Obama is much worse than Nixon

The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.


The FBI was tricked into running the background of political opponents during Watergate.

Evidence has revealed the FBI, loudly having voiced their opposition to Trump winning the White House, engaged / participated in the Conspiratorial treason amongst Obama / Obama's Cabinet, The DOJ, and NIA to attempt to prevent a political party candidate from winning an election ( in an attempt to artificially interfere and affect the results of an election) AND to affect a Treasonous political coup to remove the newly elected President should the candidate win.

The IG's report confirms much of this and has resulted in the recommendation of Indictment of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. A Grand Jury has already met and confirmed there is enough evidence of crimes to allow the indictment of McCabe and the filing of criminal charges against him to proceed.

(McCabe's lawyer has since stated McCabe is 'EAGER' to make a deal to testify in exchange for his testimony due to his 'LEGITIMATE FEAR of pending indictment and imprisonment'.)

The fact that this entire Conspiracy / plot HAD to begin inside the WH of the previous administration (meaning a U.S. PRESIDENT was involved in crimes to include TREASON), the exposure of the plot that includes U.S. Attorney Generals, DOJ Deputies and leaders, and Directors and agents within the Central Intelligence Agency, National Intel Agency, and Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the existence of evidence of their crimes / plot makes this the biggest / worst political scandal in U.S. history.
The denial that Obama was corrupt and that he abused his power is starting to approach the Hitler Youth level of fanatical followers.
You are descending to the level of

There is also a difference between Reagan and Obama
Obama received the Nobel Prize for doing nothing, but Reagan didn't receive the Nobel Prize for liberating Eastern Europe and ending the Cold War.

View attachment 197071

is that a girl's bike?

Alright, fiiiiine. Let's talk about past Presidents.

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses'


Trumpsters are pathetic - we all know that and there is no reason to respond to "OBAMA NOT MANLY ENOUGH!!!" stupidity.
but "Trumpsters are pathetic" is a golden nugget of wisdom?

you are who you hate, quite funny for those who notice it while you don't.

Well it's true. Trumpsters are by in large a pathetic bunch who's thinking revolves around "liberhul butthurt" and other flaming feely-touchy nonsense. Obama bike riding included.
but getting mad at trump for eating fried chicken wasn't an example of the same damn thing?
demanding a safe place because someone wrote in chalk TRUMP on a sidewalk, isn't an example of "liberal butthurt"?

you defend obama from any critique because it's not fair while you attack the right in the same manner you view the right attacking the left. remove names and emotional ties into this IT'S THE SAME DAMN THING.

is it stupid to make fun of obama bike riding? perhaps. but its no less stupid than CNN bagging on trump for eating fried chicken or the constant ORANGE attacks.

it's simply mocking what you hate. a HUMAN TRAIT we all share. you do it but you consider it revenge or "the truth" but it's nothing more or less than what you're mad at the right for doing to the left.

tit for tat. revenge politics. a state of constant anger and continual denial of your own role in your own anger.

like i said - you are who you hate and you simply don't see it.

Ah yes, the inevitable false equivalency. There is not equivalency in saying that there are pathetic people on both sides, when on one side it's relatively small segment and on the other side it's par for the course.

Trumpsters are in fact a very special, extra gullible, extra pathetic bunch. You just don't see the sort of mass delusions and wholesale small-ism on the left.
Lynch mobs need no evidence.
2 years of non-stop butt-hurt witch hunting by Mueller, Liberals and snowflakes - coming up with ZERO evidence - has proven that to be true.
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Alright, fiiiiine. Let's talk about past Presidents.

George Bush the Texan is 'scared of horses'


Trumpsters are pathetic - we all know that and there is no reason to respond to "OBAMA NOT MANLY ENOUGH!!!" stupidity.
but "Trumpsters are pathetic" is a golden nugget of wisdom?

you are who you hate, quite funny for those who notice it while you don't.

