Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful

] The question is, are Americans content to let the the killings continue?

No! We want an EFFECTIVE response to these tragedies, one that focuses on the mentally ill and getting them the treatment they need while isolating them from the rest of us until their issue has been effectively treated.
You are boring and really full of it. and full of yourself, for some unknown reason.

Translation: I've been pwned again.
Pretty much.

Same User ID as at the old, and now defunct (and, therefore, OK to talk-about) MSN boards years ago.

Same boring rock-throwing persona and modus operandi.

Like I said... wwwaaaaayyyy past its sell-by date. :lol:

If it has anything intelligent to add to the gun-control conversation, it must be saving the good stuff for the end, 'cause what we've all seen so far is pretty damned weak mojo.

Right, I have been around long enough to know when not to waste my time.

Truth and common sense last forever.
Translation: I've been pwned again.
Pretty much.

Same User ID as at the old, and now defunct (and, therefore, OK to talk-about) MSN boards years ago.

Same boring rock-throwing persona and modus operandi.

Like I said... wwwaaaaayyyy past its sell-by date. :lol:

If it has anything intelligent to add to the gun-control conversation, it must be saving the good stuff for the end, 'cause what we've all seen so far is pretty damned weak mojo.

Right, I have been around long enough to know when not to waste my time.

Truth and common sense last forever.
Translation: I've been pwned again.
Pretty much.

Same User ID as at the old, and now defunct (and, therefore, OK to talk-about) MSN boards years ago.

Same boring rock-throwing persona and modus operandi.

Like I said... wwwaaaaayyyy past its sell-by date. :lol:

If it has anything intelligent to add to the gun-control conversation, it must be saving the good stuff for the end, 'cause what we've all seen so far is pretty damned weak mojo.

Right, I have been around long enough to know when not to waste my time.

Truth and common sense last forever.
Translation: I've been pwned again.
The common ingredient in all these school deaths is simply a school. Once we close down the public indoctrination centers in favour of home schooling most (but surely not all) of the perceived problem will go away.
Pretty much.

Same User ID as at the old, and now defunct (and, therefore, OK to talk-about) MSN boards years ago.

Same boring rock-throwing persona and modus operandi.

Like I said... wwwaaaaayyyy past its sell-by date. :lol:

If it has anything intelligent to add to the gun-control conversation, it must be saving the good stuff for the end, 'cause what we've all seen so far is pretty damned weak mojo.

Right, I have been around long enough to know when not to waste my time.

Truth and common sense last forever.
Translation: I've been pwned again.

NRA to grieving parents ......We don't care about your dead children, background checks are too big a bother
The fact that this nation could allow 20 six year olds to be massacred and look the other way is one of our biggest shames
Wish up pal. The Nation did not "allow" a mentally unstable person to murder the kids.
Virtually every murder committed using a gun is at the hand of some one who has a gun illegally. If you are so concerned why not park your ass on a street corner in any inner city in the country and scream at the simians who are committing the vast majority of murders using illegal guns based on percent of population. While you are there why not ask BOBO to join you?
IF the use of illegal guns in committing inner city murders had the slightest effect on the LIBs vote count there would be something done.
The fact that this nation could allow 20 six year olds to be massacred and look the other way is one of our biggest shames

Exactly, fuck congress. Obama should use his phone and pen right now to create an executive order making mass murder illegal in all 50 states...... :thup:
It is quite possible, that the only way to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and lunatics, is to set aside the Second Amendment to the Constitution, and to press the matter vigorously for a half-century, or even a full century or more, until we've flushed the last caches of private firearms.

That is unacceptable to the American People, who are, in the final analysis, the Final Word on the subject.

All that Gun-Grabbers can realistically hope for is to convince the American People to devise and implement sane gun-control laws that limit such access by criminals and lunatics... limit, not eliminate.

It is clear that much of what has been served-up as a middle-ground in times past, is inadequate to the task at hand.

