Obama is the worst leader in history

Cal's trouble are due to gov't by referendum (Pub idea) and Pubs' refusal to approve a goos SS/work ID card 1987-2012...idiot.

Lot's of states have referendums. California's problem is that a majority of the voters a Democrats.
Cal's trouble are due to gov't by referendum (Pub idea) and Pubs' refusal to approve a goos SS/work ID card 1987-2012...idiot.

Lot's of states have referendums. California's problem is that a majority of the voters a Democrats.

Frankie does not think a Democrat can be wrong.....it has to be the other guys fault.....what else can it be?...
Can anyone tell me another president that is not the leader of the country when they were president? Please tell me because everyone is saying all the problems in this country are not Obama’s fault. Heck Obama is even saying all the problems in this country are not his fault. When you are a leader everything under your command is your fault. Has everyone just got extremely dumb or are they just trying to protect a president that could not lead anyone out of a paper bag. No time in history has a president given a pass to say you don’t have to lead. You should lead from behind. How the hell can someone lead from behind? I mean to lead you do have to be out front.

The president wants to blame everything going on, on everybody and everything but himself. Sorry but when you are the leader everything is your responsibility. If congress and the senate do not want to do what has to be done, then it is the president’s job to get them to do what needs to be done. Obama is the worst leader in America’s history and the sad thing no one can even argue it. Why else is all the liberals trying to blame everyone else? It is because they know Obama is not the leader and they are blaming congress because they need to lead in the absence of leadership.

This president is the Occupy crowd in that he wants all the credit for doing nothing. He wants no blame for doing nothing. He just wants to make a few speeches to his liberal base and nothing else. If he gets reelected, get ready for things to just get worse. Anytime anything has no leader it will go down hill. Sorry but everything going on in America is Obama’s responsibility. Whether he wants to be accountable or not he is because he is the president. The president of this country is responsible to lead this country and anything that happens whether it is their fault or not is their responsibility. It is what being a leader is. Everything is the leader’s responsibility and every president has been held to that standard with the exception of this one.

Do you work for FOXNEWS?:eusa_boohoo::cuckoo::eusa_liar:
so wimpy he killed bin laden

Anyone with knowledge of his location and the full force of the United States Military could do that.

Correct but every Republican said they would refuse to do it.
So if Obama is a wimp republicans must be big gapping pussies

hmmm... yup :lol:

Can anyone tell me another president that is not the leader of the country when they were president? Please tell me because everyone is saying all the problems in this country are not Obama’s fault. Heck Obama is even saying all the problems in this country are not his fault. When you are a leader everything under your command is your fault. Has everyone just got extremely dumb or are they just trying to protect a president that could not lead anyone out of a paper bag. No time in history has a president given a pass to say you don’t have to lead. You should lead from behind. How the hell can someone lead from behind? I mean to lead you do have to be out front.

The president wants to blame everything going on, on everybody and everything but himself. Sorry but when you are the leader everything is your responsibility. If congress and the senate do not want to do what has to be done, then it is the president’s job to get them to do what needs to be done. Obama is the worst leader in America’s history and the sad thing no one can even argue it. Why else is all the liberals trying to blame everyone else? It is because they know Obama is not the leader and they are blaming congress because they need to lead in the absence of leadership.

This president is the Occupy crowd in that he wants all the credit for doing nothing. He wants no blame for doing nothing. He just wants to make a few speeches to his liberal base and nothing else. If he gets reelected, get ready for things to just get worse. Anytime anything has no leader it will go down hill. Sorry but everything going on in America is Obama’s responsibility. Whether he wants to be accountable or not he is because he is the president. The president of this country is responsible to lead this country and anything that happens whether it is their fault or not is their responsibility. It is what being a leader is. Everything is the leader’s responsibility and every president has been held to that standard with the exception of this one.

Well seems to me Bush (The idiot, not the good one) was the worst. He definitely accomplished less and blamed more. I mean Geez, the guy got a memo saying "OBL Plans to Attack with Planes!" and then blamed the CIA, the NSA, NIS, the military, gays and Liberals. He broke the law with impunity and when busted, all he had to say was he was pissed off the Liberal Media told on him.
He ruined the GOP.
Obama is by no means a great president. Hell, "good" would be generous. But there is no comparison.
You doubt that the vast majority of our National debt was racked up by Democrat Congresses, then?
"SniperFire" has been stringing this out since you made the assertion in post 156 (Saturday 12:04 am).

I am toying with you as a cat does with a dead mouse.

Do you doubt the the VAST majority of our National Debt is attributable to Democrat Congresses, then?

(hint: I don't ask questions unless I already know the answer. :lol:)

"SniperFire" may have all the answers - but just don't make the mistake of asking her to produce any of the references/sources needed to verify them!
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Can anyone tell me another president that is not the leader of the country when they were president? Please tell me because everyone is saying all the problems in this country are not Obama’s fault. Heck Obama is even saying all the problems in this country are not his fault. When you are a leader everything under your command is your fault. Has everyone just got extremely dumb or are they just trying to protect a president that could not lead anyone out of a paper bag. No time in history has a president given a pass to say you don’t have to lead. You should lead from behind. How the hell can someone lead from behind? I mean to lead you do have to be out front.

