Obama Is Ruining America - Really? Tell Us Exactly HOW He Is Doing That

Funny thing - in all of the things mentioned about Obama which our Friends On The Right "disagree with," (I will use a charitable term), I didn't see any mention of his continuation of the rendition policy or his refusal to close Gitmo.

Why would they?

They agree with that.

And they are pissed he issued an executive order putting an end to torture.
Funny thing - in all of the things mentioned about Obama which our Friends On The Right "disagree with," (I will use a charitable term), I didn't see any mention of his continuation of the rendition policy or his refusal to close Gitmo.

Of course not, that's a issue libs have a problem with not the gop. Now that Obama finally got advice from someone other than the leaders at the kiddie table he's had to face a few realities.
Funny thing - in all of the things mentioned about Obama which our Friends On The Right "disagree with," (I will use a charitable term), I didn't see any mention of his continuation of the rendition policy or his refusal to close Gitmo.

Of course not, that's a issue libs have a problem with not the gop. Now that Obama finally got advice from someone other than the leaders at the kiddie table he's had to face a few realities.

that's because the GOP has a warped sense of moraity.
Yeah, this George Costanza guy is one of the dumbest MF'ers on the board. It is between him a Sallow. I am not sure who's head is farther up who's ass.

You're like an angry weak little man. I saw your picture. You are a little pudgy too.

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Might even help to relieve some of the pent up anger.

A classic example of an angry, authoritarian, Right Wing jerk. His posting style says all that anyone needs to know about him. Totally lacking in credibility.
Funny thing - in all of the things mentioned about Obama which our Friends On The Right "disagree with," (I will use a charitable term), I didn't see any mention of his continuation of the rendition policy or his refusal to close Gitmo.

Of course not, that's a issue libs have a problem with not the gop. Now that Obama finally got advice from someone other than the leaders at the kiddie table he's had to face a few realities.

He didn't get "advice"..congress legislated that no one in Gitmo could be tried in civilian courts. Unlike Republicans like George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, who believed in the Unitary Executive, President Obama follows the US Constitution.
Funny thing - in all of the things mentioned about Obama which our Friends On The Right "disagree with," (I will use a charitable term), I didn't see any mention of his continuation of the rendition policy or his refusal to close Gitmo.

Of course not, that's a issue libs have a problem with not the gop. Now that Obama finally got advice from someone other than the leaders at the kiddie table he's had to face a few realities.
When Obama first took office, you could almost see the exact moment he was getting real intel instead of relying on the crap in the MSM...he reversed his policies to match Bush's.

"And that concludes the briefing, Mr. President."

"Oh....ahhh...well, it looks like we should keep doing what President Bush was doing."

Funny thing - in all of the things mentioned about Obama which our Friends On The Right "disagree with," (I will use a charitable term), I didn't see any mention of his continuation of the rendition policy or his refusal to close Gitmo.

Of course not, that's a issue libs have a problem with not the gop. Now that Obama finally got advice from someone other than the leaders at the kiddie table he's had to face a few realities.

that's because the GOP has a warped sense of moraity.

I don't consider myself warped, thank-you very much. And Waterboarding should only be used and authorised in extreme cases.
If someone had knowledge of when your children were going to be harmed you wouldn't do everything in your power to get the details to stop them? Or would you just offer them a smoke and a coke along with their "rights"?
Waterboarding is torture, right! Come on guys. So we torture our own soldiers to prepare them for torture?

You have it on authority that the water boarding our soldiers experience in training is the same as the water boarding that would be administered to them by the enemy if captured or, for that matter, the same as the water boarding we practice on "enemy combatants"?

What do you think water boarding is? Seriously - tell me what you think happens, step by step, in a water boarding session.
Waterboarding is torture, right! Come on guys. So we torture our own soldiers to prepare them for torture?

You have it on authority that the water boarding our soldiers experience in training is the same as the water boarding that would be administered to them by the enemy if captured or, for that matter, the same as the water boarding we practice on "enemy combatants"?

What do you think water boarding is? Seriously - tell me what you think happens, step by step, in a water boarding session.

They do. They volunteer for it. It's part of SERE training.

SERE - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Waterboarding is torture, right! Come on guys. So we torture our own soldiers to prepare them for torture?



Yeah..we do.

The sky is blue.

What other ridiculous nonsense are you going to post?

My interpretation of what constitutes torture is no more ridiculous that yours. We simply don't agree, no need to be short about it.
Waterboarding is torture, right! Come on guys. So we torture our own soldiers to prepare them for torture?

You have it on authority that the water boarding our soldiers experience in training is the same as the water boarding that would be administered to them by the enemy if captured or, for that matter, the same as the water boarding we practice on "enemy combatants"?

What do you think water boarding is? Seriously - tell me what you think happens, step by step, in a water boarding session.

