Obama is much worse than Nixon

The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.


Ronald Reagan is rolling in his grave that a total ass like you is using his photo as an avatar.

Let us not forget that the only wiretapping that took place involved a Trump campaign person being recoreded in a conversation with a Russian whose phone was tapped.

Now most real Americans would want this Russian connection to be investigated because real Americans don't want Russians interfering with our election.

We should take into account that the following people lied about contacts with the Russians during the campaign: Manafort, Flynn, Sessions, Kushner, Ivanka, Don Jr, And Donald Trump.among others.

We should keerp in mind that is has been shown that the Russians did interefer & they did it to help Trump.

Now, Be a good little Putin lapdog & deny this.

Got Collusion?
Obama was and will always be far more honorable law abiding than Nixon or Reagan (who God gave him "I don't recall" as R's just reward) and Trump.
Fakey you lie as much as Big Ears and Donny Tiny Hands...and both are prolific liars.

Obama was clearly an elitist, corporatist, and a warmonger. He dropped more bombs than did the known war criminal dumb shit W. He spent $1 TRILLION on making more effective nukes, rather than helping the poor and middle class. He inflamed racism and expanded income inequality.

Yet some consider him great. WTF!

I know its crazy isnt it? sadly many american sheep consider that mass murdering corporate traiter Reagan a hero as well as you know.
Obama was clearly an elitist, corporatist, and a warmonger. He dropped more bombs than did the known war criminal dumb shit W. He spent $1 TRILLION on making more effective nukes, rather than helping the poor and middle class. He inflamed racism and expanded income inequality.

Yet some consider him great. WTF!
Wow gipper! You have outdone yourself! You are criticizing Obama for the the very things you praise in Trump. Big Bucks for the military 'refresh', which those Obama trillions evidently didn't fix or Trump wouldn't be claiming how under-equipped our military has become. Also criticism for not helping the poor, the middle class, or Puerto Rico either. AND he expanded racism, cleverly thru calling it unpatriotic to quietly and respectfully kneel over targeted brutality. Don't even mention Charlottsville. As for income inequality...you must be blind! This codswallop you pompously criticize in Obama while praising Trump for actually doing it. Sheesh!
You clearly do not know me.

I have never praised Donny Tiny Hands for anything, certainly not anything to do with the military. Trump would be wise to turn the Pentagon into affordable housing...if only. The only thing is, he is still way better than the crazed warmongering elitist corporatist Cankles.

Both Ds and Rs support his and Obama's fanaticism for growing the military and using it to kill people. What better way to enrich and empower the ruling class?

the Bull sure is a nut the way he ASSUMED you were a fan of Trump by exposing the criminal activities of Obama.LOL
Obama was clearly an elitist, corporatist, and a warmonger. He dropped more bombs than did the known war criminal dumb shit W. He spent $1 TRILLION on making more effective nukes, rather than helping the poor and middle class. He inflamed racism and expanded income inequality.

Yet some consider him great. WTF!
Wow gipper! You have outdone yourself! You are criticizing Obama for the the very things you praise in Trump. Big Bucks for the military 'refresh', which those Obama trillions evidently didn't fix or Trump wouldn't be claiming how under-equipped our military has become. Also criticism for not helping the poor, the middle class, or Puerto Rico either. AND he expanded racism, cleverly thru calling it unpatriotic to quietly and respectfully kneel over targeted brutality. Don't even mention Charlottsville. As for income inequality...you must be blind! This codswallop you pompously criticize in Obama while praising Trump for actually doing it. Sheesh!
You clearly do not know me.

I have never praised Donny Tiny Hands for anything, certainly not anything to do with the military. Trump would be wise to turn the Pentagon into affordable housing...if only. The only thing is, he is still way better than the crazed warmongering elitist corporatist Cankles.

Both Ds and Rs support his and Obama's fanaticism for growing the military and using it to kill people. What better way to enrich and empower the ruling class?

the Bull sure is a nut the way he ASSUMED you were a fan of Trump by exposing the criminal activities of Obama.LOL

He thinks anyone who KNOWS of Big Ear's many crimes, must support Trump.
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

Alright, fiiiiine. Let's talk about past Presidents.