The president wants to blame everything going on, on everybody and everything but himself. Sorry but when you are the leader everything is your responsibility. If congress and the senate do not want to do what has to be done, then it is the president’s job to get them to do what needs to be done. Obama is the worst leader in America’s history and the sad thing no one can even argue it. Why else is all the liberals trying to blame everyone else? It is because they know Obama is not the leader and they are blaming congress because they need to lead in the absence of leadership.

This president is the Occupy crowd in that he wants all the credit for doing nothing. He wants no blame for doing nothing. He just wants to make a few speeches to his liberal base and nothing else. If he gets reelected, get ready for things to just get worse. Anytime anything has no leader it will go down hill. Sorry but everything going on in America is Obama’s responsibility. Whether he wants to be accountable or not he is because he is the president. The president of this country is responsible to lead this country and anything that happens whether it is their fault or not is their responsibility. It is what being a leader is. Everything is the leader’s responsibility and every president has been held to that standard with the exception of this one.

Exaggeration is not a crime. In this case it is fairly ludicrous though.
While Obama is far from "great" and perhaps not even "good", he's a far cry better than Bush was. He has made some terrible mistakes but also accomplished some good things. Of course the whackjobs on the extremes of either side will say Obama or Bush never did anything well. But while Obama has passed policy that I'm not fond of (e.g. ObamaCare), he is a far, far cry better than Bush ever was. Bush was an embarrassment of the US to the whole world. He was a baffoon. He got caught committing felonies on a mass scale and instead of any remorse or responsibility, invented the "Victim of the Liberal Media" complex for the GOP. Bush started with every possible advantage and tanked it all. Obama started with every possible DISadvantage and while he is not the Messiah that Conservatives like to label him, at least didn't let things crumble into oblivion. Oh and of course, everyone but the whackjobs are grateful for the dozens of Ops in Afghanistan that led to Pakistan, that led to Islamibad, that led to the first ever public ransom of an undercover spy, that led to Abbotibad, that led to the guy Bush said "wasn't important". That's a bit more than the "just gave a nod" BS that the kool-aid drinkers like to claim was all he did.
So he's not great. He's made some mistakes. But compared to Bush?
No comparison.
While Obama is far from "great" and perhaps not even "good", he's a far cry better than Bush was. He has made some terrible mistakes but also accomplished some good things. Of course the whackjobs on the extremes of either side will say Obama or Bush never did anything well. But while Obama has passed policy that I'm not fond of (e.g. ObamaCare), he is a far, far cry better than Bush ever was. Bush was an embarrassment of the US to the whole world. He was a baffoon. He got caught committing felonies on a mass scale and instead of any remorse or responsibility, invented the "Victim of the Liberal Media" complex for the GOP. Bush started with every possible advantage and tanked it all. Obama started with every possible DISadvantage and while he is not the Messiah that Conservatives like to label him, at least didn't let things crumble into oblivion. Oh and of course, everyone but the whackjobs are grateful for the dozens of Ops in Afghanistan that led to Pakistan, that led to Islamibad, that led to the first ever public ransom of an undercover spy, that led to Abbotibad, that led to the guy Bush said "wasn't important". That's a bit more than the "just gave a nod" BS that the kool-aid drinkers like to claim was all he did.
So he's not great. He's made some mistakes. But compared to Bush?
No comparison.

Wow, deride whack jobs and it turns out you are one.
While Obama is far from "great" and perhaps not even "good", he's a far cry better than Bush was. He has made some terrible mistakes but also accomplished some good things. Of course the whackjobs on the extremes of either side will say Obama or Bush never did anything well. But while Obama has passed policy that I'm not fond of (e.g. ObamaCare), he is a far, far cry better than Bush ever was. Bush was an embarrassment of the US to the whole world. He was a baffoon. He got caught committing felonies on a mass scale and instead of any remorse or responsibility, invented the "Victim of the Liberal Media" complex for the GOP. Bush started with every possible advantage and tanked it all. Obama started with every possible DISadvantage and while he is not the Messiah that Conservatives like to label him, at least didn't let things crumble into oblivion. Oh and of course, everyone but the whackjobs are grateful for the dozens of Ops in Afghanistan that led to Pakistan, that led to Islamibad, that led to the first ever public ransom of an undercover spy, that led to Abbotibad, that led to the guy Bush said "wasn't important". That's a bit more than the "just gave a nod" BS that the kool-aid drinkers like to claim was all he did.
So he's not great. He's made some mistakes. But compared to Bush?
No comparison.

Wow, deride whack jobs and it turns out you are one.

