Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful

All these big-govt gun-haters are dancing carefully around the fact that none of their gun laws and restrictions will keep guns out of the hands of people who don't obey laws.....

....EXCEPT for a total ban on all guns for everybody, followed by massive confiscation of all guns presently in civilian hands.

They want to arrive at that slowly, a little at a time, so the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water is getting warmer.

So they only suggest a small restriction here, a ban on only certain guns there...... for now.



When do you suppose they'll notice that even their total gun ban, will work as well as the current nationwide bans on marijuana, cocaine, and exceeding the speed limit in your car?

there is an answer. It's called freedom.

What a lame, bullshit excuse. I live in a country with strict gun laws, and freedom. Keep telling yourself that America is the country with the most freedom, keep lying to yourself. I left America almost 20 years ago, and have not lost any freedom, if anything, the opposite is true.

America left Europe over 200 years, we gained more freedom than ever before seen. You want to live in a strict gun control country, that's your choice. I prefer the choice of living in a society, where my basic safety/security needs are driven by decisions and solutions....

:eusa_think: Anyone else find the irony of ^ this ^ amusing?:badgrin:
You can still have your toys, just not all the ones you want
If you are crazy, suffer depresion, beat your wife, are a felon.......no guns for you

And the legislation you will enact to accomplish that is... what?

It wont. IN the majority of mass shooting cases recently there was absolutely nothing that would have prohibited the shooters from buying a gun. And no legislation could be written that would have done so without including a huge number of people who dont represent a threat.

Move along....nothing to see here

Nothing you can do will stop mass killings
No law will prevent anything
Guns don't kill people...people kill people
Don't even try

Moral of the story.....you see more innocent children lying in a pool of blood...Tough
We got a second amendment
I have no issues with legal, responsible gun owners
Then why do you keep calling for laws to restrict them?

However, I am sick and tired of crazies, who after they shoot up a school or movie theater, everyone says......I knew that guy was crazy, it was only a matter of time

Why can't we keep guns out of their hands?


You can still have your toys, just not all the ones you want
If you are crazy, suffer depresion, beat your wife, are a felon.......no guns for you

And the legislation you will enact to accomplish that is... what?
I have no issues with legal, responsible gun owners
Then why do you keep calling for laws to restrict them?

However, I am sick and tired of crazies, who after they shoot up a school or movie theater, everyone says......I knew that guy was crazy, it was only a matter of time

Why can't we keep guns out of their hands?


You can still have your toys, just not all the ones you want (nope, if I am responsible, then no restrictions)

If you are crazy, suffer depresion, beat your wife, are a felon.......no guns for you (yes, but only with due process--depression is not a reason. Violent, insane, felon are reasons)

If you would rather see 6 year olds massacred than submit to that......tough

no one wants to see a 6 year old massacred. Stop with the hyperbole....
What a lame, bullshit excuse. I live in a country with strict gun laws, and freedom. Keep telling yourself that America is the country with the most freedom, keep lying to yourself. I left America almost 20 years ago, and have not lost any freedom, if anything, the opposite is true.

America left Europe over 200 years, we gained more freedom than ever before seen. You want to live in a strict gun control country, that's your choice. I prefer the choice of living in a society, where my basic safety/security needs are driven by decisions and solutions....

:eusa_think: Anyone else find the irony of ^ this ^ amusing?:badgrin:

it should read "by my decisions and solutions". And yes, do see the irony that someone would purposely live in a less free environment. I have no issue with that, but don't think I have to...
I live in Europe, and people ask me what is wrong with the United States. Why do people think that they have to carry guns? And they are really astonished at the people who want to legalize carrying guns out in the open, like those idiots in Texas with their rifles. I have no answer for them. They know how ridiculous it is, I know how ridiculous it is, but....,

Its because most of their ancestors were serfs, and servility to a ruling class and the belief that only the government elite have the right to be armed was bred into them.

No, they are civilized, sensible people.

Oh, Hai there!!!


Plus Europe has some sort of thing with pedophile rings:

'World's Largest' Online Pedophile Ring Smashed In Europe

The three-year investigation code named Operation Rescue uncovered 670 suspects and identified and safeguarded children in more than 30 countries by arresting people accused of abusing them, said Rob Wainwright, director of the European Union police agency Europol.

