Obama is the worst leader in history

Advocate for intelligence, Pub victims, the Environment, everything good. Pub dupes!!

Thanks for the depression, the stupidest wars ever, 9/11, the worst BS propaganda machine ever here, and total congressional disfunction. Great job!!

got anything new Frankie?....this is getting to be repeated as often as your brother Deans 90% white shit......

Truth is so repetitive and boring eh, dupe. Better stick with the RW infotainment/horseshytte/demagogery.

BTW, we're blaming the no compromise, "un-American" Tea Party GOP now- record number of filibusters, fear mongering Propaganda Machine etc etc (TRUTH is a biotch!), but you'll always have our thanks for your non stop Reagan/Booosh catastrophes and BS LOL see sig...

the truth Frankie?.....you?.....let me ask you a couple of questions....have the Democrats ever lied to the people?.....have the Democrats ever fucked somebody over?......now we will see if you know the truth or are just what you would call a Dem Dupe....
Afraid of the present ???

Bush Administrations last year - Start of the Great Recession: Compared to the present - positive GDP (Growth) since June of 09.

the best reason for asking your question 3 years from now ...
sooner or later your going to have to start blaming someone besides Bush.....when will that be?.....

when the obstructionist supply side pro corporate welfare nanny state neocons are defeated and new policies are in place. If things dont get better then, Ill switch to your side.

my side?.....so then you will throw both parties out the door and become someone who cant stand both parties?.....welcome aboard if you have the balls to do so......but i kinda doubt you do.......
Can anyone tell me another president that is not the leader of the country when they were president? When you are a leader everything under your command is your fault. Has everyone just got extremely dumb or are they just trying to protect a president that could not lead anyone out of a paper bag.

We Libs/Progressives never could figure-out why you Teabaggers constantly defend....

Prolly about the same timespan that righties quit blaming FDR and umm Carter and Clinton?

is this a question?...anyway people that live in the real world not the fantasy world of the Far Right and Left start blaming those in power today after a reasonable amount of time.....

those in power today ...

Comparison not blame is what you are missing.

What in comparison did the Republicans accomplish 02-08 to that of the historical National Healthcare Reform and the curtailment of a Great Recession in only the first two years in office by the present Administration opposed to the eight years in office for the Republicans?
you can compare all you want......i can compare Magic Johnsons Lakers with Kobe's....what does it do outside of some great chat over a beer......when will blame be given to the people today.....like i said earlier.....if Obama is re-elected and things are worse or the same 3-4 years from now.....when does this guy and his people start getting some blame?......or will the die- hards ONLY blame the other guys no matter what?.....
Obama isn't a leader, per se.

He is an advocate.

Big difference, and the Nation suffers because of it.



January 12, 2009

Digital Health Records

"President-elect wants to computerize the nation's health care records in five years. But the plan comes with a hefty price tag, and specialized labor is scarce.

Here's the audacious plan: Computerize all health records within five years. The quality of health care for all Americans gets a big boost, and costs decline.

Sounds good. But it won't be easy.

In fact, many hurdles stand in the way. Only about 8% of the nation's 5,000 hospitals and 17% of its 800,000 physicians currently use the kind of common computerized record-keeping systems that Obama envisions for the whole nation. And some experts say that serious concerns about patient privacy must be addressed first. Finally, the country suffers a dearth of skilled workers necessary to build and implement the necessary technology.

"The hard part of this is that we can't just drop a computer on every doctor's desk," said Dr. David Brailer, former National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, who served as President Bush's health information czar from 2004 to 2006. "Getting electronic records up and running is a very technical task."


As USUAL.....America's "conservatives"/Luddites have no faith in American-ingenuity....and, they're the "pros" who are forecasting future-MARKET$??!!!



Mar 12, 2012

iPads Raise Efficiency

"When doctors-in-training at the University of Chicago were given iPad tablet computers to use on their rounds, they found that using the device helped them be more efficient at ordering tests and procedures for their patients.

The study from the university program, published Monday in the Archives of Internal Medicine, tracked 115 residents who received devices purchased by the hospital. There was no funding reported from Apple Inc, which makes the iPad.

Most residents who used the devices to access patient records and coordinate their care said they cut about an hour per day off their workload. Researchers also found that the internal medicine trainees tended to put in orders for patient procedures earlier than before they got an iPad.

The iPads allowed residents to see patients' electronic health records, to contact the hospital laboratory or other departments if they needed tests done and to show patients their own x-rays and other test results, as well as access medical journals."

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:


is this a question?...anyway people that live in the real world not the fantasy world of the Far Right and Left start blaming those in power today after a reasonable amount of time.....

those in power today ...

Comparison not blame is what you are missing.

