobiles are not manufactured to have accidents but guns are designed to shoot things, and well, maybe for a gun-toter to look macho. In fact, tons of laws are created to eliminate risk like forcing auto drivers to stop at red lights, carry insurance and car companies forced to install seat belts. If government is not supposed to eliminate risk why do we have all these laws to eliminate risk? And if government's responsiblity is to guarantee our freedom and rights how about guaranteeing our kids the right and freedom not to be shot while trying to spell Cat in school?
Its because most of their ancestors were serfs, and servility to a ruling class and the belief that only the government elite have the right to be armed was bred into them.

No, they are civilized, sensible people.

Since we dont know what country this is it's hard to say. But let's say it's France, with its enormous Muslim population that riots periodically and sets cars and buildings on fire. Or England, where its enormous Muslim population riots and cuts off soldiers' heads in the street. Or Norway, which has both an enormous rioting Muslim population and domestic crazies shooting up kids. Take your pick.
If they dont think they need guns they are hardly sensible people.

They realize hat guns are not the answer. Your examples are the exception, not the rule.
there is an answer. It's called freedom.

What a lame, bullshit excuse. I live in a country with strict gun laws, and freedom. Keep telling yourself that America is the country with the most freedom, keep lying to yourself. I left America almost 20 years ago, and have not lost any freedom, if anything, the opposite is true.

America left Europe over 200 years, we gained more freedom than ever before seen. You want to live in a strict gun control country, that's your choice. I prefer the choice of living in a society, where my basic safety/security needs are driven by decisions and solutions....

That was 200 years ago. you should live in the present.
I think many Americans realize that for citizens to have guns there is a price, and part of that price is that some of our kids will be massacred by people with guns. It's that simple.

We use the same calculus with other things too. We could eliminate car fatalities by banning cars. We could eliminate ladder fatalities by requiring permits for ladders. We could eliminate child deaths in swimming pools by banning pools over 2 feet deep. No one needs a 9 ft deep pool. Etc. The goal of government is not to eliminate risk among the population but to guarantee freedom and rights.

And what about cough drops? Hah?
Seems automobiles are not manufactured to have accidents but guns are designed to shoot things, and well, maybe for a gun-toter to look macho. In fact, tons of laws are created to eliminate risk like forcing auto drivers to stop at red lights, carry insurance and car companies forced to install seat belts. If government is not supposed to eliminate risk why do we have all these laws to eliminate risk? And if government's responsiblity is to guarantee our freedom and rights how about guaranteeing our kids the right and freedom not to be shot while trying to spell Cat in school?

Guns are made to shoot bullets. Where the bullets are shot is not the gun's fault but the result of the shooter's mental process. So that's a fail of an argument.
The things you mention are designed to reduce risk, not eliminate it. An important distinction.
No, they are civilized, sensible people.

Since we dont know what country this is it's hard to say. But let's say it's France, with its enormous Muslim population that riots periodically and sets cars and buildings on fire. Or England, where its enormous Muslim population riots and cuts off soldiers' heads in the street. Or Norway, which has both an enormous rioting Muslim population and domestic crazies shooting up kids. Take your pick.
If they dont think they need guns they are hardly sensible people.

They realize hat guns are not the answer. Your examples are the exception, not the rule.

They've been brainwashed into thinking the state is there to protect them. I could cite virtually every country in Western Europe as they all have the same problem.
I'm sure more gun laws will fix the problem all the current gun laws haven't.

Not more gun laws, simply enforcing the ones we have after removing the "with the exception of" clause followed by all previous statutes pertaining to gun control.

Try reading a few and learn something.

That is the key point

NRA makes sure that gun legislation is laden with loopholes and then brags how the legislation does not stop gun violence

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