Obama is much worse than Nixon

Gipper projects in the top 4% on this Board, imo, and he will hypocritically blame everyone else for the same things Trump does. The Alt Right is all about power all the time. They don't care about America at all.
Oh Fakey...you make me laugh.

Are you still whimpering over getting banned a year ago? You used take pride in being the number one poster on this forum...now you run away an cry every day...poor little snowflake.
Let's get this straight now: "[Trump is] clearly an elitist, corporatist, and a warmonger."

He loves the military. He wants more and bigger nukes.

He does not care about "the poor and middle class. He [inflames] racism and expanded income inequality."
Come on Fakey prove it! You claim to be all about fairness and accuracy.

Find one post out of my near 23k posts, where I indicate a love of the military and want more and bigger nukes. Just one my boy....just one.
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

Alright, fiiiiine. Let's talk about past Presidents.

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses'

The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.



There is not a single indication Obama directed ANY of FBI's investigations into the "the best people!" with known Russian ties Trump has peppered his campaign with.

To date the following bullshit Trumpster "gates" have been refuted by REPUBLICANS:

WireGate - Trump's own DOJ filed court response that no such surveillance took place. To date there is zero evidence that ANY of active campaign staff was wiretapped. (Manafort was survived after he was fired from campaign, Carter survived before and after, not during campaign)

UnmaskGate - Republicans on the committee cleared Rice of any improper unmasking.

SpyGate - after congressmen met with FBI re. these allegations, Nunez differed to Gowdy for public response and Trey Gowdy stated in no uncertain terms that FBI did exactly what they should have been doing to protect this country.

In light of these facts maybe it's time for RW gasbags to STFU and stop misleading the public.

Last I checked Obama was not spending his time in office fending off ongoing criminal investigation and discussing with his lawyers the limits of self-pardoning powers.
Trump is.
Last edited:
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

Alright, fiiiiine. Let's talk about past Presidents.

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses'


Trumpsters are pathetic - we all know that and there is no reason to respond to "OBAMA NOT MANLY ENOUGH!!!" stupidity.
The OP is Spot On. What Clinton and Obama did to Trump, amounts to Watergate 100-fold. But will they be held accountable?

How can you be held accountable for what amounted so far to nothing more than rightwinger fantasies?

There is a thing called EVIDENCE that is missing to connect Obama to any unethical (NEVER-MIND ILLEGAL) behavior Trumpsters keep asserting as if it was fact.
The OP is Spot On. What Clinton and Obama did to Trump, amounts to Watergate 100-fold. But will they be held accountable?

How can you be held accountable for what amounted so far to nothing more than rightwinger fantasies?

There is a thing called EVIDENCE that is missing to connect Obama to any unethical (NEVER-MIND ILLEGAL) behavior Trumpsters keep asserting as if it was fact.
These nitwits come up with the most unbelievable crap and it's funny but they believe that crap
What crime has Obama ever committed? that could ever rank with Bush or Obama?
The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.



There is not a single indication Obama directed ANY of FBI's investigations into the "the best people!" with known Russian ties Trump has peppered his campaign with.

To date the following bullshit Trumpster "gates" have been refuted by REPUBLICANS:

WireGate - Trump's own DOJ filed court response that no such surveillance took place. To date there is zero evidence that ANY of active campaign staff was wiretapped. (Manafort was survived after he was fired from campaign, Carter survived before and after, not during campaign)

UnmaskGate - Republicans on the committee cleared Rice of any improper unmasking.

SpyGate - after congressmen met with FBI re. these allegations, Nunez differed to Gowdy for public response and Trey Gowdy stated in no uncertain terms that FBI did exactly what they should have been doing to protect this country.

In light of these facts maybe it's time for RW gasbags to STFU and stop misleading the public.

Last I checked Obama was not spending his time in office fending off ongoing criminal investigation and discussing with his lawyers the limits of self-pardoning powers.
Trump is.

The FBI, DOJ and IRS are working for the president.
Oh .... Obama could NEVER commit a crime !

He won the Nobel Peace Prize for Gods sake !

Oh .... Than bombed 7 countries .... But l that's beside the point .....
DOJ works first for the Constitution and law enforcement, and then administratively answers to the President.

I do believe the President will be charged by Mueller with Obstruction, Money Laundering, and other crimes, if not for Collusion.

He has planted an crop that will inevitably destroy his legacy.
The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.



There is not a single indication Obama directed ANY of FBI's investigations into the "the best people!" with known Russian ties Trump has peppered his campaign with.

To date the following bullshit Trumpster "gates" have been refuted by REPUBLICANS:

WireGate - Trump's own DOJ filed court response that no such surveillance took place. To date there is zero evidence that ANY of active campaign staff was wiretapped. (Manafort was survived after he was fired from campaign, Carter survived before and after, not during campaign)

UnmaskGate - Republicans on the committee cleared Rice of any improper unmasking.

SpyGate - after congressmen met with FBI re. these allegations, Nunez differed to Gowdy for public response and Trey Gowdy stated in no uncertain terms that FBI did exactly what they should have been doing to protect this country.

In light of these facts maybe it's time for RW gasbags to STFU and stop misleading the public.

Last I checked Obama was not spending his time in office fending off ongoing criminal investigation and discussing with his lawyers the limits of self-pardoning powers.
Trump is.

The FBI, DOJ and IRS are working for the president.

I just told you that TRUMP'S OWN DOJ declared in official court filing that no wiretapping of Trump's campaign was conducted....so how the hell what you just posted make for a sane reply?

Did you simply repeat some line that popped into your head like the thoughtless parrot that you are?
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

Alright, fiiiiine. Let's talk about past Presidents.

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses'


Obama was a pathetic weak leader and corrupt........flush twice and giggle the handle
There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

That reagan liberated eastern europe etc. is open for much debate. That the reagan/bush administration was a criminal enterprise has been settled. Reagan/bush had the most corrupt adminstration at least since the 1920's is not even up for debate.

Reagan’s Foreign Policy and the End of the Cold War | Boundless US History
Reagan and Bush ran criminal presidencies.

Obama's, in comparison, was much cleaner.

In his first year, Trump out did Nixon, Reagan, and Bush in criminal activity.
DOJ works first for the Constitution and law enforcement, and then administratively answers to the President.

I do believe the President will be charged by Mueller with Obstruction, Money Laundering, and other crimes, if not for Collusion.

He has planted an crop that will inevitably destroy his legacy.
The bottom line is an innocent man would not bellyache as much as the moron does BTW did you hear about Canada burning down the WH years ago?? lol

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