Obama is too uppity to be president

bush lover

Feb 18, 2005
Did you see Obama making a speech to the anti-American Germans in Berlin? He acted like he was president. This young naive fellow is already arrogant and condescending, even though he has accomplished nothing relevant in his life. He uses big words and such but offers nothing more than warmed-over Socialism and appeasement, soak the rich, and all of that old Commie stuff. Obama is way out of his league, way in over his head, and way too uppity for me. Senator McClain has dignity, experience and is a self-made man who can relate to the successful people who run our country and economy. He is the perfect successor to our President Bush and Vice President Cheney. And he will keep the Socialist Democrat Party away from us for another eight years!
Did you see Obama making a speech to the anti-American Germans in Berlin? He acted like he was president. This young naive fellow is already arrogant and condescending, even though he has accomplished nothing relevant in his life. He uses big words and such but offers nothing more than warmed-over Socialism and appeasement, soak the rich, and all of that old Commie stuff. Obama is way out of his league, way in over his head, and way too uppity for me.

boy is it going to be great seeing President Obama take the oath...as i sip my cold beers...i'll chuckle to myself thinking bout how folks like bush lover will be wallowing in bitter yet unnecessary worry...oh happy day...i can't wait..
Cause if we do, then he'll think we appreciate his efforts and continue to make the right look like a collection of ignorant rednecks. :cool:

Oh... the same "ignorant rednecks" that are the common blue collar man, the workers, that you liberals claim to want to help yet bash at every chance you get???
You must not be from the south. I am. Please shut face.

I think hes from the south, he pulled the piggly wiggly out of his bag earlier.... That being said, Rednecks are not the common blue collar man.. They are the biggest group of racist ignorant sons of bitches that I've ever met.. granted the republican party as a whole is not far behind.... I've been fighting them my entire life and I aint stoppin now...

Do not diminish the reputation of the american blue collar worker by associating them with rednecks...
That's what you, in your elitism, think a redneck is.

It's anyone who doesn't think like you, who is therefore despicable and to be denigrated.
That's what you, in your elitism, think a redneck is.

It's anyone who doesn't think like you, who is therefore despicable and to be denigrated.
Nope.. theyve earned that opinion... You try dating outside your race in small town South Carolina.. you learn quickly to swing first and ask questions later... Rednecks dont deserve equal lattitude with any other group of people...
Nope.. theyve earned that opinion... You try dating outside your race in small town South Carolina.. you learn quickly to swing first and ask questions later... Rednecks dont deserve equal lattitude with any other group of people...

Dude, I'm from a small town in SC and have dated outside my race. Most people have no idea what rednecks are like. Rednecks are the scum of the south. Simple as that.
Yeah. Well, anyway. You just proved my point, thank you, bigot.

What was your point?

What's your story AB? Did you grow up in the South? Do you consider yourself a redneck? I'm just curious, cause you are defending rednecks here, when Jeepers and myself are defending blue collar workers from being labelled as rednecks.
I think labels are stupid, period. "Redneck" is a bigoted term much like the term "******". Initially, it meant anyone who worked outside, whose neck became burned red. The assumption is that anyone who does that kind of work is a redneck, and all rednecks are stupid, ignorant, etc., hence the negative connotations of the word.

Your argument is sort of like blacks arguing that there are blacks, then there are *******....true, perhaps, but that doesn't mean it's not a bigoted term, and one used to paint a whole group of people with one very negative brush.
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I think labels are stupid, period. "Redneck" is a bigoted term much like the term "******". Initially, it meant anyone who worked outside, whose neck became burned red. The assumption is that anyone who does that kind of work is a redneck, and all rednecks are stupid, ignorant, etc., hence the negative connotations of the word.

We had this discussion in the race forum already. Redneck is not because of the color of their neck. It was from somewhere in the boonies. Appalachian territory, and had something to do with red bandannas wore around the necks.
I think hes from the south, he pulled the piggly wiggly out of his bag earlier.... That being said, Rednecks are not the common blue collar man.. They are the biggest group of racist ignorant sons of bitches that I've ever met.. granted the republican party as a whole is not far behind.... I've been fighting them my entire life and I aint stoppin now...

Do not diminish the reputation of the american blue collar worker by associating them with rednecks...

That's bullshit. Redneck is not a term associated with racism anywhere I have lived. Most pretty much ARE the blue collar man, one of the origins of the terms being people who worked outside for a living so they had red, sunburned necks.

What have you been fighting? You mean you've been stereotyping and denigrating a class of people based on the above oh-so-ignorant definition? I'm impressed.

Rednecks are rednecks and racists are racists. If the latter happen to claim to be the former, it doesn't mean their beliefs are accepted by the former.

The biggest racist on this board is a freakin' yankee lawyer, btw. Figure THAT one out and get back to me.

I'm a redneck and I don't give a damned who doesn't like it. I also don't give a damn what color suntan you got while you ain't liking it, and I probably despise racism every bit as much as you do if not more.

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