Obama is an amazing man, who has my total respect

I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.

Obvious sarcasm.
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.


Why dont you show me the campaign promises he kept.
Did not repeal the patriot act.
HR 45, 645, 1022, 257, 2847, 347, NDRP, NCTC guidelines, increased surveillance and police state, no new taxes, 5 days to read a bill...gone, no lobbyists or donors in his cabinet, said hed get rid of signing statements, said hewould end GAT, transparency, wire tapping, extended bush tax cuts for the rich, started cybercom.
obama didnt keep even ONE campaign promises but you let him get away with it. and there is much more too. YOUR the problem. Say bah baaaaaah.
The Obameter
Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises

Promise Kept


Promise Broken


In the Works

Not yet rated

Other ways to browse the Obameter

Obameter update RSS feed

PolitiFact has compiled more than 500 promises that Barack Obama made during the 2008 and 2012 campaigns and is tracking their progress on our Obameter.

We rate their status as Not Yet Rated, In the Works or Stalled. Once we find action is completed, we rate them Promise Kept, Compromise or Promise Broken.

The report card above provides an up-to-the-minute tally of all the promises.

Promises we’ve rated recently
Safeguard the right to privacy
The Promise:

"Will strengthen privacy protections for the digital age and will harness the power of technology to hold government and business accountable for violations of personal privacy."

Update November 18th, 2016: FCC limits broadband providers use of personal data
Restrict warrantless wiretaps
The Promise:

"Barack Obama opposed the Bush Administration's initial policy on warrantless wiretaps because it crossed the line between protecting our national security and eroding the civil liberties of American citizens. As president, Obama would update the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to provide greater oversight and accountability to the congressional intelligence committees to prevent future threats to the rule of law."

Update November 18th, 2016: Some limits on warrantless wiretaps but loopholes remain
Lead the world in college graduates by 2020
The Promise:

"He set a goal to lead the world in college graduates by 2020, and cut the growth of college tuition and fees in half over the next 10 years, a goal that will save the typical student thousands of dollars a year, and proposed bringing together community colleges and businesses to train 2 million Americans for good jobs that actually exist now and are waiting to be filled."

Update November 15th, 2016: Though improving, U.S. still lags South Korea
Create a veterans job corps
The Promise:

"I want to create a veterans job corps, so we can put our returning heroes back to work as cops and firefighters in communities that need them."

Update November 15th, 2016: Programs exist, just not the one Obama promised
Create 1 million new manufacturing jobs by the end of 2016
The Promise:

"President Obama set a goal to create 1 million new manufacturing jobs by the end of 2016 and is working to double American exports over the next five years by promoting U.S. goods and removing trade barriers, expanding access to credit, and promoting strong growth."

Update November 14th, 2016: Statistics fall short on both manufacturing jobs, exports
Reduce energy consumption in federal buildings
The Promise:

"Will make the federal government a leader in the green building market, achieving a 40 percent increase in efficiency in all new federal buildings within five years and ensuring that all new federal buildings are zero-emissions by 2025. They will invest in cost-effective retrofits to achieve a 25 percent increase in efficiency of existing federal buildings within 5 years. The Obama-Biden plan will put forward the resources necessary to achieve a 15 percent reduction in federal energy consumption by 2015."

Update November 14th, 2016: Building promise gets an energy boost a little too late
Require all schools of education to be accredited
The Promise:

"Will require all schools of education to be accredited."

Update November 14th, 2016: Accreditation not the destination for all schools
Increase the capital gains and dividends taxes for higher-income taxpayers
The Promise:

Increase capital gains and dividends taxes from 15 to 20 percent for those making more than $250,000 (couples) or $200,000 (single)

Update November 14th, 2016: Tax rate increased, but not for promised tax bracket
Create 5 million "green" jobs
The Promise:

Will "create 5 million 'green' jobs; will invest $150 billion over ten years to deploy clean technologies, protect our existing manufacturing base and create millions of new jobs."

Update November 14th, 2016: No clear information on number of “green” jobs created
Improve high school graduation rates
The Promise:

"When I am president, we'll fight to make sure we are once again first in the world when it comes to high school graduation rates."

Update November 2nd, 2016: Graduation rates are up, but the United States still lags behind other countries
Reduce federal aid to colleges that don't keep costs down
The Promise:

"I've told Congress, let's steer federal aid to schools that are doing a good job keeping tuition affordable and provide good value and serve their students well. If you're getting federal student loans -- colleges and universities -- you shouldn't just be loading up a whole bunch of debt on your students. You've got to figure out how are you working to make sure that they can afford their education."