The ring was centered on an Amsterdam-based online forum called boylover.net, which Wainwright described as "probably the largest online pedophile network in the world."

"These are very serious crimes on a truly global basis," he added.

The heavily encrypted forum, whose administrator appeared in a Dutch court on Tuesday charged with sex offenses, had up to 70,000 members.

But its a gun in MY hands that is what is uncivilized.
America left Europe over 200 years, we gained more freedom than ever before seen. You want to live in a strict gun control country, that's your choice. I prefer the choice of living in a society, where my basic safety/security needs are driven by decisions and solutions....

:eusa_think: Anyone else find the irony of ^ this ^ amusing?:badgrin:

it should read "by my decisions and solutions". And yes, do see the irony that someone would purposely live in a less free environment. I have no issue with that, but don't think I have to...

True dat. But I was primarily referring to your handle itself, giving us a lecture about freedoms. :badgrin:

I dig it, comrade. :thup:
Its another one of those "we have to do something immediately" types. Never mind that we have enough laws, many of which heavily infringe upon the second.
No one is saying to take away the Second Amendment but the problem is much different today than when the framers of the Constitution wrote and enacted it. Today, we face far greater risks if we just stand by idly and do nothing. We cannot afford to do that anymore. It seems that almost every day there is a mass shooting in some state and innocent victims, many who are children, are losing their lives unnecessarily. Is that being fair to them? What if it was your children or you who lost your life in that manner? That is why I proposed enacting new and tougher laws that will make potential crazy people stand back and take a look at what could happen to them should they go on a wild shooting spree. The new laws would not affect the Second Amendment as it is written but only address the mass, random killings by those crazy enough to go do it because our current laws are simply inadequate and not strong enough for what we are now facing. It would also address those who, in the course of just feeling more empowered or in the course of committing a crime such as robbery, rape, etc. where they would willfully and indiscriminately kill those who would stand in their way. The problem is we do not have tougher laws on the books to address the problems we face today vs. those of yesteryear. And that is what makes killers so comfortable in that they may merely get a slap on the wrist, a few short years in jail with parole, or in some cases just probation if they go out and kill someone. And you know what? Without the new laws in place They Most Certainly Will!

I know people are tired of new laws but when they are warranted such as in this instance then it is not only due to being remiss about enacting the much needed new laws but it is downright wrong to allow indiscriminate killers to continue to get away with murder just because we do not have the 'hormones' to pass new and much needed laws that would provide for much harsher penalties. In the end, we will have no one else to blame but ourselves for our complacency with the status quo and many more innocent people will continue to die unnecessarily. Is that something you could live comfortably with for the rest of your life knowing you could have pushed for new laws that could help save lives, perhaps your very own or that of a family member?
Then why do you keep calling for laws to restrict them?


You can still have your toys, just not all the ones you want
If you are crazy, suffer depresion, beat your wife, are a felon.......no guns for you

And the legislation you will enact to accomplish that is... what?

First off

Cultural change: Women, your husband/boyfriend has anger issues and a tendency towards domestic violence? Refuse to go back to him if there are guns in the house. Your child is creepy and scares even you? Do not keep guns in the house and do not buy him that AR-15 he wants for his birthday. Your spouse suffers with depression? Get rid of the guns


If you are under the care of a pschiatrist and he sees you are a threat....you go on the no guns list. You suffer from depression? No gun list. Wife beater? No guns list. Felon? No guns list. You are taking certain psychotic medications that you become unstable when you go off them? No guns list

