Obama is NOT who you think he is

daveman and The T doing their predictable dance

The President is doing EXACTLY what he campaigned on you condrones.

He's doing exactly what his puppetmasters tell him to, destroy as much of the American way of life, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law as we know it, before we get wise enough to drag his ass off his throne.
Dave isn't a puppet nor is the T, but you are tools of the puppet in chief.
No. The dems had their chance at total control. They fucked it up. America um.... Spoke loud and clear in 2010.

Actually, got totally duped in 2010..."Jobs, jobs, jobs" MY BUTT- now everyone's on to the Pub BS...evcept total dittoheads/haters...now it's all the economy, and Pubs can't pull their screwing up the economy crappe anymore...TS.:eusa_boohoo:
You are a liar, unless you can produce where campaign platform for the GOP was jobs jobs jobs. They did what they were sent to congress to do stop extremist legislation of the democrats.

Except for the TP caucus who voted to extend and strengthen the patriot act.
daveman and The T doing their predictable dance

The President is doing EXACTLY what he campaigned on you condrones.

He's doing exactly what his puppetmasters tell him to, destroy as much of the American way of life, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law as we know it, before we get wise enough to drag his ass off his throne.
Dave isn't a puppet nor is the T, but you are tools of the puppet in chief.

'Scuse me, I was referring to the puppet-in-chief. I have highest regard for Dave and the T. I'm not sure how that makes me a tool, though.
Yeah I'm...

Oh yeah I forgot - I have only read his books and read his fathers ideas...

So yeah, I know exactly who he is...

Why don't you go read what his thoughts and feelings are on our Bill of Rights and Constitution in general...

I know more about the US Constitution than you could learn in 2 lifetimes, that is if you were capable of learning. :razz:

Obama was never around his 'father'

you didn't read what is being discussed...:eek:


“It was a radical change,” Corrigan said. The new district was a natural fit for the candidate that Obama was in the process of becoming. “He saw that when we were doing fund-raisers in the Rush campaign his appeal to, quite frankly, young white professionals was dramatic.”

Even worse, he never knew his father. So we have to deal with the idealized version of a communist scumbag.

Jesus never knew his dad either and look what happened to him. His dad left him out to dry on a cross.
I know more about the US Constitution than you could learn in 2 lifetimes, that is if you were capable of learning. :razz:

Obama was never around his 'father'

you didn't read what is being discussed...:eek:


Even worse, he never knew his father. So we have to deal with the idealized version of a communist scumbag.

Jesus never knew his dad either and look what happened to him. His dad left him out to dry on a cross.


Jesus never knew his dad either and look what happened to him. His dad left him out to dry on a cross.

Wow, something else you don't understand.

oh yeah, Jesus was his dad. They are the same god. What childish bullshit Christianity can be.

Not very many Christians believe everything in the bible because the bible is mostly unbelievable.

Jesus never knew his dad either and look what happened to him. His dad left him out to dry on a cross.

Wow, something else you don't understand.

oh yeah, Jesus was his dad. They are the same god. What childish bullshit Christianity can be.

Not very many Christians believe everything in the bible because the bible is mostly unbelievable.

If there is one lie in the bible the whole bible is a lie, because God does not deal in lies.
He's doing exactly what his puppetmasters tell him to, destroy as much of the American way of life, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law as we know it, before we get wise enough to drag his ass off his throne.
Dave isn't a puppet nor is the T, but you are tools of the puppet in chief.

'Scuse me, I was referring to the puppet-in-chief. I have highest regard for Dave and the T. I'm not sure how that makes me a tool, though.

Glad we had that cleared up.
Actually, got totally duped in 2010..."Jobs, jobs, jobs" MY BUTT- now everyone's on to the Pub BS...evcept total dittoheads/haters...now it's all the economy, and Pubs can't pull their screwing up the economy crappe anymore...TS.:eusa_boohoo:
You are a liar, unless you can produce where campaign platform for the GOP was jobs jobs jobs. They did what they were sent to congress to do stop extremist legislation of the democrats.

