Obama is an amazing man, who has my total respect

Obama was the best.......
The Best Gun Salesman for the last eight years running.
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.

Barry has shit for brains...

A bunch of Alt left academics, yeah, that's who I'd look to for an opinion.

If I didn't give a shit about reality. LMAO

It is a large sample of informed opinion....

Who are you?

No it is a bunch of far left hacks like you that hate anything not far left!

Have you met any of them?

You're an imbecile.....

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

I can tell you are a far left drone hack by you posting your far left religious dogma that has been debunked over and over.

Why do you think everyone is far left who have respect for Obama? Do you realize that it was mainly the middle ground democrats who supported Trump in the beginning while Fox and everyone else bashed him.
You don't have to be a far left liberal to like Obama, or a far right to like Trump.
Putting everyone into one category is incorrect.

One either loves America like Trump....or hates America like Obama.....

It's really quite simple.....
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.

Barry has shit for brains...

The economy collapsed when Fannie Mae collapsed while the guy who was in charge of monitoring Fannie Mae told us it was solvent. Either democrat congressperson Barney Frank was totally incompetent or he planned the collapse of Fannie Mae as the biggest October surprise in history. Nobody in the dishonest mainstream media ever asked him what the hell he was thinking. Was the death of Bin Ladin, Obama's "mission accomplished" moment? While low information democrats were celebrating the end of the Mid East conflict after the old man's death and strange burial at sea, ISIS was murdering Christians and Jews.

It was Bush's pull back of regulations that gave way for the crooks like Fanny Mae ...

Vs. Obama View attachment 99162


No you are showing that you are partisan hack..

Bush wanted to and tried to control Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac.
Democrats controlled both houses of congress in Bush's last term. The chairperson of the House Banking Committee had the responsibility of monitoring Fannie Mae. Barney Frank had almost two years to gauge Fannie Mae and the only reports Americans received was that Fannie was solvent and running well. Now here's the deal, we know from the Trump campaign that the mainstream media is willing to spike stories and fudge data and numbers if it tends to benefit democrat campaigns and administrations and hurt republicans. Thanks to the media it appeared that there was no crisis in Fannie Mae or any indication that the strange partnership between the private sector and the government was in jeopardy until the freaking economy collapsed under democrat leadership just in time for the Obama election. House banking committee chairperson Barney Frank had a couple of things going for him. First of all he was a liberal democrat and second he was an outed homosexual. The mainstream media was careful to not ask congressperson Frank what the hell he was doing and why the hell he told America that Fannie was solvent when it was in desperate trouble and the crooked degenerate mainstream media managed to blame Bush.
Talk about clogging up the board with partisan posts!
It is a large sample of informed opinion....

Who are you?

No it is a bunch of far left hacks like you that hate anything not far left!

Have you met any of them?

You're an imbecile.....

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!

I can tell you are a far left drone hack by you posting your far left religious dogma that has been debunked over and over.

Why do you think everyone is far left who have respect for Obama? Do you realize that it was mainly the middle ground democrats who supported Trump in the beginning while Fox and everyone else bashed him.
You don't have to be a far left liberal to like Obama, or a far right to like Trump.
Putting everyone into one category is incorrect.

One either loves America like Trump....or hates America like Obama.....

It's really quite simple.....

Oh yeah....thanks for your tax dollars in the deal. Without them I couldnt have realized my prophet.
Assuming you actually pay taxes.

have realized my prophet

Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!

Are you illiterate?

Couldn't hope to make this up....are you related to bripat?

Look here..
You can bitch all you want about losing but the fact is you no longer have a say....to the back of the bus with your dumbass.

Haven't said a word about it.........Obama is going out with JARs in the high 50s...

Do you remember what the last guy you voted for was polling at this point in his presidency?

I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.

Am I the only one that spewed their drink through their nose after reading the title and OP of this thread???
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.


Barack Obama was our greatest President since JFK. He will be sorely missed.

What none of the dishonest Repugs on this board will ever acknowledge is that Obama saved this country from financial calamity with the stimulus bill in 2009. This country was losing 700,000 jobs per month in Jan 2009 when Obama took over, and the stimulus bill ended that.

ObamaCare and the killing of bin Laden are two other major accomplishments that are historically significant. History will be favorable to Obama's presidency, especially when contrasted with the worst President ever, George W. Bush.

