Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful

You see how they aren't angry at the government who can do all this wonderful things in their eyes, like create government agencies to frikken sell insureance

but for some reason they can't protect the citizens in this country from the gangs, criminals, and now the mentally ill because you can't step on their civil rights

so their knee jerk response, take it out on ALL gun owners who are law abiding citizens and has went through the legal channels to own them and they see not one problem with stepping on their second amendment rights

how about that
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Move along....nothing to see here

Nothing you can do will stop mass killings
No law will prevent anything

you see more innocent children lying in a pool of blood...Tough

As usual, when the liberal loses the debate, he starts ranting hysterically.


Been there done that

Just getting tired of the NRA company line we get from you guys. Nothing can be done about gun violence. Might as well not even try.
The fact that this nation could allow 20 six year olds to be massacred and look the other way is one of our biggest shames

other than you typical complaining, what is your SOLUTION? i have yet to see you offer one.
Just getting tired of the NRA company line we get from you guys. Nothing can be done about gun violence. Might as well not even try.
As you can see, the liberals don't just fail to offer any solutions. They also lie about those who do, lie about the solutions that conservatives have offered, and carefully ignore the solutions that have been specified time and again.
The fact that this nation could allow 20 six year olds to be massacred and look the other way is one of our biggest shames

other than you typical complaining, what is your SOLUTION? i have yet to see you offer one.
Just getting tired of the NRA company line we get from you guys. Nothing can be done about gun violence. Might as well not even try.
As you can see, the liberals don't just fail to offer any solutions. They also lie about those who do, lie about the solutions that conservatives have offered, and carefully ignore the solutions that have been specified time and again.

rightwinger lies frequently
Move along....nothing to see here

Nothing you can do will stop mass killings
No law will prevent anything

you see more innocent children lying in a pool of blood...Tough

As usual, when the liberal loses the debate, he starts ranting hysterically.


Been there done that

Just getting tired of the NRA company line we get from you guys. Nothing can be done about gun violence. Might as well not even try.

what is your SOLUTION??? all we get from you is complaining, but no solutions.
Exasperated Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful - CNN.com

I will tell you, I have been in Washington for a while now. Most things don't surprise me. The fact that 20 six year olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible and this town couldn't do anything about it was stunning to me," he said.

1. First of all, to quote the man who won "liar of the year..." not the most insightful move.

2. Which laws currently on the books would you, or your source, find efficacious?

3. The CDC actually studied the laws on the books....and guess which ones they found effective?


The CDC studied laws throughout the country, and found: “In summary, the Task Force found insufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of any of the firearms laws reviewed for preventing violence.”
The fact that this nation could allow 20 six year olds to be massacred and look the other way is one of our biggest shames

other than you typical complaining, what is your SOLUTION? i have yet to see you offer one.
Just getting tired of the NRA company line we get from you guys. Nothing can be done about gun violence. Might as well not even try.
As you can see, the liberals don't just fail to offer any solutions. They also lie about those who do, lie about the solutions that conservatives have offered, and carefully ignore the solutions that have been specified time and again.

Are the liberals aware that, with their completely weird and inexplicable behavior toward useless gun laws, they would flunk the same mental-competency tests that they keep trying to impose on others, as a requirement for buying a gun? Their own behavior would disarm them completely.

Maybe they should be careful what they wish for.

OTOH, if all liberals were disarmed, maybe we WOULD see a marked decline in the number of insane whackos shooting up schools, shopping malls etc. What do you think?
You can still have your toys, just not all the ones you want
If you are crazy, suffer depresion, beat your wife, are a felon.......no guns for you

And the legislation you will enact to accomplish that is... what?

First off

Cultural change: Women, your husband/boyfriend has anger issues and a tendency towards domestic violence? Refuse to go back to him if there are guns in the house. Your child is creepy and scares even you? Do not keep guns in the house and do not buy him that AR-15 he wants for his birthday. Your spouse suffers with depression? Get rid of the guns


If you are under the care of a pschiatrist and he sees you are a threat....you go on the no guns list. You suffer from depression? No gun list. Wife beater? No guns list. Felon? No guns list. You are taking certain psychotic medications that you become unstable when you go off them? No guns list

Next comes background checks. Not just in gun shops....every transaction. You sell guns to someone on the no guns list? You spend time in jail

fair points except the last point. how would a private party conduct a background check?

further, this does nothing to resolve illegal gun sales.
RW, what I agree with you on is the fact that something has to be done about these shootings. But, where we disagree about this is the fact that because we do not have anywhere to put them, the criminally and mentally insane walk around and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Apparently, it is against a persons 'rights' to make them take their medicine when they are hearing voices telling them to 'kill everyone' in sight. I would ask if something applies to guns, why does it not apply to these people who pose an obvious threat? You can't make them take their medicine or put them into an asylum based upon what they 'might do', but you want to take guns away from people who have never done anything, based upon what someone 'might do' with them? That makes no logical sense to me.