Update November 2nd, 2016: No federal aid policy for schools that spend more
Create a voluntary national performance assessment for educators
The Promise:

"Will also create a voluntary national performance assessment so we can be sure that every new educator is trained and ready to walk into the classroom and start teaching effectively."

Update November 1st, 2016: A gold star for keeping teacher preparation regulations promise
Create Teacher Residency Programs that will send teachers to high-need schools
The Promise:

Will "create Teacher Residency Programs that will supply 30,000 exceptionally well-prepared recruits to high-need schools."

Update October 25th, 2016: Recruitment numbers remain unclear ... bring out the red pen
Create a secretary of business and consolidate nine goverment agencies on business into one
The Promise:

"I’ve said that I want to consolidate a whole bunch of government agencies. We should have one secretary of business, instead of nine different departments that are dealing with things like getting loans to SBA [the Small Business Administration] or helping companies with exports. There should be a one-stop shop. Now, the reason we haven’t done that is not because of some big ideological difference. It has to do with Congress talking a good game about wanting to streamline government, but being very protective about not giving up their jurisdiction over various pieces of government."

Update October 21st, 2016: Idea to create a secretary of business finally runs out of steam
Increase protections for whistleblowers
The Promise:

"Barack Obama will strengthen whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government."

Update October 13th, 2016: Gains for ordinary workers, mixed bag for intel staffers
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... ..

Obama defined himself as my enemy when he falsely accused McCain of running a racist campaign.

Fuck him, and I hope that Trump's presidency is such a success that it overshadows his "legacy" of being the First Black President, whoopdy Freaking Doo.
The Obameter
Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises

Promise Kept


Promise Broken


In the Works

Not yet rated

Other ways to browse the Obameter

Obameter update RSS feed

PolitiFact has compiled more than 500 promises that Barack Obama made during the 2008 and 2012 campaigns and is tracking their progress on our Obameter.

We rate their status as Not Yet Rated, In the Works or Stalled. Once we find action is completed, we rate them Promise Kept, Compromise or Promise Broken.

The report card above provides an up-to-the-minute tally of all the promises.

Promises we’ve rated recently
Safeguard the right to privacy
The Promise:

"Will strengthen privacy protections for the digital age and will harness the power of technology to hold government and business accountable for violations of personal privacy."

Update November 18th, 2016: FCC limits broadband providers use of personal data
Restrict warrantless wiretaps
The Promise:

"Barack Obama opposed the Bush Administration's initial policy on warrantless wiretaps because it crossed the line between protecting our national security and eroding the civil liberties of American citizens. As president, Obama would update the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to provide greater oversight and accountability to the congressional intelligence committees to prevent future threats to the rule of law."

Update November 18th, 2016: Some limits on warrantless wiretaps but loopholes remain
Lead the world in college graduates by 2020
The Promise:

"He set a goal to lead the world in college graduates by 2020, and cut the growth of college tuition and fees in half over the next 10 years, a goal that will save the typical student thousands of dollars a year, and proposed bringing together community colleges and businesses to train 2 million Americans for good jobs that actually exist now and are waiting to be filled."

Update November 15th, 2016: Though improving, U.S. still lags South Korea
Create a veterans job corps
The Promise:

"I want to create a veterans job corps, so we can put our returning heroes back to work as cops and firefighters in communities that need them."

Update November 15th, 2016: Programs exist, just not the one Obama promised
Create 1 million new manufacturing jobs by the end of 2016
The Promise:

"President Obama set a goal to create 1 million new manufacturing jobs by the end of 2016 and is working to double American exports over the next five years by promoting U.S. goods and removing trade barriers, expanding access to credit, and promoting strong growth."

Update November 14th, 2016: Statistics fall short on both manufacturing jobs, exports
Reduce energy consumption in federal buildings
The Promise:

"Will make the federal government a leader in the green building market, achieving a 40 percent increase in efficiency in all new federal buildings within five years and ensuring that all new federal buildings are zero-emissions by 2025. They will invest in cost-effective retrofits to achieve a 25 percent increase in efficiency of existing federal buildings within 5 years. The Obama-Biden plan will put forward the resources necessary to achieve a 15 percent reduction in federal energy consumption by 2015."

