Obama is anti Gun and anti Assault Rilfe.

I used to be a member of the NRA and a hunter.

Then after the service I decided that I hated guns because I had to try to put people back together who'd been on the wrong end of them.

Since then, I've come around to not really giving a damn.

Guns don't kill people, fucking morons kill people.

If I lived in some of the shitholes that America has to offer, I'd be heavily armed myself.

Sadly, in most cases the only people who get hurt by guns are the family members of idiots with guns, but hey...that's not the guns' faults, is it?

I would not mind a no short arms except for cops law, but I wouldn't cross the street to sign a petition to make it happen, either.

We don't enforce the laws we have now so why bother?
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It is so funny to me how pissed off all you fuckers get about me wanting to take away your guns.

Well, they are our guns, after all.

Police and military can have guns, no one else.

Those are our guns too.

The manufacturing of guns should be completely halted and only produced on-demand when soldiers or police officers need new ones to replace old ones.

There's nothing intrinsic about being a cop or a soldier that makes their possesion of guns more legitimate than anyone elses--certainly NOT being a representative of the government.

You want to hunt, use traps or a bow and arrow, something that takes years of practice to perfect, and much manlier too.

Or you can have a gun, effectively hunt and defend yourself, and dedicate your "years of practice" to becoming a teacher instead.

You want to shoot recreationaly, join the military or become a cop, otherwise....tough shit!

Perhaps the notion of being contractually obligated to liberty crushing tyrants, and hanging with psychopatic bullies, is not as appealing as being armed against them.

Guns make it easier to commit crime period.

Guns make it easier to defend yourself...period.

Even when regulating sales, they are still manufactured and thus fair game for potential criminals to steal.

Is this your rationale for not having the rest of us have buy them legally?

If you disagree i can laugh at you when Barack HUSSEIN!!!!!!!! Obama becomes the next president. :p

I don't disagree...I think the gun ownership regulations that require licensing, registration, and background checks motivate criminals to steal, or buy stolen guns.
Don't think of firearms as instruments of violence

Think of them as specialized tools designed to put holes in objects that are too far away to drill a hole though.

There, now. Feel better?
Honestly you two, I could do this all day.
Game on.

I am 25 years old and reside in Los Angeles, CA. Both of my parents are retired marines and they live in Dallas, TX. They are both for anti-gun laws to the fullest extent...no more civilian guns...period.
Not to cast aspersion on the MArines, but I sense the root of some notion of cozy comfort in the authority always being right.

Oh they would get into the country anyway? How about ACTUALLY inspecting the other 95% of the cargo coming into this country?
How would this prevent guns being stolen? How would this prevent criminals in the government from selling guns to other criminals? How would this prevent criminals from getting guns?

Why do you think that all those gun manufacturers are now producing guns out of state when almost all of them started here to begin with?
There is certainly a profit margin advantage to be gained by manufaturing in a nation with a lesser expectations from their entitlement to extortion.

Who regulates the sales of firearms and makes sure that the buyers are legitimate?
The Government does; and fails for patently obvious reasons.

Questions for you: Who regulates gun aquistion, ownership, and use of guns such that law-abiding folks are deterred from the aquisition, ownership and use of guns, but criminals are not? What is the consequesnce of regulating gun aquistion, ownership, and use of guns such that law-abiding folks are deterred from the aquisition, ownership and use of guns, but criminals are not? Is the intent of such regulation consitent with the consequence of such regulation?

Ever seen the movie "Lord of War"(based on a true story)?

The fact is that if guns are made, they end up in the wrong hands, even when so called "law-abiding citizens" like you responsibly use your firearms for personal enjoyment.
Tell me; if I accept this as valid, how do I argue that the legal aquisition, ownership and use of guns makes things worse?

How do I argue the aquisition, ownership and personal use of guns for self-defense and personal enjoyment, in the face of the accepted premise that guns get into the wrong hands regardless of who has them legally, will make things worse?

If you could guarentee that "anything" potentially dangerous could be used responsibly without any possibility of misuse, there wouldn't be child proof lighters or medicine bottles.
Nor would there be reasons for retards to cry about (and extort compensation for) the inherent injustices of a reality where "anything" can be misused.