Well it's true. Trumpsters are by in large a pathetic bunch who's thinking revolves around "liberhul butthurt" and other flaming feely-touchy nonsense. Obama bike riding included.
but getting mad at trump for eating fried chicken wasn't an example of the same damn thing?
demanding a safe place because someone wrote in chalk TRUMP on a sidewalk, isn't an example of "liberal butthurt"?

you defend obama from any critique because it's not fair while you attack the right in the same manner you view the right attacking the left. remove names and emotional ties into this IT'S THE SAME DAMN THING.

is it stupid to make fun of obama bike riding? perhaps. but its no less stupid than CNN bagging on trump for eating fried chicken or the constant ORANGE attacks.

it's simply mocking what you hate. a HUMAN TRAIT we all share. you do it but you consider it revenge or "the truth" but it's nothing more or less than what you're mad at the right for doing to the left.

tit for tat. revenge politics. a state of constant anger and continual denial of your own role in your own anger.

like i said - you are who you hate and you simply don't see it.

Ah yes, the inevitable false equivalency. There is not equivalency in saying that there are pathetic people on both sides, when on one side it's relatively rare and on the other side it's par for the course.

Trumpsters are in fact a very special, extra gullible, extra pathetic bunch. You just don't see the sort of mass delusions and wholesale small-ism on the left.
ah yes - the eventual "i do it for the right reasons and you're wrong to compare my being an asshole to you to your being an asshole to me."

to those on the right, it's par for the course for the left to be whatever they need them to be today.
to those on the left, it's par for the course for the right to be whatever they need them to be today.

show me a trumpster who needed counseling after seeing OBAMA written on a sidewalk.
Lynch mobs need no evidence.
2 years of non-stop butt-hurt witch hunting by Mueller, Liberals and snowflakes - coming up with ZERO evidence - has proven that to be true.

The Democratic Party should be required to reimburse Taxpayers for their Dog & Pony Show scam. There was no 'Trump Collusion.' The only actual Collusion was perpetrated by Clinton, Obama, the Brits, and Russians. They definitely colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election. When will they be investigated?
Just In: Inspector Gen. Flags ‘Gaps’ In FBI, DOJ Deleted Texts Mid Sentence

Why would the FBI erase 5 months of their text messages if they are innocent? This is an obvious cover-up and obstuction of justice.

Why would Hillary delete her emails, have a secret email server and destroy hard drives and cellphones? This is an obvious cover-up and obstuction of justice.

The Obama Cult is in deep deep denial.
Just In: Inspector Gen. Flags ‘Gaps’ In FBI, DOJ Deleted Texts Mid Sentence

Why would the FBI erase 5 months of their text messages if they are innocent? This is an obvious cover-up and obstuction of justice.

Why would Hillary delete her emails, have a secret email server and destroy hard drives and cellphones? This is an obvious cover-up and obstuction of justice.

The Obama Cult is in deep deep denial.
Aren't these the ones the FBI tried to say were 'LOST FOREVER', only to have a govt 'nerd' brought in and recover them in less than a day?
Did he fire FBI director for mistreating Clinton "that Russia thing"?
Cause a special investigator to be assigned?
Claim that his AG's job is to protect him?
Is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice?
Claim self-pardoning powers?

Obama was the most corrupt president we have ever had....He and Kerry lied to congress and asked two banks to ignore Iranian sanctions the banks said no that is illegal so Obama and Kerry went to a bank in the UK to get their way...and they paved the road for Iran to build more IED's to kill Americans....Will he be investigated?

Bullshit - neither Obama, nor Kerry lied to congress.

Aside from that - this was Iran's money, no one disputed that, all they needed was a narrow transaction to convert it into normal currency and as part of the nuclear deal administration was helping them with that. This wasn't done corruptly to somehow benefit Obama or his people, this was done because Obama thought that was good foreign policy. Republicans NEVER claimed that something corrupt was done here.

IN NO FUCKING WAY does that compare to Trump inviting FBI director over for dinner to probe him for loyalty and to pressure him to drop investigation into Flynn, who Trump KNEW was guilty.

IN NO FUCKING WAY does it compare to being investigated for Obstruction of Justice.

IN NO FUCKING WAY does that compare to lying again and again about campaign meeting with Russian government reps to seek dirt on political adversaries

IN NO FUCKING WAY does it compare with Trump saying that his AG's job is to protect him.

IN NO FUCKING WAY does it compare with exploring self-pardoning limits Trump and his legal team are busy with.