Something new and bold and innovative and imaginative and broad in scope and ultimately agreeable to a majority on both sides is going to have to be devised and put forth for consensus and enacted and implemented and sustained, properly, in order for anything good to come of so-called Gun-Control in this country.

Our children and grandchildren should live so long.
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NRA to grieving parents ......Instead of wasting time on solutions that have proven to not work, let's focus on dealing effectively with the real issue and get those with mental illness the help they need rather than ignoring their suffering.
NRA to grieving parents ......We don't care about your dead children, background checks are too big a bother

Reality to Nutsucker: Background checks would not have stopped any of the school shootings.

Reality.......none of those nutjobs belong anywhere near a gun but they have their second amendment rights
NRA to grieving parents ......We don't care about your dead children, background checks are too big a bother

Reality to Nutsucker: Background checks would not have stopped any of the school shootings.

Reality.......none of those nutjobs belong anywhere near a gun but they have their second amendment rights

Yes they do. Almost all of them were law abiding citizens right up until they committed crimes. So what laws would you like to see passed to prohibit law abiding citizens from owning guns?
You can never answer this question. Because there is no answer. There is no way to prohibit someone from owning a gun who is otherwise lawfully entitled to have one. Similarly there is no way to stop someone who is prohibited from stealing a gun and committing a crime.
Exasperated Obama: Inability to get tougher gun laws shameful - CNN.com

I will tell you, I have been in Washington for a while now. Most things don't surprise me. The fact that 20 six year olds were gunned down in the most violent fashion possible and this town couldn't do anything about it was stunning to me," he said.

I believe President Obama has always made it abundantly clear he regrets the fact the Constitution was ever written and ratified by the American people.
Reality to Nutsucker: Background checks would not have stopped any of the school shootings.

Reality.......none of those nutjobs belong anywhere near a gun but they have their second amendment rights

Yes they do. Almost all of them were law abiding citizens right up until they committed crimes. So what laws would you like to see passed to prohibit law abiding citizens from owning guns?
You can never answer this question. Because there is no answer. There is no way to prohibit someone from owning a gun who is otherwise lawfully entitled to have one. Similarly there is no way to stop someone who is prohibited from stealing a gun and committing a crime.

Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it
Reality.......none of those nutjobs belong anywhere near a gun but they have their second amendment rights

Yes they do. Almost all of them were law abiding citizens right up until they committed crimes. So what laws would you like to see passed to prohibit law abiding citizens from owning guns?
You can never answer this question. Because there is no answer. There is no way to prohibit someone from owning a gun who is otherwise lawfully entitled to have one. Similarly there is no way to stop someone who is prohibited from stealing a gun and committing a crime.

Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it
There is nothing that any law can do, to prevent a Crazy Person from obtaining a gun-license, or a gun, if that person has not manifested as crazy during the application process, and if there is no record of clinical diagnosis or treatment of mental disorder in the past.

That leaves a gap in the screening process big enough to drive a truck through.

There is nothing to be done for that, except to take away the guns.

And taking away the guns is unacceptable to the American People at large.

Reality.......none of those nutjobs belong anywhere near a gun but they have their second amendment rights

Yes they do. Almost all of them were law abiding citizens right up until they committed crimes. So what laws would you like to see passed to prohibit law abiding citizens from owning guns?
You can never answer this question. Because there is no answer. There is no way to prohibit someone from owning a gun who is otherwise lawfully entitled to have one. Similarly there is no way to stop someone who is prohibited from stealing a gun and committing a crime.

Each and every one of those assholes had teachers, parents, friends and neighbors swearing that the guy was batshit crazy and always had been. Anyone who talked to them for five minutes would tell you they had no business being anywhere near a gun
Yet when they went to buy an AR15 they were asked.....You sure you don't want the 50 round magazine instead of the 35?

But they got their second amendment rights and there is nothing we can do about it

So, what is your plan?

All you do is yak-yak-yak.

What is your solution...put up, or shut up.

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