Obama is terrified of Newt !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
thats right !!! he's terrified !!! and since Newt said his campaign schedule will be set by the white house ....he will follow Obama and pick apart his speeches!! Obama's main priority is no longer Romney but Newt !! he will try every dirty trick in the book to keep Newt from winning the nomination !!! he is afraid that Newt will force him into a series of debates on his policies that he does not want !!! even if Romney seems to be more electable than Newt ,Obama fears newt even more !!! he does not want to be questioned on his leadership in the no nonsense way Newt will challenge him !!! he is willing to put his already troubled re election bid in greater jeopardy in order to avoid the embarrassment he would be subject to in a series of debates against Newt !!! thats right libbs Obama would rather face the greater danger to his re election bid [Romney] than he would Newt !!! so for all you libbs out there yelling Newt is a gift ,blame Obama for not giving a shit about your opinions !!!
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we shall see !!!and don't be surprised about the lies,race baiting,and downright cowardly tactics he will use !!
newt will not be the nominee but if he is President Obama will fall to his knees and thank his Christian God for that blessing, indeed!!!!!!!
I hope Newt asks O'Bozo, how could he have put 5 trillion into the economy and lost 3 million jobs. He will probably blame Bush and the Sumani.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxxfhIxWkfc]Used Vibrator VS Flustered Liberal - (Liberal Teleprompter Fail) - YouTube[/ame]
Newt: Mr. Obama, would you care to tell our 20 million viewers why you allowed Eric Holder to get away with lying about Fast&Furious, and that he never contacted the Family of the dead agent who was killed under Holders watch? and the country would also like to know how you could flush 535 Million Dollars down the toilet and then plan a 17 day vacation to Hawaii when most of America is suffering?
I wonder why there aren't more successful conservative comedians out there.

actually I am supposed to meet with this local producer who wants to see me about my idea for a reality show, he liked my proposal,,,,,,,I hope he's for real !
Go get him Newt! I hope he campaigns all over the rust belt, being Obama wont go there anymore (too many angry white people live there,,,WITH GUNS !!!!)
newt has no worries with obama going after him....i think newt has his own history and baggage that took place long before obama that he will have his fill with handling....obama doesn't really need to go after him....''the people in the USA'' already are....

if newt loses the primary, it's for his own past trespasses imo.
Michelle Bachman handled Newt and Romney at the debate I watched. Obama has zero worries..

Nobody is afraid of the doughboy.
Newt: Mr. Obama, would you care to tell our 20 million viewers why you allowed Eric Holder to get away with lying about Fast&Furious, and that he never contacted the Family of the dead agent who was killed under Holders watch? and the country would also like to know how you could flush 535 Million Dollars down the toilet and then plan a 17 day vacation to Hawaii when most of America is suffering?

Obama: Newt, could you please explain why you are questioning me when you failed to beat Romney for the nomination?
thats right !!! he's terrified !!! and since Newt said his campaign schedule will be set by the white house ....he will follow Obama and pick apart his speeches!! Obama's main priority is no longer Romney but Newt !! he will try every dirty trick in the book to keep Newt from winning the nomination !!! he is afraid that Newt will force him into a series of debates on his policies that he does not want !!! even if Romney seems to be more electable than Newt ,Obama fears newt even more !!! he does not want to be questioned on his leadership in the no nonsense way Newt will challenge him !!! he is willing to put his already troubled re election bid in greater jeopardy in order to avoid the embarrassment he would be subject to in a series of debates against Newt !!! thats right libbs Obama would rather face the greater danger to his re election bid [Romney] than he would Newt !!! so for all you libbs out there yelling Newt is a gift ,blame Obama for not giving a shit about your opinions !!!

How funny!

Obama, I think, much rather would face Newt than Mitt.
That's a good one...

Obama would love to run on a platform of .....Do you really want to vote for this crazy Republican?

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