Obama is an amazing man, who has my total respect

Obama is an amazing man, who has my total respect

I'm a moderate democrat. That being said, Obama is an affirmative-action douchebag who as an overweening Jr. Senator with no real accomplishments under his belt even in the private sector, belonged nowhere near the seat of power he took from Hillary in 2008. Like the reverse of the Trump election this year, the GOP only helped promote Obama over Hillary because in their wildest dreams they wouldn't believe the electorate would put a black man with no experience and the middle name "Hussein" in the Whitehouse. They bet wrong. Just like the dems did who promoted Trump winning the primaries this year.

The only thing he did accomplish, and hats off to him, was to really push green energy...albeit not smart enough to see the engineered-to-fail projects tailored by BIgOil etc. to make any green energy push look foolish via association: like Solyndra's retarded flat distant panel array. But at least Obama tried. Also, he stayed neutral doggedly which is what he should have done when Russia was provoking using its proxies in the Middle East and China too...using their proxy N. Korea. He didn't bite the bait. Let's hope Trump's people are smart enough to see obvious provoking and well-timed terrorist attacks when they arrive.

I still like my idea of whenever there's a terrorist strike, the secret agencies in those targeted countries swiftly identify the nation responsible and just as swiftly ban one of their imports without explanation. Just banned, period. Make it hurt in their wallets for the kingpins behind the baiting. For every act of real terror, a counterpunch of economic terror.
Another sour grapes thread by a sour liberal.

Nobody cares.

We know how it feels back to 2008.........life sucks for you. More many progressives in here......lets face it......they are downright miserable as fuck!!

And I couldn't be laughing ay harder......tune in to MSNBC and CNN for my daily dose of exploding bobble heads!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Time for you assholes to take the nice big knobby cucumber for a few years!!:popcorn:

You shouldn't feel bad for being in the wilderness for 8 years. You should feel bad for voting twice for George W. Bush, the absolute worst president in history. And you should feel even worse that you are STILL a Repug after 8 years of Bush. It shows that you incomprehensibly stupid and that you are incapable of learning from your mistakes.

But this is a common characteristic of all Repugs. They don't learn from mistakes and they never admit mistakes.
A Corrupt Racist Anti-American Communist Globalist Bastard. That's Hussein Obama. Good riddance. Nuff said. :)
Obama is an amazing man, who has my total respect

I'm a moderate democrat. That being said, Obama is an affirmative-action douchebag who as an overweening Jr. Senator with no real accomplishments under his belt even in the private sector, belonged nowhere near the seat of power he took from Hillary in 2008. Like the reverse of the Trump election this year, the GOP only helped promote Obama over Hillary because in their wildest dreams they wouldn't believe the electorate would put a black man with no experience and the middle name "Hussein" in the Whitehouse. They bet wrong. Just like the dems did who promoted Trump winning the primaries this year.

The only thing he did accomplish, and hats off to him, was to really push green energy...albeit not smart enough to see the engineered-to-fail projects tailored by BIgOil etc. to make any green energy push look foolish via association: like Solyndra's retarded flat distant panel array. But at least Obama tried. Also, he stayed neutral doggedly which is what he should have done when Russia was provoking using its proxies in the Middle East and China too...using their proxy N. Korea. He didn't bite the bait. Let's hope Trump's people are smart enough to see obvious provoking and well-timed terrorist attacks when they arrive.

I still like my idea of whenever there's a terrorist strike, the secret agencies in those targeted countries swiftly identify the nation responsible and just as swiftly ban one of their imports without explanation. Just banned, period. Make it hurt in their wallets for the kingpins behind the baiting. For every act of real terror, a counterpunch of economic terror.

You're not a moderate democrat and you're not honest. Obama saved this country from economic calamity with the economic stimulus bill in 2009. He also got rid of bin Laden and provided affordable health care for 20 million Americans. Those are all major accomplishments.
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.


Barack Obama was our greatest President since JFK. He will be sorely missed.

What none of the dishonest Repugs on this board will ever acknowledge is that Obama saved this country from financial calamity with the stimulus bill in 2009. This country was losing 700,000 jobs per month in Jan 2009 when Obama took over, and the stimulus bill ended that.

ObamaCare and the killing of bin Laden are two other major accomplishments that are historically significant. History will be favorable to Obama's presidency, especially when contrasted with the worst President ever, George W. Bush.

Obama will have to continue to serve as the leader of the Democratic Party in some capacity after leaving the White House. I hope he considers running for the Senate again. The Democratic Party and the country need him now more than ever. Democracy in this country is now truly threatened by the Trump presidency and the Repug control of the House and Senate.