What you idioits are basically saying is this:

If you could save hundreds and thousands of lives by throwing away your gun and supporting anti-gun laws, you WOULDNT do it. Your excuse, cars kill people, ban cars, tape kills people, ban tape, but thats not the point. Cars and tape are rarely if ever used as "murder" weapons. Key word being MURDER.
What idiots like yourself are basically saying is this:
"If you could protect your own life and liberty, and perhaps the live and liberties of hundreds of thousands of others by keeping your gun and repealing anti-gun laws, you WOULDN'T do it. Your excuse, guns kill people; but thats not the point. The point is that regular folks should not be able, or allowed, to effectively defend themselves against the predations of the criminally violent. That the lives and liberties of regular folks, are secondary to the lives and predations of the crimially violent. The hundereds of thousands--perhaps millions--of lives protected by legitimate personal gun use, is invalidated by the thousands lost to personal misuse--and that said misuse of guns is somehow caused by guns."

I think I need to go fuck my hot intelligent girlfriend now so we can procreate more intelligent people because im begining to think that the retards are outnumbering the genius.

It's unfortunate that the child born by you and you hot, intelligent girlfriend is fated by your genetiv contribution to be a retard--at least it will be unarmed until it becomes a cop, a solidier, or a criminal.

i.e. Bush's 2nd Term... Goodnight fuck-tards, i'll be back in the morning to see what other mindless asshole banter you can come up with. :p

Good morning fuck-tard. I hope you bring better game today than you had last night.
ok im back again! yay! you guys get something to with your sunday now!

Since we have had no REAL gun control laws until the past 30 or so years, the use and proliferation of guns has become unimaginably rampant throughout the World. There are damn near more guns on the planet than their are people. There is, in essence, no reason for a NEW gun to even be made! If you want me to support your "responsible" use of guns for "safe" recreation and protection from hardened criminals, you must at least agree that organizations like the NRA and the US Govt. should spend more time trying to curb the worldwide production of "assault" rifles not bound for legitimate "non-confict" zones? Can't you agree that it would be more productive to heavily FUND and support neighborhood watch programs which have "proven" to be more effective against rural and suburban crime than personal gun possession? Would you be willing to allow electronic "location-finder" chips, just like the ones in the cell phones of billions of people, to aid security efforts in tracking illegal gun possession so you dont have to defend yourself against them?

My point is that not enough is being done to "control" guns so that people like you all can use them safely and responsibly like our constitution says you can. Yes, there are measures in place that have been effective in recent years, but its not enough. And people like all of you spend more time defening yourself from the dipshit media than supporting programs that can and will make gun possession safer and more practical in a criminally charged society such as the US. Toss this around for a while, I can be serious too...

you must at least agree that organizations like the NRA and the US Govt. should spend more time trying to curb the worldwide production of "assault" rifles not bound for legitimate "non-confict" zones?

Most guerillas are using guns manufactured by Kalashnikov, which is a russian company, thus american laws have no effect. (The gun in question of course being the AK-47)

Would you be willing to allow electronic "location-finder" chips, just like the ones in the cell phones of billions of people, to aid security efforts in tracking illegal gun possession so you dont have to defend yourself against them?


It would be child's play to deactivate such a chip.

For that matter, it's not even all that hard for a machinist to fabricate a fully auto gun from scratch. I've seen blueprints for improvised machine guns on the internet. You need a hobbyist's lathe/mill combo and some steel tubing, basically. Even if you didn't have a lathe, there's always www.emachineshop.com
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The United States has the highest rate of gun death of any Western country.
ok im back again! yay! you guys get something to with your sunday now!

Since we have had no REAL gun control laws until the past 30 or so years, the use and proliferation of guns has become unimaginably rampant throughout the World. There are damn near more guns on the planet than their are people. There is, in essence, no reason for a NEW gun to even be made! If you want me to support your "responsible" use of guns for "safe" recreation and protection from hardened criminals, you must at least agree that organizations like the NRA and the US Govt. should spend more time trying to curb the worldwide production of "assault" rifles not bound for legitimate "non-confict" zones? Can't you agree that it would be more productive to heavily FUND and support neighborhood watch programs which have "proven" to be more effective against rural and suburban crime than personal gun possession? Would you be willing to allow electronic "location-finder" chips, just like the ones in the cell phones of billions of people, to aid security efforts in tracking illegal gun possession so you dont have to defend yourself against them?