Guns are a tool, and like other tools they can be used for recreation, sport, good or bad. It's up to the person who wields that tool as to how it is used. Society has gotten worse. In 1965 you could buy a rifle through mail for about $50.00 and didn't have to prove anything. Before Charles Whitman and the Texas University tower shootings, mass murders were few and far between.

In Tulsa, there is a guy who stands on First Street downtown and screams and yells at passing cars and pedestrians about how he is going to 'kill' them. The cops say that the guy has been committed several times and there's nothing else that they can do with him. He has medicine and refuses to take it. Until he actually carries out one of his threats, he is free as a bird. Want to bet what will eventually happen?

No, these shootings are a symptom of something else far more dangerous. Guns are an easy target for the focus of those who want simple solutions when the solution may be far more complex. Especially when you don't want to look in the mirror and see what progressive policies are doing to society as a whole.

I have no issues with legal, responsible gun owners

However, I am sick and tired of crazies, who after they shoot up a school or movie theater, everyone says......I knew that guy was crazy, it was only a matter of time

Why can't we keep guns out of their hands?

The guy who shot up the school and killed all those children. His mother was a lawful gun owner. There are two ways you could have prevented that massacre. First, you could make the ownership of weapons for that woman unlawful. Up until the point those poor children were killed, she hadn't done anything wrong at all. Or, you could have given her the ability to put her troubled son 'into a system' that would have possibly committed him against his will BEFORE he committed that atrocity, forced him to take his medicine against his will, and made local authorities aware of his issues AND (I support this even as a member of the NRA) made it unlawful for him to be around or in possession of weapons. But even she remarked to neighbors before he killed her, that there was nothing that anyone would do with him even though she tried.

Why does it make sense to say to Joe Six-Pack, 'Hey, you can't have these weapons and we're going to make it harder to have any weapons' when it's not Joe's weapons that are the issue. It's the crazy nut walking up and down the street in the tin foil hat screaming that neo-cons just contaminated his sperm (you know, RDean).

Guns have been in my house, in my father's house, in my grandfather's house and as far back as anyone knows. They are tools and we use them as such. I submit that it is the person using that tool that is the issue, not the tool itself.
Exasperated Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful - CNN.com

I will tell you, I have been in Washington for a while now. Most things don't surprise me. The fact that 20 six year olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible and this town couldn't do anything about it was stunning to me," he said.


He changed the background check regulations.

He just didn't announce it.

Those of us who bought guns know this.......

One of our members is a gun dealer and he can tell you the whole skinny on these midnight regulation changes.

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My first reaction to this... rightly or wrongly... is to speculate that the culture in America is so much more 'friendly' and 'tolerant' of broad gun ownership because, while America is, in large part, populated by the descendants of immigrants who LEFT Europe due to its repressive regimes, Europe is populated by our distant cousins, who are descendants of those who stayed behind to continue to live under those repressive regimes.

We are the children of those who had had a bellyful of European restrictions upon freedom and who had had a bellyful of abusive European governments, and both our Core Governing Guidelines and our divergent and evolved collective Culture or Society here in America continue to resound with the echoes of the Governing Antidote that our immigrants developed, to ensure that The People would never be disarmed and completely at the mercy of their Rulers and Governments, like the Europeans have been for centuries...

Today's Euros are the children of those who stayed behind, who could not or would not leave, and who chose to continue to live under those ancient and far more collectivized and arbitrary governments and cultures and societies and their trappings of governance, and who are only now (within living memory) beginning to enjoy a more liberal and tolerant political existence and empowerment, and whose own far more recently contrived modern-day Core Governing Guidelines still resound with the echoes of collectivism and a disarmed population...

They're not any better or smarter than us... they merely laid a modern-day shell on top of 'local' traditions of a disarmed populace... and have, by now, lost sight of how they got there; thinking that they're soooooo much better than us in that regard, rather than the truth: their present semi-disarmed and tightly-controlled state of affairs is a strong echo of far more arbitrary and freedom-restricting governments on their side of The Pond, that continued to exist over there until well within the range of living memory.

Or so it seems to this observer...


California has all his wet dreams short of confiscation and it did not stop the mass shooter there? What more does he want? Further shootings are WAY down over the last 25 years. We cut the murder rate in half from the early 90's. Al;l while putting more firearms in citizens hands.

You are full of shit. Almost a shooting a week in schools in this nation since Sandy Hook. That is way down? 32,000 gun deaths a year in the USA. That is something to be proud of? The per capita rate of shootings in the US is 7 times that of Canada. There is something deeply sick in our society. But the only answer you idiots have is more guns.