Obama will have to continue to serve as the leader of the Democratic Party in some capacity after leaving the White House. I hope he considers running for the Senate again. The Democratic Party and the country need him now more than ever. Democracy in this country is now truly threatened by the Trump presidency and the Repug control of the House and Senate.
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.


Barack Obama was our greatest President since JFK. He will be sorely missed.

What none of the dishonest Repugs on this board will ever acknowledge is that Obama saved this country from financial calamity with the stimulus bill in 2009. This country was losing 700,000 jobs per month in Jan 2009 when Obama took over, and the stimulus bill ended that.

ObamaCare and the killing of bin Laden are two other major accomplishments that are historically significant. History will be favorable to Obama's presidency, especially when contrasted with the worst President ever, George W. Bush.

Obama will have to continue to serve as the leader of the Democratic Party in some capacity after leaving the White House. I hope he considers running for the Senate again. The Democratic Party and the country need him now more than ever. Democracy in this country is now truly threatened by the Trump presidency and the Repug control of the House and Senate.

Nice enough guy who I think held the office with more dignity than many others.

Did a terrible job.
Couldn't hope to make this up....are you related to bripat?

Look here..
You can bitch all you want about losing but the fact is you no longer have a say....to the back of the bus with your dumbass.

Haven't said a word about it.........Obama is going out with JARs in the high 50s...

Do you remember what the last guy you voted for was polling at this point in his presidency?
57% rating and $5.75 will get Barry a cup of Starbuck's coffee.

I believe it will get him two points up on Saint Ronnie......

That's gotta hurt...

Hmmm....Trump is your president.

Correction Obama is your president.

Trump will almost certainly be our president.
Look here..
You can bitch all you want about losing but the fact is you no longer have a say....to the back of the bus with your dumbass.

Haven't said a word about it.........Obama is going out with JARs in the high 50s...

Do you remember what the last guy you voted for was polling at this point in his presidency?
57% rating and $5.75 will get Barry a cup of Starbuck's coffee.

I believe it will get him two points up on Saint Ronnie......

That's gotta hurt...

Hmmm....Trump is your president.

Correction Obama is your president.

Trump will almost certainly be our president.

Who the fuck are you dipshit?
Haven't said a word about it.........Obama is going out with JARs in the high 50s...

Do you remember what the last guy you voted for was polling at this point in his presidency?
57% rating and $5.75 will get Barry a cup of Starbuck's coffee.

I believe it will get him two points up on Saint Ronnie......

That's gotta hurt...

Hmmm....Trump is your president.

Correction Obama is your president.

Trump will almost certainly be our president.

Who the fuck are you dipshit?

Do you have a problem with facts?
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.


Barack Obama was our greatest President since JFK. He will be sorely missed.

What none of the dishonest Repugs on this board will ever acknowledge is that Obama saved this country from financial calamity with the stimulus bill in 2009. This country was losing 700,000 jobs per month in Jan 2009 when Obama took over, and the stimulus bill ended that.

ObamaCare and the killing of bin Laden are two other major accomplishments that are historically significant. History will be favorable to Obama's presidency, especially when contrasted with the worst President ever, George W. Bush.

Obama will have to continue to serve as the leader of the Democratic Party in some capacity after leaving the White House. I hope he considers running for the Senate again. The Democratic Party and the country need him now more than ever. Democracy in this country is now truly threatened by the Trump presidency and the Repug control of the House and Senate.
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.
There were many factors involving the crash, George Bush didn't force affordable mortgage loans on anyone or create the housing bubble from home flippers that popped. That was a big part of the problem and Americans don't get a pass if they participated in it.

I paid off my mortgage 20 years ahead of time during the mess. But giving obama credit for fixing it, while we are STILL on economic life support, only alive by borrowing yet another 10 trillion, or giving him credit for OKing the Bin Laden shoot (who wouldn't) just means you are a Kool-Aid gulper. You will buy anything they are selling at this point. They own you.
57% rating and $5.75 will get Barry a cup of Starbuck's coffee.

I believe it will get him two points up on Saint Ronnie......

That's gotta hurt...

Hmmm....Trump is your president.

Correction Obama is your president.

Trump will almost certainly be our president.

Who the fuck are you dipshit?

Do you have a problem with facts?
Clearly you two have never met.....

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