Well let's see. I claim that Obama is not great or even necessarily "good". Then I cite specific reasons as to why Bush was 10x worse.
Whereas the facts you cite... oh wait. You don't.
Well the insight you offer is.... oh wait. You have none of that either.
Well at least the opinion your render on the topic is.... Aw heck none of that either.
Hmmm. Zero on all counts. Nothing of substance. Don't even try to actually address the issue at hand. Ah, of course.
So then you would be a ConservaRepub, right? :)

If you'd care to take a crack at actually addressing the topic, I'd be more than happy to debate it with you but I get the sense that may be a tad beyond your ken.
While Obama is far from "great" and perhaps not even "good", he's a far cry better than Bush was. He has made some terrible mistakes but also accomplished some good things. Of course the whackjobs on the extremes of either side will say Obama or Bush never did anything well. But while Obama has passed policy that I'm not fond of (e.g. ObamaCare), he is a far, far cry better than Bush ever was. Bush was an embarrassment of the US to the whole world. He was a baffoon. He got caught committing felonies on a mass scale and instead of any remorse or responsibility, invented the "Victim of the Liberal Media" complex for the GOP. Bush started with every possible advantage and tanked it all. Obama started with every possible DISadvantage and while he is not the Messiah that Conservatives like to label him, at least didn't let things crumble into oblivion. Oh and of course, everyone but the whackjobs are grateful for the dozens of Ops in Afghanistan that led to Pakistan, that led to Islamibad, that led to the first ever public ransom of an undercover spy, that led to Abbotibad, that led to the guy Bush said "wasn't important". That's a bit more than the "just gave a nod" BS that the kool-aid drinkers like to claim was all he did.
So he's not great. He's made some mistakes. But compared to Bush?
No comparison.

Wow, deride whack jobs and it turns out you are one.

His assessment is spot on. Have another beer.
While Obama is far from "great" and perhaps not even "good", he's a far cry better than Bush was. He has made some terrible mistakes but also accomplished some good things. Of course the whackjobs on the extremes of either side will say Obama or Bush never did anything well. But while Obama has passed policy that I'm not fond of (e.g. ObamaCare), he is a far, far cry better than Bush ever was. Bush was an embarrassment of the US to the whole world. He was a baffoon. He got caught committing felonies on a mass scale and instead of any remorse or responsibility, invented the "Victim of the Liberal Media" complex for the GOP. Bush started with every possible advantage and tanked it all. Obama started with every possible DISadvantage and while he is not the Messiah that Conservatives like to label him, at least didn't let things crumble into oblivion. Oh and of course, everyone but the whackjobs are grateful for the dozens of Ops in Afghanistan that led to Pakistan, that led to Islamibad, that led to the first ever public ransom of an undercover spy, that led to Abbotibad, that led to the guy Bush said "wasn't important". That's a bit more than the "just gave a nod" BS that the kool-aid drinkers like to claim was all he did.
So he's not great. He's made some mistakes. But compared to Bush?
No comparison.

Wow, deride whack jobs and it turns out you are one.

His assessment is spot on. Have another beer.

Yes, once faced with facts and specifics, that particular sailor abandons ship rather quickly...
I coulda swore Congress has it's own leaders.If these leaders fail and Onama has tried many times to get them to accomplish their work, you can't entirely blame one man for several humdred others actions.
Without the super committee, the spending cuts start automatically in January of 2013.

When the Bush tax cuts expire in December of 2012, Obama won't allow them to be renewed.

Spending cuts + a return to the old tax rates = deficit reduction.

Congress has been taken out of the equation. No treasonous Tea Party/Republicans to mess things up.

Another brilliant move by Obama.

yup. brilliant if you want another recession...

CBO says US likely to fall off 'fiscal cliff' if Bush-era tax cuts allowed to expire

A new government study released Tuesday says that allowing Bush-era tax cuts to expire and a scheduled round of automatic spending cuts to take effect would probably throw the economy into a recession.

The Congressional Budget Office report says that the economy would shrink by 1.3 percent in the first half of next year if the government is allowed to fall off this so-called "fiscal cliff" on Jan. 1 -- and that the higher tax rates and more than $100 billion in automatic cuts to the Pentagon and domestic agencies are kept in place.

Without the super committee, the spending cuts start automatically in January of 2013.

When the Bush tax cuts expire in December of 2012, Obama won't allow them to be renewed.

Spending cuts + a return to the old tax rates = deficit reduction.

Congress has been taken out of the equation. No treasonous Tea Party/Republicans to mess things up.

Another brilliant move by Obama.

yup. brilliant if you want another recession...

CBO says US likely to fall off 'fiscal cliff' if Bush-era tax cuts allowed to expire

A new government study released Tuesday says that allowing Bush-era tax cuts to expire and a scheduled round of automatic spending cuts to take effect would probably throw the economy into a recession.

The Congressional Budget Office report says that the economy would shrink by 1.3 percent in the first half of next year if the government is allowed to fall off this so-called "fiscal cliff" on Jan. 1 -- and that the higher tax rates and more than $100 billion in automatic cuts to the Pentagon and domestic agencies are kept in place.


To be honest, I think we're in for a really bumpy road economically for the next decade or so.

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