Obama is the worst leader in history

Crissy and jgarden are a bit brighter than you, Vidi.

They knew when to run.


I just waited long enough for you to hang yourself. Which you did by bringing up baseball.

Now youre an advocate for big government spending as well.

Just too stupid to know it arent you?
Does making a cool $15 million off your baseball team investment make you a 'successful businessman', or is asking a multi-program gubmint dependent such as yourself a question like this rather ridiculous?


Are you really going to go into major league baseball

You really didn't mean Bush failed to profit handsomely in his business ventures, did you?

I claimed that the 30 year period after WW2 was an anomoly created because the rest of the industrialized world was bombed out.

This is fact. You are beginning to make yourself look more foolish than usual.

and you claimed that we needed to return to historic norms. as yove chosen not to explain your vague hit and run statement, let me give you that opportunity now.

Exactly what historic norms are you refering to?

Look at your chart, moran. See level. see dip in level. See return to level.

It isn't really that hard.

What I see is a return to what caused the Great Depression norms. A strong middle class means more economic stability. So now youre an advocate for economic decline as well.

you REALLY do suck at this.
Not at all. Republican Presidents are held accountable for their share of the Democrat Congresses who racked up 90% of our National Debt, are they not?
Of course "Sniperfire" conveniently omits to provide any references to support this assertion - saying it doesn't mahe it so!

If I give you the numbers, will you bow down to me and admit you suck at this?

The Reagan Administration increased the national debt by 189% - averaging 23.6% annually.

The GHW Bush Administration increased the national debt by 55.6% - averaging 13.9% annually.

The Clinton Administration increased the national debt by 36% - averaging 4.4% annually.

The GW Bush Administration increased the national debt by 89% - averaging 11.1% annually.

The Obama Administration has increased the national debt by 41% - averaging 13.8% annually.

National Debt by Presidential Term - per Capita and as Percentage of GDP

Given the state of the economy that he inherited in January 2009 and 2 foreign wars, the Obama Administration's debt over 3 years compares favorably with the annual debt averages incurred by both the GHW Bush and the GW Bush Administrations - who inherited much more stable economies.

I've provided the facts and references for my assertions - why can't "SniperFire?"
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Does making a cool $15 million off your baseball team investment make you a 'successful businessman', or is asking a multi-program gubmint dependent such as yourself a question like this rather ridiculous?


Are you really going to go into major league baseball

You really didn't mean Bush failed to profit handsomely in his business ventures, did you?


deflection again.

Bush only showed a profit when someone else stepped in to pay his debts. he destroyed everything he touched.

Kinda like he forced Obama to do with two wars.

Its just slipping away from you further and further. You really should have bailed out with the others.
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and you claimed that we needed to return to historic norms. as yove chosen not to explain your vague hit and run statement, let me give you that opportunity now.

Exactly what historic norms are you refering to?

Look at your chart, moran. See level. see dip in level. See return to level.

It isn't really that hard.

What I see is a return to what caused the Great Depression norms.

Mental note: No need to ask user 'vidi' to interpret charts or financial data
You really didn't mean Bush failed to profit handsomely in his business ventures, did you?


Bush only showed a profit

You can stop right there in business ventures.



By THAT logic, the banks didnt fail they made BILLIONS in profit when the government stepped in and bailed them out.

Dont think much do you?

Now you support givernment bailouts of failed businesses.

You really are a big spending neocon liberal arent you?
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You can stop right there in business ventures.


Not when the profit ios coming from cronyism and tax payer bailouts.

No, I am pretty sure when it comes to cashing in on your business ventures, it does not matter.

But you have learned something here. This is good.

So you now advocate wealth redistribution as long as its from the taxpayer to the corpoartion.

Congrats! Youre a socialist.
I guess you don't want to see the numbers, then.


Trasnlation: Sniperfire has nothing but partisan rhetoroc in his/her gun.

You doubt that the vast majority of our National debt was racked up by Democrat Congresses, then?
"SniperFire" has been stringing this out since she/he made the unreferenced assertion in post 156 (Saturday 12:04 am).

Its time for "SniperFire" to "bow down to me and admit you suck at this?"
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Not when the profit ios coming from cronyism and tax payer bailouts.

No, I am pretty sure when it comes to cashing in on your business ventures, it does not matter.

But you have learned something here. This is good.

So you now advocate wealth redistribution as long as its from the taxpayer to the corpoartion.

Wait a minute. Are you no longer arguing that Bush failed in business, and that in fact he got real, real wealthy?

dance monkey dance.

Trasnlation: Sniperfire has nothing but partisan rhetoroc in his/her gun.

You doubt that the vast majority of our National debt was racked up by Democrat Congresses, then?
"SniperFire" has been stringing this out since you made the assertion in post 156 (Saturday 12:04 am).

I am toying with you as a cat does with a dead mouse.

Do you doubt the the VAST majority of our National Debt is attributable to Democrat Congresses, then?

(hint: I don't ask questions unless I already know the answer. :lol:)
No, I am pretty sure when it comes to cashing in on your business ventures, it does not matter.

But you have learned something here. This is good.

So you now advocate wealth redistribution as long as its from the taxpayer to the corpoartion.

Wait a minute. Are you no longer arguing that Bush failed in business, and that in fact he got real, real wealthy?

dance monkey dance.


Im saying you taught me that you are a socialist. Congrats!

Im out. My workweek is done. I get to go home now.

You boogied all over the place. Shame you have no real stance on anything. Hows it feel to be an empty shell, shill?

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