Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful

So Obama objects, not only to law-abiding people having guns, but ammo too?

Thanks for the note. Something for law-abiding Americans to keep in mind.

Not just ammo but those 50 round magazines you like when you massacre 6 year olds

God forbid we block crazy people from access to their murder weapons of choice

These shootings are happening in schools. What's causing these students to go crazy? Hint: Its not guns or bullets. We've had those forever.

Other countries have crazy students. Why aren't they seeing a shooting a week?
"The United States does not have a monopoly on crazy people. It's not the only country that has psychosis," he said. "And yet we kill each other in these mass shootings at rates that are exponentially higher than any place else. Well, what's the difference? The difference is that these guys can stack up a bunch of ammunition in their houses and that's sort of par for the course." Barack Obama

So Obama objects, not only to law-abiding people having guns, but ammo too?

Thanks for the note. Something for law-abiding Americans to keep in mind.

Not just ammo but those 50 round magazines you like when you massacre 6 year olds

God forbid we block crazy people from access to their murder weapons of choice

How are you planning on blocking people from high capacity magazines?
Maybe if the leftists would pass even longer, wordier laws to make shooting kids in schools, even more illegal than it already is, then the insane whackos (mostly from the Left) would stop doing it?
Not just ammo but those 50 round magazines you like when you massacre 6 year olds

God forbid we block crazy people from access to their murder weapons of choice

These shootings are happening in schools. What's causing these students to go crazy? Hint: Its not guns or bullets. We've had those forever.

Other countries have crazy students. Why aren't they seeing a shooting a week?

Because those kids have grown under the thumb of a more oppressive government.

We could do that here and sooner or later no one would question the fact that there are no rights left for us to exercise.

In a way we are already doing that. The goal is to condition children to be blindly obedient to government by way of zero tolerance policies.
I'll think you what you'll find is that most normal folk want to be able to walk to the local store, or go to school, without getting their arses shot off. Nothing to do with you rabid gun loons and your fascination with guns..
The NRA has a solution; arm EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME!.

This is the kind of vacant fabrication and hysteria that the Left tries to get people to indulge in, instead of thought and seeing the truth.
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The problem... what's standing in the way of getting tougher gun laws are the Republicans! They are literally blocking every effort to curtail gun violence by not enacting tougher laws to address this most pervasive matter that has escalated to previously unknown heights as of late. And that is certainly Shameful as President Obama has has put it. Something has to be done quickly. If the Republicans continue to stand in the way of tougher gun laws then they will ultimately be to blame for further incidents that take people's lives. Is that what they want to be known for? Is this to be their legacy just because they wanted the right to keep and bear arms? They need to be thinking straight and address this matter with the Democrats posthaste!
You want to stop gun violence?

Life in prison for any crime committed while in the possession of a firearm.

If you are a parent and your child commits a crime with your gun you go to jail for life and your kid goes to jail for life.
The problem... what's standing in the way of getting tougher gun laws are the Republicans! They are literally blocking every effort to curtail gun violence by not enacting tougher laws

Sure enough!

Yet another Loony Leftist who believes that making laws to restrict law-abiding Americans, will prevent people who don't obey laws from murdering people! :cuckoo:

The parade never stops, does it. :D
These shootings are happening in schools. What's causing these students to go crazy? Hint: Its not guns or bullets. We've had those forever.

Other countries have crazy students. Why aren't they seeing a shooting a week?

Because those kids have grown under the thumb of a more oppressive government.

We could do that here and sooner or later no one would question the fact that there are no rights left for us to exercise.

In a way we are already doing that. The goal is to condition children to be blindly obedient to government by way of zero tolerance policies.

Those students are oppressed by their government because they don't have ready access to an AR-15 with hundreds of rounds of ammo?
I'll think you what you'll find is that most normal folk want to be able to walk to the local store, or go to school, without getting their arses shot off. Nothing to do with you rabid gun loons and your fascination with guns..
The NRA has a solution; arm EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME!.

This is the kind of vacant fabrication and hysteria that the Left tries to get people to indulge in, instead of thought and seeing the truth.

Much of Obama's frustration comes from the unfortunate fact that people don't believe his hysteria any more. And thus, don't believe HIM.

And so he can't get his restrictions on law-abiding gun owners, through.

And so we are a little safer.

If we would get rid of the rest of the counterproductive gun laws, we'd be even safer. Most people still wouldn't bother carrying, but a few would. And the guy looking to rob a store or mug an old lady, would know that somewhere in the crowd is probably a person or two with a gun, who knows how to use it. And so he wouldn't commit his crime... and we'd be safer, all without a shot being fired.

This is beyond anything the hysterical Left can imagine, of course.
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Other countries have crazy students. Why aren't they seeing a shooting a week?

Because those kids have grown under the thumb of a more oppressive government.

We could do that here and sooner or later no one would question the fact that there are no rights left for us to exercise.

In a way we are already doing that. The goal is to condition children to be blindly obedient to government by way of zero tolerance policies.

Those students are oppressed by their government because they don't have ready access to an AR-15 with hundreds of rounds of ammo?

They have fewer rights than we do.

Don't believe it try and exercise your American right to free speech in the UK and see if you can stay out of jail.

