Obama is much worse than Nixon

There is a lesson for Americans here...we can not ever elect a liberal minority ever again if our cowardly congress are too afraid to hold them in check...[/QUOTE]

What does that even mean? hold a liberal minority in check??

Obama never said he has the right to obstruct justice and pardon himself -- guess who did th
Wrong again.
Obama's abuse of power and corruption is off the charts. He was a threat to our democracy. He pointed our country in the direction of a third world banana republic totalitarian dictatorship.


I am amazed at how the media said nothing when Obama asserted he could pardon himself if he was being investigated and how since he was president, he could obstruct justice.

..and lets not forget how Obama's businesses profited off of his role as president -- he even had his personal lawyer creating slush funds and shaking down corporations for bribes -- Obama is disgusting
There is a lesson for Americans here...we can not ever elect a liberal minority ever again if our cowardly congress are too afraid to hold them in check...[/QUOTE]

What does that even mean? hold a liberal minority in check??

Obama never said he has the right to obstruct justice and pardon himself -- guess who did th

Read my post again Biff....I said if the Congress is too afraid to hold a minority President in check as they would anyone else....than we should not elect one....
Dummy, Mueller has enough evidence to get guilty pleas and indictments.

What have you got? Blue balls don't count
Stupid fuck...if Mueller had anything it would have been leaked by now...This time Mueller will get his comeuppance...and it is long over due....
The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.



Nixon's crime was covering up a bungled burglary attempt of a campaign headquarters.

Obama weaponized the Executive Branch to spy on the opposition party, journalists, and private citizens. And now he is leading the coup attempt against Trump.

Much worse than Nixon by many orders of magnitude.
Read my post again Biff....I said if the Congress is too afraid to hold a minority President in check as they would anyone else....than we should not elect one....

Again....Obama has never said he can pardon himself and he has never claimed he can legally obstruct justice -- but Trump has...

the fact that republicans look the other way when Trump actually does the shit they fantasize Obama did -- is not Obama's fault -- it is just an indictment on the depravity of the republican party -- speaking of indictment -- how many indictments did Obama get during his term in office?
Read my post again Biff....I said if the Congress is too afraid to hold a minority President in check as they would anyone else....than we should not elect one....

Again....Obama has never said he can pardon himself and he has never claimed he can legally obstruct justice -- but Trump has...

the fact that republicans look the other way when Trump actually does the shit they fantasize Obama did -- is not Obama's fault -- it is just an indictment on the depravity of the republican party -- speaking of indictment -- how many indictments did Obama get during his term in office?

in 2016, the LW press spread a meme that hiLIARy could pardon hereself.


A search yields a great many mentions.

And, quite non-unexpedtedly, you are spewing a bunch of nonsense.
Last edited:
in 2016, the LW press spread a meme that hiLIARy could pardon hereself.

As search yields a great many mentions.

And, quite non-unexpedtedly, you are spewing a bunch of nonsense.

Remember when I asked if Obama ever SAID he can pardon himself like Trump has SAID --- and you deflected to some bullshit meme someone made about Hillary?

Deflection noted.
The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.

Obama isn't president. Get over it.
That is good news but like a fart in a closed room, his stink lingers.

Hey how did you like my previous post just right before your post here? please comment on it because as you can see,we obviously have a deluded nutcase reaganut zombie here in denial that Reagan was as much a war criminal and took a shit on the constitution as much as Obama did.:abgg2q.jpg:

The infamous impeached rapist Billyboy Clinton should thank Obammy for replacing him as the all-time most corrupt president in the history of America
in 2016, the LW press spread a meme that hiLIARy could pardon hereself.

As search yields a great many mentions.

And, quite non-unexpedtedly, you are spewing a bunch of nonsense.

Remember when I asked if Obama ever SAID he can pardon himself like Trump has SAID --- and you deflected to some bullshit meme someone made about Hillary?

Deflection noted.

Poor widdle whinger. The concept that a President could pardon himself didn't originate with Trump (as you are trying and failing to imply).

Obama did violate the Constitution via his ubiquitous abuse of powers across a variety of government programs. Trump has not.

Nixon's crime was covering up a bungled burglary attempt of a campaign headquarters..

Fascists and authoritarians usually try to water down what their hero Nixon did because they feel like he didn't do anything wrong, as long as he did it to "libs"

Nixon also had the IRS retaliate against his political enemies -- which is where that enemies list came from? He also did witness tampering, obstruction of justice -- dozens of people went to prison -- and lets not forget what else he could have been charged with if they so chose to -- like secret bombings in Cambodia or when he sabotaged peace talks in Vietnam -- but yea, Obama -- the person with zero indictments and zero conviction is the corrupt one --
Poor widdle whinger. The concept that a President could pardon himself didn't originate with Trump (as you are trying and failing to imply).

