Obama is now laying off the USNavy in the tune of almost 3K


For one, there are a lot of gays in the Navy.

Tom Coburn wants cuts: health care program for military targeted - The Washington Post

John McCain wrong to support military benefit cuts

When you start going and looking for who wants to cut military benefits, Republican Senators and Congressmen's names always pop up. I remember when McCain said if you give soldier benefits, they won't stay in the military.

The whole "Republicans support the troops" is all bullshit. Republicans sent troops into Iraq with old and rusty equipment with the sole purpose of making money, which they did.

You know I'm right so go ahead and start screaming Republicans. You support your leaders who do this. Don't direct your faux anger at me, direct it at them. Only you won't. 'Cuz you're lemmings.

By the way Rdean, provide a link to a verifiable unbiased source that claimed we sent troops to Iraq with out of date equipment or rusty equipment.

You can't possibly be serious. You don't remember the troops complaining to Rumsfeld about old and rusty equipment and having to make their own armor? Seriously? Do you have Alzheimers?

No actually they did not. They did complain that their vehicles were not armored enough and that they needed body armor. neither of which include old or rusty.

Now to explain to you the facts. Before the post war in Iraq our Army and Marine Corps did NOT expect a conflict like what happened. The military plans for and equips for wars and contingencies based on what they know and sometimes what they expect.

The Table of Equipment did NOT include 100 percent of Hummers being armored. Nor did it include armored trucks at all. We did not need that in Viet Nam and the military simply did not see the coming problems. Further the military takes several years to design and purchase new equipment.

The reality is that up armoring the Hummers actually broke them quicker because they simply were not built to hold that weight. Trucks in the past were packed with sandbags to provide protection for troops, cargo vehicles were never armored.

The military responded rather quickly to the new reality of what they faced. They fast tracked programs and even allowed units to local buy untested equipment.

Lets play a game, shall we? Lets pretend that when we realized we were going to war with Iraq ( October 16 2002) the Army actually realized the post war conflict. That would have given them what 5 maybe 6 months? It took 2 years to up armor the vehicles and over a year to find a suitable body armor that was flexible enough to work. Pretty simple concept.

Now either provide a link to your claim or shut the fuck up.

By the way? Where is the link to your chart?
Good. Excessive military spending is the only reason this country is in the fiscal mess it's in.
well hell.. they're just Government employees... right Conservatives?
Does Obama have ready jobs lined up for these Navy men he is firing, or is he just getting even with the military for having more conservatives than liberals?

Did you know he wiped out the gulf states' oil drilling that hurt conservative gulf states and put tens of thousands of southerners with decent jobs out of work?

Obama's moves all take out jobs away from Americans. He certainly better get some jobs out there for people he lets go.

It's time to fire Obama and get rid of his war on conservative American people. He doesn't have a clue what it takes to employ people

It takes a strong private sector to employ a lot of people, and Obama has declared an unseen war against the private sector by turning the screws hard on American businesses that don't knuckle under and send jobs out to a foreign country.

Enough is enough!!!


For one, there are a lot of gays in the Navy.

Tom Coburn wants cuts: health care program for military targeted - The Washington Post

John McCain wrong to support military benefit cuts

When you start going and looking for who wants to cut military benefits, Republican Senators and Congressmen's names always pop up. I remember when McCain said if you give soldier benefits, they won't stay in the military.

The whole "Republicans support the troops" is all bullshit. Republicans sent troops into Iraq with old and rusty equipment with the sole purpose of making money, which they did.

You know I'm right so go ahead and start screaming Republicans. You support your leaders who do this. Don't direct your faux anger at me, direct it at them. Only you won't. 'Cuz you're lemmings.
Oh, and Obama's Job Czar, Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of GE? Did I forget to mention:

White House Jobs Czar, GE CEO Immelt Moves Jobs to China

Jeffrey Immelt, the head of Barack Obama’s highly touted “Jobs Council”, is moving even more GE infrastructure to China. GE makes more medical-imaging machines than anyone else in the world, and now GE has announced that it “is moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing”. Apparently, this is all part of a “plan to invest about $2 billion across China” over the next few years. But moving core pieces of its business overseas is nothing new for GE. Under Immelt, GE has shipped tens of thousands of good jobs out of the United States. Perhaps GE should change its slogan to “Imagination At Work (In China)”. If the very people that have been entrusted with solving the unemployment crisis are shipping jobs out of the country, what hope is there that things are going to turn around any time soon?
Do you hear me now, rdean?
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When I got out in 1992 the A.F. was looking at getting rid of mid level NCO's like the guy in the story (I was an E-5). They offered around 20K (based on years of service) to all who volunteered. I remember there were enough people who did volunteer so no one had to be "laid off".

The funny thing was that the Airmen who saw all these NCO's leaving were asking: "Well, who's gonna' take their places?" I told this one Airman; "Why YOU are of course!" :D

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