Obama is spending $200 million PER DAY on his little jaunt to India

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President Obama's trip to India will not cost American taxpayers $200 million each day.

The United States Navy will not be sending 34 warships just to defend the President on his trip.


Those who watched Anderson Cooper 360, Keith Olbermann's Countdown, or the Rachel Maddow Show all know this truth...Readers of many non-partisan sources including Factcheck.org and Snopes also know...However, many Fox News viewers of Sean Hanity and Glen Beck may still beleive the myth, since both talk show hosts told the tall tale as if it was a proven fact.

Now, Fox News is even contradicting themselves in a recent article which simultaneously perpetuates and debunks the Obama India trip myth. Fox News perpetuates, then debunks the Obama India trip story - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com


Will there be Golf? You know how much the Hopey Changey loves his Golf. :(

Considering the wingnuts' penchant for making things up, I'm starting to believe he doesn't even play golf. This is only going to get worse, folks. They can't even hide the crazy for a week! How can they possibly believe they're going to be able to beat Obama in 2012? By then they'll have no credibility whatsoever. It'll be '96 all over again! :lol:

lol! Yea because the Republican Party is dead & buried forever right? And now it's "There is no way the Republicans can beat the Obama." Man,if we believed your predictions,the Republican Party would have completely given up and closed up shop or good. Now you're telling us that it's impossible for the Republicans to beat your Obama? I consider this a good sign. Every time you guys declare the Republican Party dead & buried,they seem to do incredibly well. So is it impossible to beat the Obama? I don't think so. I guess we'll see though. But we'll remember your predictions.

But if you believe Republican predictions, Clinton was "irrelevant"! How'd that turn out for you? :lol: Who said "dead and buried"? Gotcha worried, eh? :cool:
Considering the wingnuts' penchant for making things up, I'm starting to believe he doesn't even play golf. This is only going to get worse, folks. They can't even hide the crazy for a week! How can they possibly believe they're going to be able to beat Obama in 2012? By then they'll have no credibility whatsoever. It'll be '96 all over again! :lol:

lol! Yea because the Republican Party is dead & buried forever right? And now it's "There is no way the Republicans can beat the Obama." Man,if we believed your predictions,the Republican Party would have completely given up and closed up shop or good. Now you're telling us that it's impossible for the Republicans to beat your Obama? I consider this a good sign. Every time you guys declare the Republican Party dead & buried,they seem to do incredibly well. So is it impossible to beat the Obama? I don't think so. I guess we'll see though. But we'll remember your predictions.

But if you believe Republican predictions, Clinton was "irrelevant"! How'd that turn out for you? :lol: Who said "dead and buried"? Gotcha worried, eh? :cool:

He wasn't irrelevant enough....so they impeached him

Expect the same with Obama
lol! Yea because the Republican Party is dead & buried forever right? And now it's "There is no way the Republicans can beat the Obama." Man,if we believed your predictions,the Republican Party would have completely given up and closed up shop or good. Now you're telling us that it's impossible for the Republicans to beat your Obama? I consider this a good sign. Every time you guys declare the Republican Party dead & buried,they seem to do incredibly well. So is it impossible to beat the Obama? I don't think so. I guess we'll see though. But we'll remember your predictions.

But if you believe Republican predictions, Clinton was "irrelevant"! How'd that turn out for you? :lol: Who said "dead and buried"? Gotcha worried, eh? :cool:

He wasn't irrelevant enough....so they impeached him

Expect the same with Obama

Too much caffeine and tannin in the tea. :eusa_whistle:
And what's up with that tunnel thing they're building? Yea that's not too over the top. Must be nice living in Hopey Changey Land. So delusional.
....And, how can we forget about DADDY Bush's non-trip!!!

I suppose if Obama was a successful President and the citizens weren't suffering so much, people wouldn't mind.

Seems arrogant and shows a lack of concern in my book...

Even if he were only spending 10 million a day, why does he have to go there? He spit on India with his Pakistan policy. He stopped production of the F-22's which India was a big customer for and he sides with the Pakistanis (his Muslim brothers) over the Kashmir problem.

And Odumbo is a Muslim. Hindus hate Muslims because they slaughtered 80 million Hindus.

And then he goes to Indonesia where he will pray at a mosque. Maybe he will finally admit he has never been a Christian. You do know that there were major anti-Obama protests before he was supposed to go there a few months ago, don't you? The people rioted until they took down the the statue of 'Boy Obama' from the public square. They don't like him and I have the photos of them desecrating his picture and throwing shoes at it. If he needs security anywhere it's Indonesia.