What in comparison did the Republicans accomplish 02-08 to that of the historical National Healthcare Reform and the curtailment of a Great Recession in only the first two years in office by the present Administration opposed to the eight years in office for the Republicans?
you can compare all you want......i can compare Magic Johnsons Lakers with Kobe's....what does it do outside of some great chat over a beer......when will blame be given to the people today.....like i said earlier.....if Obama is re-elected and things are worse or the same 3-4 years from now.....when does this guy and his people start getting some blame?......or will the die- hards ONLY blame the other guys no matter what?.....

HD: when will blame be given to the people today

HD: my side?.....so then you will throw both parties out the door and become someone who cant stand both parties?.....welcome aboard if you have the balls to do so......but i kinda doubt you do.......

Ok, but someone will be in office (because they have the balls to do so) ... the Choice not Blame need not be the lesser of two evils but rather the better of the existing policies by Comparison.

or do we live in caves and watch shadows ???
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Ok, but someone will be in office (because they have the balls to do so) ... the Choice not Blame need not be the lesser of two evils but rather the better of the existing policies by Comparison.

or do we live in caves and watch shadows ???

the better of the existing policies?.....if your doing ok....you will think its a great policy.....if you cant find a job or lose yours.....probably not......most working people will no doubt back whoever they feel will do their industry the most good.....
got anything new Frankie?....this is getting to be repeated as often as your brother Deans 90% white shit......

Truth is so repetitive and boring eh, dupe. Better stick with the RW infotainment/horseshytte/demagogery.

BTW, we're blaming the no compromise, "un-American" Tea Party GOP now- record number of filibusters, fear mongering Propaganda Machine etc etc (TRUTH is a biotch!), but you'll always have our thanks for your non stop Reagan/Booosh catastrophes and BS LOL see sig...

the truth Frankie?.....you?.....let me ask you a couple of questions....have the Democrats ever lied to the people?.....have the Democrats ever fucked somebody over?......now we will see if you know the truth or are just what you would call a Dem Dupe....

Not that I know of, unlike Pubs who do it nonstop. See sig, pps 3, and 1...So I'm not a dupe (you have to believe lies- IE anything you say, basically- go ahead, try a "fact", LOL)
Truth is so repetitive and boring eh, dupe. Better stick with the RW infotainment/horseshytte/demagogery.

BTW, we're blaming the no compromise, "un-American" Tea Party GOP now- record number of filibusters, fear mongering Propaganda Machine etc etc (TRUTH is a biotch!), but you'll always have our thanks for your non stop Reagan/Booosh catastrophes and BS LOL see sig...

the truth Frankie?.....you?.....let me ask you a couple of questions....have the Democrats ever lied to the people?.....have the Democrats ever fucked somebody over?......now we will see if you know the truth or are just what you would call a Dem Dupe....

Not that I know of, unlike Pubs who do it nonstop. See sig, pps 3, and 1...So I'm not a dupe (you have to believe lies- IE anything you say, basically- go ahead, try a "fact", LOL)

You're a clown, kid.
Truth is so repetitive and boring eh, dupe. Better stick with the RW infotainment/horseshytte/demagogery.

BTW, we're blaming the no compromise, "un-American" Tea Party GOP now- record number of filibusters, fear mongering Propaganda Machine etc etc (TRUTH is a biotch!), but you'll always have our thanks for your non stop Reagan/Booosh catastrophes and BS LOL see sig...

the truth Frankie?.....you?.....let me ask you a couple of questions....have the Democrats ever lied to the people?.....have the Democrats ever fucked somebody over?......now we will see if you know the truth or are just what you would call a Dem Dupe....

Not that I know of, unlike Pubs who do it nonstop. See sig, pps 3, and 1...So I'm not a dupe (you have to believe lies- IE anything you say, basically- go ahead, try a "fact", LOL)
Frankie.....not that you know of?.....:lol:......like i have been telling you Frankie.....your a Dem Dupe....thanx to people like you Frankie the once great State of California is now a Dem Dupe example for all to marvel at.....and they want to squeeze everyone for more.....thanx Frankie.....you guys are swell.....

You do realize these are group circles? Right.

There's no doubt that in any reasonable evaluations by 'historians' Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln would come before any in the 20th Century? Yes, including FDR.
So what Dem lies do I believe, Pub troll (the only kind)...

Frankie.....if you NEVER question the Democrats no matter what they do.....but you blame the other side for the common cold....what good would it do for me to point something out?.....you will just give me your usual bullshit....some people in this Country Frankie are totally absorbed by one party or the other......you just happen to be one absorbed by the Democrats.....no matter what anyone says,you will not buy it.....because YOU Frankie,to use your terminology....are a DEM-DUPE.....
Cal's trouble are due to gov't by referendum (Pub idea) and Pubs' refusal to approve a goos SS/work ID card 1987-2012...idiot.

here is an example of what i said about you Frankie.....in California a State of mostly Democrats,a Legislature controlled by Democrats......its the Republicans fault....Democrats are totally innocent....your a DEM-DUPE Frankie....no getting around it....and your an idiot.....but go ahead,every time you post.....you keep proving me right....so keep going....

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