Obama is NOT who you think he is

These days? No...he did not. Most of your bible was written by people 40-60 years after Jeebus committed suicide.

A heads up from Bush what he REALLY meant to do when he was running in 2000 would have been nice though.

Son? You're out of your league. Deflection dually noted.

I'm doin just fine in my league. I am not your son. I'm your daddy. No seriously...on the Seahawks message board..I'm "Your Daddy".

Why on earth would I want to hang out with the nincumpoops in YOUR league?
As a matter of course YOU are doing well in your league...(Obama's), and WHY you will lose...
Son? You're out of your league. Deflection dually noted.

I'm doin just fine in my league. I am not your son. I'm your daddy. No seriously...on the Seahawks message board..I'm "Your Daddy".

Why on earth would I want to hang out with the nincumpoops in YOUR league?
As a matter of course YOU are doing well in your league...(Obama's), and WHY you will lose...

I'm not running for anything.
I'm doin just fine in my league. I am not your son. I'm your daddy. No seriously...on the Seahawks message board..I'm "Your Daddy".

Why on earth would I want to hang out with the nincumpoops in YOUR league?
As a matter of course YOU are doing well in your league...(Obama's), and WHY you will lose...

I'm not running for anything.
Good thing...because YOU WOULD LOSE handily!

the bible never speaks of Jesus actually working....
It says he was the son of a carpenter or as translations say son of a handyman.


You MISS the purpose of him being here, don't you?
From YOU? No surprise...but hey? Your leftists brothers and sister like to quote him alot when it suits thier political means to thiers ends...

WHY should YOU be any different?

He was a mooch.
I have no use for those who are capable and will not work.
And yes that includes the demoncrats who fall into that category.
Then why do you keep voting Democrat?

And don't bother denying you do.
Poor liitle U. Butt Hurt cuz HUGGY talked bad bout your Jeebus. Ha..Ha..Fucking loser. Was your stupid neg rep co-signed by GOD??? What an idiot.

Here is a clue...your stupid Jeebus was SOOOOOO smart he got his dumb ass put on a cross and tortured and killed. I think you Christians should ALL follow in his footsteps. Ya you go ahead on and enter heaven cuz you are so fucking righteous...Ha...Ha... I wish there was some kinda conciousness after death..just so you idiots could see how you all got played. NO HEAVEN!!!!!????? NUTZ!!!! SORRY FUCKWIT...NO Do-Overs... :lol:
You gotta love that liberal tolerance.
Jeebus's father was a fool. His mother was a whore. He was a bastard. He died as we now know it as suicide by cop. Ya he was a real PRINCE! Couldn't you idiots have found somebody with a little more cred than that loser to worship? Everything about your religion SCREAMS!!!..... LOSERS!!!! The good news is that the Jews and Muslims and Mormans are just as pathetic.
It drives you crazy that humans aren't the highest power in the universe, doesn't it?

Oh, well.
Obama is NOT who you think he is, and that could be a good thing.

The article linked below may be one of the greatest sources for highlighting the ignorance of most everyone who posts here.
In October, he was one of the thousands of African-Americans from Chicago who travelled[sic] to Washington for the Million Man March. (Obama criticized the march, telling a local alternative newspaper that it was a waste of energy.)

The Chicago Defender reported that Obama was asked “to step aside like other African Americans have done in other races for the sake of unity and to release Palmer from her commitment”—so that she could reclaim her State Senate seat. Obama left the meeting noncommittal.

How Chicago politics shaped Barack Obama : The New Yorker

We have asked her to reconsider not running because we don’t think Obama can win. He hasn’t been in town long enough. . . . Nobody knows who he is . . . We need someone with experience.

Um......who do I think he is?
Poor liitle U. Butt Hurt cuz HUGGY talked bad bout your Jeebus. Ha..Ha..Fucking loser. Was your stupid neg rep co-signed by GOD??? What an idiot.

Here is a clue...your stupid Jeebus was SOOOOOO smart he got his dumb ass put on a cross and tortured and killed. I think you Christians should ALL follow in his footsteps. Ya you go ahead on and enter heaven cuz you are so fucking righteous...Ha...Ha... I wish there was some kinda conciousness after death..just so you idiots could see how you all got played. NO HEAVEN!!!!!????? NUTZ!!!! SORRY FUCKWIT...NO Do-Overs... :lol:
You gotta love that liberal tolerance.

Davey..you are an idiot.

True story.
Obama is NOT who I think he is?

He's not?

Then who the hell is the POTUS and when is he going to start doing something to improve this frigging economy? Or is he a she? /shrug Do we finally have a woman President?

Poor liitle U. Butt Hurt cuz HUGGY talked bad bout your Jeebus. Ha..Ha..Fucking loser. Was your stupid neg rep co-signed by GOD??? What an idiot.

Here is a clue...your stupid Jeebus was SOOOOOO smart he got his dumb ass put on a cross and tortured and killed. I think you Christians should ALL follow in his footsteps. Ya you go ahead on and enter heaven cuz you are so fucking righteous...Ha...Ha... I wish there was some kinda conciousness after death..just so you idiots could see how you all got played. NO HEAVEN!!!!!????? NUTZ!!!! SORRY FUCKWIT...NO Do-Overs... :lol:
You gotta love that liberal tolerance.

Davey..you are an idiot.

True story.
No, I'm not.

You, however, are an intolerant, angry, closed-minded little jerk.


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