Obama is much worse than Nixon

in 2016, the LW press spread a meme that hiLIARy could pardon hereself.

As search yields a great many mentions.

And, quite non-unexpedtedly, you are spewing a bunch of nonsense.

Remember when I asked if Obama ever SAID he can pardon himself like Trump has SAID --- and you deflected to some bullshit meme someone made about Hillary?

Deflection noted.

Poor widdle whinger. The concept that a President could pardon himself didn't originate with Trump (as you are trying and failing to imply).

Obama did violate the Constitution via his ubiquitous abuse of powers across a variety of government programs. Trump has not.
Ever hear of EMOLUMENT ?? The pos and his family are coining it

Yes, I've heard of (the) EMOLUMENT(s Clause), and private business concerns are not what it covers.

"No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State."

Definition of emolument
: the returns arising from office or employment usually in the form of compensation or perquisites

In plain English, a President cannot accept a foreign office or title of nobility while serving, nor can he sell access/influence.

hiLIARy Clinton violated the Emolument Clause, not Trump.
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in 2016, the LW press spread a meme that hiLIARy could pardon hereself.

As search yields a great many mentions.

And, quite non-unexpedtedly, you are spewing a bunch of nonsense.

Remember when I asked if Obama ever SAID he can pardon himself like Trump has SAID --- and you deflected to some bullshit meme someone made about Hillary?

Deflection noted.

Poor widdle whinger. The concept that a President could pardon himself didn't originate with Trump (as you are trying and failing to imply).

Obama did violate the Constitution via his ubiquitous abuse of powers across a variety of government programs. Trump has not.
Ever hear of EMOLUMENT ?? The pos and his family are coining it

Yes, I've heard of (the) EMOLUMENT(s Clause), and private business concerns are not what it covers.

"No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Definition of emolument
: the returns arising from office or employment usually in the form of compensation or perquisites

In plain English, a President cannot accept a foreign office or title of nobility while serving, nor can he sell access/influence.

hiLIARy Clinton violated the Emolument Clause, not Trump.
Screw Hillary She's not president
The president of the United States is supposed to serve the American people, not himself, and certainly not the interests of foreign states. President Trump chose to seek this office, and this responsibility. He is trying to have it both ways, serving himself, his family, and his far-flung business interests while simultaneously making foreign and domestic policy decisions that will inevitably have direct effects on his personal holdings. That way lies scandal, corruption, and illegitimacy. Unfortunately, our forty-fifth president has deliberately chosen to undermine the interests of the people he represents in order to further the interests of the one person he cares about most.
The nature of Trump’s violation is straightforward: Because of his ownership stake in the Trump Organization, Trump’s private financial interests are intertwined with a business empire subject to many possible burdens and benefits abroad. None of Trump’s “solutions” fixes this problem. As a result, in his dealings with foreign powers, Trump may be guided not only by the interests of the United States, but also by those of the business that bears his name—unless he totally stops caring about his money (we are not holding our breath). It is the purpose of the foreign emoluments clause to eliminate precisely this kind of blurred loyalty. A
You clearly do not know me.

I have never praised Donny Tiny Hands for anything, certainly not anything to do with the military. Trump would be wise to turn the Pentagon into affordable housing...if only. The only thing is, he is still way better than the crazed warmongering elitist corporatist Cankles.

Both Ds and Rs support his and Obama's fanaticism for growing the military and using it to kill people. What better way to enrich and empower the ruling class?

the Bull sure is a nut the way he ASSUMED you were a fan of Trump by exposing the criminal activities of Obama.LOL

He thinks anyone who KNOWS of Big Ear's many crimes, must support Trump.
If it walks like a duck.....
Yes binary thinking is all you and your kind know.

Well, there's only 10 kinds of people in this world ......
It seems that two kinds make up the majority.
Because you say so?

Get real, you have no clue what Mueller has
If he had anything of value he would have presented it via leaking or update...That is why he is targeting Manaforte...that is all he has...17 million dollars and counting...Mueller has some explaining to do...like what did he do with all of that money...
Because you say so?

Get real, you have no clue what Mueller has
If he had anything of value he would have presented it via leaking or update...That is why he is targeting Manaforte...that is all he has...17 million dollars and counting...Mueller has some explaining to do...like what did he do with all of that money...
Dump is the one that should be splaining his money laundering, emoluments will be biting him in his big fat ass soon
Dump is the one that should be splaining his money laundering, emoluments will be biting him in his big fat ass soon
What money laundering? Is that the latest? Please!
You can just keep on dreaming...
Trump is going to serve his term...win another and there is nothing you will be able to do about it....not a damn thing....
Because you say so?

Get real, you have no clue what Mueller has
If he had anything of value he would have presented it via leaking or update...That is why he is targeting Manaforte...that is all he has...17 million dollars and counting...Mueller has some explaining to do...like what did he do with all of that money...

Thats just more assertive nonsence you pull out of your ass.

Mueller's interest is to get to the bottom of this shit, showing his cards publicly DOES NOT help him.

Nixon's crime was covering up a bungled burglary attempt of a campaign headquarters..

Fascists and authoritarians usually try to water down what their hero Nixon did because they feel like he didn't do anything wrong, as long as he did it to "libs"

Nixon also had the IRS retaliate against his political enemies -- which is where that enemies list came from? He also did witness tampering, obstruction of justice -- dozens of people went to prison -- and lets not forget what else he could have been charged with if they so chose to -- like secret bombings in Cambodia or when he sabotaged peace talks in Vietnam -- but yea, Obama -- the person with zero indictments and zero conviction is the corrupt one --

that just scratches the surface on Dick Nixon,he was very comparable to stalin. thats unfair to say Obama is not corrupt as well though just cause of zero convictions and zero indictments.you got to remember congress is much more lazy these days than they were back then.they dont do any investigation anymore as they did back then.they are much more corrupt than they were back then as well.
god all mighty you bought stupid by the ton.

Says the person who despite having a republican controlled House and Senate, republican controlled DOJ and FBI -- still couldn't manage to not get their own president and administration investigated, indicted and convicted by a republican prosecutor -- yet was so feckless and incompetent that they couldn't even get Obama for a traffic ticket -- yea yall are tons of stupid alright.

So when is Obama going to jail?

dude that will never happen.in case you have not noticed a president has NEVER gone to jail,never will since there is one different law for politicians than there is for us ESPECIALLY presidents who get away with EVERYTHING including murder all the time.

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