Obama is much worse than Nixon

The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.



There is not a single indication Obama directed ANY of FBI's investigations into the "the best people!" with known Russian ties Trump has peppered his campaign with.

To date the following bullshit Trumpster "gates" have been refuted by REPUBLICANS:

WireGate - Trump's own DOJ filed court response that no such surveillance took place. To date there is zero evidence that ANY of active campaign staff was wiretapped. (Manafort was survived after he was fired from campaign, Carter survived before and after, not during campaign)

UnmaskGate - Republicans on the committee cleared Rice of any improper unmasking.

SpyGate - after congressmen met with FBI re. these allegations, Nunez differed to Gowdy for public response and Trey Gowdy stated in no uncertain terms that FBI did exactly what they should have been doing to protect this country.

In light of these facts maybe it's time for RW gasbags to STFU and stop misleading the public.

Last I checked Obama was not spending his time in office fending off ongoing criminal investigation and discussing with his lawyers the limits of self-pardoning powers.
Trump is.

The FBI, DOJ and IRS are working for the president.

I just told you that TRUMP'S OWN DOJ declared in official court filing that no wiretapping of Trump's campaign was conducted....so how the hell what you just posted make for a sane reply?

Did you simply repeat some line that popped into your head like the thoughtless parrot that you are?

Most left wing twits are confused by reality and what they are being fed by the Left Wing MSM .
Are you attempting to say that DOJ and FBI are not working for the President?
There was no collusion. There is no scandal. Obama's DOJ and FBI broke the law. Hillary broke the law.
In the end it will all be exposed.
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

Alright, fiiiiine. Let's talk about past Presidents.

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses'


Obama was a pathetic weak leader and corrupt........flush twice and giggle the handle

Delete your account.
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

Alright, fiiiiine. Let's talk about past Presidents.

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses'


Trumpsters are pathetic - we all know that and there is no reason to respond to "OBAMA NOT MANLY ENOUGH!!!" stupidity.
but "Trumpsters are pathetic" is a golden nugget of wisdom?

you are who you hate, quite funny for those who notice it while you don't.
Trog's statement sounds confused.

Trump cannot order the DOJ and FBI to break the law.

Trump cannot have the DOJ and FBI obstruct justice.

There is no recourse to "but Hillary."

Trump will be held accountable. And those who support Trump, they will go down with Trump as well.
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

Alright, fiiiiine. Let's talk about past Presidents.

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses'


Obama was a pathetic weak leader and corrupt........flush twice and giggle the handle

Trump - strong leader who asks FBI director to drop a case into Trump's advisor he knows lied to FBI?
Strong leader who fires that FBI director under false pretenses?
Strong leader that writes bullshit letter under his son's name, explaining what the fuck he was doing solicitng political dirt from Russian government?
Strong leader that is now under investigation for obstruction of justice and spends his time pre-gaming for impeachment proceedings by pondering his self-pardoning powers?

That's some serious Nixon-strong.

Silly, you are confused - Trump is not a strong leader, he is just another brazen crook you hitched your politico wagon to.
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Oh .... Obama could NEVER commit a crime !

He won the Nobel Peace Prize for Gods sake !

Oh .... Than bombed 7 countries .... But l that's beside the point .....

Luckily Trump came in and now we are just bombing 7 countries -- which is way better than what that dictator Obama did
Obama was the most corrupt president we have ever had....He and Kerry lied to congress and asked two banks to ignore Iranian sanctions the banks said no that is illegal so Obama and Kerry went to a bank in the UK to get their way...and they paved the road for Iran to build more IED's to kill Americans....Will he be investigated? He would be if he wasn't black...There is a lesson for Americans here...we can not ever elect a liberal minority ever again if our cowardly congress are too afraid to hold them in check...
We survive because we have checks and balances...Obama showed they don't effect everyone....the first black president was as corrupt as the day is long and will probably escape with no penalty except the ruination of his reputation....
Last edited:
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

That reagan liberated eastern europe etc. is open for much debate. That the reagan/bush administration was a criminal enterprise has been settled. Reagan/bush had the most corrupt adminstration at least since the 1920's is not even up for debate.

Reagan’s Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War | Boundless US History
Wrong again.
Obama's abuse of power and corruption is off the charts. He was a threat to our democracy. He pointed our country in the direction of a third world banana republic totalitarian dictatorship.
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

Alright, fiiiiine. Let's talk about past Presidents.

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses'


Trumpsters are pathetic - we all know that and there is no reason to respond to "OBAMA NOT MANLY ENOUGH!!!" stupidity.
but "Trumpsters are pathetic" is a golden nugget of wisdom?

you are who you hate, quite funny for those who notice it while you don't.