And you voted, right?
Aren't you happy there's so much extra cash in the Treasury that Obama can afford to take 3,000 of his closest friends and relatives to India on your dime?


Roll the (money printing) presses, Obama needs to replenish his Debit card.

“The unprecedented amount of around $200 million/day would be spent on security, stay and other aspects of the Presidential visit,” a top official of the Maharashtra Government privy to the arrangements for the high-profile visit said.

US to spend $200 mn a day on Obama's Mumbai visit
You're a fucking moron who believes everything you read.

What's with all the name calling around here? How old are you - 12?

When someone posts something so moronic as the OP, what else can you say?
The fact free world has reared it's ugly head. It doesn't matter to these idiots that this story is absurd. It doesn't. 34 warships, please. DoD, the pentagon has called this claim absurd. 200 million a day, absurd. The right wing noise machine is simply referncing itself as the source of the story.

It's made up bullshit.

But that doesn't matter. The drones saw it on hannity, heard it on Limbaugh saw it again on Beck and read it in the Drudge report. So, like Kenyan births, death panels and the like, this lie goes into the pantheon of absolute lies that the wingnuts take as gospel.

It's really pityful.

There will be no retractions, no internal outrage that they screwed up a story so badly, blame will be placed on some anonymous Indian news source and their final conclusion will still be "I don't care what its costs....Obama is still spending too much"

Six months from now we will still have posts on this board about how Obama spent $200 million a day for a trip to India. Hell, we still get posts about a weekend trip to NYC

It really doesnt matter who originated the story, its who believed the story that counts.
will snopes be called a liberal rag when they list this story as false like after the birther posting?
obama will be giving this 200million straight to hamas after he prays to mecca with them
Just got out of the car coming back to work from lunch. Beck tried (that's the word really) to defend himself from all the attacks he's gotten over misreporting the 2 billion dollar trip figure.

It was funny because first of all he acted like it was some secret cover-up for the administration not to report the cost of the trip. That's standard practice. But it was really funny when he played the clip of him saying it had been reported from trusted sources...then backpedalling and saying he never did more than estimate.

Olbermann is terrible. Beck is laughable.
Security Entourage Earning Epic Reputation Ahead of Obama India Visit - FoxNews.com

But with a security entourage the size of a modest army supposedly buffering President Obama on his visit Friday, the Indian government is welcoming its long-awaited guest for three days of talks aimed at strengthening ties and trade between the world's two largest democracies.

The logistical details of the trip are mind-boggling and if not for an historic midterm election surely would have dominated the headlines over the past week. With the president and his staff making a point to stay at the Mumbai hotel ravaged by terrorists in 2008, the security arrangements have become the stuff of legend before Air Force One even takes off.

The details on the trip, extensively reported in the Indian media but strongly disputed by U.S. officials, read like lyrics for a hawkish version of "The 12 Days of Christmas."

The president will be accompanied by 40 aircraft, 3,000 people, a fleet of cars and 34 warships, according to a string of blow-by-blow news updates. The Press Trust of India quoted an official in the state of Maharashtra pegging the cost at $200 million a day.
So FauxNews is quoting an Indian newspaper that has even less credibility when it comes to predicting the president's finances than an American newspaper.

Wow. That's insanity for you.
I am on record saying, even if it is'nt 200M a day... its way too much. We cant afford to have him jaunting all over the world with such a huge group of staff and friends.

Does the following really need to be done?

* Both Air Force 1's and both Marine 1's
* Two jets, armed with advanced communication and security systems
* Over 40 cars which will be part of the president’s convoy
* 13 heavy-lift aircraft with high-tech equipment,
* Three helicopters
* 3,000 total people including Secret Service agents, U.S. government officials, and journalists
* 500 US security personnel
* 560 rooms have been booked for those people
* An interception and obstruction device
* Sniffer dogs
* “Rescue gadgets”
* Coconut removal
* Tunnels....

Ever hear of a teleconference.... or maybe just a smaller detail of staff and "accompanyments"

Besides.... I have still NOT seen any proof that this is FALSE, just that it is'nt as much as stated.... NO FIGURES to dispute it.

Why does'nt the White House tell us what it will cost... we dont need times and places for security reasons, but tell us what it will cost.

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