Trump asserted he can pardon himself -- the last president who made this claim had to resign to avoid getting impeached -- so you keep on deflecting for the sake of a guy who you will pretend to have never supported 5 years from now -- just like yall do Bush now

Alll this time you conservative cucks went on and on about how different Trump would be, how he isn't a politician but explain away everything he does by saying "but Hillary...." "but but Obama" -- pathetic
Read my post again Biff....I said if the Congress is too afraid to hold a minority President in check as they would anyone else....than we should not elect one....

Again....Obama has never said he can pardon himself and he has never claimed he can legally obstruct justice -- but Trump has...

the fact that republicans look the other way when Trump actually does the shit they fantasize Obama did -- is not Obama's fault -- it is just an indictment on the depravity of the republican party -- speaking of indictment -- how many indictments did Obama get during his term in office?
god all mighty you bought stupid by the ton.
god all mighty you bought stupid by the ton.

Says the person who despite having a republican controlled House and Senate, republican controlled DOJ and FBI -- still couldn't manage to not get their own president and administration investigated, indicted and convicted by a republican prosecutor -- yet was so feckless and incompetent that they couldn't even get Obama for a traffic ticket -- yea yall are tons of stupid alright.

So when is Obama going to jail?
Obama was clearly an elitist, corporatist, and a warmonger. He dropped more bombs than did the known war criminal dumb shit W. He spent $1 TRILLION on making more effective nukes, rather than helping the poor and middle class. He inflamed racism and expanded income inequality.

Yet some consider him great. WTF!
Wow gipper! You have outdone yourself! You are criticizing Obama for the the very things you praise in Trump. Big Bucks for the military 'refresh', which those Obama trillions evidently didn't fix or Trump wouldn't be claiming how under-equipped our military has become. Also criticism for not helping the poor, the middle class, or Puerto Rico either. AND he expanded racism, cleverly thru calling it unpatriotic to quietly and respectfully kneel over targeted brutality. Don't even mention Charlottsville. As for income inequality...you must be blind! This codswallop you pompously criticize in Obama while praising Trump for actually doing it. Sheesh!
You clearly do not know me.

I have never praised Donny Tiny Hands for anything, certainly not anything to do with the military. Trump would be wise to turn the Pentagon into affordable housing...if only. The only thing is, he is still way better than the crazed warmongering elitist corporatist Cankles.

Both Ds and Rs support his and Obama's fanaticism for growing the military and using it to kill people. What better way to enrich and empower the ruling class?

the Bull sure is a nut the way he ASSUMED you were a fan of Trump by exposing the criminal activities of Obama.LOL

He thinks anyone who KNOWS of Big Ear's many crimes, must support Trump.
If it walks like a duck.....
Yes binary thinking is all you and your kind know.
Wow gipper! You have outdone yourself! You are criticizing Obama for the the very things you praise in Trump. Big Bucks for the military 'refresh', which those Obama trillions evidently didn't fix or Trump wouldn't be claiming how under-equipped our military has become. Also criticism for not helping the poor, the middle class, or Puerto Rico either. AND he expanded racism, cleverly thru calling it unpatriotic to quietly and respectfully kneel over targeted brutality. Don't even mention Charlottsville. As for income inequality...you must be blind! This codswallop you pompously criticize in Obama while praising Trump for actually doing it. Sheesh!
You clearly do not know me.

I have never praised Donny Tiny Hands for anything, certainly not anything to do with the military. Trump would be wise to turn the Pentagon into affordable housing...if only. The only thing is, he is still way better than the crazed warmongering elitist corporatist Cankles.

Both Ds and Rs support his and Obama's fanaticism for growing the military and using it to kill people. What better way to enrich and empower the ruling class?

the Bull sure is a nut the way he ASSUMED you were a fan of Trump by exposing the criminal activities of Obama.LOL

He thinks anyone who KNOWS of Big Ear's many crimes, must support Trump.
If it walks like a duck.....
Yes binary thinking is all you and your kind know.

Well, there's only 10 kinds of people in this world ......
god all mighty you bought stupid by the ton.

Says the person who despite having a republican controlled House and Senate, republican controlled DOJ and FBI -- still couldn't manage to not get their own president and administration investigated, indicted and convicted by a republican prosecutor -- yet was so feckless and incompetent that they couldn't even get Obama for a traffic ticket -- yea yall are tons of stupid alright.

So when is Obama going to jail?

i'd ask you what the holy hell you are talking about but my bigger fear is you would try and tell me.
in 2016, the LW press spread a meme that hiLIARy could pardon hereself.

As search yields a great many mentions.

And, quite non-unexpedtedly, you are spewing a bunch of nonsense.

Remember when I asked if Obama ever SAID he can pardon himself like Trump has SAID --- and you deflected to some bullshit meme someone made about Hillary?

Deflection noted.

Poor widdle whinger. The concept that a President could pardon himself didn't originate with Trump (as you are trying and failing to imply).

Obama did violate the Constitution via his ubiquitous abuse of powers across a variety of government programs. Trump has not.
Ever hear of EMOLUMENT ?? The pos and his family are coining it

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