And then there is ZTE - Chinese company in violation of American sanctions Trump's admin was tasked to keep alive just as Trump Co. is getting a cool billion dollar backing from Chinese for their Malasian development. - straight fucking MCGA
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Obama was and will always be far more honorable law abiding than Nixon or Reagan (who God gave him "I don't recall" as R's just reward) and Trump.
Obama was the most corrupt president we have ever had....He and Kerry lied to congress and asked two banks to ignore Iranian sanctions the banks said no that is illegal so Obama and Kerry went to a bank in the UK to get their way...and they paved the road for Iran to build more IED's to kill Americans....Will he be investigated? He would be if he wasn't black...There is a lesson for Americans here...we can not ever elect a liberal minority ever again if our cowardly congress are too afraid to hold them in check...
We survive because we have checks and balances...Obama showed they don't effect everyone....the first black president was as corrupt as the day is long and will probably escape with no penalty except the ruination of his reputation....

Obviously a criminal of the "Super Villain" Status too, because the GOP is too Feakless to catch him.

The real question is did he learn his super-duper "Villainy" skills from Hillary or did he teach them to her?
The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.

The press is ignoring it because it isn't true. The two congressional leaders of the GOP and one of the saner strict conservatives, Trey Gowdy, all agree. They've seen the evidence.

Please move this to Conspiracy Theories.
Obama was clearly an elitist, corporatist, and a warmonger. He dropped more bombs than did the known war criminal dumb shit W. He spent $1 TRILLION on making more effective nukes, rather than helping the poor and middle class. He inflamed racism and expanded income inequality.

Yet some consider him great. WTF!
There`s nothing funnier than life long dyed in the wool racists blaming Obama for their racism.
The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.


The FBI was tricked into running the background of political opponents during Watergate.

Evidence has revealed the FBI, loudly having voiced their opposition to Trump winning the White House, engaged / participated in the Conspiratorial treason amongst Obama / Obama's Cabinet, The DOJ, and NIA to attempt to prevent a political party candidate from winning an election ( in an attempt to artificially interfere and affect the results of an election) AND to affect a Treasonous political coup to remove the newly elected President should the candidate win.

The IG's report confirms much of this and has resulted in the recommendation of Indictment of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. A Grand Jury has already met and confirmed there is enough evidence of crimes to allow the indictment of McCabe and the filing of criminal charges against him to proceed.

(McCabe's lawyer has since stated McCabe is 'EAGER' to make a deal to testify in exchange for his testimony due to his 'LEGITIMATE FEAR of pending indictment and imprisonment'.)

The fact that this entire Conspiracy / plot HAD to begin inside the WH of the previous administration (meaning a U.S. PRESIDENT was involved in crimes to include TREASON), the exposure of the plot that includes U.S. Attorney Generals, DOJ Deputies and leaders, and Directors and agents within the Central Intelligence Agency, National Intel Agency, and Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the existence of evidence of their crimes / plot makes this the biggest / worst political scandal in U.S. history.
Treason? Nuts like you have always been with us.
John-F-Kennedy.net - Wanted For Treason
The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.

The press is ignoring it because it isn't true. The two congressional leaders of the GOP and one of the saner strict conservatives, Trey Gowdy, all agree. They've seen the evidence.

Please move this to Conspiracy Theories.

Actually the Russian Conspiracy is what belongs in the conspiracy forum
The crime at the root of Nixon’s Watergate scandal was an attempt at surveillance of the DNC and George McGovern. Russiagate was Obama’s attempt at surveillance of the Republican Party’s national campaign and Donald Trump. The reason why Obama’s corruption is so much worse is because he used our own government as his political weapon. The other big difference is that the Press is attempting to defend Obama’s incredible abuse of power and attack on our democracy. It shows everyone once again that the American Press is part of the Democratic Party and that we are not getting the straight News.
I hope that someone writes a good book about this debacle.


Ronald Reagan is rolling in his grave that a total ass like you is using his photo as an avatar.

Let us not forget that the only wiretapping that took place involved a Trump campaign person being recoreded in a conversation with a Russian whose phone was tapped.

Now most real Americans would want this Russian connection to be investigated because real Americans don't want Russians interfering with our election.

We should take into account that the following people lied about contacts with the Russians during the campaign: Manafort, Flynn, Sessions, Kushner, Ivanka, Don Jr, And Donald Trump.among others.

We should keerp in mind that is has been shown that the Russians did interefer & they did it to help Trump.

Now, Be a good little Putin lapdog & deny this.

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