Who was the last POTUS for whom you cast a vote?
Every Republican since Truman. That's when Democreeps turned Socialist.

When Eisenhower was President, there was a 90% income tax rate for the wealthiest 1% of Americans. Funny, "socialism" didn't bother your old ass back then. The 1950s was the best time for the middle class in this country's history.

You're full of shit and you simply don't know anything. Like all Repugs.
I wasn't old enough to vote until Dec 1960. Kennedy was in elected in November.
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.


Barack Obama was our greatest President since JFK. He will be sorely missed.

What none of the dishonest Repugs on this board will ever acknowledge is that Obama saved this country from financial calamity with the stimulus bill in 2009. This country was losing 700,000 jobs per month in Jan 2009 when Obama took over, and the stimulus bill ended that.

ObamaCare and the killing of bin Laden are two other major accomplishments that are historically significant. History will be favorable to Obama's presidency, especially when contrasted with the worst President ever, George W. Bush.

Obama will have to continue to serve as the leader of the Democratic Party in some capacity after leaving the White House. I hope he considers running for the Senate again. The Democratic Party and the country need him now more than ever. Democracy in this country is now truly threatened by the Trump presidency and the Repug control of the House and Senate.


Who was the last POTUS for whom you cast a vote?
Every Republican since Truman. That's when Democreeps turned Socialist.

When Eisenhower was President, there was a 90% income tax rate for the wealthiest 1% of Americans. Funny, "socialism" didn't bother your old ass back then. The 1950s was the best time for the middle class in this country's history.

You're full of shit and you simply don't know anything. Like all Repugs.

s0n.......fAiL.......just saw your username = ghey.

Who's not winning?:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::popcorn:
Another sour grapes thread by a sour liberal.

Nobody cares.

We know how it feels back to 2008.........life sucks for you. More many progressives in here......lets face it......they are downright miserable as fuck!!

And I couldn't be laughing ay harder......tune in to MSNBC and CNN for my daily dose of exploding bobble heads!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Time for you assholes to take the nice big knobby cucumber for a few years!!:popcorn:

You shouldn't feel bad for being in the wilderness for 8 years. You should feel bad for voting twice for George W. Bush, the absolute worst president in history. And you should feel even worse that you are STILL a Repug after 8 years of Bush. It shows that you incomprehensibly stupid and that you are incapable of learning from your mistakes.

But this is a common characteristic of all Repugs. They don't learn from mistakes and they never admit mistakes.


Nobody cares about 8 years ago expect those who carry on with GWB derangement syndrome!!

Meanwhile.......guys like me............

Im hearing this may be the Trump inaugural song.........I'll laugh my balls off!!
Obama did not " get" bin laden, soldiers did. The main reason I consider him a failure is he had a chance to unite this country and we are as divided as ever, especially racially. He can suck it. Also, how the hell do you know he is a good family man?? All you know is the public image, which for most of these politicians is a farce. But keep fooling yourself if it makes you feel better.
Nice enough guy who I think held the office with more dignity than many others.

Did a terrible job.

Whatever. Obama ONLY prevented a financial disaster worse than the Great Depression, killed the worst terrorist in history after Bush failed for over 7 years, and provided health care for 20 million Americans. That's all.

Here's a brief list of things that Obama promise to do (that don't require congressional approval to my knowledge) during his 08 campaign that never happened:

-Ending the war in Iraq in 1 1/2 years
-Taking an anti-hawkish position
-Not resigning the Patriot Act back into law
-Ending GITMO
-Advocating for a public option in healthcare

-Premiums under Obamacare have increased-regardless if more people have healthcare or not
-The unemployment rate went down primarily due people dropping out of the work force
-Obama cites the stock market as his economic success (hi Occupy Wallstreet)!
-Obama's jobless recovery (for lack of a better term) is why Hillary lost states like Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The people there looked around and said "the economy is better?....REALLY?....WTF are they talking about? Then when they voice their opinion they're told to "check their privilege".
-NSA...need I say more? Blatantly violating the bill of rights of all Americans.
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.

GFY. (Good For You). Believe...yo.
Obama is SO good.....
In 2010 he cost you the House.
In 2012 he cost you the Senate.
In 2016 you lost the Presidency.
The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created.