Except for the TP caucus who voted to extend and strengthen the patriot act.

I was commenting on what was said. but yes they fucked up doing that.

So anyway, now that this thread has firmly established that Obama is not who we think he is, and as it turns out he's a MuslimCommiePinkoFascistMarxistLeninistSocialistRadicalMuslimMuslimMuslim™, when does the news on this come out?

I assume Rush, Hannity, Fox and Levin will be spending their entire broadcast times on this. I tuned into Rush yesterday, he was talking about some chick. Wouldn't this merit top billing for all of them?

Holy crap, this is BIG!!

Obama is NOT who you think he is, and that could be a good thing.

The article linked below may be one of the greatest sources for highlighting the ignorance of most everyone who posts here.

How Chicago politics shaped Barack Obama : The New Yorker

We have asked her to reconsider not running because we don’t think Obama can win. He hasn’t been in town long enough. . . . Nobody knows who he is . . . We need someone with experience.

Yeah I'm only from Chicago and have known and had to listen to his crazy social justice shit for the last mmmm 15 years..

Oh yeah I forgot - I have only read his books and read his fathers ideas as well - you know the same guy he praises in "Dreams From My Father."

So yeah, I know exactly who he is...

The guy advocates using big government to solve what HE and deems "social and economic injustices" without regard for the Constitution..

Why don't you go read what his thoughts and feelings are on our Bill of Rights and Constitution in general...

Unless it's been published as an animated short, and recommended by the liberal press, you can bet that liberals have not and will not make the effort to read what you recommend. That's why they felt so safe touting obama's own words, as presented in his so-called autobiographies. Libtards assume that the rest of us are as intellectually lazy as they are.
If it won't fit on a bumper sticker or a protest sign, they're not interested.
I know more about the US Constitution than you could learn in 2 lifetimes, that is if you were capable of learning. :razz:

Obama was never around his 'father'

you didn't read what is being discussed...:eek:


Even worse, he never knew his father. So we have to deal with the idealized version of a communist scumbag.

Jesus never knew his dad either and look what happened to him. His dad left him out to dry on a cross.
Did you know that when you speak of things you know nothing about, you look like an idiot?

Yeah I'm only from Chicago and have known and had to listen to his crazy social justice shit for the last mmmm 15 years..

Oh yeah I forgot - I have only read his books and read his fathers ideas as well - you know the same guy he praises in "Dreams From My Father."

So yeah, I know exactly who he is...

The guy advocates using big government to solve what HE and deems "social and economic injustices" without regard for the Constitution..

Why don't you go read what his thoughts and feelings are on our Bill of Rights and Constitution in general...

Unless it's been published as an animated short, and recommended by the liberal press, you can bet that liberals have not and will not make the effort to read what you recommend. That's why they felt so safe touting obama's own words, as presented in his so-called autobiographies. Libtards assume that the rest of us are as intellectually lazy as they are.
If it won't fit on a bumper sticker or a protest sign, they're not interested.
Just Fly American look-alike flags with Obama's face on them to be covered.

Jesus never knew his dad either and look what happened to him. His dad left him out to dry on a cross.

Wow, something else you don't understand.

oh yeah, Jesus was his dad. They are the same god. What childish bullshit Christianity can be.

Not very many Christians believe everything in the bible because the bible is mostly unbelievable.
You believe Obama is a good President -- so your judgement is horribly screwed.
Wow, something else you don't understand.

oh yeah, Jesus was his dad. They are the same god. What childish bullshit Christianity can be.

Not very many Christians believe everything in the bible because the bible is mostly unbelievable.

If there is one lie in the bible the whole bible is a lie, because God does not deal in lies.
But the bible as we know it was transcribed by mortal MEN...

the bible never speaks of Jesus actually working....
It says he was the son of a carpenter or as translations say son of a handyman.

I am reminded of the Rocky Horror picture show ;)

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