Obama is an amazing man, who has my total respect

The economy collapsed when Fannie Mae collapsed while the guy who was in charge of monitoring Fannie Mae told us it was solvent. Either democrat congressperson Barney Frank was totally incompetent or he planned the collapse of Fannie Mae as the biggest October surprise in history. Nobody in the dishonest mainstream media ever asked him what the hell he was thinking. Was the strange death of Bin Ladin Obama's "mission accomplished" moment? While low information democrats were celebrating the end of the Mid East conflict after the old man's death and strange burial at sea ISIS was murdering Christians and Jews.

Complete and utter nonsense.....
You don't get to play the typical low information leftie game. My argument makes perfect sense. Idiots who post and run with two words engage in utter nonsense.
Only because his first year was skewed by Failed Stimulus

He ran up more debt thanegotiation all his predecessors COMBINED

Show me your math......

See how the far left drones want to be shown reality?

Then when they are shown reality, they will reject it.

Jan. 20, 2009, the gross federal debt was $10.63 trillion

Gross federal debt under Obama -- as of April 7, 2015 -- is $18.15 trillion

OK......so if you subtract the current level of debt, from the debt on Jan 20 (and we will overlook that sketchy start date thing for the nonce), what are you left with?

Is that MORE or LESS than the amount of debt on Jan 20, 2009?

Notice once again when a far left drone is shown facts, they will deny them..

Even after they got beat bad in this last election they still spout their religious dogma over reality.

Pace yourself, boy.......you're about to get a face full of The Priest of Reality...

See how the far left drones act when you spank with reality!
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.

Not sure if serious.....

Obama is a racist piece of shit loser......
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.


Are you paid anti-trump protesters now being paid to write things, too?

Fine, have an opinion, after all, he has a 57% approval rating, he will tell you himself. So perhaps we have been wrong all along.
Obama was like some huge social experiment that went horribly wrong
Plus, he was late for his own abortion.

Just think if his mama had of swallowed...all this could have been avoided with one gulp
Are you in the habit of swallowing, Gassy?

Like a good Irish gass?

Stay on point little dude and leave the BS out of it and perhaps you won't be viewed as the loser you are. Understand?
Just think if his mama had of swallowed...all this could have been avoided with one gulp

This was what I was responding to.......

Were you born this fucking stupid, Gassy?
He was warned as was the dem party dumbass.
Hell,I had a house I wanted to dump that had no hope of making me money and I sold it to a black dude I worked with that should never have qualified in a million years.
Of course the Realestate agent new what strings to pull and he qualified.....he lost the house 8 months later.

We've long since established that your anecdotes are fiction.....your buyer wasn't qualified by the federal government, or Fannie Mae, or Barney Frank....

Yeah whatever...I got my money out of the house and thats all that matters.

And that irrelevant anecdote off your chest....


So whats irrelevant about making a prophet off the tax payer?
You fools made it possible and I took advantage....thanks democrats. It's one of the few times your actions made me money.

It's PROFIT..........do you people EVER read?

Thanks for correcting my brain fart.
I truly appreciate it as it makes me pay more attention when dealing with fools.
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.


Are you paid anti-trump protesters now being paid to write things, too?

Fine, have an opinion, after all, he has a 57% approval rating, he will tell you himself. So perhaps we have been wrong all along.
Does he, or does he not have such a rating?

Did you vote for his predecessor?

Post his JARs at this point in his presidency....
We've long since established that your anecdotes are fiction.....your buyer wasn't qualified by the federal government, or Fannie Mae, or Barney Frank....

Yeah whatever...I got my money out of the house and thats all that matters.

And that irrelevant anecdote off your chest....


So whats irrelevant about making a prophet off the tax payer?
You fools made it possible and I took advantage....thanks democrats. It's one of the few times your actions made me money.

It's PROFIT..........do you people EVER read?

Thanks for correcting my brain fart.
I truly appreciate it as it makes me pay more attention when dealing with fools.

The "fool", to this point, has been you....
He was warned as was the dem party dumbass.
Hell,I had a house I wanted to dump that had no hope of making me money and I sold it to a black dude I worked with that should never have qualified in a million years.
Of course the Realestate agent new what strings to pull and he qualified.....he lost the house 8 months later.

We've long since established that your anecdotes are fiction.....your buyer wasn't qualified by the federal government, or Fannie Mae, or Barney Frank....

Oh yeah....thanks for your tax dollars in the deal. Without them I couldnt have realized my prophet.
Assuming you actually pay taxes.

have realized my prophet

Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!

Are you illiterate?

Couldn't hope to make this up....are you related to bripat?

Look here..
You can bitch all you want about losing but the fact is you no longer have a say....to the back of the bus with your dumbass.
Obama was like some huge social experiment that went horribly wrong
Plus, he was late for his own abortion.

Just think if his mama had of swallowed...all this could have been avoided with one gulp
Are you in the habit of swallowing, Gassy?

Like a good Irish gass?

Stay on point little dude and leave the BS out of it and perhaps you won't be viewed as the loser you are. Understand?
Just think if his mama had of swallowed...all this could have been avoided with one gulp

This was what I was responding to.......

Were you born this fucking stupid, Gassy?

Another A typical far left drone post when they have been shown reality!
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.

Not sure if serious.....

Obama is a racist piece of shit loser......

Could you find another source, O?

Cause, you're a first class moron, which makes your assertions of questionable value...
Yeah whatever...I got my money out of the house and thats all that matters.