Next comes background checks. Not just in gun shops....every transaction. You sell guns to someone on the no guns list? You spend time in jail
Its another one of those "we have to do something immediately" types. Never mind that we have enough laws, many of which heavily infringe upon the second.
No one is saying to take away the Second Amendment but the problem is much different today than when the framers of the Constitution wrote and enacted it. Today, we face far greater risks if we just stand by idly and do nothing. We cannot afford to do that anymore. It seems that almost every day there is a mass shooting in some state and innocent victims, many who are children, are losing their lives unnecessarily. Is that being fair to them? What if it was your children or you who lost your life in that manner? That is why I proposed enacting new and tougher laws that will make potential crazy people stand back and take a look at what could happen to them should they go on a wild shooting spree. The new laws would not affect the Second Amendment as it is written but only address the mass, random killings by those crazy enough to go do it because our current laws are simply inadequate and not strong enough for what we are now facing. It would also address those who, in the course of just feeling more empowered or in the course of committing a crime such as robbery, rape, etc. where they would willfully and indiscriminately kill those who would stand in their way. The problem is we do not have tougher laws on the books to address the problems we face today vs. those of yesteryear. And that is what makes killers so comfortable in that they may merely get a slap on the wrist, a few short years in jail with parole, or in some cases just probation if they go out and kill someone. And you know what? Without the new laws in place They Most Certainly Will!

I know people are tired of new laws but when they are warranted such as in this instance then it is not only due to being remiss about enacting the much needed new laws but it is downright wrong to allow indiscriminate killers to continue to get away with murder just because we do not have the 'hormones' to pass new and much needed laws that would provide for much harsher penalties. In the end, we will have no one else to blame but ourselves for our complacency with the status quo and many more innocent people will continue to die unnecessarily. Is that something you could live comfortably with for the rest of your life knowing you could have pushed for new laws that could help save lives, perhaps your very own or that of a family member?

Wrong, please try again.
No one is saying to take away the Second Amendment
No, they're just saying to violate it as freely and often as they want.

That is why I proposed enacting new and tougher laws that will make potential crazy people stand back and take a look at what could happen to them should they go on a wild shooting spree.
And the legislation you will enact to accomplish that is... what?
You can still have your toys, just not all the ones you want
If you are crazy, suffer depresion, beat your wife, are a felon.......no guns for you

And the legislation you will enact to accomplish that is... what?

First off

Cultural change: Women, your husband/boyfriend has anger issues and a tendency towards domestic violence? Refuse to go back to him if there are guns in the house. Your child is creepy and scares even you? Do not keep guns in the house and do not buy him that AR-15 he wants for his birthday. Your spouse suffers with depression? Get rid of the guns


If you are under the care of a pschiatrist and he sees you are a threat....you go on the no guns list. You suffer from depression? No gun list. Wife beater? No guns list. Felon? No guns list. You are taking certain psychotic medications that you become unstable when you go off them? No guns list

Next comes background checks. Not just in gun shops....every transaction. You sell guns to someone on the no guns list? You spend time in jail

Blame the victim. Typical liberal.

We dont strip people of rights based on the opinion of a psychiatrist. Recall that the Soviets labeled many dissenters as psychiatrically ill and institutionalized them. We dont need to go there.
Wife beaters, felons, and people involuntarily committed are already prohibited.
Background checks work only when both parties are honest. When both are dishonest they dont. Or they could be like Adam Lanza and skip the waiting period and just steal a gun instead.
/fail. utter fail.
And the legislation you will enact to accomplish that is... what?

First off

Cultural change: Women, your husband/boyfriend has anger issues and a tendency towards domestic violence? Refuse to go back to him if there are guns in the house. Your child is creepy and scares even you? Do not keep guns in the house and do not buy him that AR-15 he wants for his birthday. Your spouse suffers with depression? Get rid of the guns


If you are under the care of a pschiatrist and he sees you are a threat....you go on the no guns list. You suffer from depression? No gun list. Wife beater? No guns list. Felon? No guns list. You are taking certain psychotic medications that you become unstable when you go off them? No guns list

Next comes background checks. Not just in gun shops....every transaction. You sell guns to someone on the no guns list? You spend time in jail

Blame the victim. Typical liberal.

We dont strip people of rights based on the opinion of a psychiatrist. Recall that the Soviets labeled many dissenters as psychiatrically ill and institutionalized them. We dont need to go there.
Wife beaters, felons, and people involuntarily committed are already prohibited.
Background checks work only when both parties are honest. When both are dishonest they dont. Or they could be like Adam Lanza and skip the waiting period and just steal a gun instead.
/fail. utter fail.