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses'


Obama was a pathetic weak leader and corrupt........flush twice and giggle the handle

yeah no wonder he said he wanted to imitate your hero Reagan,cause that is EXACTLY what he did cause you just described Reagan as well.LOL
The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.

Obama isn't president. Get over it.
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

That reagan liberated eastern europe etc. is open for much debate. That the reagan/bush administration was a criminal enterprise has been settled. Reagan/bush had the most corrupt adminstration at least since the 1920's is not even up for debate.

Reagan’s Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War | Boundless US History

I have taken the reaganut zombies to school hundreds of times that he did not liberate Europe to watch them cry in defeat everytime.LOL
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

That reagan liberated eastern europe etc. is open for much debate. That the reagan/bush administration was a criminal enterprise has been settled. Reagan/bush had the most corrupt adminstration at least since the 1920's is not even up for debate.

Reagan’s Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War | Boundless US History
Wrong again.
Obama's abuse of power and corruption is off the charts. He was a threat to our democracy. He pointed our country in the direction of a third world banana republic totalitarian dictatorship.

nope he is RIGHT again,you are wrong again as always. Reagan abused his power and corruption like no other president before him ever at the TIME even worse than his hero dick nixon. Obama did top him though,he each president since reagan makes traiter warmonger reagan look like a choir girl now compared to THEIR crimes.LOL Reagan was the grandfather of them all that each president since has contiune cause you are describing him to a a tee that he pointed us in the direction of a third world banana republic worse than any president before him COMBINED.here is a crying towel for you to cry in defeat over this pescky fact.:itsok::itsok::abgg2q.jpg:
The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.

Obama isn't president. Get over it.
That is good news but like a fart in a closed room, his stink lingers.
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

Alright, fiiiiine. Let's talk about past Presidents.

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses'


Obama was a pathetic weak leader and corrupt........flush twice and giggle the handle

Delete your account.

The denial that Obama was corrupt and that he abused his power is starting to approach the Hitler Youth level of fanatical followers.
oh the irony.:abgg2q.jpg: Kinda like your denial you have proven in this thread that Reagan was corrupt and that HE abused HIS power approaches the Hitler youth level on fanatical followers.she is right,you REALLY need to delete your account.:abgg2q.jpg:
The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.

Obama isn't president. Get over it.
That is good news but like a fart in a closed room, his stink lingers.

Hey how did you like my previous post just right before your post here? please comment on it because as you can see,we obviously have a deluded nutcase reaganut zombie here in denial that Reagan was as much a war criminal and took a shit on the constitution as much as Obama did.:abgg2q.jpg:
Obama was clearly an elitist, corporatist, and a warmonger. He dropped more bombs than did the known war criminal dumb shit W. He spent $1 TRILLION on making more effective nukes, rather than helping the poor and middle class. He inflamed racism and expanded income inequality.

Yet some consider him great. WTF!
Wow gipper! You have outdone yourself! You are criticizing Obama for the the very things you praise in Trump. Big Bucks for the military 'refresh', which those Obama trillions evidently didn't fix or Trump wouldn't be claiming how under-equipped our military has become. Also criticism for not helping the poor, the middle class, or Puerto Rico either. AND he expanded racism, cleverly thru calling it unpatriotic to quietly and respectfully kneel over targeted brutality. Don't even mention Charlottsville. As for income inequality...you must be blind! This codswallop you pompously criticize in Obama while praising Trump for actually doing it. Sheesh!
You clearly do not know me.

I have never praised Donny Tiny Hands for anything, certainly not anything to do with the military. Trump would be wise to turn the Pentagon into affordable housing...if only. The only thing is, he is still way better than the crazed warmongering elitist corporatist Cankles.

Both Ds and Rs support his and Obama's fanaticism for growing the military and using it to kill people. What better way to enrich and empower the ruling class?

the Bull sure is a nut the way he ASSUMED you were a fan of Trump by exposing the criminal activities of Obama.LOL

He thinks anyone who KNOWS of Big Ear's many crimes, must support Trump.
If it walks like a duck.....

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