I live in Europe, and people ask me what is wrong with the United States. Why do people think that they have to carry guns? And they are really astonished at the people who want to legalize carrying guns out in the open, like those idiots in Texas with their rifles. I have no answer for them. They know how ridiculous it is, I know how ridiculous it is, but....,
Exasperated Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful - CNN.com

I will tell you, I have been in Washington for a while now. Most things don't surprise me. The fact that 20 six year olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible and this town couldn't do anything about it was stunning to me," he said.

did he feel that way when he was passing out a couple of thousand

assault rifles to criminals under the guise of a sting operation

that has resulted in the deaths of at least two Americans

and over three hundred Mexicans
RW, what I agree with you on is the fact that something has to be done about these shootings. But, where we disagree about this is the fact that because we do not have anywhere to put them, the criminally and mentally insane walk around and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Apparently, it is against a persons 'rights' to make them take their medicine when they are hearing voices telling them to 'kill everyone' in sight. I would ask if something applies to guns, why does it not apply to these people who pose an obvious threat? You can't make them take their medicine or put them into an asylum based upon what they 'might do', but you want to take guns away from people who have never done anything, based upon what someone 'might do' with them? That makes no logical sense to me.

Guns are a tool, and like other tools they can be used for recreation, sport, good or bad. It's up to the person who wields that tool as to how it is used. Society has gotten worse. In 1965 you could buy a rifle through mail for about $50.00 and didn't have to prove anything. Before Charles Whitman and the Texas University tower shootings, mass murders were few and far between.

In Tulsa, there is a guy who stands on First Street downtown and screams and yells at passing cars and pedestrians about how he is going to 'kill' them. The cops say that the guy has been committed several times and there's nothing else that they can do with him. He has medicine and refuses to take it. Until he actually carries out one of his threats, he is free as a bird. Want to bet what will eventually happen?

No, these shootings are a symptom of something else far more dangerous. Guns are an easy target for the focus of those who want simple solutions when the solution may be far more complex. Especially when you don't want to look in the mirror and see what progressive policies are doing to society as a whole.

I have no issues with legal, responsible gun owners

However, I am sick and tired of crazies, who after they shoot up a school or movie theater, everyone says......I knew that guy was crazy, it was only a matter of time

Why can't we keep guns out of their hands?

The guy who shot up the school and killed all those children. His mother was a lawful gun owner. There are two ways you could have prevented that massacre. First, you could make the ownership of weapons for that woman unlawful. Up until the point those poor children were killed, she hadn't done anything wrong at all. Or, you could have given her the ability to put her troubled son 'into a system' that would have possibly committed him against his will BEFORE he committed that atrocity, forced him to take his medicine against his will, and made local authorities aware of his issues AND (I support this even as a member of the NRA) made it unlawful for him to be around or in possession of weapons. But even she remarked to neighbors before he killed her, that there was nothing that anyone would do with him even though she tried.

Why does it make sense to say to Joe Six-Pack, 'Hey, you can't have these weapons and we're going to make it harder to have any weapons' when it's not Joe's weapons that are the issue. It's the crazy nut walking up and down the street in the tin foil hat screaming that neo-cons just contaminated his sperm (you know, RDean).

Guns have been in my house, in my father's house, in my grandfather's house and as far back as anyone knows. They are tools and we use them as such. I submit that it is the person using that tool that is the issue, not the tool itself.

or the school could have had an armed presence

dont think for a second that the Principal who lost her life

defending the children by throwing a book at the shooter

would not have taken the shooter out had she been allowed to carry
The NRA has got RWs so scared, they won't leave home without their penis, er, uh, I mean, gun.

You could pile little gun-shot babies to the sky and the right would still care more about selling guns.

Says the girl that is afraid of kids with Bibles.

I don't own a gun, I would not own a gun, but in this country we have rights and they are more important than your fears.
And the legislation you will enact to accomplish that is... what?

First off

Cultural change: Women, your husband/boyfriend has anger issues and a tendency towards domestic violence? Refuse to go back to him if there are guns in the house. Your child is creepy and scares even you? Do not keep guns in the house and do not buy him that AR-15 he wants for his birthday. Your spouse suffers with depression? Get rid of the guns


If you are under the care of a pschiatrist and he sees you are a threat....you go on the no guns list. You suffer from depression? No gun list. Wife beater? No guns list. Felon? No guns list. You are taking certain psychotic medications that you become unstable when you go off them? No guns list

Next comes background checks. Not just in gun shops....every transaction. You sell guns to someone on the no guns list? You spend time in jail

fair points except the last point. how would a private party conduct a background check?

further, this does nothing to resolve illegal gun sales.

The same way a private party conducts a credit check
Exasperated Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful - CNN.com

I will tell you, I have been in Washington for a while now. Most things don't surprise me. The fact that 20 six year olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible and this town couldn't do anything about it was stunning to me," he said.

did he feel that way when he was passing out a couple of thousand

assault rifles to criminals under the guise of a sting operation

that has resulted in the deaths of at least two Americans

and over three hundred Mexicans

Obama never passed out guns. He allowed Arizonas weak gun laws to operate

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