obama is an idiot - not suprising his foreign policy failed


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
Obama: Netanyahu talks of two-state solution but his actions undermine it

"“They may work well with respect to deflecting attention from the problem of settlements,” the president continued. “They may play well with Bibi’s political base, as well as the Republican base here in the United States, but they don’t match up with the facts.”"


Is this fucking moron actually claiming that the "settlements" have had or are having ANY impact on the so-called "peace process"? As if the arab muslim vermin have EVER, in any time period, shown a willingness to tolerate the existence of a country not run by arab muslims?

First the muslim filth overran Lebanon, now they want to destroy Israel - the so-called settlements are a fig leaf that the various pandering idiots like obama, the far left treasonous vermin, and the filthy muslim hordes use as a pretext to pressure Israel.

What exactly have the arab muslims EVER done to promote peace and tolerance of the sovereign rights of any other people in the mideast? Ever?
Unless the Palestinians want it, it won't work and they don't.

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