Yes, I'm sure its the same. Simulated drowning. Of course we don't do it with the ferocity that we would on our enemies but its still done on them yes. And I have watched videos of it.
Waterboarding is torture, right! Come on guys. So we torture our own soldiers to prepare them for torture?



Yeah..we do.

The sky is blue.

What other ridiculous nonsense are you going to post?

My interpretation of what constitutes torture is no more ridiculous that yours. We simply don't agree, no need to be short about it.

if it were done to you, perhaps you'd have a clearer sense of what torture is.

just sayin'.
Lately, I have heard a number of conservatives/Republicans grousing about the fact that, in their opinion, Obama is "sinking the country" or is "ruining America."

Is that what you think? If so, howz about coming on this thread and telling us SPECIFICALLY what you think he is doing to "sink the country." Frankly, I would like to know if there is anything to this claim, or if (as I strongly suspect), he just isn't falling in line with what the cons want to have happen.

Gentlemen (and ladies) - start your engines!

I have no specifics why he is destroying our country but we need to take our country back. There is just ...uh...something about him that makes us think the country is going in the wrong direction and we need to take it back. You see, back when we had Bush in charge, everything was just perfect.

Waterboarding is torture, right! Come on guys. So we torture our own soldiers to prepare them for torture?



Yeah..we do.

The sky is blue.

What other ridiculous nonsense are you going to post?

My interpretation of what constitutes torture is no more ridiculous that yours. We simply don't agree, no need to be short about it.

Actually..it's just not "you and me". There was a time in the country when Waterboarding was considered a war crime.

The United States knows quite a bit about waterboarding. The U.S. government -- whether acting alone before domestic courts, commissions and courts-martial or as part of the world community -- has not only condemned the use of water torture but has severely punished those who applied it.

After World War II, we convicted several Japanese soldiers for waterboarding American and Allied prisoners of war. At the trial of his captors, then-Lt. Chase J. Nielsen, one of the 1942 Army Air Forces officers who flew in the Doolittle Raid and was captured by the Japanese, testified: "I was given several types of torture. . . . I was given what they call the water cure." He was asked what he felt when the Japanese soldiers poured the water. "Well, I felt more or less like I was drowning," he replied, "just gasping between life and death."

Nielsen's experience was not unique. Nor was the prosecution of his captors. After Japan surrendered, the United States organized and participated in the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, generally called the Tokyo War Crimes Trials. Leading members of Japan's military and government elite were charged, among their many other crimes, with torturing Allied military personnel and civilians. The principal proof upon which their torture convictions were based was conduct that we would now call waterboarding.

Waterboarding Used to Be a Crime - washingtonpost.com

Even Reagan's DOJ thought it was torture..
DOJ prosecuted Texas sheriff in 1983 for waterboarding prisoners
04/22/09: The Public Record reports that in 1983, the Justice Department prosecuted a Texas sheriff and three of his deputies for waterboarding prisoners to get them to confess to crimes. The deputies were sentenced to four years in prison and Parker pleaded guilty to extortion and federal civil rights violations and received a 10-year sentence. Parker admitted that he had operated a “marijuana trap” on U.S. Highway 59, arrested suspects, and, according to court documents, subjected "prisoners to a suffocating water torture ordeal in order to coerce confessions."
Georgetown Security Law Brief: DOJ prosecuted Texas sheriff in 1983 for waterboarding prisoners


Yeah..we do.

The sky is blue.

What other ridiculous nonsense are you going to post?

My interpretation of what constitutes torture is no more ridiculous that yours. We simply don't agree, no need to be short about it.

if it were done to you, perhaps you'd have a clearer sense of what torture is.

just sayin'.

Maybe, "if" it was used trivially on people who didn't deserve it. It was used on 3 heinous terrorists...3
Waterboarding is torture, right! Come on guys. So we torture our own soldiers to prepare them for torture?

You have it on authority that the water boarding our soldiers experience in training is the same as the water boarding that would be administered to them by the enemy if captured or, for that matter, the same as the water boarding we practice on "enemy combatants"?

What do you think water boarding is? Seriously - tell me what you think happens, step by step, in a water boarding session.

Yes, I'm sure its the same. Simulated drowning. Of course we don't do it with the ferocity that we would on our enemies but its still done on them yes. And I have watched videos of it.

What does "simulated drowning" mean? Be specific. How far do they take the victim - do you have ANY idea?
You have it on authority that the water boarding our soldiers experience in training is the same as the water boarding that would be administered to them by the enemy if captured or, for that matter, the same as the water boarding we practice on "enemy combatants"?

What do you think water boarding is? Seriously - tell me what you think happens, step by step, in a water boarding session.

Yes, I'm sure its the same. Simulated drowning. Of course we don't do it with the ferocity that we would on our enemies but its still done on them yes. And I have watched videos of it.

What does "simulated drowning" mean? Be specific. How far do they take the victim - do you have ANY idea?

remember he's an expert cause he watched a "video"

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