Update November 14th, 2016: Building promise gets an energy boost a little too late
Require all schools of education to be accredited
The Promise:

"Will require all schools of education to be accredited."

Update November 14th, 2016: Accreditation not the destination for all schools
Increase the capital gains and dividends taxes for higher-income taxpayers
The Promise:

Increase capital gains and dividends taxes from 15 to 20 percent for those making more than $250,000 (couples) or $200,000 (single)

Update November 14th, 2016: Tax rate increased, but not for promised tax bracket
Create 5 million "green" jobs
The Promise:

Will "create 5 million 'green' jobs; will invest $150 billion over ten years to deploy clean technologies, protect our existing manufacturing base and create millions of new jobs."

Update November 14th, 2016: No clear information on number of “green” jobs created
Improve high school graduation rates
The Promise:

"When I am president, we'll fight to make sure we are once again first in the world when it comes to high school graduation rates."

Update November 2nd, 2016: Graduation rates are up, but the United States still lags behind other countries
Reduce federal aid to colleges that don't keep costs down
The Promise:

"I've told Congress, let's steer federal aid to schools that are doing a good job keeping tuition affordable and provide good value and serve their students well. If you're getting federal student loans -- colleges and universities -- you shouldn't just be loading up a whole bunch of debt on your students. You've got to figure out how are you working to make sure that they can afford their education."

Update November 2nd, 2016: No federal aid policy for schools that spend more
Create a voluntary national performance assessment for educators
The Promise:

"Will also create a voluntary national performance assessment so we can be sure that every new educator is trained and ready to walk into the classroom and start teaching effectively."

Update November 1st, 2016: A gold star for keeping teacher preparation regulations promise
Create Teacher Residency Programs that will send teachers to high-need schools
The Promise:

Will "create Teacher Residency Programs that will supply 30,000 exceptionally well-prepared recruits to high-need schools."

Update October 25th, 2016: Recruitment numbers remain unclear ... bring out the red pen
Create a secretary of business and consolidate nine goverment agencies on business into one
The Promise:

"I’ve said that I want to consolidate a whole bunch of government agencies. We should have one secretary of business, instead of nine different departments that are dealing with things like getting loans to SBA [the Small Business Administration] or helping companies with exports. There should be a one-stop shop. Now, the reason we haven’t done that is not because of some big ideological difference. It has to do with Congress talking a good game about wanting to streamline government, but being very protective about not giving up their jurisdiction over various pieces of government."

Update October 21st, 2016: Idea to create a secretary of business finally runs out of steam
Increase protections for whistleblowers
The Promise:

"Barack Obama will strengthen whistleblower laws to protect federal workers who expose waste, fraud, and abuse of authority in government."

Update October 13th, 2016: Gains for ordinary workers, mixed bag for intel staffers

First off your avatar is freaken creepy...

If I took the time to show you the paper trail of why many of these promises didn't happen, you will find that the Republican congress blocked it, or it is a Lie..read your own links ...Dumb ass

Obama's college scorecard was created this year, which takes into account college costs when ranking schools. But there's no regulation on lowering aid for more expensive colleges and universities. And there is no policy moving in this direction currently, because Congress does not seem interested in picking it up again, said Stephen Burd, a senior policy analyst in education at the New America Foundation.

With no other evidence of progress, we rate this Promise Broken.

Since Obama's 2015 speech, Congress has not passed any bills to close the "trust fund loophole" or raise the tax rate to 28 percent. Obama mentioned both of these ideas again in his 2017 budget.

To sum it up, the tax rate did increase to 20 percent, but not for the income range of $250,000 (couples) or $200,000 (singles). Also, Congress stiffed Obama's proposal to close the trust fund loophole. We rate this Compromise.

In House Bill, Clean Energy on the GOP Chopping Block 13 Times

Increase the capital gains and dividends taxes for higher-income taxpayers

Reduce federal aid to colleges that don't keep costs down

Tell The Senate To Stop Filibustering Affordable College

Our New 2016 Taxes Due


In House Bill, Clean Energy on the GOP Chopping Block 13 Times
Yeah but your post shoes you lack those qualities and abilities I listed.

Lol....Shoes me....and you seem to like my posts when I am supporting something from the right because ... ummmm what is that called when people do that.... ?
A Silly Goose..

View attachment 99714

Unlike you, I'm not a total partisan. If by chance you say something I agree with I will "like" it.

Your post about 0bama shows an inability to think for yourself. I don't know what other thing you are talking about but if I liked it it was total luck on your part.

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