There is no denying that the Bible Thumping Socialist post 1998 GOP spent us into the disaster that O inherited. O found himself in a hole, and unfortunately kept digging and digging, bailing out wasteful state and local spending, propping up government and crushing private enterprise, in the end actually chasing out employers like Burger King. Obama added 11 trillion dollars to the deficit, expanding government to 50% of GDP, up from 25% during the Clinton/Gingrich years. The man will go down in history as the absolute disaster he was. He was clearly informed that the ship was to hit an iceberg. He ordered no course change and full speed ahead. We will pay for that for decades.

The man got Bin Ladin

You are an absolute moron. You accept things as true that clearly are not. For example, you have never seen the video of the "757" hitting the Pentagon. The actual 911 Commission finding is that the "757" was travelling 400 mph with its nose 8 feet above the ground. The Commission failed to notice that puts the engines.... IN THE GROUND....

Obama became a traitor in his first week when he sold out 911 for Zionist cash and favorable Zionist media coverage.

The man tried to stop the medical corruption

There is this bullshit your side puts out, and then there is the real Obama. This is the real Obama. In 2008, he campaigned in state after state, telling folks if they complied with state marijuana laws, he wouldn't prosecute them. Without warning, he got in office and had those prosecutions greatly increased... because they were mostly white.

Dickinson: Obama's War on Pot

"Back when he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama insisted that medical marijuana was an issue best left to state and local governments. "I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue," he vowed, promising an end to the Bush administration's high-profile raids on providers of medical pot, which is legal in 16 states and the District of Columbia.

But over the past year, the Obama administration has quietly unleashed a multiagency crackdown on medical cannabis that goes far beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush. The feds are busting growers who operate in full compliance with state laws, vowing to seize the property of anyone who dares to even rent to legal pot dispensaries, and threatening to imprison state employees responsible for regulating medical marijuana. With more than 100 raids on pot dispensaries during his first three years, Obama is now on pace to exceed Bush's record for medical-marijuana busts. "There's no question that Obama's the worst president on medical marijuana," says Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. "He's gone from first to worst.""

To top it off, Obama loves LBJ.... the real LBJ.... this one...

Son of Dr. King Asserts L.B.J. Role in Plot

"Dexter Scott King declared that he and his family believed that James Earl Ray was not guilty of the murder of his father, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Tonight, in a televised interview, Mr. King asserted that President Lyndon B. Johnson must have been part of a military and governmental conspiracy to kill Dr. King."

and this is all the result of WHO this O guy really is, a fraud, a politically correct bigot without any past discrimination yet promoted in every aspect of life for the color of his skin as opposed to the content of his character. Indeed, as he has led blacks to hate all whites, he himself has this in his past....

Barak Obama's biggest fan is Jimmy Carter because Obama will go down as the worst President in U S history.

Just taking the 1st item off the OP's list -

BARRY did NOT 'Get UBL'.

Barry kept the Intel program Bush created that was searching for UBL, Barry allowed them to do their job - FIND UBL, Barry finally gave the order to send SpecOps teams to go after UBL the THIRD TIME he was approached with the opportunity to do so, and Barry watched on a screen as SoecOps teams GOT UBL.

Barry just happened to be the guy in the seat who said the words 'Mission approved - go get him'. Even Hillary could have done that without F*ing it up.
Obama did not " get" bin laden, soldiers did. The main reason I consider him a failure is he had a chance to unite this country and we are as divided as ever, especially racially. He can suck it. Also, how the hell do you know he is a good family man?? All you know is the public image, which for most of these politicians is a farce. But keep fooling yourself if it makes you feel better.

Haaaaa Haaaaa...he gave the orders, if it was a fail he would have been responsible .... Geeezzzzzz

And it was the Nazi congress that divided the nation with their continued hate and wanting to make a blackman look bad..
Barak Obama's biggest fan is Jimmy Carter because Obama will go down as the worst President in U S history.

Just taking the 1st item off the OP's list -

BARRY did NOT 'Get UBL'.

Barry kept the Intel program Bush created that was searching for UBL, Barry allowed them to do their job - FIND UBL, Barry finally gave the order to send SpecOps teams to go after UBL the THIRD TIME he was approached with the opportunity to do so, and Barry watched on a screen as SoecOps teams GOT UBL.

Barry just happened to be the guy in the seat who said the words 'Mission approved - go get him'. Even Hillary could have done that without F*ing it up.

Why didn't Bush do it then instead of dragging us into a trillion dollar war...I get it to fill Cheney's pocket with $$$

Obama gave the orders,Obama gets the credit..

I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.


And the best part of all.............................

You can keep your Plan....
Your Dr........
Premiums will go DOWN by 2500.....

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