Move along....nothing to see here

Nothing you can do will stop mass killings
No law will prevent anything
Guns don't kill people...people kill people
Don't even try

Moral of the story.....you see more innocent children lying in a pool of blood...Tough
We got a second amendment
And the legislation you will enact to accomplish that is... what?

First off

Cultural change: Women, your husband/boyfriend has anger issues and a tendency towards domestic violence? Refuse to go back to him if there are guns in the house. Your child is creepy and scares even you? Do not keep guns in the house and do not buy him that AR-15 he wants for his birthday. Your spouse suffers with depression? Get rid of the guns


If you are under the care of a pschiatrist and he sees you are a threat....you go on the no guns list. You suffer from depression? No gun list. Wife beater? No guns list. Felon? No guns list. You are taking certain psychotic medications that you become unstable when you go off them? No guns list

Next comes background checks. Not just in gun shops....every transaction. You sell guns to someone on the no guns list? You spend time in jail

Blame the victim. Typical liberal.

We dont strip people of rights based on the opinion of a psychiatrist. Recall that the Soviets labeled many dissenters as psychiatrically ill and institutionalized them. We dont need to go there.
Wife beaters, felons, and people involuntarily committed are already prohibited.
Background checks work only when both parties are honest. When both are dishonest they dont. Or they could be like Adam Lanza and skip the waiting period and just steal a gun instead.
/fail. utter fail.

Honestly, I have no problem with isolating people with mental illness while they are a danger to themselves or others and getting them the treatment they deserve. While they're in the hospital, they won't have access to firearms.

Of course, the Left does not support THAT, they'd rather leave the mentally ill untreated and free to roam the streets around us while they punish you and me for things we didn't do.
First off

Cultural change: Women, your husband/boyfriend has anger issues and a tendency towards domestic violence? Refuse to go back to him if there are guns in the house. Your child is creepy and scares even you? Do not keep guns in the house and do not buy him that AR-15 he wants for his birthday. Your spouse suffers with depression? Get rid of the guns


If you are under the care of a pschiatrist and he sees you are a threat....you go on the no guns list. You suffer from depression? No gun list. Wife beater? No guns list. Felon? No guns list. You are taking certain psychotic medications that you become unstable when you go off them? No guns list

Next comes background checks. Not just in gun shops....every transaction. You sell guns to someone on the no guns list? You spend time in jail

Blame the victim. Typical liberal.

We dont strip people of rights based on the opinion of a psychiatrist. Recall that the Soviets labeled many dissenters as psychiatrically ill and institutionalized them. We dont need to go there.
Wife beaters, felons, and people involuntarily committed are already prohibited.
Background checks work only when both parties are honest. When both are dishonest they dont. Or they could be like Adam Lanza and skip the waiting period and just steal a gun instead.
/fail. utter fail.

Move along....nothing to see here

Nothing you can do will stop mass killings
No law will prevent anything
Guns don't kill people...people kill people
Don't even try

Moral of the story.....you see more innocent children lying in a pool of blood...Tough
We got a second amendment

Thank you for admitting your ideas are stupid, unworkable and counterproductive. You have just absented yourself from the debate.
Honestly, I have no problem with isolating people with mental illness while they are a danger to themselves or others and getting them the treatment they deserve. While they're in the hospital, they won't have access to firearms.

Of course, the Left does not support THAT, they'd rather leave the mentally ill untreated and free to roam the streets around us while they punish you and me for things we didn't do.


All these big-govt gun-haters are dancing carefully around the fact that none of their gun laws and restrictions will keep guns out of the hands of people who don't obey laws.....

....EXCEPT for a total ban on all guns for everybody, followed by massive confiscation of all guns presently in civilian hands.

They want to arrive at that slowly, a little at a time, so the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water is getting warmer.

So they only suggest a small restriction here, a ban on only certain guns there...... for now.



When do you suppose they'll notice that even their total gun ban, will work as well as the current nationwide bans on marijuana, cocaine, and exceeding the speed limit in your car?

Just as it took the progs 100 years to seize control, and whittle away liberty and indoctrinate a couple of generations that Big Government and it's parsing of Liberty is good for the masses.

-Good Post-

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