And that irrelevant anecdote off your chest....


So whats irrelevant about making a prophet off the tax payer?
You fools made it possible and I took advantage....thanks democrats. It's one of the few times your actions made me money.

It's PROFIT..........do you people EVER read?

Thanks for correcting my brain fart.
I truly appreciate it as it makes me pay more attention when dealing with fools.

The "fool", to this point, has been you....

Where you looking in mirror when you posted that?

Silly far left drone!
Obama was like some huge social experiment that went horribly wrong
Plus, he was late for his own abortion.

Just think if his mama had of swallowed...all this could have been avoided with one gulp
Are you in the habit of swallowing, Gassy?

Like a good Irish gass?

Stay on point little dude and leave the BS out of it and perhaps you won't be viewed as the loser you are. Understand?
Just think if his mama had of swallowed...all this could have been avoided with one gulp

This was what I was responding to.......

Were you born this fucking stupid, Gassy?

Save it troll, I've never taken your nonsense serious and I'm not likely ever to. You think yourself clever but I'm much more clever. Learn this and then live it. You'll save yourself some future embarrassment. I've yet to meet a left loon that can hold their own and you ain't it little fella
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.

Not sure if serious.....

Obama is a racist piece of shit loser......

Could you find another source, O?

Cause, you're a first class moron, which makes your assertions of questionable value...
The simplest of points escapes you, obama voter......
We've long since established that your anecdotes are fiction.....your buyer wasn't qualified by the federal government, or Fannie Mae, or Barney Frank....

Oh yeah....thanks for your tax dollars in the deal. Without them I couldnt have realized my prophet.
Assuming you actually pay taxes.

have realized my prophet

Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!

Are you illiterate?

Couldn't hope to make this up....are you related to bripat?

Look here..
You can bitch all you want about losing but the fact is you no longer have a say....to the back of the bus with your dumbass.

Haven't said a word about it.........Obama is going out with JARs in the high 50s...

Do you remember what the last guy you voted for was polling at this point in his presidency?
History will show him to be one of our best presidents with some truly amazing accomplishments. Especially since the Rs have worked so hard to bring down the country so they could blame him for it.

Thank you, Mr. President.


Speak of far left drones, another example of why the far left is so disconnected from reality.

I am glad Jimmy Carter got to live to see someone worse than him as president!
238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

A bunch of Alt left academics, yeah, that's who I'd look to for an opinion.

If I didn't give a shit about reality. LMAO
Plus, he was late for his own abortion.

Just think if his mama had of swallowed...all this could have been avoided with one gulp
Are you in the habit of swallowing, Gassy?

Like a good Irish gass?

Stay on point little dude and leave the BS out of it and perhaps you won't be viewed as the loser you are. Understand?
Just think if his mama had of swallowed...all this could have been avoided with one gulp

This was what I was responding to.......

Were you born this fucking stupid, Gassy?

Save it troll, I've never taken your nonsense serious and I'm not likely ever to. You think yourself clever but I'm much more clever. Learn this and then live it. You'll save yourself some future embarrassment. I've yet to meet a left loon that can hold their own and you ain't it little fella


I just provided yet another example of your "lack of awareness".......Go find one showing me doing anything like it, and then we can compare proclivities......

You are a breathing mediocrity......a dime a dozen reactionary baby generator....who is not even getting THAT done...
Oh yeah....thanks for your tax dollars in the deal. Without them I couldnt have realized my prophet.
Assuming you actually pay taxes.

have realized my prophet

Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!

Are you illiterate?

Couldn't hope to make this up....are you related to bripat?

Look here..
You can bitch all you want about losing but the fact is you no longer have a say....to the back of the bus with your dumbass.

Haven't said a word about it.........Obama is going out with JARs in the high 50s...

Do you remember what the last guy you voted for was polling at this point in his presidency?
57% rating and $5.75 will get Barry a cup of Starbuck's coffee.
History will show him to be one of our best presidents with some truly amazing accomplishments. Especially since the Rs have worked so hard to bring down the country so they could blame him for it.

Thank you, Mr. President.


Speak of far left drones, another example of why the far left is so disconnected from reality.

I am glad Jimmy Carter got to live to see someone worse than him as president!
238 presidential scholars: Bush worst president of modern era, fifth worst in US history

A bunch of Alt left academics, yeah, that's who I'd look to for an opinion.

If I didn't give a shit about reality. LMAO

It is a large sample of informed opinion....

Who are you?
I read thread after thread of your hateful Obama garbage which most are political lies and hacks.... The man pulled us out of a horrible mess the your party created. Everything crashed..

The man got Bin Ladin (someone who your party used to go over and make money with their fake war)

The man tried to stop the medical corruption who take your homes and stop treatment after they take your life savings..Obamacare may not be the best but it is a start.

Obama is a respectful husband and father..

I get sad seeing all of these hateful people going at it even when their party won this election...

It is nothing but pure ugly hate..The people who are being so disrespectful probably hate life too and nothing makes them happy.

Thank you Obama for being such a good man in the face of such ugliness and hate.


Are you paid anti-trump protesters now being paid to write things, too?

Fine, have an opinion, after all, he has a 57% approval rating, he will tell you himself. So perhaps we have been wrong all along.
Does he, or does he not have such a rating?

Did you vote for his predecessor?

Post his JARs at this point in his presidency....

He was re-elected, that's enough to convince me the classroom is 2/3rds dumb. I am not surprised by the rating. Nor do I feel like reiterating a list of laments about your leader.

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