My point is that not enough is being done to "control" guns so that people like you all can use them safely and responsibly like our constitution says you can. Yes, there are measures in place that have been effective in recent years, but its not enough. And people like all of you spend more time defening yourself from the dipshit media than supporting programs that can and will make gun possession safer and more practical in a criminally charged society such as the US. Toss this around for a while, I can be serious too...


Oh I see, so it changes now to control guns so that we can all Constitutionally own them instead of your old argument that all gun owners are poonannys and aren't real men and that anyone who even consideres owning a gun isn't a man at all. And from no citizen should own a gun accept police and military. LOL. I'm glad you realized your own stupid argument and changed your tune a little. But I still don't see how U.S. laws has any affect over the WORLD gun manufacturing market. Granted, the U.S. makes more guns, however, U.S. laws have not affect on many guns manufacturers that are foreign owned and operated, much like they have little affect over foreign drugs that find their way here.
The United States has the highest rate of gun death of any Western country.

Not suprising because we have more guns and a higher population. I agree with you on a lot of things Kirk, but statistics will only take you so far. That's like saying there's more Mexicans in Mexico than the U.S.
Since we have had no REAL gun control laws until the past 30 or so years, the use and proliferation of guns has become unimaginably rampant throughout the World.
Proliferation is rrelevent to the discussion. Besides, U.S. gun control laws have no jurisdiction throughout the world. Gun control laws in the U.S. and other nations succeed only in being barriers to regular folks obtaining guns, do nothing about criminally violent governments misusing guns, and motivate ordinary violent criminals to steal guns.

There are damn near more guns on the planet than their are people.

There is, in essence, no reason for a NEW gun to even be made!

If you want me to support your "responsible" use of guns for "safe" recreation and protection from hardened criminals, you must at least agree that organizations like the NRA and the US Govt. should spend more time trying to curb the worldwide production of "assault" rifles not bound for legitimate "non-confict" zones?
I do not, because safe and responsible use is not a bargaining chip to cash in to stop the irresponsible and criminal use of guns by thugs and governments. If you want me to support your bullshit gun-control laws then you have to first make sure that neither violent criminals or governments have any guns, for any purposes.

Can't you agree that it would be more productive to heavily FUND and support neighborhood watch programs which have "proven" to be more effective against rural and suburban crime than personal gun possession?
No. Though I'll admit that I have no problem with neighborhood watch, I just don't accept "proof", I only accept actual proof, and there's no reason that funding neighborhood watch should have any bearing what-so-ever on gunownership.

Would you be willing to allow electronic "location-finder" chips, just like the ones in the cell phones of billions of people, to aid security efforts in tracking illegal gun possession so you dont have to defend yourself against them?

Only if you mean putting locator chips in violent felons--only violent felons--and it's really only effective if you put them in before they become violent felons. Good luck with that.

My point is that not enough is being done to "control" guns so that people like you all can use them safely and responsibly like our constitution says you can.
There is plenty being done to try to control guns--the fact of the matter is the gun-control paradigm of making guns illegal does not work because it CANNOT work--it operates from a fudamentally flawed premise.

Yes, there are measures in place that have been effective in recent years, but its not enough.
Really, such as..., and effective at what, exactly?

And people like all of you spend more time defening yourself from the dipshit media than supporting programs that can and will make gun possession safer and more practical in a criminally charged society such as the US. Toss this around for a while, I can be serious too...

For the same reasons that compulsory sex education, and compulsory drug education, and compulsory race/ethnicity/culture education for all children from elementary school through high school is effective at dispelling harmful myths, and curbing the tragic consequences of dangerous sex, the abuse of drugs, and racism, I fully support compulsory gun safety and handling education for children. Once we returned to the days when guns were consiered more often to be a familiar tool for hunting and self defense, rather than some mystical object of self-empowerment by which you could excersize your will over others, I would support a bring you gun to school day, so everyone could learn aboutthe history of oldler guns that have been passed through generations, and the technological advances in performance and safety incorporated in new guns.

This, of course, will not happen, because the fuck-tards who can't parse their personal dislike of people who misuse guns from the guns being misused, who cannot grasp the notion that people commit murder, not guns, who refuse to accept the patently obvious truth that our current gun-control paradigm actually motivates criminals to commit more crime while creating easier targets for criminals, are the exact same fuck-tards who can accept that knowledge and understanding are the keys to preventing the cosequences of dangerous sex, the abuse of drugs, and racism, while demanding that propagating fear, and enforcing ignorance are the keys to preventing gun abuse.