And BTW I do not own an AR 15. IMO my Mini 14 is a better weapon.
I'm sure more gun laws will fix the problem all the current gun laws haven't.

well, gun laws that prohibited private gun sales to someone who would not be eligible to buy a gun from a lawful dealer would help and would probably have helped the cops who got shot by the felon and his wife.

funny how the knee-jerk reaction is to oppose reasonable regulation.

if said person who wasn't eligible to buy a gun did so, they already broke the law. is your side this fantastically stupid or just naive....:cuckoo:
Exasperated Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful - CNN.com

I will tell you, I have been in Washington for a while now. Most things don't surprise me. The fact that 20 six year olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible and this town couldn't do anything about it was stunning to me," he said.

California has all his wet dreams short of confiscation and it did not stop the mass shooter there? What more does he want? Further shootings are WAY down over the last 25 years. We cut the murder rate in half from the early 90's. Al;l while putting more firearms in citizens hands.

You are full of shit. Almost a shooting a week in schools in this nation since Sandy Hook. That is way down? 32,000 gun deaths a year in the USA. That is something to be proud of? The per capita rate of shootings in the US is 7 times that of Canada. There is something deeply sick in our society. But the only answer you idiots have is more guns.

I live in Europe, and people ask me what is wrong with the United States. Why do people think that they have to carry guns? And they are really astonished at the people who want to legalize carrying guns out in the open, like those idiots in Texas with their rifles. I have no answer for them. They know how ridiculous it is, I know how ridiculous it is, but....,
All these big-govt gun-haters are dancing carefully around the fact that none of their gun laws and restrictions will keep guns out of the hands of people who don't obey laws.....

....EXCEPT for a total ban on all guns for everybody, followed by massive confiscation of all guns presently in civilian hands.

They want to arrive at that slowly, a little at a time, so the frog in the kettle won't notice that the water is getting warmer.

So they only suggest a small restriction here, a ban on only certain guns there...... for now.



When do you suppose they'll notice that even their total gun ban, will work as well as the current nationwide bans on marijuana, cocaine, and exceeding the speed limit in your car?

I have no answer for them.

Yep. You very, very carefully have no answer for them.

Despite seeing their questions answered time and again on this very forum.

Lying doesn't only consist of actively telling falsehoods, you know. Deliberately omitting the truth counts too. :eusa_liar:
Exasperated Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful - CNN.com

I will tell you, I have been in Washington for a while now. Most things don't surprise me. The fact that 20 six year olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible and this town couldn't do anything about it was stunning to me," he said.

The left is so used to substituting cliches for facts that CNN has become irrelevant. What "tougher gun laws" does CNN recommend? Everyone goes along with the concept of keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people and convicts but it is already the law. When the radical anti-2nd Amendment left recommends that the A.G. and most of the ATF be indicted for their part in the murder of a border patrol officer and several hundred innocent Mexicans in an insane gun running experiment we will know that they are serious.
Almost a shooting a week in schools in this nation since Sandy Hook. That is way down? 32,000 gun deaths a year in the USA. That is something to be proud of?

That is something that more gun laws cannot change. In fact, they will make it WORSE, since they will only disarm law-abiding people. You know, the ones who AREN'T shooting people in the first place.

But that is beyond anything the hysterical Left can imagine.

In other words, America is fucked. Too late to do anything about the problem.
RW, what I agree with you on is the fact that something has to be done about these shootings. But, where we disagree about this is the fact that because we do not have anywhere to put them, the criminally and mentally insane walk around and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Apparently, it is against a persons 'rights' to make them take their medicine when they are hearing voices telling them to 'kill everyone' in sight. I would ask if something applies to guns, why does it not apply to these people who pose an obvious threat? You can't make them take their medicine or put them into an asylum based upon what they 'might do', but you want to take guns away from people who have never done anything, based upon what someone 'might do' with them? That makes no logical sense to me.

Guns are a tool, and like other tools they can be used for recreation, sport, good or bad. It's up to the person who wields that tool as to how it is used. Society has gotten worse. In 1965 you could buy a rifle through mail for about $50.00 and didn't have to prove anything. Before Charles Whitman and the Texas University tower shootings, mass murders were few and far between.

In Tulsa, there is a guy who stands on First Street downtown and screams and yells at passing cars and pedestrians about how he is going to 'kill' them. The cops say that the guy has been committed several times and there's nothing else that they can do with him. He has medicine and refuses to take it. Until he actually carries out one of his threats, he is free as a bird. Want to bet what will eventually happen?

No, these shootings are a symptom of something else far more dangerous. Guns are an easy target for the focus of those who want simple solutions when the solution may be far more complex. Especially when you don't want to look in the mirror and see what progressive policies are doing to society as a whole.
California has all his wet dreams short of confiscation and it did not stop the mass shooter there? What more does he want? Further shootings are WAY down over the last 25 years. We cut the murder rate in half from the early 90's. Al;l while putting more firearms in citizens hands.

You are full of shit. Almost a shooting a week in schools in this nation since Sandy Hook. That is way down? 32,000 gun deaths a year in the USA. That is something to be proud of? The per capita rate of shootings in the US is 7 times that of Canada. There is something deeply sick in our society. But the only answer you idiots have is more guns.

I live in Europe, and people ask me what is wrong with the United States. Why do people think that they have to carry guns? And they are really astonished at the people who want to legalize carrying guns out in the open, like those idiots in Texas with their rifles. I have no answer for them. They know how ridiculous it is, I know how ridiculous it is, but....,

there is an answer. It's called freedom.

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