Well it's true. Trumpsters are by in large a pathetic bunch who's thinking revolves around "liberhul butthurt" and other flaming feely-touchy nonsense. Obama bike riding included.
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

Alright, fiiiiine. Let's talk about past Presidents.

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses'


Trumpsters are pathetic - we all know that and there is no reason to respond to "OBAMA NOT MANLY ENOUGH!!!" stupidity.
but "Trumpsters are pathetic" is a golden nugget of wisdom?

you are who you hate, quite funny for those who notice it while you don't.

Well it's true. Trumpsters are by in large a pathetic bunch who's thinking revolves around "liberhul butthurt" and other flaming feely-touchy nonsense. Obama bike riding included.
but getting mad at trump for eating fried chicken wasn't an example of the same damn thing?
demanding a safe place because someone wrote in chalk TRUMP on a sidewalk, isn't an example of "liberal butthurt"?

you defend obama from any critique because it's not fair while you attack the right in the same manner you view the right attacking the left. remove names and emotional ties into this IT'S THE SAME DAMN THING.

is it stupid to make fun of obama bike riding? perhaps. but its no less stupid than CNN bagging on trump for eating fried chicken or the constant ORANGE attacks.

it's simply mocking what you hate. a HUMAN TRAIT we all share. you do it but you consider it revenge or "the truth" but it's nothing more or less than what you're mad at the right for doing to the left.

tit for tat. revenge politics. a state of constant anger and continual denial of your own role in your own anger.

like i said - you are who you hate and you simply don't see it.
The CREEP operatives blew it big time and the investigation reveled a slew of corrupt practices by President Nixon and his administration.

Nothing happened during Obama's presidency that can be compared to it.

The Russians have been approaching US presidential candidates since at least 1960 with offers of aid. Most candidates report these contacts.

I just wonder when Putin approached Donnie. I bet it was at the pageant in Moscow.

Much worse that Nixon's corruption.

Donnie should be fitted with that orange jumpsuit and put in that cell you've been holding for, um, for....anyone from the Obama Administration.
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

That reagan liberated eastern europe etc. is open for much debate. That the reagan/bush administration was a criminal enterprise has been settled. Reagan/bush had the most corrupt adminstration at least since the 1920's is not even up for debate.

Reagan’s Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War | Boundless US History
Wrong again.
Obama's abuse of power and corruption is off the charts. He was a threat to our democracy. He pointed our country in the direction of a third world banana republic totalitarian dictatorship.

Did he fire FBI director for mistreating Clinton "that Russia thing"?
Cause a special investigator to be assigned?
Claim that his AG's job is to protect him?
Is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice?
Claim self-pardoning powers?
The CREEP operatives blew it big time and the investigation reveled a slew of corrupt practices by President Nixon and his administration.

Nothing happened during Obama's presidency that can be compared to it.

The Russians have been approaching US presidential candidates since at least 1960 with offers of aid. Most candidates report these contacts.

I just wonder when Putin approached Donnie. I bet it was at the pageant in Moscow.

Much worse that Nixon's corruption.

Donnie should be fitted with that orange jumpsuit and put in that cell you've been holding for, um, for....anyone from the Obama Administration.

Obama was the most corrupt president we have ever had....He and Kerry lied to congress and asked two banks to ignore Iranian sanctions the banks said no that is illegal so Obama and Kerry went to a bank in the UK to get their way...and they paved the road for Iran to build more IED's to kill Americans....Will he be investigated? He would be if he wasn't black...There is a lesson for Americans here...we can not ever elect a liberal minority ever again if our cowardly congress are too afraid to hold them in check...
We survive because we have checks and balances...Obama showed they don't effect everyone....the first black president was as corrupt as the day is long and will probably escape with no penalty except the ruination of his reputation....
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

Alright, fiiiiine. Let's talk about past Presidents.

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses'


Obama was a pathetic weak leader and corrupt........flush twice and giggle the handle

Delete your account.

The denial that Obama was corrupt and that he abused his power is starting to approach the Hitler Youth level of fanatical followers.
Did he fire FBI director for mistreating Clinton "that Russia thing"?
Cause a special investigator to be assigned?
Claim that his AG's job is to protect him?
Is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice?
Claim self-pardoning powers?

Obama was the most corrupt president we have ever had....He and Kerry lied to congress and asked two banks to ignore Iranian sanctions the banks said no that is illegal so Obama and Kerry went to a bank in the UK to get their way...and they paved the road for Iran to build more IED's to kill Americans....Will he be investigated? He would be if he wasn't black...There is a lesson for Americans here...we can not ever elect a liberal minority ever again if our cowardly congress are too afraid to hold them in check...
We survive because we have checks and balances...Obama showed they don't effect everyone....the first black president was as corrupt as the day is long and will probably escape with no penalty except the ruination of his reputation....

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