You see, people like you spend more time chasing the retarded notion that you need to defend yourself against guns, when you really have to defend yourself against criminals...and your own ignorance.
The United States has the highest rate of gun death of any Western country.
I'm sure that China has the highest rate of rickshaw deaths in the East, but no-one would consider that a rickshaw problem. I'm sure that France has the highest rate of soft cheese death of any Western country, but I'm sure no-one would consider that to be a soft-cheese problem.
I'm sure that China has the highest rate of rickshaw deaths in the East, but no-one would consider that a rickshaw problem. I'm sure that France has the highest rate of soft cheese death of any Western country, but I'm sure no-one would consider that to be a soft-cheese problem.

I dare you to find anybody killed by soft cheese. Anywhere. Of course the sole purpose of cheesemakers is to kill people, unlike guns, whose sole reason for being manufactured is to bring peace and enlightenment to the world (oh, and for those scared of their own widdle shadows to feel safe at night)...
Obama said that he is not going to try to take our guns, that he believes in the second amendment, but I think he is lying. He is so far to the left he might as well be a communist.
Fact: People who own guns are more likely to have bought one because of the socialization of guns within their communities growing up. (i.e. hunting, military, law-enforcement)

Fact: The amount of personal gun ownership within a community significantly drops when serious neighborhood watch programs are initiated.

Fact: The majority of gun-related death in the US and abroad is from "stolen" or illegaly sold firearms.

Fact: Most of the stolen firearms came from security guards, police officers, and registered "legal" owners homes, cars, and trucks...NOT smuggled ones.

Now of course all you fucktards are gonna say ban food cuz it kills more people, cars kill more people ban cars, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. BUT Gangsters, drug-dealers, and organized criminals aren't attacking or threatening people with cheesebugers and beer. They use guns. Stolen guns that were easily available to them because of our current gun-control laws being too weak. You may THINK that a gun can protect you, but anyone with a knife and enough courage can take your gun away in a heartbeat and use it against someone else. Most gun owners dont have the proper permits to carry and conceal their weapons, and so most stolen guns come from homes and trucks when YOU arent around. It is an undeniable fact that guns CAUSE more crime than they prevent, but I will agree that getting rid of guns wont get rid of crime. However, large groups of protective neighbors staying organized have PROVEN over and over to be far more effective against crime than gun ownership.

All this being said, the original topic for this post was:

"Obama is anti-gun and assault rifle."

Yes he is. But more importantly....

type "Obama on Gun Control" into a google search for proof.

Obama supports the 2nd ammendment BUT he does call for much heavier regulations on guns and their manufacturers. He also supports the right for state and local governments to make their own laws on handgun and assault rifles, just like cities and states go around property rights for zoning ordinances.

So at the end of the day, you all are basically fucking nuts for spending as much time as you have on all my comments regardless of there context because not one of them actually addressed the thread. We all have our opinions and obviously we arent changing eachothers any time soon. I think all of you are idiots, and you all think Im an idiot. Im voting for Obama, you are all probably voting for McCain or not at all. Lets let the politicians do the fighting and we'll see who gets their way come voting day...
Obama said that he is not going to try to take our guns, that he believes in the second amendment, but I think he is lying. He is so far to the left he might as well be a communist.

Really? I'd suggest that you go back to school then. I look forward to hearing any of the anti-obama liars set forth where he has suggested government ownership of the means of production.

I'm also curious as to what policies he supports that Bill Clinton didn't.

I love the smell of right wing desperation in the morning.... smells like victory.

And when you make up stuff in your head, like, that you think someone's lying, you might want to offer some type of evidence. otherwise it just belongs in the conspiracy section.

and you know that isn't going to work this time.
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Fact: People who own guns are more likely to have bought one because of the socialization of guns within their communities growing up. (i.e. hunting, military, law-enforcement)

Fact: The amount of personal gun ownership within a community significantly drops when serious neighborhood watch programs are initiated.

Fact: The majority of gun-related death in the US and abroad is from "stolen" or illegaly sold firearms.

Fact: Most of the stolen firearms came from security guards, police officers, and registered "legal" owners homes, cars, and trucks...NOT smuggled ones.

Now of course all you fucktards are gonna say ban food cuz it kills more people, cars kill more people ban cars, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. BUT Gangsters, drug-dealers, and organized criminals aren't attacking or threatening people with cheesebugers and beer. They use guns. Stolen guns that were easily available to them because of our current gun-control laws being too weak. You may THINK that a gun can protect you, but anyone with a knife and enough courage can take your gun away in a heartbeat and use it against someone else. Most gun owners dont have the proper permits to carry and conceal their weapons, and so most stolen guns come from homes and trucks when YOU arent around. It is an undeniable fact that guns CAUSE more crime than they prevent, but I will agree that getting rid of guns wont get rid of crime. However, large groups of protective neighbors staying organized have PROVEN over and over to be far more effective against crime than gun ownership.

All this being said, the original topic for this post was:

"Obama is anti-gun and assault rifle."

Yes he is. But more importantly....

type "Obama on Gun Control" into a google search for proof.

Obama supports the 2nd ammendment BUT he does call for much heavier regulations on guns and their manufacturers. He also supports the right for state and local governments to make their own laws on handgun and assault rifles, just like cities and states go around property rights for zoning ordinances.

So at the end of the day, you all are basically fucking nuts for spending as much time as you have on all my comments regardless of there context because not one of them actually addressed the thread. We all have our opinions and obviously we arent changing eachothers any time soon. I think all of you are idiots, and you all think Im an idiot. Im voting for Obama, you are all probably voting for McCain or not at all. Lets let the politicians do the fighting and we'll see who gets their way come voting day...

Why don't you wake up and smell what you're shoveling dude. You change your opinion on this thread every time you post. One post you call everyone female reproductive organs for even thinking about owning guns. Then when you get your crap rejected, you change your little post to : we should control guns more so people like you can own them, then you go back to stupid movie-like stories of someone with a knife taking a gun away from someone. I'll tell you what, the next time someone pulls a gun on you at a bout 10-15 yards away, we'll see if you can make it that 10-15 yards with your bowie knife before he puts 17-rounds of lead in you. I hate to break it to you, but super-human strength and speed only happens in the movies...which is obviously something you've seen to much of. An knife-weilding terrorist is not going to disarm a solider at 50 yards, why would any other situation be different. I think instead of courage you mean, stupidity. Anyone with a knife and a bit of stupidity would be willing to disarm someone. All of your scenario implies super-close range combat in which you jump out of a closet...which is certainly not "set in stone" when you have a break in or are confronted on the street.

And as far as stupid as posts on the board. Let me quote your first post on this thread....
Originally Posted by OutsidetheBox24

"LMAO, guns kill people! The indians didnt need guns to shoot animals so you beefy little hunter queers start acting like REAL men and f-ing kill the damn animals with your bare hands! Shooting an animal in a hunt is like shooting a fish in a barrel, its f-ing easy and ANYONE can do it! Assault rifles? For what? The Russians arent coming anymore and we have an army and a giant surplus of nuclear missles to defend us before you need to shoot anyone. Hell join the army if it means that much to you. Assault Rifles in the hands of common citizens is no different than giving a baby a grenage with the pin pulled. If you feel like shooting one is just the best damn fun you've ever had, again, join the damn army, they do it all day and have the money to fund trillions of bullets, maybe you can even kill a terrorist. Self-defense? Use a knife, or your fists, or a sword, or maybe call the police! Owning a gun makes you a scared little pussy with no balls to stand up for yourself. If you own a gun or would like to for any reason, you might as well superglue your lips to your mommy's nipple cuz you couldnt possibly be more of a degenerate little baby.

Werdz atdem peeples wit gunz frum autsydethaboxes"

What a moron. The 2nd Amendment alone blasts your crappy little opinion into bits my friend. So your opinion here is the only one lacking fact. Before guns were around ,the crime rate soard from the use of Swords, Axes, and other metallic blades and weapons strictly designed to kill people. IMO, being killed by a gun is 10 times more humane than being stabbed to death and left to bleed out. Or you can go with the whole mutalation thing. You trust your fist at 20 yards and I'll trust my gun.
I dare you to find anybody killed by soft cheese. Anywhere. Of course the sole purpose of cheesemakers is to kill people, unlike guns, whose sole reason for being manufactured is to bring peace and enlightenment to the world (oh, and for those scared of their own widdle shadows to feel safe at night)...

Family Doctor

"A large listeria outbreak in 1985 in America which lead to 48 deaths was linked to Mexican soft cheese. In the U.S. it is estimated more than 1000 people become seriously ill and 250 people die from listeriosis each year."

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